The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1981 Fan Zijue

Li Yun's guess is very reasonable. As the prince, King Shou must be very scheming, and he can never do things without rules. And the previous incident of Fairy Mengxia seducing Wei Jiang definitely doesn't sound like the prince. The government’s proper style of doing things.

The Immortal Emperor's housework is not as simple as it seems on the surface. As long as you think about it a little deeper, you will find that there are many unknown things hidden in it...

"Sir, if our guess is correct, then isn't Fairy Mengxia not as willful and unruly as she seems on the surface?" Xiaoxing thought.

"This... is also possible. Her character seems to have been developed in the luxurious environment of the Prince's Mansion. She is pampered and pampered. Her servants are worse than a pet dog in her eyes. This kind of behavior is incompatible with her personality. The settings are almost exactly the same, but..."

"But what?"

"We knew before that the competition among the Immortal Emperor's descendants is very fierce. Every once in a while, there will be a collision competition between them. Whether they can stand out is not only related to themselves, but also to what they represent behind them. The power status and future development of the direct line or the collateral line. Therefore, as a member of the Immortal Emperor's descendants, Fairy Mengxia cannot be an exception. Beauty does not mean anything. On the contrary, the competition is about everyone's comprehensive strength. Therefore, how could Prince Shou, as the crown prince, coddle Fairy Mengxia into what she is now?" Li Yun analyzed.

"Is this an illusion that she deliberately showed? If this is true, then her scheming is not simple..." Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"Well, it should be said that part of it is an illusion, and part of it comes from her nature, such as her attitude towards servants. It is a very casual thing and cannot be faked..." Li Yun said.

"It seems that the Immortal Emperor's household affairs just mentioned by the adults are really complicated. If we pay too much attention, will we be affected and get deeply involved as we said before?"

"Since we know this possibility, of course we will take precautions in advance!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, that's right! Sir, I'm afraid the winner will be decided in the third set!" Xiaoxing reminded.

Li Jun looked at it and agreed: "Yes, Yu Ni is still weak. After resisting for so long, she finally gave up!"

But seeing that everyone in the hall was listening intoxicated, without realizing that the end of this game was coming soon, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, how should we explain such a chess game?

Did you predict it for them first? What about this kind of gambling?

Fortunately, I had already made it clear before that I was only analyzing chess moves.

He did not predict the chess situation. In addition, there were still two previous games. Therefore, he simply turned to the first game and said: "Just now Che Zun provoked a catastrophe in this corner. This can be said that since the beginning of this chess match, First serious collision.”

"Jie Zheng?!" Everyone was shocked and screamed.

Wen Qing quickly asked: "Master Yun, there was no catastrophe in the previous chess games, but this game finally appeared. Does it mean that the two sides are of similar level and are starting to fight hand-to-hand?"

"It is not uncommon to have calamity battles in chess. Even if the level is not similar, calamity battles will often occur. However, calamity battles are a battlefield where both sides show their strength, calculation power, and overall perspective. No one will give up easily." Li Yun said.

"I wonder who Yun Zun thinks will win and who loses in this tribulation? And what impact will it have?" Fairy Wenhui interjected.

"Well, the battle for robbery depends on whether both sides are willing to fight for it. In this process, both sides need to fully mobilize their overall view, vision and calculation power, especially the calculation power. Both sides must calculate clearly how much robbery material they have. , how many does the other party have? If it is beneficial to you, then you must fight for it with all your strength, otherwise it is better to give up as soon as possible. As for this robbery, it was Che Zun who first provoked it, so maybe he felt that the disaster on the board was The material is good for him..." Li Yun said vaguely.

"What about Yun Zun? Who is it beneficial to?" Fairy Wenhui said softly while "guiding".

Li Yun smiled slightly and said: "Everyone should know this calamity material after watching it for so long. Judging from the current situation, the two sides are almost the same. It just depends on who can make better use of it."

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he said loudly: "Look, Ouyang Zun just provoked another calamity here! In other words, there are two calamities on the board now!"


"That's true!"

"These two people actually fought to such an extent?!"

"Incredible! This is a fight-to-death rhythm!!!"


The fierce game between Che Yin and Ouyang Jue not only shocked people in the spiritual world, but even people in the immortal world were stunned!

It is rare to see such a fierce confrontation in chess. Now it happens in the spiritual world where people think that chess skills are backward. This makes people in the fairy world feel a little ashamed...

Wei Jiang was extremely excited when he saw this scene. From his perspective, he also had a strong interest in this duel, which showed that this game of chess had reached a very high level and was worthy of his special talk!

"Two calamities! Everyone, if it were up to you, would you provoke another calamity before one calamity ended? And in a chess game of this level?" Wei Jiang asked loudly.

Gu Yingying and others looked at each other, their faces turned red, they were mumbling, and they were speechless.

Suddenly, in a corner of the main viewing area, a Xuanpao Immortal said: "Brother Wei, the level of this game of chess is indeed very high, especially the fact that two tribulations are fought at the same time, which shows that the fighting spirit and courage of these two people are top-notch. The best choice!"

"Brother Fan?" Wei Jiang's eyes lit up when he saw it.

This person is a great chess master in the immortal world, named Fan Zijue. He has not seen Wei Jiang for many years. Unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared in the main viewing area, which gave Wei Jiang an extra surprise!

"Haha, Brother Wei, are you okay?" Fan Zijue said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"I wouldn't have come here if I was sick." Wei Jiang snorted.

"I really didn't expect Brother Wei to be here to teach chess. It seems I've come to the right place!" Fan Zijue said.

"Come up quickly! How about telling everyone what you think?" Wei Jiang immediately invited.

"It is better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

Fan Zijue quickly came to the stage, causing everyone present to cheer!

His reputation is also famous in the immortal world. Although his status is not as high as that of Wei Jiang, he is almost at the same level. People did not expect that such a character would appear here. It is really a blessing...

Fan Zijue's name sounds quite elegant, but in fact he looks very heroic and majestic. A pair of beards around his cheeks makes him look very powerful. His black robe slightly hides his powerful figure, but people learn from his hands. You can feel his explosiveness in the exposed muscles and tendons.

"Fan Zun! Fan Zun!! Fan Zun!!!" There were enthusiastic shouts on the field, and the aura became much stronger in an instant!

Gu Yingying, Yuzhu Fairy and others all stood up and shouted together, their faces full of excitement...

Fan Zijue waved his hand and laughed and said: "Brother Wei is here, please stop praising me! Since Brother Wei wants me to offer advice, I will say a few words!"

"Everyone is welcome!" Wei Jiang immediately encouraged.

"Fan Zun! Fan Zun!! Fan Zun!!!" People started shouting again, which made Fan Zijue feel a little embarrassed. It seemed that he would feel bad if he didn't speak better.

He took a deep breath, pointed at the chessboard and said: "If I were to play this game, it would be the most suitable one! Because as a person, I like fighting the most! Of course, this battle is on Wen Ping. The battle on.”

"Which side does the Pan-Brotherhood support?" Wei Jiang asked.

"Haha, both of them are good. I really can't say which one I will support now! However, in my opinion, I will be more inclined to Ouyang Jue's side, because it was he who provoked the second robbery. , this requires great courage." Fan Zijue said.

"Oh? Brother Fan is saying that Ouyang Jue was right to provoke this dispute?"

"No, it's not yet clear whether it is correct or not. I only praise him from the perspective of courage. However, although his courage is commendable, this choice is not necessarily correct, because..."

"Because of what?"

"If he cannot resolve the first calamity dispute, then the provocation of the second calamity dispute will plunge the board into greater chaos, which will have a negative impact on both sides' calculation power, moral power, vision, overall view, etc. Greater pressure, as a result, as long as one party cannot keep up, it may collapse..." Fan Zijue analyzed.

"This...Brother Fan is right! You must be careful in handling the robbery, otherwise you will put yourself in an extremely disadvantageous situation..." Wei Jiang agreed.

"Yes. Now Ouyang Jue has provoked the second robbery, which seems to be courageous, but it also shows that he does not have good means to deal with the problem of the first robbery. This makes me have to question his thinking. I doubt..." Fan Zijue sighed.

"So...Brother Fan is optimistic about Che Yin?"

"Haha, brother Wei, please don't dig holes for me. No matter who is optimistic about this kind of game, they may make mistakes. Let's just wait and see what they do..."

"Okay, let's listen to what Li Yun said!" Wei Jiang found out that Li Yun was about to start a lecture and said quickly.

Everyone also looked over quickly and saw Li Yun saying: "Someone just asked why Ouyang Zun provoked a second calamity dispute but ignored the first one. This seems to be a big problem. In my opinion , when this happens, we still cannot simply look at these two disputes based on the facts."

Wei Jiang nodded secretly after hearing this, feeling that Li Yun was different when he spoke. He looked at the problem from a deeper perspective and depth than others.

Fan Zijue had just arrived and had not experienced the embarrassment that Gu Yingying and others had when they came to the stage to explain, so he happily went on stage to explain after being invited by Wei Jiang. However, only now did he realize that there was something on the light screen. There was this young human being explaining. I was a little curious at first, but then I felt a little bad after hearing it...

( = )

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