The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1984 Serial robberies

In terms of age, Che Yin is much older than Ouyang Jue. Therefore, in comparison, he is more cunning and cunning than Ouyang Jue. If not, he would not have self-defeating and dangerous actions, which ultimately led to The auspicious beasts and auspicious birds suffered a disastrous defeat in the top ten games.

It was his turn to play. Although he was lagging behind due to his bad mentality, he suddenly realized it and immediately racked his brains to think of ways to save the situation!

This is indeed not easy. You must know that when masters compete, the outcome is only a thin line between victory and defeat. According to his backward situation, if Ouyang Jue had been alert earlier, the outcome might have been doomed.

However, Che Yin was unhurried and acted confidently. He also provoked the robber fight first, making Ouyang Jue think that his robber talents were inferior to his.

In this way, Ouyang Jue did not dare to act rashly, but also provoked a fight to test the opponent's reaction. It turned out that Che Yin was still calm and the offensive was still fierce. Now Ouyang Jue had to fight with him everywhere. Fight…

However, it is already the middle and late games, and the division of territory between the two sides has basically been determined. With Ouyang Jue's calculation power, he can calculate that he is ahead!

Especially after Che Yin played more than ten slow moves in a row, he already felt that he was sure of winning, and his heart was slightly excited. Even his moves were extremely crisp and clean, which made people feel full of confidence!

Just like that, another gambling game passed. Most people were optimistic that Ouyang Jue could win. Even Wei Jiang, the main spectator of the Immortal Realm, basically thought so...

"Haha, it seems that Ouyang Jue has not disappointed me. Now it seems that his situation is clearly ahead of Che Yin!" Fan Zijue laughed.

"Brother Fan, what you said makes sense! Che Yin had slowed down the game for more than a dozen times before, perhaps because of his lack of strength. Ouyang Jue took the opportunity to plunder the ground, which laid the foundation for his victory among the subsequent officials. "Wei Jiang agreed.

When the people below heard the conversation between the two, they were basically convinced that Ouyang Jue would defeat Che Yin, and they all began to place bets on Ouyang Jue.

Because this game has reached the last gambling game at this time, it is not possible not to place a bet. However, based on the judgment of these two great chess masters in the immortal world, people can be said to bet happily and wait to reap the rewards...

Soon the deadline for the bet came, and the light screen flickered, and Li Yun appeared. He said with a smile: "Hello everyone! All the bets in the first set have been placed, so I don't have anything." No worries, I can have a good chat with you about some of my opinions..."

But I saw Nian Lun in the noble small space and couldn't wait to shout: "Yun Zun, there is nothing to talk about in this game, right?"

"Oh? But why?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Haha, look at what Yun Zun has just said. The situation in this game is extremely clear. Ouyang Jue will definitely win!" Nian Lun laughed.

He has placed a heavy bet on Ouyang Jue. If he cannot win, it will be simply intolerable!

"Ouyang Jue is already significantly ahead in terms of number of items!"

"Well, although I support Che Zun, I still have to place my bet on Ouyang Zun..."

"That's right, our auspicious beasts and auspicious birds are really defeated this time..."

"I didn't expect Che Zun to fail sometimes. Maybe he was under too much pressure..."

"That's right!"

People in the chess lecture hall were talking a lot, and almost unanimously believed that Ouyang Jue would win!

They even shifted their attention to the second set. It seemed that the set was about to reach the end of the game, but the situation was a bit stalemate. It was difficult to calculate the gains and losses of both sides. Therefore, some people had asked Li Yun to ignore the first set, and Explain the second set.

Li Yun waved his hand and said leisurely: "Everyone, please pay attention! The first game has not settled. For a game of this level, the game is not over yet, and any result may occur!"

His voice immediately overwhelmed everyone, causing the chess lecture hall to become silent.

"Yun Zun, will this situation ever change?" Nian Lun said in surprise.

"I wonder what the senior thinks the current situation of this game is?" Li Yun asked rhetorically.

"This...Ouyang Jue's number of eyes is significantly ahead. I believe that the official is also capable and should be able to seal the victory!" Nian Lun gritted his teeth.

If the result was not what he said, then he might lose all the money he had won before. How could this not make him feel a little bad?

Wen Qing next to him was even more so. He also planned to return the hundred yuan of high-grade immortal stones he owed Li Yun in advance, so after he was sure that Ouyang Jue would win, he invested all his bets on him. At this time, he heard that Hearing Li Yun's words, he felt something bad and quickly interrupted: "Che Yin's Taoism is not strong enough. He keeps using slow moves. It would be strange if he doesn't lose!"

"Yes, if he doesn't lose, it's really unreasonable!" Nian Lun echoed loudly.

The two of them talked so excitedly that they didn't even care about the expressions of the people of the auspicious beasts and auspicious bird races in the chess hall. These people felt really sad when they heard that the Che Zun they respected was reduced to nothing by these two immortals. It was extremely uncomfortable. If it weren't for the fact that the other party was an immortal and couldn't be offended, I'm afraid someone would have stood up and spoken out at this time, and this person was most likely Wuwen Zang, because he could not bear it anymore and was about to stand up!

"Senior, please be patient!" A voice rang in Wuyuzang's ear, it was Li Yun.

Wuwu Zang was stunned for a moment, then slowly sat down...

Li Yun said: "Both seniors seem to have voted for Ouyang Zun. I wonder how many people in the venue also did the same?"

"I am!"

"Me too!"

"We are all!"

"I'm not! I voted for Che Zun!" Wuwunzang stood up and yelled fiercely.

"Yes! I also voted for Che Zun!!" someone echoed.

"Exactly! Che Zun will win! Che Zun will win! Che Zun will win!!!"

There was a cry of excitement in the venue. It seemed that these people were from the auspicious beast and auspicious bird race. Of course, there were also some who remained silent. Although they also belonged to the auspicious beast and auspicious bird, they voted for Ouyang Jue. …

But the shouts also made people of other races feel the solidarity of the people of the auspicious beast and auspicious bird race, and they couldn't help but feel heartbroken, because these people knew that Che Yin would lose, but they were still willing to invest in him. This kind of The behavior of supporting your idol at all costs is indeed admirable!

Li Yun waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down and said, "Actually, I'm curious. There are clearly three options in this bet. Why do everyone only choose one side to win, while ignoring the draw in the middle?"

"A draw?!" Everyone was stunned and felt bad!

If there really is a draw, almost everyone will fall for this bet! ! !

"Oh my god! How is this possible?!" Nian Lun shouted.

"That's right! It's almost impossible for a draw in a chess competition to happen, so we won't just encounter it, right?" Wen Qing shouted in disbelief.

Wuwu Zang was also stunned. This situation was completely unimaginable to him. He couldn't help but wonder: "Did Yun Zun judge that this game is a draw?"

Li Yun said: "I am not making a conclusion, but reminding everyone that there is a draw option in the gambling game. But..."

"But what?!" Wuwunzang asked urgently.

"It's not incomprehensible if there's a draw in this game!" Li Yun said in shock.

In fact, since he communicated with Xiaoxing, the development trend of this game has allowed him to conclude this point, but he cannot be too confident, because after all, the players are Che Yin and Ouyang Jue, and a draw is also possible. It requires two people to cooperate with each other inadvertently. If one party discovers a problem midway and sabotages it, then there will be no draw.

This side mainly refers to Ouyang Jue. If he had discovered Che Yin's intention to seek peace in advance, then the draw would have been impossible.

However, at this point, Li Yun discovered that Che Yin had actually taken the initiative to provoke the third robbery. If he found that it was impossible to recover the ground on other battlefields to make up for the backward situation, he would inevitably Stir it up to realize your own original layout!

"I wonder how Master Yun thinks Master Che should achieve a draw now?" Wuwunzang asked in shock.

Everyone stared at Li Yun in shock, as if they wanted to see a flower on his face...

"Okay, let's take a Zun's move!" Li Yun suddenly lit up his eyes and said loudly.

"This move?!" Everyone was stunned, wondering what Li Yun was referring to?

"Okay! Now I can finally conclude that this game of chess will be a draw!" Li Yun breathed a sigh of relief and judged.

"What?! Is it really...a draw?!" Wuwunzang said in surprise.

Although he will lose the bet because of this, it doesn't matter to him. The key is that Che Yin did not lose, and there is still hope for the auspicious beast and auspicious bird!

"Really! Because Che Zun has been planning this third calamity battle. Why did he slow down the chess with more than ten moves in a row? The purpose was precisely to form a calamity battle here. In this way, in this game of chess, Three calamities occurred at the same time, which is called serial calamity in chess. In other words, neither player can completely kill the other. This game can go on forever, so it can only be calculated as a draw! And Ouyang Although Zun gained a numerical advantage in the previous battle, it doesn’t mean much anymore!” Li Yun explained.

"Oh my God! It's really like this!!!" Wuwu Zang finally understood and shouted excitedly.

Everyone in the chess lecture hall was stunned! Silence!

When the Lord of the Immortal Realm watched the scene, everyone was also stunned after hearing Li Yun's explanation! Wei Jiang and Fan Zijue's faces turned red and they were speechless...

Because after they saw Che Yinyi's move, they immediately understood what Li Yun said!

There are three calamities on the board at the same time. This is a typical serial calamity. The two sides ended in a draw. This result is really incredible for everyone!

It can be said that the two of them were already a little confused, and they were extremely speechless about the weirdness of this fairy communication chess game...

( = )

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