The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1882 News of the Challenge

"No need to ask, Brother Ouyang must have said let us guess again..." Duan Chong teased.

Ouyang Jue was startled, then reacted and said: "Brother Duan really understands my heart, yes, you guess it first, and I will definitely announce the answer later."

"Brother Ouyang, I really don't know why you do this? You announce a chess move every day and let us guess and discuss it first. Isn't this sincerity to make us look bad?" Duan Chong snorted.

Tie Mu and Wei Ban looked at each other and felt that what Duan Chong said seemed to be right. Ouyang Jue had indeed gone too far in the past ten days. He first asked the three of them to guess, discuss and argue, and finally said The points that come out are often very different from his guesses, which makes him seem to be one step ahead of the three of him, giving him a feeling of contempt and condescension!

If Duan Chong hadn't revealed this matter, it wouldn't have been a big deal, but now that Duan Chong said it directly, Tie Mu and Wei Ban suddenly felt a little more angry, stuck in their throats, and felt uncomfortable.

Ouyang Jue didn't expect Duan Chong to speak so rudely, and his name really sounded like him. Now he was in big trouble!

In fact, he had been secretly complaining for a long time. This time he was really fooled by Li Yun. Such an approach would anger them sooner or later, and now it has come true...

"Three brothers have misunderstood... You don't know something. This is not something I did deliberately, but a rhythm that breaks the situation. I summed it up when I was studying the Mingvine. If I didn't make my moves according to this rhythm, it would be It's hard to break the dark vine!" Ouyang Jue began to make up.

This reason made him believe it, and he was secretly proud of it.

"Really?!" Duan Chong was startled.

"It's true! The Ming Teng chess game is a famous ancient music score, and I discovered during the process of writing it that it should have a spirit!"

"There is a spirit?!" The three of them were shocked!

"That's right! This spirit is extremely sensitive in terms of chess. If the move is too fast, it will react very quickly, and the moves it deals with are often quite powerful. Therefore, I try to slow down the rhythm of the move and grind it slowly. It made its reaction become a little sluggish. Finally, I found that if it only did one move a day, its reaction would be the slowest, so the previous situation occurred, haha, haha, hahahahaha..." Ouyang Jue looked up to the sky and laughed, really proud of himself.

Duan Chong, Tie Mu and Wei Ban looked at each other with disbelief on their faces!

However, I feel that there is no big flaw in Ouyang Jue's statement. On the contrary, if what he said is true, it can be regarded as a good psychological tactic. In fact, in the process of chess confrontation, such psychological tactics will is often used,

I just didn’t expect that psychological tactics could also be used on chess spirits.

"I didn't expect that Brother Ouyang would make such an amazing discovery. I'm so impressed!" Tie Mu complimented.

"That's right, this is called reasonable application of rules. Even the chess spirit can't do anything about it!" Wei Ban praised loudly.

Duan Chong was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: "Brother Ouyang's move really woke people up from their dreams, and it is of great help to our human chess community!"

"Haha, thank you, thank you!" Ouyang Jue laughed while stroking his beard.

"What about now? The chess spirit already knows your secret. If you make another move, I'm afraid it won't be fooled again, right?" Duan Chong teased.

Ouyang Jue was stunned and felt bad! His expression changed!

He quickly looked at the chessboard. After a while, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Brother Duan is right, but..."

"But what?"

"Even if the chess spirit knows my secret, this chess game is over for it. As of today, it is impossible for it to turn around again!"

With a "pop" sound, Ouyang Jue dropped a white piece on a certain point. The Ming Teng chess game was shaken. Smoke billowed on the board and gradually dissipated. The situation suddenly became clearer. Black's entire momentum suddenly shrank, while White's Chess appears to be extremely powerful, completely forming a crushing trend!

When the three of them saw that Black was in a state of complete defeat, no matter how hard it tried, it would be impossible for him to stand up again. Moreover, the Mingteng chess game also sent a signal to admit defeat, that is, a black stone was placed in the corner of the chessboard. This is a common way to admit defeat in the chess world!

"Wow! Winner!!!" The three of them shouted wildly and stood up with excitement!

"Haha, we did win!" Ouyang Jue laughed, but there were too many secrets hidden in his smile, but it was hard to say them out.

"Brother Ouyang is indeed the great chess master of our Black and White God Realm. This victory over Ming Teng can be said to have created a miracle in our human chess world!" Tie Mu said loudly.

Wei Ban hummed: "It's not just the human race?! Mingteng is one of the classic chess games in the spirit world. No one can break it so far. Brother Ouyang's move is definitely worth writing about! Spread it widely! We should pass this news through Tianji The palace should publish it so that people in the spirit world know how powerful our human race is in the chess world!"

Duan Chong was stunned for a moment and said sincerely: "Brother Ouyang is indeed amazing in chess and deserves such a high reputation!"

"Haha, lucky, lucky...Eh?!"

Ouyang Jue was about to say something when he suddenly saw a letter flying out of thin air. He thought, "Is it from Li Yunfa again?"

He quickly took the sensor, and after a while, his expression became extremely exciting!

I exclaimed in my heart: "It is indeed Li Yun! It's really hurting me! Now he has arranged a grand event for us in advance to challenge the three great chess masters. This is simply..."

"Brother Ouyang, why are you so happy?" Tie Mu asked.

"Happy?! How can you tell that I'm happy?"

"Are you unhappy? Then why are you smiling so brightly?" Tie Mu asked curiously.

"I smiled brightly... Well, I was indeed very happy just now because I defeated Ming Teng. However, there is something I want to tell you now. Maybe you will also be very happy after hearing it. "Ouyang Jue said.

"Oh? Why don't you tell me..." Wei Ban continued.

"After Che Yin, Heng Kuang and Yu Ni heard that we were going to Rongbao City, they had already spread the news in Rongbao City in advance, saying that the three top masters in the human chess world were going to challenge the three of them. Therefore, The arena has been set up at Shanhai Qixuan, the largest chess dojo in the city, to hold a three-person challenge and a ten-person challenge!" Ouyang Jue introduced.

"What?! This happened?!" Duan Chong was shocked.

"Brother Ouyang didn't say he just went to have a look, and didn't say he wanted to challenge them?" Tie Mu asked in surprise.

"A challenge is a challenge! I want to know them. Why can they be listed as the third of the four great chess masters in the spiritual world? But the three of us can't?" Wei Ban said fiercely.

The other three people were a little stunned when they heard what Wei Ban said. They didn't expect Wei Ban to have such an idea. Did he want to join the ranks of the great chess masters?

This is very obvious now that I think about it. In these days of discussions and arguments, everyone can find that Wei Ban's chess ability has improved significantly. Compared with before, the gap between him and Ouyang Jue and Duan Chong has been much narrower. No wonder he is so ambitious, or ambitious. This is of course based on the improvement of his strength.

In this way, the first three human race chess masters against the three great chess masters of the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds have no chance of winning, because both Ouyang Jue and Duan Chong know that the opponent's Yu Ni is actually weak in chess. The main reason for being included in the Four Great Chess Masters is because her main appearance is female. Being included among them will help improve her image and enhance her publicity effect.

But if he really plays against Weiban, with his current chess strength, it is not a big problem to defeat Yu Ni.

As for the first two stations, as long as one of Ouyang Jue and Duan Chong wins, it is enough to ensure that the human race will defeat the other!

Thinking of this, the four of them felt hot in their hearts. They felt that this time the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds were so tormented, they were simply seeking death. They were obviously here to bring fame to the human race. If they did not seize such an opportunity, it would be unforgivable!

"Great! Brother Wei's words are exactly what I want. This time we will go all out to pull down the three of them!" Duan Chong said fiercely.

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa"

Ouyang Jue clapped his hands in praise and said loudly: "Okay! Since they said we are going to challenge, let's have a good fight with them! Of course, there is also the top ten competition. I think Brother Tie will lead it?"

"No problem!" Tie Mu said excitedly.

With his strength, it is naturally impossible to fight against Che Yin, Heng Kuang and Yu Ni, but he is full of confidence when it comes to fighting against others.

The disciples of the four people here all have very strong chess skills. They are also full of confidence when they are asked to form the top ten to challenge each other.

"Okay! This time, whether it is the Three Honors Competition or the Top Ten Competition, we must go all out. The reputation of the human race lies in it!" Ouyang Jue announced loudly.

"Swear to defend the human race!!!" the four of them shouted in unison.

An astonishing spiritual energy spread out, causing everyone in the boat to wake up and look at the four powerful human beings in astonishment, wondering what the hell they were doing...

Soon, the news of the Three Honors Tournament and the Top Ten Tournament spread, and the entire spaceship was about to explode. Everyone was discussing the matter enthusiastically, especially the strong chess players, who were very eager to participate on the stage. You know, this is a good opportunity to make a name for yourself. If you can participate, you will at least prove that you are among the top 13 human chess players. If you can defeat the opponent in the game, it will be of great significance!

This desire was so strong that Ouyang Jue and others had no choice but to decide to conduct an internal knockout competition first, and only those who entered the top ten could represent the human race.

Of course, it is said that there are ten people, but Tetsumu has already taken one position, so there are actually only nine positions left, which makes the competition even more fierce...

This internal knockout competition soon started with great vigor. Needless to say, it was fierce and cruel. Everyone tried their best. Except for the psychological tactics of Ouyang Jue who could not be used because of the tight time, other available methods were used. All means have been used...

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