The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1967 The incomprehensible Li Yun

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Although Kaishan really wanted to use this opportunity to seek benefits for himself, the objective conditions were indeed not good, and he couldn't leave his post without permission and directly go back to the fairy world to make purchases. That really didn't make sense.

Guo Hai and Tai Qi looked at the hundred sparkling top-grade immortal stones, their eyes widened and their whole bodies trembled slightly...

"An Shuai, how about I go to the fairy world to buy some food and wine?" Tai Qi hesitated.

Only he can go back here, because he is only here to inspect, while Kaishan and Guohai are specifically responsible for guarding this place.

"Okay! How long will it take?" An Yi asked.

" takes about three months to go back and forth..."

"What?! Why is it so slow? Isn't there a teleportation array?" An Yi asked curiously.

"Shuai An doesn't know. This is a secretly opened channel. The transmission distance of the teleportation array is short and the number is small. You still need to fly a long distance on the road... In short, the conditions are incomparable with the formal channel." Tai Qi. explained.

"It's too long! Where can I wait?!" Abiaxe shouted.

His alcohol addiction had just started, and it was indeed unbearable.

"Lord Abi, this is already the fastest..."

"Forget it, we won't be here in three months..." An Yi advised Ah Bi.

Suddenly I felt the small light screen flicker. I looked over quickly and found that it said: "Put the money on the designated meteorite in the outer circle. Food and drinks will be delivered to you soon! Xiaoxing."

It also shows the exact location of a meteorite.

"Are the food and drinks from the spiritual world worth so much money?" An Yi snorted.

"No matter how much money you spend, there will be corresponding food and drinks for you! As for whether it is worth it, you will know after eating and drinking it! Xiaoxing."

"How long will it take to deliver?"

"Three days!"

"Here... open the mountain, put these 100 high-grade immortal stones on that meteorite, and see what food and drinks he can give us." An Yi gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes! Fairy Handsome!"

The horse that opened the mountain was holding the immortal stone with a bang on its back.

Soon he came to the outer meteorite, which was a slightly larger meteorite. He placed the fairy stone in a position and guarded it beside it.

He was very curious, who would bring food and wine, and was he going to catch him?

However, he quickly gave up this idea, because in his opinion, this little star would dare to despise even the immortal commander. His abilities should be extremely strong and his origins should be extraordinary. I am afraid that he cannot afford to offend him. If he takes action rashly, It's okay if you succeed, but if you fail, both sides will be unhappy.

In fact, except for him, the consciousness of the other five people is locked here. As long as someone appears, it is impossible for An Yi or Abi Ax to take action, because this is a good opportunity to get Xiaoxing's information. For An Yi, if he doesn't find out who this little star is, he will simply have trouble sleeping and eating...

You must know that although he is with the young Immortal Emperor and Abiaxe, and the three of them are extremely powerful, they are still extremely weak compared to the power controlled by the fake Immortal Emperor, and cannot shake him at all, so the safety issue is still The main factor he considers now.

But now the whereabouts of the three people have been leaked. In addition to Xiaoxing, even Tai Qi and the other three people now know that they are the Great Immortal Commander An Yi. This problem still needs to be solved...

An Yi immediately discussed with the young Immortal Emperor through his spiritual consciousness, and the focus was to solve Xiaoxing's problem first.

"Sir, what should we do now? This little star should be nearby, but the little slave can't find where he is!" An Yi said.

"Well, I didn't find it either! This person is not simple, but he must be closely related to Shanhai Qixuan." The young Immortal Emperor thought.

"According to the information they received from Kaishan, the owner of Shanhai Qixuan is actually Li Yun who is giving a chess lecture!" An Yi said.

"Li Yun? Why does this name feel so familiar to me? It seems that I heard it recently... By the way, last time in the wilderness world, Chi Yan mentioned that the person who saved him was a human named Li Yun. He is about forty-five years old, and his appearance is similar to mine!" The young Immortal Emperor is indeed the Immortal Emperor's true form, and he has a very good memory, so he quickly remembered this matter.

"Yes!" An Yi suddenly realized.

The young Immortal Emperor looked at Li Yun in the light curtain and said solemnly: "This person's conditions are almost exactly the same as what Chi Yan said. It seems that he is the one!"

"So, maybe Xiaoxing is Li Yun's man?" An Yi guessed.

"It's very possible! Since Li Yun can get Chi Yan's approval, he should be a powerful person. If Xiao Xing can find out that we are probably related to him, in addition, Chi Yan may also reveal some of our situation to them..."

"Sir, didn't Chi Yan promise not to leak the secret last time?"

"If Chi Yan has already joined Li Yun's sect, then for Li Yun to get the news, Chi Yan doesn't need to take the initiative to say it..."

"This... Judging from Chi Yan's guarantee, he will not be detrimental to us. It seems that we can rest assured!" An Yi said with some relief.

"Well, that's true. But the three Tai Qi people here..." The young Immortal Emperor pondered.

"Sir, why not..." An Yi said, making a beheading gesture.

"No! And it's not necessary. We can completely subdue them for my use." The young Immortal Emperor said.

"What you say makes sense!" An Yi said quickly.

"Eh? Aren't those Wen Hui and Wen Qing?" An Yi suddenly saw these two people on the screen.

"They don't stay in the immortal world, but they actually went to Rongbaocheng to listen to Li Yun's chess lecture... Could it be that Li Yun is famous now?" the young immortal emperor asked curiously.

"It seems to be true. Sir, everyone in the audience was listening attentively. Moreover, Xiaonu found that Li Yun has a very profound light of merit!" An Yi agreed.

"Yes, I have discovered it a long time ago! Li Yun must have used some method to cover the Dao light on his body. This move is a bit suspicious!" said the young Immortal Emperor.

"Blocking the Daoguang? Isn't it? Why did he do this?" An Yi asked curiously.

"You have listened to him talk about chess for so long. What do you think of his chess skills?"

"This... is certainly much better than Xiaonu!" An Yi said.

"Not only is he stronger than you, he is also much stronger than me!" the young Immortal Emperor said in astonishment.

"What?! How is this possible?!" An Yi said in shock.

In his eyes, the young Immortal Emperor's chess skills must be very powerful. The only ones who can be better than him are probably the great chess masters in the immortal world...

"I can't believe it, but it's true! Since he has such power, there must be a halo of light on his body, but from the picture, there is no trace at all. This must be the reason why he is covered up..."

"Cover it up?! Yes, that's a good idea!!!" An Yi suddenly became energetic and said excitedly.

"What did you think of?" the young Immortal Emperor asked curiously.

"Sir, we still need to act covertly, but the halo of the Dao light on our bodies is too strong. This is no different from an open action. Wouldn't it be much better if we could cover the Dao light like Li Yun did?!" An Yi said.

"Well, that's right! But how can Li Yun be willing to tell us the method?"

"Buy with him! Doesn't that little star love money very much?" An Yi said harshly.

"You can try it!" The young Immortal Emperor agreed.

"Sir, how could Li Yun, a human who is about forty-five years old, have such high chess power? In addition, the fact that he was able to save Chi Yan last time shows that his medical power is also extremely high! He can also find a way to cover it up Daoguang, could it be because Daoguang is too strong? In addition, he has such a strong light of merit, has he done anything of great merit... This person is really becoming more and more incomprehensible..." An Yi thought.

The young Immortal Emperor was stunned for a moment and sighed: "Just because he can save Chi Yan and transform him perfectly is proof of everything! It seems that we need to go to Rong Baocheng Shanhai Qixuan!"

"What do you want to do, sir? Are you going to conquer him?" An Yi was startled and asked quickly.

"Conquer him? Don't even think about it! Li Yun can conquer Chi Yan, but I can't even conquer Ah Bi Axe, so how can I conquer Li Yun? I just want to have a chat with him..." the young Immortal Emperor laughed at himself.

"Sir, you will be able to conquer Abiaxe sooner or later!" An Yi encouraged.

"Let's talk about it. In my opinion, Abiaxe is very interested in Li Yun now..." the young Immortal Emperor sighed.

Hearing this, An Yi quickly looked at Ah Biaxe beside him, and sure enough, he found that he was staring at Li Yun intently, with an expression on his face that looked like a smile but not a smile.

"Brother Abi, why are you looking at Li Yun like this?" An Yi asked.

"Why do you care about this?" Abiaxe snorted.

"I'm just curious. You've never looked at anyone like this along the way..."

"Okay, let me tell you, because I found that he has the aura of chaos..."

"Aura of Chaos?! Oh my god, how is that possible?! Besides, can you see this aura?" An Yi shouted.

"You can't, but of course I can tell."

"Really?!" the young Immortal Emperor said in astonishment.

"You can't be wrong! He must have just started practicing, but he is extremely solid. For his age, he can be regarded as a genius!" Abiaxu praised.

"Extreme genius?! Is he even more genius than you?!" An Yi said in shock.

"Compared to me? I didn't know what he was doing at his age..." Abiaxu said with a blush on his face.

An Yi and the young Immortal Emperor looked at each other, and the shock in their hearts was simply unspeakable!

Previously, the two of them said that Li Yun was becoming more and more difficult to understand, but now there was another addition, and it was still an unimaginable power of chaos!

In the fairy world, there are very few people who know the power of chaos, but Li Yun has already cultivated it successfully in the spirit world, so how can anyone survive?

From this point of view, it is not too much to praise Li Yun as a genius just now, but it is very appropriate!

How could a small human being be so talented?

Even the Young Immortal Emperor and Immortal Commander An Yi felt trembling...

"Brother Abi, can humans also practice chaos skills?" An Yi couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not sure about this. It's logically impossible, because it's impossible for the human bloodline to be able to withstand the power of chaos. Even if Li Yun's current level of chaos power is placed on a human venerable The body will suffocate it to death..."

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