The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1900 Material Energy and Life Energy

? The Xiao Kun Li Yun was talking about was naturally Nuo Kun. He was an illegitimate son of Kun Zun when he was in the lower world. The so-called illegitimate child meant that no one in the clan knew about it. Kun Zun secretly came to Kun Zun for some special reasons. She went to the lower world to give birth to Nokun, and then made him the domain lord of the sea area. However, she ran back to the spirit world and stopped taking care of Nokun.

Therefore, Nokun's understanding of the true blood race is extremely limited, and he often worries that he will be swallowed up by his father who suddenly comes and merge back.

Later, he joined the other sea domain owners in the Universiade Palace to seek asylum, which made him feel relieved.

However, after Li Yun and Xiaoxing got to know the True Blood race better and better, Li Yun discovered that Nuo Kun's worries were unnecessary, because even if Kun Zun really wanted to reintegrate Nuo Kun, it would definitely be in Nuo Kun. After a complete fall.

As his son, even if Nookun was seriously injured and incurable, and became a disabled person, Kun Zun would still be like Chongtong, collecting panacea everywhere to save his life, instead of swallowing him up and reintegrating him.

The reason why the True Blood race gives people such a ruthless impression is that on the one hand, other races do not know them well, and on the other hand, the True Blood race's fighting style is easy to misunderstand, because they often kill their enemies in one bite. Swallow it and absorb the energy in its true blood.

This kind of scene looks extremely cruel and has great impact. It can easily trigger people's imagination and think that the True Blood race is so terrible that they might even swallow their own relatives!

If one person says such a rumor, others may not believe it, but if the second person also says the same, and the third person also says the same, then it won’t take long before almost everyone will say the same. Soon, the True Blood race will also devour their own relatives. The rumor of blood-sucking spread throughout the spiritual world, and it was confirmed! That’s true!

Since the True Blood race has never been very harmonious with other races in the spirit world and often fights, they rarely argue on this issue. I am afraid they don't bother to argue, or they think that even if they argue, others may not believe it. The drawing will become darker and darker, so I don't bother to do it.

As a result, the True Blood race has become an extremely mysterious and terrifying race in the spiritual world. Almost other races are unwilling to deal with them. Instead, they regard them as savage beasts and take strict precautions against them!

Even Rong Baotang, whose background is about auspicious beasts and auspicious birds, regards the real beasts and birds in the Western World as the biggest threat. He has built high walls, advanced formations, and stationed experts here to prevent them from suddenly coming. Attack…

Because Nuo Kun was an illegitimate child and was abandoned by Kun Zun in the lower world without much care, his understanding of the true blood race became almost the same as that of other races in the spirit world. Therefore, he was very worried that one day his father would come to the lower world to find him. His purpose was to annex and fuse him, which made him panic all day long. He finally made up his mind to throw himself into the Universiade Palace and seek the protection of Li Yun.

Of course Li Yun and Xiaoxing were also affected at first,

Especially after seeing the evil deeds of Golden Spotted Toad, Jiuying, and Chongming Bird, this understanding has been strengthened.

However, after arriving in Rongbao City, they finally began to formally come into contact with real beasts and birds, and even accepted King Yingyu and King Lili, which opened a door for them to truly understand the true blood race.

As their understanding continues to deepen, they finally understand that rumors should not be taken lightly. If they want to have a say, it is best to conduct their own on-the-spot investigation.

This is not only a way of doing things, but also an attitude towards life. Some people always like to follow the crowd and follow what others say, or they easily believe in what others say and follow them to make unrealistic remarks. Sometimes they even believe it. !

Just like the matter of the true blood race, it is deeply ingrained in the minds of countless people in the spirit world. Even Tianji Palace has only a partial understanding of it and does not conduct detailed investigation.

As everyone knows, such an attitude towards life is useless and even harmful to yourself. If you believe in what others say too much, you may fall into their carefully designed traps. Even if there are no traps, you will not be able to recognize them clearly. The truth of things, gaining true knowledge.

When your cognition is filled with such lies and falsehoods, you will lose your opinion and be unable to make your own independent judgment when encountering things. This will of course lead to mistakes.

The world is impermanent, both illusory and real, and full of fog. It is impossible for everyone to be born with insight into everything. To develop a pair of discerning eyes to see the truth of things clearly and make independent judgments, one must adopt on-the-spot investigation and understanding methods. Extract the most authentic and effective parts from countless information to lay the foundation for your own judgment.

Therefore, when you encounter new things or hear new remarks, you should not be gullible and rush to conclusions. Instead, you should look at it with an objective attitude. When conditions permit, you may wish to conduct on-site investigations and discover the truth, so as not to let your own The remarks also misled others and became a footnote for others to draw conclusions...

These thoughts flashed through Li Yun's mind. When he came back to his senses, he carefully looked at the feather of Chongtong. He felt that this feather was comparable to a spiritual weapon. If used to refine weapons, it might be possible to make an extremely powerful weapon. When the spirit sword came, he couldn't help but sigh: "Such a treasure is actually transformed from true blood. This shows that the method of refining blood is really profound..."

"Sir, this kind of transformation is very different from the energy transformation in Tianyun world."

"what is the difference?"

"The transformation of Tianyun World is to extract the energy of matter, and then convert the energy into matter. The transformation of true blood into life is a long growth process. The energy transformed belongs to life energy, just like every life, in In the process of growth, it will ingest various substances, absorb the energy, and then transform it into itself, and eventually grow into a powerful life form." Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! The transformation of energy and matter in the Tianyun world is more about material energy than life energy. Even if a living body is absorbed and transformed by him, he will treat it as matter, because it There is no life energy anymore." Li Yun said suddenly.

"Yes. Therefore, Tianyun can transform waste materials and energy into new and higher-quality matter, but he cannot transform a body into a new life. This is the difference between material energy and life energy."

"This... Tianyun cannot transform remains into new life, nor can it transform matter into matter for new life, such as hair, feathers, sharp beaks, sharp claws, armor... these are the things that life absorbs material energy and passes through itself. It is generated by the operation of life energy, so we can also classify these life substances into the category of life energy..." Li Yun thought.

"Indeed, life matter contains life energy, which is a special kind of energy. The development of this energy actually constitutes the power of vitality. Tianyun's material energy transformation results provide the best solution for the development of life energy. The environmental conditions. The reason why the master's vitality develops so fast is precisely because of the excellent material energy conditions such as Tianyun, and through the operation of one's own life energy, it can grow so fast, so So many, so strong!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he felt suddenly enlightened!

I have always thought that the rapid development of vitality is the result of my successful research on various new species, but I have not realized the difference and connection between life energy and material energy. After Xing analyzed the relationship between the two, he had a deeper understanding of the rapid development of the way of vitality.

When you study new things, new species, and new lives, as long as you study them thoroughly, you will not only understand their characteristics, but also obtain their material energy or life energy. The material energy should not form the power of vitality, and if If it is life energy, it not only enters your own body, but also continues to grow and become stronger and stronger through the operation of your own life energy, forming the power of vitality!

The result of obtaining these material energy and life energy is the formation of rhyme strings on one's own body. This is the rhyme string of Taoist or Immortal Yun!

Just like now, if you study this double-pupil feather carefully, you will eventually obtain not only material energy, but also life energy, because it belongs to life matter and grows from the double-pupil body.

Therefore, if you study this feather thoroughly, you can also increase your vitality. This is a sure thing.

After thinking about this, Li Yun finally understood how his endless vitality was obtained.

If we study more about living matter in the future, we can kill two birds with one stone, because there is both material energy and life energy.

"Although I now understand the difference between material energy and life energy, what I care about most is the covering ability of my robe. If I can't upgrade it, I really feel like I can't control it anymore!" Li Yun sighed.

Previously, he had discovered that Jing Ming seemed to be more and more obsessed with him. The main reason was that the rhyme silk on his body grew very fast and would accumulate on his robes from time to time, making him more and more attractive and attractive. Greatly increased strength.

That's why he had to let Wuchen handle the matter with Rong Baotang on his behalf. Because of this, he has not yet met the three great chess masters in the chess world, Che Yin, Heng Kuang, and Yu Ni.

However, Li Yun thought of one thing, that is, does he need someone to talk about chess during the game?

Generally speaking, chess matches in the Xuanling World rarely have anyone talking about chess, and the spectators are allowed to understand it on their own. But if someone outside the arena talks about chess and makes people understand the development of the chess game and the intentions of the players' moves, then of course they will. There is another new idea.

Based on the level of this chess match, if you really want to set up a chess tutor, it can only be yourself or Xiaoxing. And if your robe cannot be upgraded, I am afraid that you can only ask Ling Daozi to come forward to talk chess. .

"Sir, the upgrade of the robe has reached a limit. New materials need to be found before it can be upgraded again..."

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