The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1880 Dark Vine (2)

As the chess game progresses, the situation in the game gradually enters a state of intense entanglement, and the climax gradually begins...

Everyone was extremely excited, and some people gradually couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the situation, and began to close their eyes to rest, not daring to look anymore.

Those who can keep up with the rhythm are naturally chess masters. There are still a lot of people at this time. They all look excited and their faces are about to bleed with excitement. They are constantly evaluating and arguing...

Ouyang Jue looked at the excited scene of this group of people. He felt so proud that he couldn't express it in words. He took out a bottle of Xingyun Wine and drank it.

As soon as the aroma of the wine stimulated, even the person who had closed his eyes just now opened his eyes, followed the aroma, and found that it was emanating from the wine in Ouyang Jue's hand. He quickly asked about the origin of this wine, and then learned that it was Xingyun Wine. .

"Don't worry, everyone. Naturally, everyone has a share when you come here. This is a product of Universiade Palace. I believe someone here has bought it, right?" Ouyang Jue said.

"That's natural! I bought a lot. I left in a hurry this time and didn't take much with me." Duan Chong snorted.

"Haha, I have some here too!" Another master, Tie Mu, took out a bottle and showed off.

"I just got a small batch a few days ago. It's so hard to wait, ugh..." Wei Ban, another master, sighed in a pretentious manner.

These people have extremely high status, second only to Ouyang Jue. They can be said to be the pinnacle figures in the human chess world. It is not surprising that they can afford high-end Xingyun wine.

Many other people are only familiar with Xingyun Wine, or have never heard of it at all. Now that they smell the real aroma of the wine, they keep swallowing their saliva secretly, thinking that they must buy some reserves anyway to avoid such an occasion. Being compared to others!

Whether to drink or not is a question, but losing face is a big deal!

However, this time Ouyang Jue actually allowed everyone present to drink Xingyun Wine. This was like pie in the sky, so cool!

Fu Shao, Sui Hua, Hua Han and others all went out to serve these distinguished guests with Xingyun wine, fresh fruits and side dishes, which fully demonstrated Ouyang Jue's kingly demeanor and made people feel heartbroken...

Although Duan Chong had always been a little unconvinced, seeing Ouyang Jue's demeanor and thinking that it was absolutely impossible for him to bring out so much high-grade Xingyun wine to entertain guests, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. It seemed that Chess Character is like character. Ouyang Jue's ability to achieve such power in the way of king is indeed inseparable from his character.

The development of Tao power is extremely closely related to a person's temperament. It is almost predictable what kind of Tao power will be developed by what kind of person. Of course, this prediction is a general direction and cannot indicate which specific Tao power it is.

But the general direction in which this person's Taoist power will develop is closely related to his personal talent, cultivation, quality, morality and other characteristics...

Everyone became even more excited under the stimulation of Xing Lun Wine. However, as the chess game had gradually reached its climax, those who could follow up held their breaths and opened their eyes wide, not daring to miss any piece!

Judging from the current situation, there are quite a few chess masters in the human race. Their ability to follow up shows that their understanding is within the response range set by the ancient book. This is by no means a simple matter, because they have to deal with it. For one piece, you may have many choices, but these points are not necessarily recognized by ancient records. Once you make ten to twenty mistakes in a row, they will be denied by the ancient records, and you will fall behind.

But there are still more than thirty people who can keep up with the ancient genealogy. In addition to the guests, these people also include several disciples of Ouyang Jue, such as Hua Han, Fu Shao, Sui Hua and others. This is Ouyang Jue Something to be proud of!

It is said that famous teachers give birth to high disciples. The only people who can reach his level are the disciples of three other people, namely Duan Chong, Tie Mu and Wei Ban, who each brought two high disciples. They are also among the more than thirty people. Among the ranks.

This situation can also objectively reflect that the level of wisdom of the human race is far above the level of their bloodline. Although the level of the human race's bloodline is low, they are gifted in terms of wisdom. Therefore, they also have unique abilities in the development of Taoist power. Advantage.

When Li Yun saw this scene, he couldn't help but secretly admired it. He was quite optimistic about the future prospects of the human race.

Xiaoxing recently made statistics on the information obtained in Rongbao City, and it can be seen that although people of auspicious beasts and auspicious birds are very keen on chess, the proportion of people who can enter the Tao is not high, and it is far behind the human race.

Not to mention the human race in the Universiade Palace, many people have entered the chess game under the influence of the Universiade Palace culture. Even the soul warriors in various ship worlds, after the recent focus on publicity and stimulation, a group of people have begun to play chess. Entering chess is a mass entry. I believe that many chess masters will be produced among them in the future!

If the outside world knew about this situation, they would probably be stunned.

"Xiaoxing, Qi Zhenzi and the others may not be able to face these people, right?" Li Yun said.

"Based on the current strength, Qi Zhenzi and others are certainly not as good as Ouyang Jue, Duan Chong, Tie Mu and Wei Ban, or even Sui Hua, Hua Han and Fu Shao. Therefore, they still need our support." Xiaoxing told the truth.

"What about Ouyang Jue and the others facing Che Yin and others?"

"In the past, Che Yin and others won, but the past does not mean the present. The human race has an innate advantage in chess. Therefore, it is not surprising to catch up with them or even overtake them."

"Yes, it seems there will be a good show this time..." Li Yun smiled.


"How about we warm up in Rongbao City first and arrange the schedule for them. In this way, this good show will definitely become the focus of the city and attract countless people around to watch the game." Li Yun said.

"That's great! Shanhai Qixuan's business is booming even if we don't even think about it!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

He quickly arranged for Zhu Zan and Fan Jian to discuss the matter.

"Send another letter to Ouyang Jue and the others so that they can be prepared..."

"That makes sense..."

"Wait a moment..." Li Yun suddenly said.


"Don't you see that Ouyang Jue is a little confused?" Li Yun teased.

Xiaoxing took a closer look and couldn't help but smile: "This game has reached the point where the adults solved it for him, but he was not good at chess, and those points have disappeared in his mind. No matter how he thinks about it now, he will not be able to remember it! "

"That should be the case. Fortunately, the only ones who could find out about this were the other three masters."

Sure enough, by this stage of Ouyang Jueluozi, the place had become quiet, and almost everyone had closed their eyes to rest. Only he, Duan Chong, Tie Mu, and Wei Ban were still awake.

Duan Chong saw that Ouyang Jue was in a daze and was hesitant to make a move, so he couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Ouyang, where will this move fall?"

"This... Brother Duan might as well take a guess..." Ouyang Jue said.

"Well, if I were the one to play, this one would probably fall into the top position!" Duan Chong pointed to a position and said.

"Qian position? Where are Brother Tie and Brother Wei?" Ouyang Jue asked next.

"Xun position!" Tie Mu said.

"Kun position!" Wei Ban said loudly.

Ouyang Jue looked at the positions pointed out by the three people, his expression becoming more and more confused, but he was certain that none of these three positions was where he had fallen at that time.

Because I had weighed these three positions, and finally I suddenly found a better position, so I landed there without hesitation.

"None of these three positions are the best. You might as well guess again..." Ouyang Jue said.

"Brother Ouyang, are you sure?" Duan Chong asked.


"This..." The three of them were stunned and thought hard...

Nearly three days passed after this thought. The four of them were all thinking, which made Li Yun and Xiaoxing look a little impatient.

"How far is it from Rongbaocheng?" Li Yun asked.

"Half a month."

"Then just show them one move a day." Li Yun sighed.

"Hey, we can just reach it. There is almost an uproar in the city now. Everyone knows that the human chess world is going to challenge the three chess masters of Rui Beast and Rui Qin. The information has been spread to infinity. Dozens of messages have appeared in the area around Rongbao City. The roads where people gather are all going to the city to watch the battle." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

The light curtain popped up, and Li Yun swept his consciousness and saw a huge flow of people everywhere, swarming towards Rongbao City. The people in Rongbaotang were all ready, as if they were facing a battle!

"Isn't this too much of a fuss..." Li Yun also felt a little bad.

"Don't worry, sir. This is not a war. With Rong Baotang's ability, there is no problem in controlling this situation."

"Well, how's the location going?"

"A new space has been created, and all the promotional light curtains have been set up so that everyone in the city can see it!"

"Spread out as much as possible. If that doesn't work, arrange some outside the city. Don't let everyone in."

"This... Xiaonu let them do it immediately and tell Jingming." Xiaoxing agreed.


Li Yun looked at the Mingteng chess game again, and with a casual touch, a gentle breeze blew across the board, causing the smoke at one point to be slightly blown away, making it appear clearer...

Ouyang Jue was thinking hard when his eyes suddenly lit up and he stared at that position with a look of surprise on his face. With a "pop" sound, he landed on it without hesitation!

This move startled Duan Chong and the others, and they reacted.

"Brother Ouyang actually chose this place?!" Duan Chong said in surprise.

"Yes! This position is excellent. It can not only cut off the enemy's retreat, but also form a hidden bridge with the surrounding forces. It is a breakthrough move for the development of the next situation!" Ouyang said proudly.

The three of them heard the words and hurriedly studied it. Sure enough, the more they thought about it, the more they felt that Ouyang Jue's words were very reasonable. This move was simply a stroke of genius. It suddenly made White's chess position more dynamic, and there was a faint counter-pressure on Black. the trend of!

"Wonderful, wonderful!!!"


"Brother Ouyang, with this skill alone, is enough to leave a name in history!"

The three people praised heartily.

"Haha, you three brothers deserve the prize!" Ouyang Jue laughed so hard that his eyes narrowed...

"I wonder if Black should make this move, and how did Brother Ouyang respond?" Duan Chong asked quickly.

Ouyang Jue stroked his beard and took a look, and was stunned again!

"Strange, where did I land at that time? Why can't I remember?!" He screamed in his heart, feeling extremely incredible...

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