The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1997 Blended Spirit Tea (1)

Xiaoxing said with envy: "Sir, this should be a real thoroughbred horse! It should also be among the top horses among Pegasus!"

"Are you sure it's a Pegasus?!" Li Yun said suspiciously.

"Such a divine horse must be a Pegasus. There is no such horse in the spiritual world!" Xiaoxing said with certainty.

"Okay... this horse should really be a Pegasus. I think the two of them will suddenly appear in Rongbao City. It may be related to the Pegasus..." Li Yun pondered.

"Sir, are you saying... they came directly to the city from the sky?!" Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Only in this way can we explain that they can easily avoid the tracking of the underground network... When they come from the sky, they must be as fast as lightning, so that even the underground network has no time to react." Li Yun thought.

Xiaoxing paused for a moment and said, "Sir, you are right! Xiaonu checked the information not long ago and finally found the clue!"

"How about it?"

"Two faint red lights flashed from the sky! But they were ignored by the slave..."

"How long ago?"

"Shortly after the start of the Three Honors Competition!"

"What? They've been here for so long?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Yes! It seems now that they were attracted by the vortex of Tao power in the entire spiritual world formed by the Expedition Dance performance led by the three gods before the competition! Because at that time, the little slave discovered that there were countless rays from outside the sky. His consciousness scanned the entire vast area from Rongbao City to Bishui Lake, and there should be two of them among them!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Several words? So, could there be someone else?!" Li Yun was shocked.

"Of course this is a possibility! But people who discover the whirlpool of Dao power may not necessarily come because the distance may be far or close, and the curiosity may be light or heavy. Maybe these two people were not far from the spirit world at the time, and they were very curious. , so I ran over here..."

"Your speculation makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

"Hehe, the two of them have been hiding in Rongbao City during this period. They must have watched the Three Lords Competition and collected a lot of information. Otherwise, they would not have been able to see the jade slips of your Excellency's information and also find out that your Majesty used horse urine last time. The matter of blending Tianxiang wine!" Xiaoxing said decisively.

"So, they must have understood many things in the spiritual world, including this chess match. If they don't show up,

Or they just left, then we haven't discovered them yet, but now that they appear, they seem to be coming towards us..." Li Yun thought.

Thinking of this, Li Yun felt a sense of awe in his heart. The great masters and powers in this world seemed to be everywhere, and some might appear at any time. Although he seemed to have reached a certain height now, he still could not take it lightly. , otherwise it is possible that extreme joy will lead to sorrow...

But I heard Xiaoxing say: "Actually, this is not surprising, because after they pay attention to the chess game, they will find that the adult is in the role of explaining the chess game, and they will definitely be interested in the adult's situation. In this way, their The target will naturally be fixed on adults..."

"What is their purpose?" Li Yun asked.

"Judging from Brother Yang's current actions, he seems to be really interested in blending horse urine with spiritual tea. Could it be that he wants to compete with the adults? For example, if the adults use horse urine to blend Tianxiang wine, he will use horse urine to blend the spirit tea. Wang Yiling tea mixed with urine?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It's okay if that's the case... He doesn't look aggressive, but more like he's having fun... Then let's play with him..." Li Yun thought.

"It depends on whether he can really do it... However, under Xiaonu's supervision, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to succeed..." Xiaoxing teased.


Li Yun and Xiao !

Brother Yang caressed the maroon horse's face, feeling quite pleased with it, and said loudly: "You guys should be careful, let's start blending the spirit tea now!"

At this time, Wang Yi had cleared a large open space here under Li Yun's instruction. Brother Yang, like a magician, took out many tools from his body and quickly set up a small blending workshop in the open space.

When Li Yun saw it, he smiled inwardly. As he expected, Brother Yang really wanted to imitate his own way of blending spirit tea. These utensils and blending styles were almost exactly the same as those he took out in Tianxiang Restaurant at that time. It was really It's hard for Brother Yang. He must have carefully studied the entire process of his own blending and refined a complete set of tools. From this alone, it can be seen that he is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

You must know that this set of blending tools and processes were actually extracted by Li Yun and Xiao Xing from the practices of the previous universe. It may seem simple, but there is a lot of knowledge in it. It is impossible to succeed without carefully studying the principles. !

Li Yun and Xiaoxing are absolutely sure of this!

"Sir, this kid wants to follow the same example. I'm afraid he thinks our blending is too simple, right?" Xiaoxing teased.

"That's right! Although the tools he refined seem to be exactly the same as ours, I took a quick look and found that there are at least dozens of problems with them!" Li Yun secretly laughed.

"Sir, I can see more problems! There are more than a hundred flaws in the pipe joints alone. Although they are extremely small, they will definitely affect the distillation effect, and the final blending effect will definitely be greatly compromised! "Xiao Xing sarcastically said.

"This is just a hardware problem, and his splicing and blending processes seem to be somewhat inconsistent. It depends on how he handles it..."

"Sir, as well as the materials he brought out, a considerable part of them are the materials we use to blend Tianxiang wine. These materials are not ingredients of Wang Yiling tea. Let's see how he blends it..."

"Well, if it's prepared well, it's not impossible..."

While Li Yun and Xiao Xing were discussing, they stared closely at how Brother Yang was going to mix things up, when they saw him patting the jujube horse on the head and saying, "Xiao Zao, pee into the big bucket in the middle."

Upon hearing this, the bay-red horse seemed reluctant. He shook his head vigorously and kicked his hooves...

"Giggle, Xiao Zao is so face-conscious, how is it possible for you to let him pee in public?" Zhu Mei said with a smile.

"Isn't this reasonable? What does peeing have to do with face?" Brother Yang said loudly.

But no matter how much he urged, the bay red horse just refused, which made Brother Yang quite impatient.

Since the whole process of blending is to be broadcast live, it is necessary to urinate in public. People in Tianji Palace have been alerted by the movement here and have prepared to record the whole process here. If this key link is missing, then it means that Brother Yang is really Blending spiritual tea will also lack the convincing power it deserves.

But this bay-red horse obviously respects his identity. With his extremely noble Pegasus race, how could he possibly do such a thing as peeing in public?

In fact, let alone him, even the dark cloud horse in the past was very reluctant. He also waited for a while before finally peeing successfully...

Brother Yang didn't expect that he had planned this scene carefully, but something went wrong in the first step. He was really losing face!

"Xiao Zao, just think of me as begging you, hurry up!!!" Brother Yang urged in a slower tone.

The bay-red horse shook its head firmly and wagged its tail, obviously not wanting to cooperate.

Li Yun couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Senior, I have a suggestion."

"Oh? Please speak!" Brother Yang perked up and said quickly.

"Urine is in the horse's body. You only need to weigh the horse's current weight. After it urinates, weigh the horse and the urine. If the combined weight of the two is not much different from the horse's current weight, we can agree that it is This horse peed in public." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That makes sense!"

"That's right! Let's do it like this."

"We believe that Xiongtai will not cheat."

"Yes, otherwise how long will it take?"

"That's right..."

Everyone agreed, with smiles on their faces. This incident really gave people a little surprise. Unexpectedly, there was a horse who was unwilling to urinate in public. He was much more reserved than many people!

If someone at the scene offers a high price to let people urinate in public, maybe someone will be willing to accept the challenge...

It can be seen that this bay-red horse is absolutely extraordinary, and it also makes the audience love and respect it...

"Okay! Just do as Li Yun said!" Brother Yang said carelessly.

Wang Yi brought the weighing tools in the store and weighed the bay horse. Then, Brother Yang created an invisible formation and let the bay horse urinate in it. Then, he weighed it again...

The process took a while, but was finally completed successfully.

However, what surprised people was that the urine of the jujube horse was not fishy or smelly at all. On the contrary, it was extremely fragrant. A faint special fragrance filled the teahouse inside and outside, causing many people to desperately smell it...

This effect was stronger than the scent of sweat produced by Bai Xiang. It didn't take long for more people to smell the fragrance and gather around the teahouse. The scene was comparable to the lively scene at Shanhai Qixuan. Fortunately, the two sides were far apart. , otherwise it will be troublesome if everyone over there rushes over.

Many powerful people in the city noticed the strange situation here, and some rushed over to take a look. Naturally, Xing Zun had already known about it and arrived very quickly. The people in Zen Ji Palace did not lag behind for too long. Zen Yan, Fa Cai and others all rushed. Come over and start the burning task immediately...

When Brother Yang saw this scene, his mood was extremely high. It seemed that it would be impossible to get the limelight today!

Of course, getting a jujube horse to urinate is only the first step, and the next step is the key...

He began to control it, grinding the medicinal materials into powder, putting it into a bucket, condensing the spiritual liquid, stirring and precipitating, heating, filtering and distilling...

Everyone was dazzled by each step, and they kept making bursts of exclamations, cheers, and admirations...

Brother Yang's face turned pale. Ever since he saw this blending method, he had fallen in love with it. He quickly made these utensils as shown in the video. He also tried Li Yun's blending method many times and finally felt that it was passed. He took it out and performed it in front of everyone today, which made him feel so proud that it was beyond words!

However, in Li Yun's eyes, his blending process was filled with errors and omissions, and there were so many flaws that he didn't even bother to mention them to him...

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