The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2009 The terrifying ocean of knowledge

Wan Zhu was shocked by Xin Yang's words and said anxiously: "Is this really true? Did you see it clearly?!"

"See clearly! Although we were watching the performance in the True Yang Fire Space at the time, with the power of my spiritual consciousness, I could still clearly see the instruments he controlled. It was an eye-opener for me. If we hadn't all been there, In the space, I am afraid that he will also be affected by his music... Just think about the situation of the people in the city at that time. They have all become Li Yun's string puppets, and they can move how they want. , no one can escape his mercy..." Xin Yang sighed.

"My vision was a little blurry at the time. I thought he was controlling phantoms, but I didn't expect them to be real... Oh my God, if that's true, wouldn't it be much more powerful than our Uncle Sheyang?!" Wan Zhu was incredulous. cried the ground.

"It's extremely possible! In short, don't act rashly! In addition, our True Yang Fire cannot be used in such an interface. With its power, it may kill a large number of lives with just one explosion. This is not what we want. ..." Xin Yang said.

"Okay, but what about our mission... By the way, how about asking these two people for some items? Since they are Chaos treasures, they must have some ordinary Chaos items on them, right?" Wanzhu's eyes lit up, Suddenly I thought of this.

"It makes sense!" Xin Yang praised.

The two of them were discussing secretly, and over there the young Immortal Emperor was discussing with Li Yun the blending method of this set of blending equipment.

After hearing the description from Tai Qi and others, the young Immortal Emperor began to doubt the authenticity of the matter. However, he most likely would not believe it and thought that Li Yun must have done something to steal the news during the so-called blending process. It happened, but no one discovered it.

But now after discussing this set of blending equipment with Li Yun, he was surprised to find that what Li Yun said seemed to be very reasonable. This blending method was not a clever trick, but a real blending process. !

Moreover, the amount of information provided by Li Yun was too great!

The set of blending equipment in front of you seems simple, but each link may involve a lot of Taoist meanings. Some of these Taoist intentions are relatively independent, and some are intertwined. It is not easy to sort out. In addition, Li There were so many fresh words that came out of Yun's mouth that the young Immortal Emperor was a little confused...

In fact, Xin Yang and Wan Zhu have experienced this situation before. They have long felt that their minds are like a mess, and they have not sorted it out yet.

But now as the conversation between Li Yun and Qingdian continues to deepen, more new vocabulary and Taoism have appeared. Li Yun not only talks a lot, but also talks quickly. He simply regards them as people who can understand them quickly. From one perspective, Li Yun thinks highly of them and thinks they are qualified to communicate with him.

But from another perspective, Xinyang, Wanzhu, Qingdian, An Yi, Abiaxu and others all feel as if they are in a fog, their heads are spinning desperately, and they are unknowingly falling into a sea of ​​knowledge. Go among them!

Yes, it is indeed an ocean of knowledge!

Regarding this blending method, the knowledge involved is definitely not something that a person from a different universe can easily understand.

Even though they are all extremely smart people with extremely high IQs.

If knowledge is power, then it is particularly obvious now, because these people are basically a little wilted after being "bombed" by Li Yun's knowledge packages one after another!

The communication between Xin Yang and Wan Zhu had stopped long ago. All the thinking power of the two people was running crazily around what Li Yun said, but they were unable to open the knowledge packages they received!

The same is true for the young Immortal Emperor. Although his IQ is not low, he simply can't handle it in front of such a knowledge package.

An Yi and Abihu were even more embarrassed. Their thinking ability was only average in comparison. At this time, they were a little dizzy and drowsy. Suddenly, they were attracted by the aroma of Taoist food on the stage, so they simply ate a lot. Drink it...

Therefore, sometimes too much knowledge is not a good thing. You must have enough processing and understanding abilities, otherwise you will easily be dragged into a pit.

Just like when a person does not have enough processing and summarizing ability, he is suddenly hit and surrounded by a dense package of knowledge. At this time, he will become more of a storage container, blindly memorizing by rote instead of integrating it. If it truly becomes a part of his own knowledge system, then he will not only be unable to draw nutritious ingredients from the ocean of knowledge, but will instead become a prisoner of knowledge, sinking into it and unable to extricate himself!

This principle may sound a bit mysterious, but only those who have truly read a large number of classics will have this experience, because if you cannot abstractly understand these classics and make them truly become part of your own abilities, then The contents of these classics may gradually disappear from your memory in a short period of time, and cannot be saved at all!

Unless you have abilities like Li Yun and Xiaoxing, all the knowledge you have read can be saved first like a think tank, and you can check it immediately when needed. When you have nothing to do, you can continue to read and understand, so that they can slowly They all become part of their own knowledge system...

In the conception of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, the Sun Clan that has developed to the extreme should be like this. Like Xiaoxing, they can accept the knowledge package in full, and then continue to think, analyze and refine at an extremely fast speed, and finally form their part of the ability.

However, it can be seen from the current forms of Xinyang and Wanzhu that the Zhenyang tribe is still in the third level civilization, maybe in the middle and late stages, but it has definitely not developed to the fourth level civilization.

As long as they are still in this level of civilization, Li Yun and Xiaoxing are absolutely sure that they can crush them!

This is because, in Xiaoxing's view, human civilization in the pre-universe has actually developed to the fourth level civilization!

The humans there can use the energy of the entire star to achieve interstellar travel and colonization, shuttle between planets, and continuously develop their own power... Such abilities mark that they have entered the threshold of the fourth-level civilization, which is better than the Xuanling world. The people are even more powerful!

However, since the development of humans in the pre-universe was focused on technological civilization rather than the cultivation civilization of life itself, the longevity was far inferior to that of the Xuanling world. This is the huge difference between the two universes. .

Therefore, when a life of a third-level civilization wants to understand the knowledge of a fourth-level civilization, there is a gap as huge as a gap. Even if they want to jump or fly, they are still far out of reach!

When Li Yun's knowledge packages are constantly thrown at them, if they do not have strong processing and understanding abilities, as well as abstract summary capabilities, these knowledge packages will be like real sharp weapons, forcibly occupying their minds. Think about the scope of their abilities and let them achieve the "crash" effect in an instant!

In other words, the Young Immortal Emperor, Xin Yang, and Wan Zhu all had their thoughts blocked at this time and couldn't function!

This situation was not as good as An Yi and Abihu. The two used their delicious food to resist the knowledge package thrown by Li Yun and enjoyed it. However, the three people relied on their superior IQ and dared to take the attack. As a result, I got stuck in this quagmire and couldn't extricate myself...

"Sir, you did a great job!" Xiaoxing praised.

"If we don't punish them, they actually want to arrest us and go to their clan to explain the mission..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's necessary! If it weren't for what they said was of some value, Xiao Nu would have wanted to teach them a lesson!" Xiao Xing said harshly.

"It would be great if I could search their souls, but I can't do such a thing yet..." Li Yun sighed.

"This... is indeed the case. Moreover, searching for souls in such a state is very risky. If they suddenly wake up, there may be problems." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Yes, let's keep it flowing. How do you think they will react after being exposed to this knowledge?" Li Yun asked.

"This knowledge has far exceeded their understanding. It is not easy to escape the limitations of the third-level civilization and get in touch with the knowledge of the fourth-level civilization. It is as difficult as it is for us to understand dark energy! You must know , We still haven’t even understood where dark energy is, what its nature is, how it is hidden, and how it affects things in the universe!” Xiaoxing sighed.

"Take your time, maybe when Tianyun World truly grows, we will have the opportunity to understand dark energy!" Li Yun said.

This possibility exists. In his opinion, dark energy must also exist in the Tianyun world, and he is the master of this world. As long as his ability reaches the level of understanding dark energy, he can naturally understand it.

Of course, this must be based on the continuous growth of the Tianyun world itself. When the world continues to improve and dark energy is no longer "dark", these energies will surface and be discovered by Li Yun and Xiaoxing. and understanding!

For Li Yun and Xiaoxing, all they have to do is to continue to make progress, make comprehensive progress, and push to the limit of the fourth-level civilization. Only then can it be easier to understand the things of the fifth-level civilization!

Li Yun looked at these three people, who all looked confused now, and couldn't help but feel a little proud. The young Immortal Emperor never thought that he would be implicated by Xin Yang and Wan Zhu. If they hadn't planned to kidnap Li Yun , Chiyan and Abiaxe went to the Zhenyang tribe, Li Yun would not take action to punish them. The young immortal emperor was somewhat unlucky and jumped into the pit at this time. As a result, he was also trapped in the ocean of knowledge and was close to drowning. Degree…

The three people who were in the whirlpool of the ocean of knowledge felt that they were constantly falling into a bottomless abyss. There were countless knowledge packages around them, rushing toward them in a steady stream, washing away like a stream. The bright light surrounds me, constantly rotating...

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