The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1902 Xiaohou takes over

"A gambling game? The whole spiritual world comes to place bets?!" Everyone was a little confused when they heard this!

What kind of gambling is it that people from all the spiritual world can bet on?

I'm afraid no one has ever seen such a bet. Can it be done? This is the first question that comes to everyone's mind.

Huan Xuan grabbed the letter talisman from Fairy Xiuzhen's hand and sensed it. He soon became a little uneasy and exclaimed: "What? The chess game information can be broadcast in the area where each Tianji Palace is located at the first time?! How is this possible? ?! Can it really be done?”

"Hmph, since he dares to discuss cooperation with our Tianji Palace, he is certainly sure that he can do it, otherwise we can not give him any money!" Fairy Xiuzhen said.

"That's true! However, if he can't do it, it will not only be a matter of money, but the reputation of our Tianji Palace will also be affected..." Huan Xuan said worriedly.

Fairy Xiuzhen glared at him and said: "You have seen Li Yun do so many things, why do you still distrust him so much? Don't you think about it, what if he did it? Then how big will our Tianji Palace be?" Benefits? Money is one thing, but fame is huge! Even if he can't do it, it won't be a big loss for us. As for reputation, it's mixed at best! After all, such a huge operation It’s normal for a project to fail.”

"This... okay, but this matter must be reported to the ancestor as soon as possible and let him make the decision! If possible, the Tianji Halls must start moving as soon as possible!" Huan Xuan said.

"Not bad! Go to Yan Gaocheng Tianji Hall immediately!" Fairy Xiuzhen said loudly.

"Gee, I told you a long time ago that we should go there to take a rest, and it has come true..." Hua Ju's mood finally turned from gloomy to bright, and she said with a sweet smile.

"You're talking too much nonsense with your little hooves, why don't you leave quickly!"

"Gee, let's go..."

The group quickly entered Yangao City and found the location of the Tianji Palace, which was also a point under Huan Xuan's jurisdiction, so they went directly to the back hall and started a conversation with Xing Zun.

But there was no response after connecting for a long time...

"Isn't the ancestor in the Star Palace?" Fairy Xiuzhen asked suspiciously.

"It's normal not to be here, all I have to do is wait."

"Huh? There's something going on!!!" Xiuzhen's eyes suddenly lit up and she said happily.

Huan Xuan and Hua Ju quickly looked around and found that there was indeed movement on the screen.

After a few flashes, a figure appeared, but it was a face full of beards, but his appearance was very handsome. He looked extremely handsome, even more dignified than Xing Zun!

"Who are you?" Huan Xuan asked in surprise.

"I'm Hou Zun, what are you doing with Xiao Chen?"

"Xiaochen? Xiaochen is..."

"Of course Xiaochen is your ancestor Xingchen!" Xiaohou said impatiently.

"Oh my are you? Where is our ancestor? We have something urgent to look for him!" Xiuzhen exclaimed.

"Haha, that kid is probably still on the road now. Didn't he go to Linyu for business last time? He has been away for several years and is on his way back." Xiaohou laughed.

Xiuzhen, Huan Xuan and Hua Ju looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

They didn't know the relationship between Xiaohou and Xingchen, and they had never even met Xiaohou. They were all at a loss at this time and were dumbfounded!

"What's going on with you? Say something quickly, fart quickly, and don't waste energy!" Xiaohou urged loudly.

Xiuzhen finally reacted and said quickly: "I wonder why senior is here? We are looking for our ancestor. If he is not here, it would be good if Senior Sister Tianya is here!"

"Tianya? I don't know how crazy this little girl is! If you have anything, just tell me and see what this is?" Xiaohou said, holding up a jade sign in his hand and shaking it in front of the light curtain. .

"Order of the Patriarch?!" Hengxuan screamed in surprise!

"Haha, I didn't expect that you, a fat boy, have some sense. This is indeed the token that Xiaochen left for me. He said that if there was anything in the Tianji Palace, he asked me to handle it on his behalf." Xiaohou laughed proudly.

"Senior said I was a fat boy..." When Huan Xuan heard this, he felt like crying. He didn't expect that after going out for a walk, he would turn from Yushu Linfeng into a fat boy.

"What? Are you not a fat boy? You are bigger than the two of them combined!" Xiaohou said loudly.

"Oh my god..." Huan Xuan's face changed drastically and he fell to the ground...

"Haha, hahahahaha, what's wrong with being fat? You're cute when you're chubby. I like it best..." Xiaohou said so hard that he almost drooled.

"Uh... uh uh... uh uh uh..." Huan Xuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head and vomited...

Fairy Xiuzhen couldn't stand it anymore and said: "Senior, Brother Huan is not as fat as you said. He is just right now. As long as he is no longer fat, he will be fine."

"Oh? It seems like the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Do you have a crush on him?" Xiaohou teased.

"You?! Of course not!" Xiuzhen said angrily.

"You've been hanging out with him all this time. It's normal to fall in love with him over time..."

"No, no, no! Senior, don't mention this matter again!"

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to be so thin-skinned. If you don't say it, you won't say it! Then tell me what you want to do to contact Xiaochen today? Is it a matter of cooperation between Universiade Palace and Tianji Palace?" Xiaohou said.

"What? How do you know?!" Fairy Xiuzhen was stunned and said in surprise.

Huan Xuan and Hua Ju were also shocked!

"Haha, what's so difficult about this? I, Hou Zun, know a lot more things than you think!" Xiao Hou said proudly.

"This... I wonder what else Master Houzun knows?" Fairy Xiuzhen asked.

"Isn't it just that the two sides are cooperating on the grand chess event in Rong Baocheng? This time is an excellent opportunity for Tianji Palace. We must mobilize all our efforts to hype up this matter!" Xiao Hou said fiercely.

"Hype? Master Houzun is saying..." Fairy Xiuzhen looked suspicious, and she didn't quite understand.

"This hype is just a big publicity, made out of nothing, with the intention of adding more fire to it! With the level of this chess match, it can definitely top the spiritual world and feast everyone's eyes, and the Universiade Palace and Tianji Through cooperation, the palace allows them to enjoy their chess addiction while also gambling for fun. How pleasant is this? I can't help but want to place a bet just thinking about it!" Xiaohou said loudly.

"Wow... what the senior said makes so much sense! This is what this junior thinks. It will definitely not go wrong to cooperate with Li Yun. I believe he will definitely bring huge income to our Tianji Palace!" Fairy Xiuzhen said excitedly.

"Oh? Do you believe him so much?" Xiaohou asked.

"Of course! Li Yun has created countless miracles. Compared with his previous miracles, this cooperation is not too much. I believe he will be able to transmit the live broadcast information to various Tianji Hall areas, allowing people in the spiritual world to It’s a feast for the eyes!”

"Oh? Do you admire him very much? Or do you like him very much?" Xiaohou asked again.

"I... admire? Like? Oh, senior, why are you asking me these things? What we are talking about now is cooperation!" Fairy Xiuzhen said anxiously, her face turned crimson.

"Haha, you're blushing! It seems that you like Li Yun very much! It seems that this fat boy has no chance..." Xiao Hou laughed.

"What? No! Senior, please stop teasing me. Now that I have the Order of the Patriarch, I can see the order as if I were meeting the Patriarch. What do you think of this cooperation? If you support it, please order all Tianji Palaces to act as soon as possible. !" Fairy Xiuzhen quickly changed the subject.

"Well, didn't I just say that? This cooperation is a good opportunity for Tianji Palace to develop. Of course, Tianji Palaces everywhere must take action and implement the conditions given by the Universiade Palace. There is no need to worry about the live broadcast light curtain. Your task is to publicize the gambling game and get more people to place bets. Anyway, what our Tianji Temple earns is pump money. The more people bet, the more we will make. Why not?" Xiaohou? Finally said seriously.

"Senior's words really touched my heart! How about we start taking action immediately?" Fairy Xiuzhen said with great joy.

"Of course! I have sent orders to all the Tianji Halls in various places. Some places have already taken action, but here in the Zen Domain, we need the fat boy to take the order. Don't vomit everywhere!" Xiaohou looked disgusted. He looked at Huan Xuan and said.

Huan Xuan's face turned red and he murmured: "Junior, take the order! It will make all the Tianji Palace in Zen Domain take action and expand the amount of betting!"

"Okay! The most critical issue is that Tianji Temple itself cannot participate in betting. If you want to bet, you must do it in your own name and you are not allowed to use the funds of this temple. Do you understand?" Xiao Hou warned.

"Junior understands!" Huan Xuan, Xiuzhen, and Hua Ju responded in unison.


The light curtain slowly disappears...

When the three of them came to their senses, they remembered that they had not informed Mr. Houzun of the content of Li Yun's letter at all. So how did he know about it?

Does he understand the terms inside? What if it doesn't match what he knows?

Fairy Xiuzhen thought about this and said, "Should we contact Lord Houzun again to clarify this matter?"

Huan Xuan said harshly: "Don't contact him again! Since he holds the Patriarch's Order, it's okay if he says it's okay. There's no need to go into the details!"

Having been "humiliated" by Xiao Hou for a while, how could he want to see this Lord Hou again?

"Palace Master, the Chief Palace Master is right! That Lord Houzun knows about the light curtain and the gambling game means that he is fully aware of the matter and cannot be wrong!" Hua Ju agreed.

"That's... okay, then don't worry about it and act quickly!" Fairy Xiuzhen was also a very straightforward person. She felt that what the two people said was right, so she decided.


Huan Xuan quickly sent the order to all the Tianji Halls in the Zen Domain, which immediately caused an uproar...

Soon, what they learned was that in addition to Tianji Hall, there were also Zen Ji Hall, Yuanfangzhai, Tianxiang Restaurant, Roasted Restaurant, Fengyuan Restaurant, and cities on the borders of the Zen Domain. There was a chess watching craze everywhere. People gather from all directions, the curtain is about to open, and the gambling is about to begin...

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