The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1992 Yuan Yi’s long-term vision

Mo Er picked up the letter and looked at it carefully, and found that there were indeed three chess records on it, and each chess record only had nine ways. This can be said to be the smallest chess board in the chess world. Many people start learning chess at this stage.

He tried to study it, and after a while he found that just as Yuan Yi said, he couldn't understand it at all. With his chess skills, he could only remember the first move, but not the rest. It’s so scary!

Because almost everyone can remember where the first move landed, but starting from both sides, they will follow the heavenly rules of chess. If you can't understand these changes, they will gradually disappear from your memory...

"Is this really Li Yun's chess record?" Mo Er asked in shock.

"Didn't you see the signature below? The Universiade Palace is the power established by Li Yun. Shanhai Qixuan belongs to the Universiade Palace."

"Universiade Palace? How many people are there?"

"It is said that there are more than two million people."

"What?!" Mo'er screamed.

This kind of scale can be classified as a medium-sized force in the fairy world, but in the spiritual world, it is definitely a super-large-scale force. Of course he knows this.

"Okay, I've answered everything you want to ask. Now how about you sit down and have a cup of tea?" Yuan Yi said with a smile.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!" The two looked at each other and thanked each other.

Now that Yuan Yi is going to have surgery, the two of them have no choice but to endure it. Who said they owe someone so much money?

The back cave is actually the back garden of Yuanyi, where the sunshine is soft and the green shade is undulating along the terrain. There are lakes and mountains, pavilions and pavilions, scattered and scattered, unique and exquisite. There are also flowers in bloom, green grass and gentle breeze. , bringing a fresh aroma of nature, making people intoxicated...

The three of them sat down in a small pavilion, and the boy in the cave brought fairy tea and fairy fruit snacks. Just the smell of it made people salivate...

After Mo Er and Fu Si crawled through that extremely terrifying underground passage and smelled the alluring fragrance, they immediately lost their composure and secretly swallowed their saliva. But with Yuan Yi here, the two of them couldn't help it. Dare to reach out and taste it.

The two of them are extremely tender juniors in front of Yuan Yi. Although their temperaments are a little cynical and they appear to be fearless, that is just an appearance. They are still well aware of the horrors of the fairy world. In Yuan Yi's hands, with Yuan Yi's cultivation level, it is easy to torture them in any way they want, so at this time, they have a lot of things going on in their hearts.

It's a mess, and the little heart is dancing constantly...

"Haha, come on, come on, come and try the specialties of our Xianji Cave..." Yuan Yi greeted enthusiastically.

Mo'er and Fusi didn't move or speak, they just stood there frozen.

"What? Are you worried that I have poisoned these foods? Haha, if I want to cure you, do you still need to do this?" Yuan Yi teased.

He first picked up a piece of snack and ate it deliciously...

Although Mo'er and Fusi were afraid, they finally couldn't resist the temptation and started eating too. Once they started eating, they couldn't stop. Fortunately, Yuan Yi's tube was full and the children kept serving it...

The two of them ate for a while and finally realized something was wrong. They stopped eating awkwardly, wiped their mouths, and smiled silly...

Of course, this was just an expression they put on, but secretly they were thinking, guessing Yuan Yi's intentions. Logically speaking, they owed him so much money, and the two of them were in big trouble. They didn't expect Yuan Yi to treat them... What’s the reason for serving delicious food and drinks?

"Could it be...this is the last meal? A decapitation meal?!" When the two of them thought about this, they both broke out in a cold sweat!

Yuan Yi suddenly saw beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads, and wondered: "It's not hot here, why are you still sweating profusely?"

"We..." The two of them shuddered, sweating more and faster.

"Are you afraid of me? Why are you afraid of me?" Yuan Yi came to his senses and asked in surprise.

"Immortal Lord... we... will definitely repay... that debt! Please... let us go!" Mo'er knelt on the ground with a plop and kept begging for mercy...

The same goes for Fusi, pleading: "Immortal Lord, we will definitely pay back! Even if we work like cows and horses, we will definitely pay back the money! Just let us go!"

Yuan Yi suddenly realized that it seemed that these two people were really afraid that he would be disadvantageous to them, and thought that he was here to see them off. He couldn't help stroking his forehead and sighing.

I was kind enough to invite him to eat and drink, but they interpreted it as a deprivation meal. It was really unfair!

"Get up!" Yuan Yi sighed.

The two of them stood up in a hurry, shaking like a perpetual motion machine, and extremely well-behaved...

Yuan Yi stroked his beard and said with a smile: "I sincerely invite you to eat and drink, but you are so afraid that you are so afraid. You really have wronged me!"

"This..." Mo'er and Fusi looked at each other, a little stunned.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll get straight to the point so that you won't be upset! Haha!" Yuan Yi said with a smile.

"Immortal Lord, please speak!"

"Well, according to the rules of the casino, you owe me a huge debt, a total of 190,000 high-grade immortal stones. I guess you will not be able to repay this huge debt now and for a long time in the future, right?" Yuan Yi said.

"This... Immortal Lord, we are now impoverished, and it is true that we cannot return it soon... but we will definitely try to return it as soon as possible..." Mo Er muttered.

"Return it as soon as possible? Just by you? I don't have any hope! Therefore, I want to provide you with a chance to repay this huge debt!"

"Opportunity? I wonder what opportunity the Immortal Lord is talking about?!" Fu Si's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Cultivation of fairy grass and elixir for my fairy cave."

"Cultivation of herbal medicine?!" The two of them were startled.

"Yes! You are from the Bengang clan in the Aogu world. This is a race that is extremely proficient in cultivating herbal medicine. I believe you are quite accomplished in this area. However, I am lacking talents in this area. I wonder if you are willing to ?" Yuan Yi asked.

"It's no problem to cultivate herbal medicine, we...are willing! It's just..."

"Just what?!"

"How long will it take?" Moore asked.

"Of course, the longer the better! Don't worry, if the value of the medicinal herbs you provide is higher than the gambling debt, you can stay or go as you please, and I won't stop you." Yuan Yi said.

"Really?!" the two shouted in surprise.

"Of course! And I will be responsible for all the initial expenses, including opening up fairy fields, creating formations, herbal seeds, related manpower, etc. You just need to cultivate them carefully."

"That's great! Thank you Immortal Lord for helping me!" Fusi thanked her heartily.

"We will definitely do our best to cultivate the fairy grass and medicine!" Mo'er promised, patting his fat chest.

"Haha, okay! I like to hear this. You are not afraid of me now, are you?" Yuan Yi said with a smile.

"Of course not!" Whistle smiled, the charm came naturally...

"After I take you to see the situation in Xianji Cave, you can start!"

"Yes! Immortal Lord!!!"

The two quickly followed Yuan Yi to inspect the area of ​​Xianji Cave...

Yuan Yi was very proud and used this huge debt to snare these two masters from the Bengang clan in the Aogu world and let them cultivate the most important fairy grass and elixir for him. This debt was definitely worth it.

In the future, when Li Yun comes to the fairy world, these immortal grasses and elixirs will play an important role. If they are converted into life-extending elixirs, their value will be doubled!

"To do things, you have to have a long-term vision like me..." Yuan Yi thought happily...

In this chess game that shocked the Dongchen Immortal Domain, many masters in the restaurant failed. They all owed Yuan Yi a huge debt, and Yuan Yi's solution was to use this huge debt to sign an agreement. Letting these masters work for him has made Xianjidong's strength greatly expand in a short period of time. Many things that he originally wanted to do but couldn't do have been done by others. This is the benefit of being rich and powerful.

Yuan Yi felt that his power was soaring, and all this was brought about by this chess match!

Even Yuan Yi himself had no idea that he would suddenly turn around by taking advantage of this bet in the Fairy Connected Chess Game!

Not only did he earn back all the fairy stones and crystals he gave to Li Yun last time, but he also had a lot of surplus, and even became a big creditor, forcing many masters to work for him, thus creating more wealth!

Also making a fortune with him are various gambling houses, chess clubs and other forces. They now worship Yuan Yi to the extreme and are determined to continue to make a fortune with the boss Yuan Yi Xianzun...

Countless forces in the entire Dongchen Immortal Territory have benefited from this, and Yuan Yi's status and reputation have risen to a new level, making Xianji Cave known to almost everyone in the Dongchen Immortal Territory!

In the final analysis, these wealth and these changes are all related to Yuan Yi's layout tens of thousands of years ago. If it weren't for his long-term layout at that time, it would not be possible to finally discover Li Yun, and it would be impossible to hold this chess game and gambling game. Therefore, in Yuan Yi's view, one must have a long-term vision like him, plan early, and wait patiently. If one only focuses on immediate interests, it is impossible to take a long-term view and catch big fish...

Of course Yuan Yi's idea is correct, because opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. If you do not prepare in advance, you will not be able to seize the opportunity even if it comes.

However, this issue is still worth discussing. Some people will say that even if they are prepared, they still fail to seize the opportunity when it comes. This phenomenon is also common. However, in the final analysis, it is still insufficient preparation or insufficient preparation. The direction is wrong, or the opportunity is too big, and it is impossible to seize it based on your comprehensive conditions. In this case, no matter how well prepared you are, you will still be disappointed.

In addition, there is also a certain amount of luck here. If you prepare early in the morning and prepare very well, but the opportunity never appears, or even does not appear until your life is over, then you can only do nothing.

Just like Yuan Yi's plan, whether he wanted to find the Chaos Palace or cultivate an alchemy genius like Master Dan Kuang, it was all a bit vague. No matter how well-prepared he was, if he hadn't met Li Yun, everything would have been almost impossible. Empty talk…

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