The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1915 Tattooed Clothes

? This task is by no means simple, because there are countless Taoist Immortal patterns in Li Yun's body. It is simply an ocean of patterns. If you want to pick out the most suitable, tightest and perfect pattern and place it in the most appropriate position, ordinary people It's very difficult to do.

But Li Yun and Xiao Xing determined every pattern in this ocean of patterns in a very short period of time!

Calculating based on Li Yun's body, the arrangement plan was completed in a short time, so now Li Yun is moving these lines according to this plan.

However, Li Yun also considered a problem, that is, these Taoist immortal patterns are actually still developing and changing. As his Tao power continues to grow, some of the patterns that have not yet reached their extreme development will definitely change. , so they must be given a certain space for development, which will inevitably leave some gaps.

These gaps will definitely cause the light of life to leak out. Although the problem is not too big, it will also make your plan imperfect.

Fortunately, I have found the direction to solve the problem, and the next inspiration is coming one after another!

Li Yun thought that since one layer of patterns couldn't solve the problem, he would add another layer of patterns. If it wasn't enough, he would add another layer. Anyway, he had more Taoist Immortal patterns.

So, after completing the outermost layer of Taoist Immortal Patterns, the second layer was spliced ​​below it, and then the third layer...

Finally, at the tenth level, the material energy lines have completely blocked the light of life in the body, and it will never leak out again!

These ten layers of lines can be called "tattoos" and are located between the skin and muscles. In this way, not only the halo in the body is covered, but even the Taoist lines on the body cannot be seen from the outside!

This can be said to be the most perfect operation. Of course, without Li Yun's computing power and spiritual consciousness, it would be basically impossible to do it.


Li Yun laughed and did somersaults on Lingxian Peak excitedly. His joy was beyond words!

This problem that has been bothering me for a long time has finally been completely solved. It’s not easy...

"Congratulations, sir! This tattooed robe is truly a high-level immortal robe! It doesn't matter if you call it a 'Taoist robe'! There is no other immortal robe that can compare with it!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Indeed, because no immortal robe can really block the light of life, so I have absolutely no objection to saying that it is the highest-level immortal robe." Li Yun laughed.

"grown ups,

The little slave discovered that after the tattoos were formed, they seemed to be slowly integrating into one body. This may be a good thing for adults! "Xiao Xing said.


Li Yun was startled, and quickly sat down and took a closer look, and found that just as Xiaoxing said, the ten layers of patterned clothes were gradually merging, and the lines were attracting each other, and there was actually spiritual energy flowing between the lines, making it look extremely mysterious. !

"Does this seem to be forming another layer of immortal veins?!" Li Yun was a little uneasy.

If the spiritual energy can pass between these lines, then their function is very much like the immortal veins, and they are extremely unique immortal veins, which will definitely have a strong moisturizing effect on your skin and flesh.

He tried to control the spiritual energy and found that there was no problem. The spiritual energy flowed more and more smoothly on the tattoos, making the lines appear more and more crystal clear and beautiful.

Even the gaps originally left between the lines were gradually shrinking. Li Yun suddenly realized that he didn't need to leave space for the tattoo, because once it formed an independent thing, it seemed to become a new one for him. In general, organs will continue to grow. If the lines develop or new lines are produced, they will be gradually integrated into one body during the growth process!

"This is really perfect!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"I really didn't expect such a magical change..." Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, since these material energy patterns have been formed, the life energy patterns should also be the same. It is better to fuse them together. According to Xiaonu, just put them on the lower layer of the tattoo. In this way, the pattern will be invisible to the outside world. , it can comprehensively moisturize all parts of the body internally, and it has a great effect!" Xiaoxing suggested.

Li Yun's eyes lit up and he praised: "It makes sense!"

If the life energy tattoo is formed, it will be like the sun providing energy to the sun clan living in it. It can continuously illuminate all the organs in the body, allowing them to be reflected and nourished by the light of life in all directions. This is more scattered than before. The condition must be much better.

He immediately started calculating and planning with Xiaoxing. It didn't take long for them to be completed, and then they started to move according to the plan...

As Li Yun moved, he was amazed in his heart, because even he himself was shocked by the world of life energy in his body!

Light spots, light spots, light, light and shadow, light groups, light waves...are filled everywhere in the body, vitality is blooming, and the light of life is extremely powerful...

This ocean of light is so dazzling that it's almost impossible to open your eyes. If it weren't for Li Yun's super-powerful spiritual consciousness, even differentiation would be a problem.

One after another, one after another, one after another, one after another, one after another... ten layers... twenty layers... thirty layers...

Li Yun was extremely shocked, but he still controlled it meticulously. After a long time, it was finally over, on the ninety-ninth floor!


This layer of light of life surrounds the body, making the whole body feel warm. It feels as comfortable as bathing in a hot spring. The whole state is really good. Li Yun suspects that even if there are any serious injuries in the body, under this light Under the light of the dizzy situation, it is estimated that he can fully recover in a very short period of time!

It's like he is still sitting in the world of extreme ice, but he can't feel the cold outside at all. After his body was damaged by those extreme ice weapons, he fully recovered almost in an instant, and his cold resistance increased sharply!

Looking inside this life energy tattooed garment, we can see that with the flow of spiritual power, it has gradually merged with the material energy tattooed garment, forming an unprecedented human-shaped aperture, with rivers of light flowing, and light waves Ripple, colorful, crystal clear, and incomparably beautiful!

Yes, because the colors of the light of life are different, the colors of the lines formed by them are also different. Therefore, the colors of this layer of life energy tattoo are really rich, and no matter which color it is, the color of the tattoo will be different. Under the integration, they all look radiant and pleasant...

"Sir, the tattoo is finally done! It's really amazing!" Xiaoxing praised.

"Yes, with it, my absorption of life energy should be accelerated, and the speed of my cultivation to the state of returning to nature will also increase." Li Yun nodded.

"Sir, the tattoo is done, do you want to take on the role of commentator for this chess match?" Xiaoxing asked.

"That's fine! It's finally possible to go out and get some fresh air. Let me do it this time." Li Yun said with a smile.

"It's a pity that there are no high-level female chess players in the palace. Otherwise, she can teach chess with the adults."

"Female chess is true that there is no such talent, but there will definitely be some in the future."

"Then it's time for adults to sing a one-man show..."

"Isn't there you? To explain a chess game well, how is it possible without comprehensive information? So your support behind the scenes is also extremely important." Li Yun said.

"Don't worry, sir! The situation of these chess players is under the control of the little slave. The little slave will communicate with the adults at any time according to the actual combat situation. In addition, our gambling game can also change according to the different situations of each game."

"Oh? How many small bets are there in each game of chess?"

"The top ten competition uses a 249-way large chess board, and each game has ten small gambling games, while the three-level competition uses a 299-way large chess board, and each game has twenty small gambling games. A small bet." Xiaoxing said.

"Wow, that adds up to a total of one hundred and sixty small gambling games. Those gamblers seem to be able to party for a while..."

"Hey, they may be carnival, or they may be sad. In short, they will definitely be happy and sad, a mixture of joy and sorrow, ups and downs. If this kind of gambling is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, it may be more exciting than bungee jumping. If you have a weak heart, People will definitely not be able to bear it..." Xiaoxing teased.

"I wonder what will happen to that male and female pair who like to solve difficult problems?"

"Sir, are you talking about Mo'er and Fusi?"

"Exactly! From what Yuan Yi said, they seem to like solving difficult problems the most. This hobby is very similar to ours. It would be great if we could know what problems they have solved." Li Yun said with interest.

"This is not difficult. Now Yuan Yi has contacted us through the clairvoyance!" Xiaoxing said.

"So fast?"

"I contacted you during the process of integrating tattoos, but it has actually been three days!"

"What? Three days?!" Li Yun was stunned.

He knew that the three days Xiaoxing mentioned were the three days in the outside world, and that Lingxian Peak would pass for three hundred years!

Unexpectedly, it would take three hundred years to integrate this tattoo!

"Sir, it took three hundred years to not only integrate the inner and outer tattoos into one body, but also to hone the ice energy body in the extreme ice world. It is still a good deal." Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! Wen Yi's level is definitely not low. It's equivalent to refining a chaos-level treasure!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Chaos level? It's true. Wenyi can be called a Taoist robe and has reached the ultimate state of an immortal robe. There is absolutely no problem if it is a chaos level. Moreover, it can be seen that it has taken shape by itself, and its role is getting bigger and bigger. It will grow in the future. I'm afraid space is also unlimited, which is almost the same as Tianyun." Xiaoxing analyzed.

The value of a treasure is largely related to its growth space. The greater the growth space, the higher the level and the greater the value.

It was precisely because Li Yun recognized the characteristics of tattoos that he identified them as a chaos-level treasure. Although many Chaos Babies appeared with the emergence of this universe, it does not mean that they cannot be refined. As long as it can meet the standards of Chaos Babies, it can naturally be called such...

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