The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1884 Meng Ze

However, of course, Ouyang Jue and the others cannot let Ouyang Jue know about these things. Otherwise, where will Che Yin's face go?

"Haha, Brother Ouyang's way of kingship is well-known in the spiritual world. It's difficult for people not to know about it. What master hasn't studied it?" Che Yin still said with a smile.

"Brother Che is so complimentary! Brother Che's own way of 'car racing across the land' must be known to everyone in the spiritual world!" Ouyang Jue retorted.

"Brother Ouyang must have studied my Che Chi Wu Lu way deeply. In fact, this is normal. Who said that you and I are the forerunners of chess in the spiritual world? Of course we should study each other more, but Brother Ouyang He said he wanted to challenge the chess game of our auspicious beasts and auspicious birds, but he hid and didn't show up after coming here. Could it be that he doesn't want to challenge?" Che Yin teased.

Ouyang Jue was startled. It seemed that Che Yin and the others had noticed that we were hiding here. He could only say half-truthfully, "Who said we were hiding here? Brother Che didn't know. We humans are extremely sensitive to this challenge." We attach great importance to it, so we held an internal selection and knockout competition first. Due to the fierce competition, we flew here without completing it, and now they are still competing!"

With a flick of his hand, he removed Othello's isolation formation.

Che Yin, Heng Kuang, Yu Ni, Jing Ming and others took a look and found that there were many people competing inside. The situation seemed to be consistent with what Ouyang Jue said.

Of course, according to the information revealed by Li Yun, Che Yin certainly knew that Ouyang Jue had not told the truth and sent people to the city to find out the news. However, as an auspicious animal and auspicious bird, there was no need to be so fussy, so he said: " I wonder when your trials will end?"

"Within ten days!" Ouyang Jue responded.

"Okay! We will welcome you into the city in ten days!" Che Yin said.

"Thank you so much, Brother Che!"

"See you later!"

Che Yin and others quickly returned to the city lord's mansion.

But their moods were somewhat affected, because what they saw just now made them feel secretly frightened.

"Brother Heng, it seems we have underestimated the human race..." Che Yin sighed.

"Not bad! I just memorized a lot of chess games in the human race trial. After thinking about it along the way, I found that their level is extremely high..." Heng Kuang said.

Yu Ni interjected: "I also memorized a few games. After thinking about it just now, I found that the level is really not that high..."

Che Yin hummed: "Why do you need to remember the chess game? I only need to observe the level of Dao power on the chess board.

You can tell how good their level is. Now it seems that we must also quickly hold a trial to find the person who is in the best shape in the current game, otherwise we will be in danger. "

"Che Zun's words make sense! I will arrange the competition venue immediately." Jing Ming praised.

"Alas, time is tight now. In order to better select the players, we must use time extension methods in the venue to give them more time to come to the formation to sharpen their guns..." Che Yin sighed.

"Extend the time? Is it really necessary?" Jing Ming asked in surprise.

"Of course! The level of Dao power that permeated the human race's chess games just now has exceeded the chess power levels of Xiao Xi, Xiao Lin, Xiao Shao and others. Therefore, players must be selected from the powerful players of all races, otherwise they will definitely lose!" Che Yin affirmed! said.

"Oh my god..." Several people screamed when they heard this!

They didn't expect Che Yin to come to such a conclusion. How could they not be shocked?

However, Che Yin is the person with the highest chess skills and the greatest reputation among them, so everyone naturally believes in his words. It seems that the human race is coming this time with great force and should not be underestimated. They must be treated with caution!

Jingming quickly opened up a new space for the trial, but he also had to add a time extension function to it. Such a function was no problem for the auspicious beast and auspicious bird, but the cost was extremely high and it would not be used easily.

You know, if you want to create a space with the function of extending time, either someone must have the power of time, or you must have a spiritual treasure of time, but there are very few people with the power of time. Nowadays, these auspicious beasts There are no talents in this field among the birds, so they can only rely on time.

As a special treasure, Time Spirit Treasure is extremely valuable, or it can be said to be a priceless treasure. It is impossible for ordinary races and interfaces to possess it. Even in the entire spiritual world, there are only a handful of races that can own Time Spirit Treasure. Of course, , the auspicious beast and auspicious bird are among the few owners.

As a race of auspicious beasts and auspicious birds, Lingbao would be embarrassed to say that he is an auspicious beast or auspicious bird to the outside world if he does not have time, especially the five clans of Bai Ze, Lu Wu, Bifang, Yanwei and Mengji, who jointly run Rongbao Tang is the largest business alliance in the spiritual world. They come into contact with all kinds of treasures every day. If a time spiritual treasure appears in the alliance, of course they will take it first!

In the long years of their existence, no matter how few time treasures they have, they will still appear occasionally, and these time treasures discovered by chance will be taken by them as the treasures of their own clan!

Therefore, it is really not a problem for them to create a space with time extension function. The only question is how long you need to extend it and how much money you are willing to spend.

Although time crystals are good, the cost of obtaining extra time is extremely high. A large amount of spiritual crystals are consumed almost every moment. The larger the space and the longer it is extended, the faster it is consumed. , so this is a bottomless pit with no bottom...

However, in order to cope with this challenge, no matter how many spiritual crystals are spent, otherwise, if they lose to the human race, the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds will lose all their face!

To put it bluntly, even if you really lose, you must not lose badly, otherwise you will really have no shame and return to the clan...

Jing Ming and others came to this newly opened space and took a closer look. They found that it could accommodate a hundred units for battle, which was basically enough.

"Xiaojing, where is your 'Mengze'?" Che Yin asked.

"Brought it!"

Jing Ming turned over his hand, and a faint blue object appeared. If he looked carefully, he could see that it seemed to be in a liquid state, like a soft and transparent blue crystal, and there seemed to be a blue light rippling slightly inside...

This crystal is so beautiful that everyone present was amazed by it!

Even Xiaoxing reacted immediately and quickly popped up the light screen to show Li Yun.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Li Yun exclaimed!

"It's indeed beautiful! This should be a water spiritual treasure, and it's also a time spiritual treasure. Its value is immeasurable..." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Oh? I would still believe it if others said this, but if even you can't estimate its value, I won't believe it." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hehe, Xiaonu is imitating the tone of the appraiser from Rong Baotang. If you really come to estimate the value of this treasure, of course you can still estimate it."

"Yes, the reason why those appraisers cannot evaluate its value is because their vision is too small and the treasures they come into contact with are not high enough. If they can come into contact with some immortal weapons, they can go back and evaluate this time treasure. , we can naturally determine its value.”

"Indeed. This value system should be determined from the top down. Now that we have a certain understanding of the value system of the fairy world, it will not be a problem to determine the value of the Time Lingbao Mengze. Of course, even if This value has been determined. In the eyes of Jing Ming, Che Yin and others, Mengze is still priceless, because it is already a treasure that stands at the pinnacle of the spiritual world, and it has special functions. Under special circumstances, it can perform far beyond The expected effect cannot be achieved by any other treasure, so it is priceless." Xiaoxing said.

"That makes sense! The value of an item can be divided into appraisal value and psychological value. The appraisal value is the normal value of the item under this value system, while the psychological value fluctuates greatly because an item is valued by different people. In the eyes of a specific person, its value will be different. Sometimes, an item with a small value will be of immeasurable value in the eyes of a specific person. For example, a token of love, In the eyes of their owners, they may be priceless. In this sense, the value of emotional items changes the most..." Li Yun analyzed.

"The value of emotional items has a large space for change, and can range from negative infinity to positive infinity. Therefore, they do not belong to this value system and should be evaluated separately, or not evaluated at all." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Despite this, after the people associated with the object disappeared, it returned to a normal object and was re-included in the normal value system... This is a bit sad..."

While the two were chatting, they saw that Jing Ming had activated Mengze. With a slight activation, a blue light instantly swayed through the space, making the entire space bathed in a faint blue light, making it look extremely magnificent!

"Okay, the time here is already four times that of the outside world. There are still ten days before Ouyang Jue and the others enter the city, but they can have forty days here. Che Zun should make good use of it." Jing Ming said.

"Thank you so much, Brother Jing! The required spiritual crystals will be borne by us chess players, Brother Jing, don't worry." Che Yin said sincerely.

"That's...that's fine! Then I'll first wish you success!" Jing Ming complimented without refusing.

Mengze extended this space four times, and the amount of spiritual crystals required was huge, which Jing Ming could not afford, so naturally he would not be so generous as to ruin his family.

Soon, the chess masters brought by various ethnic groups entered this Mengze space and began to participate in the selection...

Knowing that this challenge from the human race was coming fiercely, in order to defend the glory of the chess game of the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds, these people all went all out, fighting for the first place, and were proud to be able to participate in the competition...

The masters of auspicious beasts and auspicious birds who have been challenging in Shanhai Qixuan during this period have been interrupted and recalled to participate in the selection and knockout competition within the clan. This situation is quite strange, and it quickly caused people to participate in the challenge here. The attention of Fu Shao, Hua Han, Sui Hua and others...

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