The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1952 The Law of 10,000 Heavens

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Upon hearing this, Xiaoxing said anxiously: "Sir, you only need to control the flash of light in your eyes to prevent them from guessing!"

"Okay, I know you don't like them and don't want them to make too much money. However, if you want to control them, you can't control them all at once. You still have to take your time..." Li Yun teased.

"Hehe, as long as they are completely under control in the Three Honors Competition, they won't be able to do this trick!" Xiaoxing said with a proud smile.

"Hey, I'm doubting whether this kind of control is effective? Because even I didn't notice this myself. The aura in my eyes seems to move with my own mood. It should be as Fu Si said, if I really feel that move If you do it well, your mood will become active, and a light will automatically appear in your eyes, which even I can't control..." Li Yun said.

"This... Your Majesty's eyes are super sharp. There are actually more auras in the eyes, and they are easy to detect. And Fusi has Yunsi eyes, and she keeps staring at the adults in a daze. It is normal for her to be discovered. However, Your Majesty You can squint your eyes or turn your head, so that she can't observe it!" Xiaoxing suggested.

"Okay, let me try..."

The game is still going on, and Shuyue becomes more and more courageous under the stimulation of the Taoist meaning of "The Missing Moon and Hanging Tung", and is constantly recovering the situation, which makes Tiemu have to activate his own Taoist "Vajra Torch Eye" !


There was an uproar at the scene. Shu Yue could force Tie Mu to use his Taoist will, which can be said to be enough to be proud of!

I saw a layer of golden color on Tiemou's face, just like the King Kong in Zen Taoism, with unparalleled power.

And his eyes were even more astonishing. They actually contained two flames, burning like a torch. The fire reflected from his eyes and illuminated the surrounding night sky, just like tearing a gap in the night. It was shocking!

As soon as the piece fell, it was like a ray of fire thrown into the chessboard, immediately illuminating the maze formed by the sparse moon, making it clear to all!

"Oh my god..." the spectators exclaimed!

This is the first time such a level of power has appeared in a chess match, and it brings people infinite shock!

Although the chessboard formation has its own protection for both sides of the game, and will not let the opponent's power cause harm to itself, Shuyue felt great pressure under the iron-eyed firepower, and beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. Next, I was sweating profusely, my whole body was wet, and I was completely confused...

Dozens of tricks too many,

Shuyue's chess position was obviously not good enough, and the chess he played was a bit unbearable to watch, and he was probably going to lose soon.

Such a chess position has almost no explanation value. Li Yun simply explained to everyone the uniqueness of the Taoist meaning of the Iron-Eyed Diamond Torch Eye, which immediately focused everyone's attention on himself...

This is the charm of explanation. If a game is not exciting, but the explanation is exciting, people will be interested in the game and still remember it.

On the contrary, if a game is very exciting, but the explanation is weak, unoriginal, and hasty, people will definitely not have a good impression of the game.

A good commentator can make a boring game interesting and unforgettable. Now Li Yun has done this!

As people expected, the game ended quickly with Shuyue's defeat, and the top ten competition also came to an end. The human race won a big victory with 7 to 3!

This result is quite different from people's speculation before the game started, especially people in the spirit world. Many people did not expect that the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds would lose. Even if there were some who guessed that the human race would win, they did not dare to guess that there would be such a big victory. , but reality slapped them hard in the face.

Here, only Li Yun and Xiaoxing know the best about the changing process of the pros and cons of both sides. In fact, if the auspicious animal and auspicious bird do not make dangerous moves as Che Yin said, then the two sides will definitely fight to the death, and they will not agree with each other. Up or down, it is very likely to be evenly divided in the end.

However, Che Yin was influenced by Li Yun's chess records and mistakenly believed that the human race's chess power had reached a peak state. As a result, he made a desperate decision and wanted to win by surprise. In the end, he abandoned his martial arts and let the human race take an advantage!

When things developed to this point, Li Yun could only lament the fickleness of the world.

It is really unbelievable to say that my chess records from more than 20 years ago can affect this competition, but it happened.

However, the following three-god match is completely different from the top ten match. Both sides will fight with all three of them!

The auspicious beasts and auspicious birds will definitely try their best to defend their dignity and chess skills.

As a challenger, the human race will also launch a strong challenge to the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds with the victory of the top ten matches.

The war has not yet begun, but everyone can smell the strong smell of gunpowder smoke. They are all in high spirits and are eagerly looking forward to the official start of the Three Honors Competition!

Originally, according to the schedule, the three games of the Three Honors Tournament were played one after another. However, after the top ten matches, both sides felt that this had a shortcoming, that is, if one side had already won two games, the third game would be becomes meaningless.

Just like in the top ten competition, the human race took the lead in winning six games, so in the subsequent games, the players only fought for their own reputation, and the results had no impact on the overall situation.

Therefore, in order to increase the excitement of the game, the two sides decided to start three confrontations at the same time. In this way, both sides will give their best in every game to fight for the honor of their own race!

Of course Li Yun strongly agrees with this!

Because, if the game is exciting one after another, and the victory and defeat are equal, it will naturally make the game better. But if one side wins the first two games, the last one will be useless, for sure. It will affect the quality of the entire event.

Now three stations are launched at the same time, which can instantly ignite the enthusiasm of players and people to watch the game, reaching the climax of this event. No matter what the ending is, the excitement of this competition can be remembered by people!

As for whether this decision will affect the gambling, Li Yuntai is not concerned about it, because he feels that the excitement of the event is the most important, this is fundamental, and the gambling is only dependent on the event.

Yuan Yi was a little shocked when he learned of this decision, and quickly discussed with Li Yun whether to stick to the previous schedule, because people from the nearby Immortal Domain are now pouring in, and many people are still on the way. If the three stations start fighting at the same time, the schedule will definitely change. Shortening, this will definitely affect the overall betting amount, and the gambling house will definitely suffer losses as a result.

Li Yun thought for a while and said: "In that case, let's postpone the Three-Honor Competition so that they can be better prepared and hold it again when everyone is almost here!"

"What should we do in the meantime? We can't let everyone get cold, right?" Yuan Yi said.

"Of course not! We need to make good use of it, such as reviewing the betting for the visitors, providing information, performances, and other activities. The gambling house can also recheck the system, calculate the bets and cash them out, and make all preparations for the Three Honors Tournament. …”

"Well, we are experienced in these things and we won't be left indifferent!" Yuan Yi said.

"Don't worry! The three stations fighting at the same time will definitely stimulate the gambling game. It will be better than a single game. Maybe it can even set a record!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"I hope so!"

The two parties quickly implemented the agreed plan...

Sure enough, as soon as the decision to start the three-station confrontation at the same time was announced, everyone immediately received strong support!

This kind of confrontation is unprecedented, and the battle situation must be unprecedentedly tragic. It will take three or ten years to wait for such a game, let alone only two months?

People can take advantage of this period of time to relax, have fun, shop, collect more information and study, and be fully prepared for the gambling game of the Three Honors Competition...

For many people, they have come from afar and do not want to return so soon. It is rare to have this time to adjust, so they all agree very much.

In this way, great business opportunities have emerged in places where many people gather. The needs of so many people are diverse, bringing huge consumer demand to the local area and making controllers everywhere smile from ear to ear. …

"Sir, we are really running out of goods, we must make them quickly!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"Okay! Just take advantage of this period to make and sell at the same time!" Li Yun said, and flashed into Lingxian Peak.

"That's right!" Xiaoxing laughed.

There are many huge workshop spaces in the Universiade Palace. Here, the slaves are mainly making Universiade Palace robes, boots and accessories, almost day and night.

Since these products are purely handmade, there is no way to mass-produce them and they can only be slowly processed into finished products, which is why they are so expensive.

After careful training by Xiaoxing, the slaves in these workshops have become superb craftsmen, and every product produced by them is a high-quality product, which is amazing!

Moreover, they all have a strong craftsman spirit and work hard when making. If they cannot pass one process, they will never let it flow into the next process.

In the view of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, the so-called craftsman spirit is first based on one's love for this work. If someone is not interested in this, it is impossible to become a true craftsman!

On the basis of having spontaneous love, they will devote themselves wholeheartedly to the execution of tasks, and they will continue to study, do tasks better and better, and gain higher and higher Taoist intentions and power from them!

In other words, the craftsmen in these workshops are all Taoists!

This fact proves that as long as a person can devote himself wholeheartedly to one thing, try his best to do it well day after day, and persevere, it is not difficult to become a Taoist.


This is the "Ten Thousand Heavens Law". So far, in the Universiade Palace, this law has been completely proved by the slaves...

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