The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1890 Real beasts and birds are also here

? The main purpose of the grand plan to resist the soul clan is to force the internal forces of the soul world to collapse on their own, so as to achieve the state of defeating others without fighting. If it can be done, it will definitely be a very wonderful feeling!

However, as the base that Li Yun focused on building, the spirit world must first build an observation array before going to the demon world and the devil world. This is a key task.

This huge array is actually based on the ground network, and then builds a base station every 50 million miles to form a seamless observation network. At the same time, this network will also be a teleportation array network and a laser weapon network, which can Three hundred and sixty degrees to control and protect the entire spiritual world, as well as the starry sky area around the spiritual world!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this plan is ambitious, but for Li Yun, building this observation array is certainly not for his own ambitions, but to better protect the spiritual world and use the conditions of the spiritual world to better observe Starry sky and discover more secret information.

This time, Li Yun has built the third base station in the Bishui Lake area, and the efficiency is quite high. As more and more base stations are built in the future, this network of observation arrays will slowly be formed, and its role must be played. It will get bigger and bigger!

This information flashed through Li Yun's mind, but he heard Xiao Xing say: "Sir, there is also movement outside Xicheng District. After some real beasts and birds forces entrenched in the wild world of the west learned that there was such a chess duel, they Many people also want to come and have a look, including Yingyu and Lili.”

"Them? It's definitely impossible to let them enter the city, but this is a good opportunity to ease the tension with the western forces. Why not set up some light curtains outside the western city to let them have a good time." Li Yun said thoughtfully. .

"Do you need to tell Jing Ming?"

"Jing Ming is protecting the Mengze space now. I'm afraid what worries him most is that something will disturb him. It's better not to tell him. We will set up some light curtains outside the Bishui Lake, and that location will not be disturbed by Rong Baocheng. People find out, and if anything happens, it’s all within our control.”

"Yes! I'll do it right away, little slave!"

Xiaoxing quickly arranged a large number of light curtains around Bishui Lake to satisfy the wishes of those chess enthusiasts among real beasts and birds.

In the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, they certainly have no prejudice against real animals and birds. Not all real animals and birds are as vicious and evil as the golden toad, nine infants, and Chongming birds. In their world, they are still like elephants. Other races also have a certain level of order, and most people are in the middle and lower levels. There are naturally good and evil among the people, and they cannot be generalized.

In a certain sense, as long as a certain order and rules can be formed, it is not unreasonable to act.

However, in the world of real beasts and real birds, the characteristic of respecting strength is even more obvious.

The weak prey on the strong, the law of the jungle, all these will appear more extreme, making their actions sometimes more extreme and more inclined to use force to solve problems.

Therefore, only when there is not much difference in strength between the two parties, can it be possible to sit down and have a good talk.

Or there is a powerful force suppressing it, so no one dares to make any changes.

Therefore, Li Yun chose to set up a light curtain in Bishui Lake to prevent any changes and control them nearby.

Sure enough, after the light curtain was set up, lively scenes like those in the east began to appear in the western area. Countless real beasts and birds came after hearing the news and gathered near Bishui Lake, which almost stunned Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

This is simply an opportunity to showcase real animals and birds. Many life forms that have never been seen before appear one by one, making Xiaoxing so excited that she can hardly close her mouth!

"Sir, this is great! Now we can almost complete the information about real animals and birds. Our understanding of life in the spiritual world can be said to have skyrocketed!"

"That's true! I didn't expect that this chess event would have such an unexpected harvest, which saved us a lot of time!" Li Yun was also extremely happy.

If I just travel by myself to get to know these real beasts and birds, I don’t know how long it will take to get to know so many of them, but now I get to know them all in advance!

Of course, these real beasts and birds are only some of the life forms among them, and they are all chess players with a slightly higher level. They have all been transformed into human forms. It is difficult to see what their original forms are like.

"Xiao Xing, it would be great if we could get their true blood." Li Yun said.

"Sir, this is not difficult. If they want to watch the grand chess event, they have to pay something, right? How about asking them all to donate a drop of their own blood as a ticket fee?" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"You think it's simple. The key is whether they will agree to this? You know, other treasures are easy to say, but true blood is extremely important to them." Li Yun said suspiciously.

"This... try it first. As long as someone takes the lead, others will probably have no objections."

"That makes sense. How can you know if you don't try?"

King Yingyu and King Lili quickly received the message from Xiaoxing and immediately began to implement the plan.

"Brush" "Brush" "Brush"

The light curtain that was broadcasting the situation in Rongbao City near the Bishui Lake suddenly changed, which immediately aroused dissatisfaction among the people present and booed everywhere.

These people were watching with great interest, their emotions were constantly arousing, and they were full of expectations for the upcoming peak chess showdown. But as soon as the scene flashed, it was like a piece of rat excrement spoiling a pot of good soup. How could they not angry?

A person in the main stand stood up suddenly, pointed at Yingyu King and yelled: "Yingyu King, what did you do? You can't even do the light curtain broadcast well, and you have the nerve to boast that the whole process will be broadcast live?!"

This person is none other than King Lili, but he is sitting here as a spectator, surrounded by many people of similar or even higher levels to him.

King Yingyu picked up the tea cup leisurely, Gululu took a big sip, and said: "Li Li, what are you anxious about? The competition hasn't started yet, there is just something wrong with the information transmission, and my people will naturally find out what it is. reason."

"Hmph, can I not be in a hurry? If this happens during the game, who can bear it? Everyone, don't you think so?!" King Li Li said angrily.


"If the light curtain suddenly breaks down at a critical moment, wouldn't it cost lives?"

"This situation must not be allowed to happen!"

"That's just toying with people! Don't do such a thing, Yingyu!"

"That's right!"

Everyone was getting a little excited as they spoke to each other.

Of course, everyone in the chess game knows that if there is a sudden problem with the light curtain in the middle of the chess game, or at a critical moment, it will really cost someone's life!

The main issue here is the connection of Tao power, because if the chess game is extremely advanced, it must be filled with Taoism. The person watching must activate his own Tao power to watch. At this time, the bearing point of his own Tao power is other than his own body. In addition, there is the chess game in the light curtain. If the light curtain suddenly breaks down, then this Taoist intention will have nowhere to go, and it is really difficult to predict what kind of chaos will occur!

Most of the time, this Taoist power will disappear or return, but because it is formed in a sudden state, it will definitely cause abnormalities in the operation of one's own Taoist power, causing one to be injured as a result. It can be said that the stronger the Taoist intention of the chess game, the stronger the backlash. The power will be greater, and judging from the level of this competition, I am afraid that the Taoist intention of the chess game will be stronger than most people here, and everyone will have the possibility of being seriously injured!

In addition to the risk of losing contact with the power, the collapse of the light curtain will of course greatly reduce the interest in watching chess and make people's emotions worse. There are countless other unpredictable dangers caused by this...

When everyone thought of this, they became even more uneasy, and they all accused Yingyu King of being too poor at doing things. He even tricked everyone into coming to watch without even finishing the small light screen...

The more Yingyu King heard about it, the more he felt dissatisfied. He started to protest and said angrily: "How can this be unreasonable? This time, in order for everyone not to miss this grand chess event in the spirit world, I spent a huge sum of money to bribe the people in Rongbaocheng. Only then did they agree to transmit the information immediately, but I have spent almost all my money. It is the limit to be able to build so many light screens and viewing venues. I also have to entertain everyone with good tea and fruit. I can say that I have arrived. In a state of bankruptcy, you guys are eating and drinking here for free, but you are still making irresponsible remarks and being picky, who do you think I am?!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this and were speechless...

Thinking about what King Yingyu said, it makes sense. Rong Baocheng couldn't provide him with such precious information for no reason, and it also had to be transmitted in real time. With the relationship between real beasts and birds and Rong Baocheng always being at odds, this was impossible. How much does it cost to do it?

For this reason alone, everyone should say thank you to Yingyu King!

Not to mention that he also gave everyone a seat to watch the chess game, and also provided free fruit and tea. Thinking about it makes people feel ashamed. He is here as a guest, eating, drinking and watching for free, but he still... I dislike the host for not doing a good job, even if they are real beasts and birds, they have never paid much attention to etiquette, and now I feel extremely embarrassed...

King Morinda said: "Brother Yu, please calm down. This matter is everyone's fault! I didn't expect you to pay such a heavy price for everyone to watch this unprecedented chess match!"

"Brother Ba is right! Brother Yu, don't worry. Why is this light curtain broken? Why don't we all come and check it out to avoid trouble if something goes wrong during the game." King Shijiao agreed.

"It makes sense! Brother Yu should know the reason, right? Tell us and we will help you solve it!" King Tan Snake said loudly.

"Yes, Brother Yu has done such a great thing this time. You are really ashamed of us for saying that! Needless to say, let's find out the reason quickly!" King Morinda said seriously.

"Exactly, if you need any fees or conditions, Brother Yu, just say it, and I, Lili, will definitely support it!!!"


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