The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1972: After fighting with the dragon for too long, did you become a dragon yourself?

"What you said makes sense! Xiaonu was a little arrogant just now!" Xiaoxing said sincerely.

"Well, yes, when we are not strong enough to have control, we cannot talk about crushing. Of course, fighting is sometimes necessary. If we really fight, we must defeat the opponent at all costs, but to create The more important thing about combat effectiveness is that we have deterrence, so that we can make our opponents surrender without fighting. Only on this basis can we implement strategies that are feasible. You must know that all conspiracies and tricks will appear so illusory and pale in the face of strong strength..." Li Yun continued.

"Sir, when our Xingyun No. 3 and Soul Army are all built, our strength will reach this level. By then, whoever we want to be the Immortal Emperor can be made the Immortal Emperor!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Even so, it is not convenient for us to directly intervene in the affairs of the Immortal Court. Our goal is to go beyond this mysterious world and deal with powerful races such as the Sun Clan and the Black Hole Clan, and even transcend this universe and go to other universes. "Invitation to You, then why bother to interfere with the fighting and changes in this small world? As long as they don't fight too much and the damage to life is not so serious, then we don't have to intervene. After all, this world belongs to them..." Li Yun said .

"Your Majesty, what you said is great! What we are pursuing is the great road, not the petty ways like them..." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"The great road also develops from the small road, otherwise it will be a tree without roots, water without a source, and duckweed floating by the water... Therefore, we must also keep an eye on it. If they make too much trouble, then they will be regarded as immortals." Even if the emperor doesn't come to invite us, we must take the initiative to intervene..."

"Yes! Xiaonu will definitely monitor it carefully..." Xiaoxing said excitedly.

Li Yun's otherworldly mentality is naturally due to the different angles and heights he stands on. The young Immortal Emperor sees the Immortal Court and the Immortal World, while Li Yun sees the entire universe. The distance between them is more than a hundred and eighty thousand. inside?

Maybe there will be confusion in the young immortal emperor's heart. Is Li Yun too arrogant? Could Li Yun not want to help? Could Li Yun be afraid of death? Could Li Yun have an agenda? Could Li Yun be...

But Li Yun's mentality is difficult to understand from the perspective and height of the young immortal emperor. There is no way, the level is different.

Li Yun thought for a while and continued: "It's good that we keep monitoring, but we must avoid one problem!"

"What's the problem?!" Xiaoxing asked urgently.

"We can observe from the sidelines or help indirectly, but we must not directly intervene to help, so as not to sink ourselves too deeply, which may make us addicted to the temptations of the fairy world and unable to extricate ourselves!" Li Yun thought.

"My Lord's words are similar to a hero slaying an evil dragon." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? But what's the explanation?"

"Heroes who fight with dragons for too long will become dragons themselves; if we stare into the abyss for too long, the abyss will stare back."

"This sentence means..."

"The story is like this. In a seaside village, the villagers used to live a good life. But at some point, an evil dragon came to an island on the sea not far from the village. It often caused chaos and disasters, making the people miserable. , Seeing that life was almost unbearable, the village chief went to negotiate with the evil dragon on behalf of the villagers..."

"What's the result?"

"The evil dragon said, you must bring me a lot of food every month and a young and beautiful virgin, so that I will not cause trouble again."

"Is that so?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Yes, and the village chief was forced to agree for the sake of the prosperity of the whole village."


"Just like that, the evil dragon enjoyed the food and women sent by the villagers and stopped causing trouble. The villagers' life finally got a little better, but..."

"but what?"

"Adults can also imagine that this food is just enough, but it is difficult to get a young and beautiful virgin every month. Even if there is, it is difficult for people in the village to base their happiness on these poor girls with peace of mind. women, and the families who provided these women were hit even harder.

After the people of this village persisted for a year, they finally couldn't bear it anymore. At this time, they were lucky enough to find a hero who was always brave enough to do justice. After hearing about this, he promised the villagers to get rid of the evil dragon for them! "Xiao Xing said.

"Did he do it?"

"It's still very difficult! This evil dragon is no ordinary evil dragon. It's not only powerful, but also insidious and cunning. However, after a period of careful observation and research on evil dragons, this hero even pretended to be a deliveryman to go to the evil dragon cave. After close observation, he finally found the dragon's weakness. After a battle of wits and courage, and ten days and ten nights of bloody battle, he finally killed the dragon!"


"Since this incident took place on an island, of course the villagers did not see the battle scene, so they did not know whether the evil dragon had been eliminated, and they were all waiting uneasily..."

"and after?"

"What they are waiting for is not the news that the evil dragon has been killed, but the evil dragon telling them that the hero has been destroyed by him. If they want to avoid causing trouble, the villagers must continue to offer delicious food and beautiful women every half month. , if they don’t hand it over, what awaits them is the result of destroying the village!”

"This..." Li Yun was startled.

Xiaoxing continued: "In addition to mourning for the hero, the villagers had no choice but to continue to offer delicious food and young and beautiful virgins to the evil dragon every half month. This made it even more difficult for them, because the evil dragon's original request was It was delivered once a month, but now it is delivered once every half month! After persisting for another year, the villagers finally became unsustainable and no one could bear it anymore. At this time, a brave person proposed that we You can poison the food, let the woman carry weapons, and kill the evil dragon while it is enjoying it!"

"They should have done this long ago!" Li Yun said.

"The villagers were mainly frightened by the evil dragon. Moreover, the evil dragon never saw the villagers again after fighting the hero. When the villagers sent delicacies and virgins to the evil dragon cave, they always stayed far away. He put it down and left without seeing the evil dragon at all. This incident also aroused the suspicion of the brave man, thinking that there might be something wrong..."

"Okay! This person is really rare... What happened next?"

"The villagers were in a situation of life and death, so they agreed with the man's opinion, put poison in the food, and asked the virgin to hide weapons and send them to the entrance of the evil dragon's cave. As a result..."

"What's the result?!"

"As expected, the evil dragon was poisoned and died, but the virgin was killed by him before he died. However, when the villagers rushed into the cave to check, they found that there was no evil dragon in the cave, but the brave man who acted for justice. hero!"

"This... will indeed be far beyond their expectations..." Li Yun sighed.

"Yes, no one thought that the evil dragon was dead, but the hero who killed him turned into a new evil dragon, and his behavior was even more cruel than the original evil dragon..."

"Heroes and dragons, truth and falsehood, maybe there is only a thin line between them..." Li Yun thought.

"Yes. The reason why the evil dragon becomes an evil dragon is because his behavior has broken through the traditional moral bottom line, principles of justice, and the laws of heaven that govern the world. These will make his actions more unscrupulous and more vicious. . If a hero wants to defeat the evil dragon, he must often use vicious methods similar to those of the evil dragon. Over time, even if the hero wins, he will, to a certain extent, become the evil dragon he originally hated most!" Xiaoxing said.

"It's very possible... when we understand the dark side of a thing too well, understand its inner motivations, understand its behavior patterns, and understand the convenience it brings, it will be difficult not to be assimilated by it. In the same way, when we go too far If you are immersed in some bad emotion or experience, it is extremely difficult to get rid of its negative entanglement..." Li Yun thought.

"So, if you fight a powerful enemy for a long time, you will definitely pay too much attention and understanding to the opponent, and you will become a person like the opponent; when we look at the abyss of evil, the abyss of evil is also like a mirror. It touches our hearts. Human nature is complex. There is no pure good or pure evil. In many cases, good and evil convert or coexist with each other." Xiaoxing continued.

"Yes, your analysis has a very strong dialectical idea. In fact, the two opposing parties are interdependent, interpenetrating and interpenetrating. Under certain conditions, each can transform into the other. Just like if someone neglects you, you will Respond with indifference. If someone looks down on you, you will despise him. If someone attacks you maliciously, your arrogance will become even more arrogant. People you hate can easily turn you into someone you hate. That way. So, we need the courage to face the darkness and the courage to stare into the abyss of evil, but we must always stay awake and should not fall into it..." Li Yun agreed.

"Therefore, as your Excellency just said, we can understand, monitor and help the people of the Immortal Emperor from the sidelines, but it is best not to directly intervene, lest we ourselves get deeper and deeper into this quagmire. After all, we are not here in the first place. People, our world should be in a higher space!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, the restoration of the Immortal Emperor is of great importance. It will definitely involve countless forces, relationships, financial resources, material resources, and lives... In this process, both parties will use all possible means. For the young Immortal Emperor, the one who invaded him The person on the throne is the evil dragon. He is the hero. He will lead a group of people to fight bravely and regain what originally belongs to him. However, after that, he will inevitably become a new evil dragon because he He is just that kind of person..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Hehe, and the whole process of the fight between them is also an evil dragon for us. If we pay attention, monitor and intervene too much, we will get deeper and deeper accordingly. In the end, adults may also overthrow the Young Immortal Emperor. I will take the throne and become the Immortal Emperor by myself. When the time comes..."

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