The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1834 Auction of the Heavenly Thunder Jade Raw Stone

After Li Yun finished speaking, the entire audience was silent!

Wuwu Zang was completely confused. After a while, he suddenly collapsed...

For him, what Li Yun said just now was an extremely heavy blow to him, and his appraisal method almost collapsed, because he found that his appraisal was absolutely wrong this time, and it was not based on the real Identified by his knowledge!

If he really wanted to make an appraisal according to what Li Yun said, then the pile of classics he would have to read and accumulate would probably be as big as several mountains!

Yes! That's the truth!

The number of classics is like a car. If Xiaoxing's think tank hadn't been accelerating the collection day and night, it would have been impossible for others to do it.

Because even if they can read so many classics, they still can't remember so much, let alone the need to organize and analyze the information. This link is the real test!

If we calculate the workload, if we want to analyze it to the level of Li Yun, even if all the treasure appraisers in Rongbao City read and organize it non-stop, the time required will be extremely long!

Besides, collecting so many classics is an extremely difficult task in itself!

Wuwu Zang is very aware that the amount of tasks here is unimaginable. For Rong Baotang, no matter how hard he and his appraisers try, it is impossible to achieve this level unless Rong Baotang puts all his efforts into it. This is still possible, but it is extremely uneconomical for Rong Baotang, because even if it succeeds, it will only be a correct identification of a rough stone, and its input-output rate is too low.

However, Li Yun actually went so far for this matter. What kind of academic attitude is this?

Moreover, how could he complete such an amazing amount of tasks at such a young age? You know, it may take decades to sort out so much information, which is equivalent to Li Yun's current age.

Wuxianzang's mind was spinning, and there were many, many questions that came to mind. As a result, his inner breath was completely disordered, causing his whole body to collapse to the ground, gasping for breath...

It can be seen that sometimes language is extremely powerful, just like Li Yun's chanting method. If he used it deliberately, I'm afraid Wuwu Zang would not just be a problem of paralysis.

However, although Li Yun's words had a huge impact on Wuwu Zang, they would be relatively small for others. This is because Wu Wunzang's appraisal method is also very powerful, so it was also affected the most. Other appraisers Secondly, other people in the house will be smaller.


After what Li Yun said, the appraisers at Rong Baotang collectively fell silent, all of them looked pale and speechless.

The other experts and people from the city became extremely excited after a period of silence!

Because they have realized that the value of this rough stone containing Tianlei Jade is unimaginable!

Just the fact that Li Yun said something about Wuwu Zang would be extremely valuable information if spread. This information could add great added value to this rough stone.

Anyone who is proficient in collecting knows that the value of many treasures comes not only from its own value, but also from the much information behind it.

This information can simply be understood as stories, that is to say, the more stories behind a baby, the higher the quality of the story, and its value will increase accordingly!

In order to increase the value of the baby, many people will make up many bizarre stories to make buyers more interested in it, thereby artificially increasing the value.

The story that Li Yun said before that he defeated Wuwu Zang was not made up, but happened under the witness of countless people. Of course, the value of this rough stone can skyrocket, because what kind of person is Wuwu Zang? There are countless treasures that have been identified by his hands, and how many of them are of extremely high value? His words can almost determine the life or death of an auction item.

In the past, there was absolutely no treasure that could defeat Wuwenzang. Therefore, this piece of thunder jade rough stone has undoubtedly surpassed all previous treasures and stood on a high peak!

"A piece of high-grade spiritual crystal!!!" A voice shouted excitedly.

Everyone was startled and quickly looked around and found that it was the deputy city lord Ye Bei. Although his name was the word "Sad", his current expression was not sad at all, but extremely excited. He had obviously been completely immersed in the original Tianlei Jade stone. .

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

This is often the case. Once someone starts shouting, everyone else becomes restless!

This is why some auction houses will arrange for people to act as trustees. A good trustee is better than a lot of lavish propaganda...

Ye Bei's status in Rongbao City is the deputy city lord. He appears in the city much more often than Jing Ming. Therefore, more people know him. Many people know that he is a jade fanatic. He will definitely be indispensable when jade appears, and he will spend all his money for a good piece of jade!

"A piece of high-grade spiritual crystal! Once!" Zhaixidu shouted slowly.

"A high-grade spiritual crystal and a low-grade spiritual crystal!" Kailuanzi, a wealthy man in the city, shouted.

Kailuanzi's family owns a lot of fertile land, and he collects countless rents every year. This is only his superficial wealth, and there are many other properties underneath. He is one of the richest families in Rongbao City. At this time, He held his big belly, touched the short beard under his chin, and glanced at Yebei casually.

He is not afraid of this deputy city lord, because behind him are other divine beast forces, belonging to the Lu Wu clan, and there are many people in Rongbao City.

The two people started bidding, which meant that an extremely fierce bidding had officially begun. The price increase was in units of lower-grade spiritual crystals. Many people participated, and it didn't take long for the price to reach three pieces of high-grade spiritual crystals. Add fifty yuan of low-grade spiritual crystals!

This price is beyond the reach of some people in the mansion. Their faces are flushed, their heartbeats are racing, and their breathing is extremely heavy...

At this time, Wuwu Zang, who had been unconscious for a long time on the ground, finally stood up and shouted: "Five high-grade spiritual crystals!!!"

"Plop" "Plop" "Plop"

When several people in the mansion heard this price, their legs softened and they fell down...

The city lord's palace was so quiet for a moment that you could hear a pin drop...

Wuwu Zang suddenly raised the price to such an extent, which really shocked many people!

However, his participation also further aroused the bloodshed of some people, which is normal for cultivators. On the road of cultivation, only by moving forward bravely and fearlessly can it be possible to cultivate one's own way.

Moreover, given the status of Wunzang, he actually bid with such a determined momentum, which makes people have a high opinion of the value of this rough stone again!

Qi Xidu was stunned for a while, and then shouted with a trembling voice: "Five pieces of high-grade spiritual crystals! Once!"

The atmosphere in the house seemed to have reached a certain limit, and everyone was extremely depressed. It was so tight that they couldn't get out of their chests, and they were terribly uncomfortable.

"Five pieces of high-grade spiritual crystal! Twice!" Zhe Xidu shouted again.

Many people in the mansion opened their mouths and wanted to continue shouting, but when they saw Wuyuzang's determined expression, they unknowingly retracted their words.

"Five high-grade spiritual crystals! Three times!"

"Wait a minute! Six high-grade spiritual crystals!" Kailuanzi is not from the Baize clan, so he is not afraid to compete with Wuyuzang for this jade. For him, obtaining this jade has many benefits. First, it can be used to attack The arrogance of the Baize clan has improved the clan's status in Rongbao City. Secondly, this jade can be presented to the clan's senior leaders or clan leaders. This will be the background guarantee for his future development. He has long been thinking about finding someone with weight. My baby, I didn’t expect it to appear in front of me today, how could I not fight for it? !

Moreover, what happened today will be widely spread. If I win the battle with the Baize clan, it will definitely become a good story among the clan, which will be of great benefit to me!

In fact, there are many people who have the same idea as him. Rongbao City is a big city, and people from various auspicious beasts and birds gather in the city. In addition to the people of the two auspicious beast races, the Baize tribe and the Luwu tribe, there are also There are people from the three auspicious animal races of the Bifang, Yanwei and Mengji tribes. Of course, there are also people from many other foreign races from all over the world. However, the only people who can come to the city lord's palace now are people from auspicious animals and auspicious birds.

Seeing that Kai Luanzi was already in the spotlight, other members of the Ruiqiao race also let go and began to follow suit, and the price increases were mostly for higher-grade spiritual crystals. After a while, the price reached twelve pieces of high-grade spiritual crystals. price!

Everyone was dumbfounded. This battle was the worst in the history of Rongbao City. It was already bloody!

"Thirteen pieces of high-quality spiritual crystals!" Wuwu Zang gritted his teeth and shouted with blood dripping from his heart.

For him, this price has almost wiped out his entire net worth, but this rough stone is of great significance to him. If he can grab it, he will definitely improve his identification skills. This has far exceeded the value of heaven. The value brought by Lei Jade itself!

After being shocked by Li Yun's words and falling to the ground in a coma, Wuwu Zang realized that the existence of this rough stone actually showed the existence of a kind of Tao, and this Tao was the way of identification, which was consistent with what he was pursuing. Yes, if you can integrate the identification method behind the original stone into your own body, you will definitely benefit a lot!

Therefore, no matter what, he has to fight again.

However, Kailuanzi seems to have put up a fight, because now, the nature of the auction has begun to change. It has evolved from a personal fight to a fight between two clans. Although the Luwu clan and the Baize clan are both auspicious beast races, they have always known each other. Friendship, but this does not mean that there are no conflicts and struggles between the two clans. On the contrary, even within the same clan, it is common for people of the same clan to fight over a piece of jade, let alone between two clans?

"Fourteen high-grade spiritual crystals!" Kailuanzi shouted.

Bidding this price has actually reached a limit for Kai Luanzi. Although he is very rich, rich people's money is not all spare money. The reason why rich people can become rich is actually not As many people imagine, they are misers, but they will invest their spare money to make money...

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