The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1937 Time Rules

? For players on both sides, this clock is like a big mountain, which can sometimes make you breathless.

Sometimes, it is more like a life-threatening ghost, making people feel that their life is about to be taken away by it!

Those who are accustomed to the old rules and have just used the clock to play chess will be very uncomfortable. Therefore, if they are not trained, they may not be able to exert 50% of their 100% chess ability.

The leaders of the two clans have long discovered this problem, so during this period they have been stepping up their training of chess players to adapt to the rules as quickly as possible. They know that whoever adapts well first is likely to perform better in the game.

It can be said that in this competition, the time limit is the most crucial change!

All contestants must pass this time limit. If they are not able to adapt, they will have to be eliminated by their own team first.

In the past, there was no time limit for people to play chess. Everyone's mentality seemed quite leisurely and they could calmly display their own chess skills. Sometimes they could even use this to wear down their opponents' patience.

But now that there are time rules, the game between the two sides is more like a face-to-face battle!

Because on this chessboard, you not only have the opponent on the opposite side, but also the opponent of the clock. In fact, it is not only the opponent, but also a referee, so the pressure will become even greater.

To adapt to the rules of time, everyone must start with their own chess path to make it run faster. This requires the comprehensive coordination of eyesight, hand strength, brain power, and Dao power. The moves are like making moves. Whether they can be fatal with one blow, Or make a stupid move, all in these ten breaths, it's really stressful...

Now, Xi Jiangyue and Chang Ping are under multiple pressures, squeezing their potential and starting to risk their lives...

However, since the chess game has just begun, both sides will certainly not use their Taoist power too early, lest they end up with insufficient Taoist power later and fall short of their efforts, which would be more than worth the gain!

This idea of ​​​​playing chess is almost established in the lower world, the spiritual world, or the fairy world. Both parties will only mobilize Tao power to make moves when they have no choice, and this often means that the one who uses Tao power first will most likely lose in the end. !

But in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, there is something wrong with this idea of ​​​​playing chess!

Because for a game of chess, there are fewer chess pieces in the front, and the efficiency is high. The range that one chess piece can affect can be infinite. But when it comes to the back, the board is full of chess pieces, and the efficiency of the chess pieces at this time will become smaller. The scope is getting smaller and smaller...

Therefore, from Li Yun and Xiaoxing’s point of view,

In this kind of time-limited competition, every player must go all out from the beginning, and there is no room for hiding half of their strength.

Only by seizing the best points with the fastest speed and efficiency can we establish a huge advantage in the front. At this time, it is too late for the opponent to use power to restore the decline, because at this time, the efficiency of each chess piece is Continuously declining…

Of course, this kind of strategy and tactics also varies from person to person and cannot be generalized. If a chess player's Taoist cultivation is really poor, then no matter which strategy and tactics he adopts, there will be only one final outcome, and that is a disastrous defeat.

But for a real master, even if the efficiency of the chess pieces on the board is declining, the coverage of his chess pieces may still reach a considerable range. As long as the opponent's chess pieces are not alive, they may be affected by his moves. Impact.

And if a master fights with each other, how can the opponent survive easily?

Therefore, it is indeed common to use force to regain the disadvantage in the second half of the game. However, there is still a question here, that is, does the player who regains the disadvantage in the front really be at a disadvantage?

Sometimes this is often a misjudgment by the opponent, who thinks that he is at an advantage, so he plays extremely conservatively in the second half of the game, thinking of maintaining the advantage in the front, but in the end, he is eroded little by little by the opponent.

It can be seen that the real way of chess is to be like Li Yun and Xiaoxing, who can clearly calculate everything on the entire board, clearly, every move can affect the overall situation, and the efficiency value reaches the highest level. No matter how the opponent moves around, they can't escape from the palm of their hand. In such a chess game, the entire chess game can be concluded in just a few dozen to hundreds of moves, causing the opponent to completely collapse!

Li Yun has now appeared in the chess lecture hall space. On the information light curtains everywhere, people can see the huge chessboard on one side of the light curtain, and on the other side of the light curtain, there is the chessboard that Li Yun is responsible for explaining. .

Betting has already started, and the gamblers' eyes lit up when they saw Li Yun appear!

I saw him wearing a purple chess robe, with a chess board, chess pieces, chess pots, chess paintings, chess records and other light and shadow changes on it. The meaning of chess is about to be revealed...

With a faint smile on his face, he began to explain the chess game between Xi Jiangyue and Chang Ping...

"Hello everyone! I will be responsible for explaining now. If you have any questions, you can ask them at any time. This game is the first game of this competition. You should all be able to see that both sides were extremely nervous after entering the venue, but after Everything improved with the relief of background music..."

"Yunzun, what is the background music?" someone asked.

"Background music…"

Li Yun was slightly startled, and with a wave of his hand, a faint sound of piano appeared in the space of the chess lecture hall. Everyone present immediately experienced the magic of background music. They soon calmed down and listened attentively to the lecture...

"Since the competition has just started, let's take a moment to talk about the rules of this competition..." Li Yun spoke eloquently.

This new regulation has been discussed many times by people, and Shanhai Qixuan has also publicized and popularized it many times. Many people think they already understand it very well.

However, under Li Yun's explanation, people discovered that their understanding was still not deep enough. Many questions were asked during the process, which were all answered by Li Yun, allowing everyone to have a better understanding of the new rules adopted in this chess match. , corrected many misunderstandings, which will of course be of great help to their subsequent appreciation and betting!

The impact of the new rules is very large, and whether they can adapt to the new rules as soon as possible is also the most important item in the preparation of both sides of the game. Therefore, some people have asked why such new rules should be used.

Li Yun did not answer directly, but instead played a lot of light curtains. What was shown above were some famous chess games that took place in the history of the spiritual world. In these chess games, people saw one of the two opponents sleeping. The other party is thinking hard, or one party is extremely anxious, while the other party is sitting leisurely...

The surrounding spectators were also passing the time boredly with one of the teams. In some games, even the spectators had disappeared, and the stands were empty...

Li Yun smiled and said: "I wonder if you are also interested in watching such a game?"

"No!" Almost everyone responded in unison.

"Therefore, only by making reforms in time can we attract spectators to the arena again. At the same time, such changes can also promote the growth of chess players' ability!" Li Yun said.

"Really?!" Everyone was stunned.

"Yes! Our Shanhai Chess Club has done relevant research, and there is a lot of data to support this point of view! After adapting to this new rule, many people have greatly improved their chess skills than before!" Li Yun said decisively.


There was an uproar everywhere!

People did not expect that just the implementation of a new rule would bring such a big change to the development of chess. Based on this alone, the achievements of Shanhai Qixuan, Universiade Palace and Li Yun are inestimable!

It can be said that the Universiade Palace is like a butterfly, blowing a new wind for chess in all walks of life. Under its fanning, this new wind has blown through all walks of life and turned into a huge wave, which will bring great benefits to all walks of chess. Bring about a profound reform!

Li Yun continued: "So, if everyone wants to develop in chess, adapting to the new rules as soon as possible should be a shortcut."

"Thank you, Mr. Yun! However, what I want to know is, how did you come up with this new rule?" One person stood up and asked.

Li Yun took a look and found that it was Zen Yan from Zen Ji Palace, the grandson of Jin Chanzi, so he smiled and said: " was naturally gradually formed during the internal development process of our Shanhai Qixuan. If you have to find out what it is, There is probably no proof of who he is, or how he came up with the idea.”

Naturally, he would not attribute this credit to himself, so he pushed it to Shanhai Qixuan.

"I see. The person who can think of this is really a genius. I wonder if it's you yourself, Yun Zun?" Zen Yan asked relentlessly.

"Of course not! We have a lot of chess geniuses in Shanhai Qixuan. We often play together and some ideas often collide. It is not surprising that such a new rule appears." Li Yun immediately categorically denied.

"This..." Zen Yan couldn't answer the question, so he had to give up.

"Haha, Mr. Yun, we have finished explaining the new rules. These two people have already made almost a hundred moves. Why don't you tell us about the current situation?" A laughter came, but it was in the noble small space. Fairy Wenhui.

"Respect is worse than obedience! The betting on the first betting market has ended now, which is the position of one hundred hands for each side. I am afraid that there will not be many people betting on this position, because based on the level of this game and the strength of both sides, Look, it’s a bit difficult to decide the winner from this position. As for the current board..."

"How is the board? Can we decide the outcome in two thousand hands?" Fairy Wenhui asked impatiently.

"Fairy, don't worry! Since this chess match involves a huge gambling game, my explanation is only about the chess moves and does not predict the outcome. If you have any questions about the chess moves in the game, you can ask them and I will definitely help you. Explain in detail! Of course, if everyone can better predict and judge the development of the chess game from my explanation, it will be an unexpected gain..." Li Yun explained with a smile.

"Haha, haha, okay, okay, okay..."

There were bursts of applause in the chess lecture hall, because what Li Yun said was the main purpose of them coming to the chess lecture hall to listen to the lecture. It is always better to have an expert to guide them than to make random guesses on their own...


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