The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1910: Opening mountains, crossing seas and Tai Qi

"This... thank you for reminding me, Brother Guo! Let's tell a story!" Kaishan urged.

Guo Hai glared at him. It seemed that this boy would not take his reminder to heart. He couldn't help but sigh inwardly. Let a person like Kaishan get into the team that manages the smuggling channel. Sooner or later, bad things will happen!

However, there are only two of us here now, so it doesn’t hurt to relax a little, so I thought about it and said: "Okay, this story, although I saw it in the fairy world, but coincidentally, it happened The location is in the spiritual world!"

"Oh? You mean it happened on this interface?" Kaishan Qi said.

"Yes! I heard this story once when I was drinking in a restaurant. I thought it was quite interesting and I still remember it deeply..."

"Quickly tell the important point!"

"Why are you in a hurry? There is a lot of boring time here, so you can talk slowly..."

"Tell it slowly? I'm worried that if the story is boring, I will fall asleep!" Kaishan teased.

"Haha, don't worry! This story is very exciting, otherwise how could I remember it so clearly?" Guo Hai laughed.

"Really? Come on and tell me..."

"Okay! Here's the story..." Guo Hai talked while drinking peach blossom wine.

When Li Yun and Xiao Xing heard it, they discovered that the story Guo Hai told was actually what Li Yun did last time in the Zen realm. At that time, several slaves made trouble in the Tianxiang Restaurant. Wei Rong threw the Tianxiang wine into the street outside. He also said that Tianxiang wine was horse urine, which resulted in Xiangxiang Fairy's counterattack, saying that he must have drunk horse urine, and encouraged the old customers in the restaurant to support him.

When Wei Rong, Kuang Zheng, Lu Xun and others were extremely passive, Li Yun stepped forward and said that he could prove that the wine in Tianxiang Restaurant was blended with horse urine. In order to prove this, he even led a Wuyun horse to urinate on the spot. Then he took out a bunch of utensils to blend, and finally blended the bucket of horse urine into a mellow and delicious Tianxiang wine!

This incident happened in full view of the public. As a result, Tianxiang Restaurant's business was severely hit and almost collapsed!

This also led to Wen Yuxiang and Jin Chanzi personally solving this problem...

In the end, Li Yun personally posted a video to explain the entire blending process, which smoothed the matter over and saved Tianxiang Restaurant from the fire...

The two of them still have fresh memories when they think about it, but they didn't expect that this matter would spread to the fairy world. It must be that Yuan Yi has been tracking them for a long time. After finding out that this matter is valuable, he added it to his information. Sale.

"Sir, it seems that Yuan Yi is raising pigs like Xing Zun now..." Xiao Xing said with a smile.

"Yuan Yiyi's chess game is bigger than Xingzun! Thousands of years ago, he threw out a lot of crystal stones to raise piglets..." Li Yun said helplessly.

"Yes, this boy Yuan Yi does have a much longer-term vision than Xing Zun!" Xiao Xing said suddenly.

"Look at the current gambling situation. Although the entire spiritual world is betting, Xingzun earns spiritual stones and crystals. While there may be far fewer people participating in the immortal world, Yuan Yi earns spiritual stones and crystals. In comparison, Yuan Yi earns much more!”

"Sir, this is just a small test for Yuan Yi. This kid is really going to be famous in the future!" Xiaoxing said with great envy.

Of course, he would never think that he would almost make countless profits. With just a few moves, the wealth from the Universiade Palace would roll in like the Yangtze River...

Looking at Kaishan and Guohai, one was frothing at the mouth while the other was listening with gusto, completely immersed in this wonderful story, bursting into laughter from time to time...

"What's so funny?" A voice suddenly came!

Kaishan and Guohai were stunned, stood up in shock, and looked deep into the center of the meteorite area. They saw turbulent waves there, covering the meteorite like a water circle, and a figure appeared in front of them!

I saw this man with a rectangular face, bronze complexion, heavy eyebrows, slender eyes, a straight nose, a thin beard under his chin, wearing a short robe and leather boots, he looked very capable!

"Team Tai!" the two shouted in surprise.

"Haha, I smell the aroma of wine and hear your chatter and laughter. It seems like you are living a pretty good life here!" Team Tai laughed.

"No, we are just having fun in the midst of suffering..." Guo Hai said with a smile.

"Having joy in suffering? What kind of suffering can be compared to you drinking and laughing? Tell me quickly, this wine was given by Taoist Tianjiu, right?" Captain Tai said loudly.

"Here!" Kaishan threw out a bottle of peach blossom wine.

Captain Tai opened it casually, took a few sips, and shouted: "Good wine, good wine! I really hope Master Tianjiu will make more trips, so we won't have to worry about running out of wine, haha!"

Kaishan and Guohai looked at each other, but it was hard to tell Tai Qi what happened just now. After all, he was the captain, so you couldn't say that he was drinking horse urine, right?

Guo Hai changed the subject and said: "Captain Tai, what brought you here? We are bored. You are not here to chat with the brothers, are you?"

"That's not true. If business hadn't come to me, how could I have time to come here? No, I came all the way to check out each node, and by the way, I set up the Sky Eye." Tai Qi said.

"clairvoyance?!" Kaishan and Guohai were startled.

"Exactly! This time Brother Chu took a big order from Yingyuan, five pieces of middle-grade immortal stones, and he will use the Sky Eye for a period of time." Tai Qi said.

"Five middle-grade immortal stones?! Oh my God!!!" The two of them screamed.

"Haha, please work harder to guard this place and ensure the normal use of the Sky Eye. You will benefit from it later!" Tai Qi laughed.

"Thank you, Captain Tai!" they both responded in unison.

Guo Hai asked suspiciously: "Yingyuan installed the Sky Eye Telescope? This matter sounds a bit weird. Doesn't Yingyuan run Tongye Casino? How come the Sky Eye Telephone was installed in our smuggling passage?"

"Isn't this kid holding on after he's full? Can you give us some money?" Kaishan echoed from the side.

"Then you are wrong! If you don't have any profit, you can't do it early. Yingyuan is so smart that he won't do stupid things." Tai Qi said.

"Oh? Captain Tai, can you tell us in detail?" Guo Hai said quickly.

Tai Qi threw out a jade slip and said, "This is a piece of news about the recent hot sale of the Xianji Department. You should take a look first."

Guohai took it and sensed it. He couldn't help but move slightly and said in surprise: "Oh my god! Why is this matter related to that Li Yun?!"

"What? Li Yun again?!" Kaishan grabbed the jade slip and read it.

"What is Li Yun again? Are you familiar with Li Yun?" Tai Qi asked curiously.

"Oh Captain Tai, you don't know something. The story we just told here is about Li Yun. I didn't expect that this time he would come up with such a bet, and even let many forces in the immortal world participate in it. Even Yuan Yi Immortal Lord is also involved!" Guo Hai shouted.

"That's it! Tell me quickly." Tai Qi said.

"How come Captain Tai is also interested in Li Yun's affairs?"

"This person can let Yingyuan, Sha Tong, Xinghua Fairy and others cooperate with him. He has the support of Immortal Yuan Yi behind him. You have to pay attention to it no matter what. Maybe he will be our patron in the future..." Tai Qi muttered. .

Guo Hai's eyes lit up and he praised: "What Captain Tai said makes sense! In my opinion, Li Yun is really not a simple person. We should really get to know him better."

Kaishan shouted: "Wow! Gambling?! I must bet on this gambling game!"

"You are so poor that you don't even have a clang, how can you have money to place bets?" Guo Hai teased.

"You don't understand this!" Kaishan said proudly.

"Oh? What don't I understand?"

"When it comes to gambling, you have to listen to me. I was born to gamble. I have lingered in countless gambling halls and tasted all the tastes in the world..."

"Then you can only stay here and drink the high-quality peach blossom wine given by Taoist Tianjiu, but you say it's horse urine, right?" Guo Hai said sarcastically.

"This..." Kaishan and Tai Qi were both startled.

"Okay! You drank my wine, and all you did was ridicule me! Let me tell you, this bet is my chance to turn around. If I win, think about it, there are so many places in the spiritual world and the fairy world. Everyone is placing bets, how much will the total amount be? Huh, I am so small and generous, I will make an unknown amount by then, and I will no longer have to drink horse urine in this desolate place! Look at the rocks!" Kaishan shouted.

Tai Qi listened, his slender eyes widened, and suddenly he felt that the peach blossom wine he had just drank was churning in his stomach, and a surge of anger rushed up. He couldn't hold it in any longer, and vomited it all with a "poof" Out...

"Team Tai?!" Kaishan and Guohai were startled.

" did you give me to drink?" Tai Qi asked with a grimace.

"Peach blossom wine!" Kaishan said quickly.

"Then why do you say it' urine?!!!"

"This...haha, haha, hahahahaha..." Kaishan and Guohai suddenly understood, laughing so hard that they almost couldn't breathe.

Tai Qi took a breath and said coldly: "Have you laughed enough?!"

"Haha... Captain Tai, that wine is indeed high-grade peach blossom wine, no doubt, but..."

"Just what?!"

"It's just... maybe, or maybe, it was mixed with horse urine! Haha, hahaha..." Kaishan laughed so hard that he even forgot that Tai Qi was the captain.

"Who? How dare you be so bold?!" Tai Qi became furious and cursed.

"This person...maybe the Li Yun that Captain Tai mentioned just now!" Guo Hai said from the side.

"What? How is this possible?!" Tai Qi was stunned.

"Oh, Captain, you can rest assured. What you just drank was indeed Tianjiu Taoist's peach blossom wine. As for the horse peeing, it was purely a matter of the Li Yun we just mentioned. Why don't you listen to me carefully? How is it coming?"

"Speak quickly! Otherwise I won't be able to bear it anymore!"

"Okay, here's the thing..."

Guo Hai carefully told the story just now, and finally Tai Qi suddenly realized it and asked anxiously: "Then what happened in the end?"

"Finally, it is said that Li Yun took a video and explained the entire blending process, proving that there was no horse urine in the wine, but that he blended it according to the recipe of Tianxiang wine." Guo Hai said.

"No! There must be something wrong here!" Tai Qi said fiercely, his eyes narrowed into a thin line, shining...


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