The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1904: Stand up for human players

"The big gamble? What's going on?!" Wang Huaixu asked anxiously.

"Haha, do you remember the last game I held in the Star Palace?" Xing Zun said with a smile while stroking his beard.

"You mean... Li Yun and Ouyang Jue's air-distance game?"


"Are these two planning to play chess again? Have they started a gambling game?" Wang Huaixu's interest immediately rose.

Others still remember that game. They were a little surprised when they heard Xing Zun's words. It turns out that these two people are going to fight again. This is really interesting. I wonder if Ouyang Jue can defeat Li Yun now?

This question flashed in their minds, and almost everyone immediately concluded that it was impossible, because Li Yun must be more powerful now than before. Ouyang Jue had no reason to defeat him. Any attempt to challenge Li Yun in a competition would probably be self-inflicted. Its humiliating...

"No, no! It wasn't the two of them playing chess, but Li Yun started the gambling game, and the two sides were the human chess community headed by Ouyang Jue and the auspicious beast and auspicious bird chess community headed by Che Yin!" Xingzun said loudly.

"What?! This is happening?!" Wang Huaixu was shocked when he heard this!

"Otherwise, what do you think those people are talking about so lively at the entrance of Tianji Palace now?" Xingzun teased.

"Oh my God!!!" Everyone screamed.

With their sensitivity to information, they immediately understood how big this matter was!

The current scene of empty streets in Xinglong City shows how much people are paying attention to this. Could it be that the chess game has reached its climax?

How could such a major event lack the participation of people like myself?

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little regretful. They were too leisurely on the way back from Linyu and didn't care about the information. As a result, they missed most of such important events. They really should have fought!

"Brother Xing, I wonder what the situation is now? What's the record of the human race?!" Yan Shi asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, everyone, the chess match hasn't started yet!" Xing Zun could tell what everyone was thinking at a glance and reassured them.

"It hasn't started yet? Great!" Yan Shi said suddenly.

"That's it! When?" Luo Li interrupted.

“It is still in the internal selection stage.

It is estimated that there will still be some time before the official start. if…"

"what if?"

"If you want to see it live, you can do it. I guess you can make it." Xingzun said thoughtfully.

"Where will it be held? Is it in the Black and White God's Domain?"

"No! The location this time is in Rongbao City, which is still a bit far away from here. Fortunately, Brother Ji's flying boat is there. If it has enough energy and flies at full strength, it should be able to arrive within half a month!" Xingzun said.

"Let's go!" Wang Huaixu said decisively.

"That's right! We are indispensable for such a grand event, right?" Yan Shi agreed.

"Wait a minute!" Xing Zun shouted.

"But why?"

"Do you know the real reason why the chess game has not even started yet, but there is already so much excitement everywhere?" Xing Zun asked.

"The real reason? What is it?" Yan Shi asked curiously.

"Didn't I just say that this is a big gamble! Li Yun promised to broadcast the game information in real time within the spirit world. People from all over the spirit world can bet. Even if they don't go to Rongbao City, they can bet in Xinglong City You can also place bets. Now these people are gathered near Tianji Palace, discussing the situation of each chess player, and arguing about the advantages and disadvantages between the players, just for the purpose of placing bets." Xingzun explained.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked and opened their eyes wide, feeling a little incredible!

"Live broadcast in the spirit world? Is this really possible?!" Luo Li said in shock.

"Is this impossible?!!!" Fairy Youmeng had been in a daze just now, and finally shouted at this time.

"Isn't it possible? Why don't you all go to Tianji Hall and find out." Xingzun said with a smile.


Everyone agreed, and soon followed Xing Zun to the Tianji Hall area of ​​Xinglong City. Of course, they would not appear directly in front of people, but would hide nearby and observe.

"Business is so good!" Ma Yuan exclaimed excitedly.

I saw people coming and going inside and outside Tianji Hall, it was just like a busy city. People were either looking at the light curtain, buying information, or raising money to buy information...

Discussion and debate are necessary. The strength of a player can trigger a big debate, and many people will join in...

"Oh my god, I feel like they are going crazy..." Fairy Youmeng said in surprise.

"That's true! Even my brother Rui is addicted to it..." Ning You saw Ning Rui arguing in the crowd at a glance and said harshly.

This kid is responsible for defending the city, but he has been completely attracted by the chess game and doesn't even reply to his own letter. This is simply a way of messing up things!

From this we can also see why the whole city has no intention of doing anything else and is all paying attention to the chess game.

"Have you seen it? There is a light curtain not far outside the palace. That light curtain does not belong to my Tianji Palace, but was sent by Li Yun. The picture above is the real-time picture from Rong Baocheng. Of course, the specific The detailed information will be received by our Tianji Palace and then resold to people who watch chess or gamble." Xingzun introduced.

"Huh? It's really Rong Baocheng!" Fairy Youmeng's eyes lit up and she said in surprise.

"Yes, isn't this Tianjian Tower? I've been there!" Yan Shi shouted.

"I remembered it when you said it! We even bought things there!" Wang Huaixu echoed.

"It's so lively! Why are there so many people queuing there? There are many people dancing?" Fairy Youmeng said with envy.

Ma Yuan said from the side: "Lord Youzun, those people danced because they heard the drum sound played by Yunzun at Tiande Mountain last time, and they jumped up involuntarily. And those who lined up were to buy Universiade Palace robes, and Order Star Wine.”

"That's it! Have the Universiade Palace and Rong Baotang already cooperated?"


Everyone was stunned when they heard the news! Reflect on myself...

I didn’t expect that Li Yun would do so many things not long after he left Linyu. Thinking about his career, which is all about eating, drinking, having fun, and living a happy life, this time just passed between drinks, and I couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed...

In fact, for these big guys in the world of cultivation, longevity is extremely long. As long as it is not too urgent or important, they can spend it leisurely. There is no need to work hard. For them, something like this that takes several years to have fun. It’s extremely normal…

However, it is said that they don’t know, but they are shocked. After they heard such shocking news today, they felt a little nervous, because Li Yun’s current level has surpassed them. This is a sure thing. , but Li Yun did not spend his days leisurely at all, but was still doing things, and when he did them, he was doing big things, which caused huge waves in their peaceful hearts.

If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be qualified to carry Li Yun's shoes in the future...

When everyone thought of this, their hearts beat faster, their faces turned red, and they felt that the blood in their bodies was about to burn...

Wang Huaixu said loudly: "How can there be a chess match between humans and aliens without people like us on the platform? I suggest everyone go to Rongbao City to see it!"

"That's right! I'll worry about anyone who doesn't want to go!" Yan Shi shouted loudly.

"Who can't say no? This time I must go and cheer for our human race players!" Fairy Youmeng said softly.

"Now, immediately, leave immediately!" Luo Li, who had always been leisurely and indifferent, also shouted fiercely.

"Why are you so anxious? Don't you want to know how Li Yun broadcast the scene of Rong Baocheng here?" Xingzun teased.


"How did he do it? Tell me quickly!" Yan Shi shouted.

"It's really amazing! I never thought something like this could be done!" Luo Li exclaimed.

"Hey, it's a pity that even I don't know how he did it. I'm afraid I have to go to Rongbao City to ask him about this..." Xingzun sighed.

"You're not talking nonsense! It's a waste of time!" Wang Huaixu cursed.

"Haha, it seems that you guys really can't wait, so let's go..."

Everyone flew back into the air, but they flashed into Ji De's Dade ship, locked the direction of Rong Baocheng, and galloped away...

This scene naturally fell under Xiaoxing's surveillance, and he immediately informed Li Yun and said with a smile: "Sir, they are all here. It seems that the standard of the chess game has increased across the board. It's hard to think whether it's popular or not!"

"Aren't you angry enough? Now these people coming here are just the icing on the cake..." Li Yun teased.

"Although they were popular before, there were too few people standing up for the human race. When they competed, they seemed to lack aura. This was also one of their weaknesses. However, now that Xingzun and others are here, these people are all human race With the top powers that can be used, with them, the aura will not be weaker than that of auspicious beasts and auspicious birds, and this weakness will no longer exist." Xiaoxing analyzed.

Li Yun heard the words and praised: "That makes sense! In a competition of this level, any small weakness may be extremely magnified, thus affecting the entire process of the competition! Weaknesses such as aura are not small. Weakness, without the support of the aura, the combat power of the human race will probably be a lot lower!"

"That's right! Now both sides need to minimize their respective weaknesses and seize the other's weaknesses so that they can be used in the game and kill with one blow!" Xiaoxing said.

"It's a pity that the leaders of both sides haven't really realized this yet. I can hardly stand it anymore..." Li Yun sighed.

"Don't worry, adults. As time goes by, they will definitely realize it, and when it comes to the game, or even during the game, this secret fight will definitely reach a climax!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Could it be that you are planning something secretly?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Hey, Xiaonu just spread some information in the Tianji Palace in the city, such as the comparison of the pros and cons of the two sides, who has what strengths and weaknesses. This information quickly attracted the interest of chess players, and slowly The discussion was in full swing. If the leaders of both parties didn’t wake up after seeing such a situation, they would be really stupid..."

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