The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2015 Is Wenhui really naughty?

This matter is indeed a bit strange, but it is definitely a good thing. When King Shang thought about this, he couldn't help but cheer up and said happily: "Thank you, Immortal Lord, for reminding me! I didn't expect that Immortal Lord's vision is so sharp, and he can see through even this little thing about Xiao Wang at a glance. Got it!"

"Haha, how is this a trivial matter? The prince's affairs are a big deal to the immortal world! How can I not pay special attention to it?" Yuan Yi laughed proudly.

"The Immortal is interested! However, after hearing what the Immortal said, the little king has something to ask." King Shang said, stroking his moustache.

"Your Majesty, please speak!"

"I heard that Immortal Master held a chess match between immortals and spirits in the Dongchen Immortal Domain not long ago. The scale was shocking. Even Wei Daqi Zun and Fan Daqi Zun came to join in the fun and talk about chess. I don't know what happened. Is there something wrong with this?"

Yuan Yi suddenly said: "It turns out that this is what the prince is asking about!"


"Haha, the prince is indeed well-informed! The Immortal Court is so far away from here, but the prince found out so quickly!" Yuan Yi praised.

"It seems like this is really happening?"

"That's right! The chess match ended not long ago. There are still a lot of aftermath matters to be completed. My people are still busy finishing things."

"Oh? Didn't this king come at the wrong time?" King Shang teased.

"Ah? No, no, no, those things are all trivial matters. The slaves and disciples can take care of them. Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about it! Your Majesty, you can just enjoy yourself when you come to this Fairy Cave. Come, come, Your Majesty, please do it. Take this cup!" Yuan Yi said quickly.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord, for your hospitality! Let's do it!" King Shang also raised his wine glass and said loudly.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord!" Everyone accompanying King Shang raised their glasses to express their gratitude.

"Haha, when you come to my fairy cave, you must eat well, drink well, and have fun! You're welcome! You're welcome!" Yuan Yi's eyes narrowed with joy.

Although in terms of seniority, seniority, cultivation, and power, Yuanyi Immortal Lord can definitely show off in front of King Shang and his entourage, but Yuanyi is well versed in the principle of harmony and wealth. No matter the status of the visitor, or how powerful he is, under normal circumstances He greeted him with a smile, not to mention that King Shang was not an ordinary person, but an important force in the Immortal Court. It would only be good for him to be friendly with him, and there would be no harm to him.

Of course, this kind of good Yuanyuan is very well controlled, and he will never let King Shang think that he will support his forces and participate in the internal struggle of Xianting.

Everyone knows that the struggle within the Immortal Court is related to the entire Immortal World. Therefore, as an external force, of course you must be extremely cautious and not get involved easily, because once you choose to take a side, it is basically difficult to change!

Therefore, those forces that have chosen to take sides basically have fateful relationships with these princes. Everyone has become a fairy on a rope and must work together to gain the opportunity to survive and develop.

However, Yuan Yi's Immortal Machinery Department is extremely powerful and has always developed independently. There is no need to cling to Immortal Court at all. Therefore, what Yuan Yi has to do is to stay out of the matter, observe and wait patiently, and then choose whether to take action when the time is right, and take the initiative. Keep it firmly in your own hands…

After the fairy wine has finished, the atmosphere in the main hall becomes even better, with drums and music, singing and dancing, what a fairy style!

Of course, Yuan Yi knew that this was just the beginning. King Shang’s sudden visit was definitely not to eat the specialties of Xianji Cave, but was related to the previous events. However, he had countless information on hand, which was enough to shock the entire fairy world. A big secret, so King Shang must be asking for something from him. He is anxious, but he doesn't have to be anxious at all.

Sure enough, after three rounds of drinking, King Shang could no longer hold himself back and said, "My dear Immortal, someone told me that during the chess match, I saw my daughter Wen Hui and your prince's son Wen Hui in a video message. Qing, I wonder if this is the case?"

Yuan Yi smiled secretly in his heart when he heard this. This kid finally lost his temper. Do you still need to ask about this? Didn’t you come here specifically to seek confirmation after learning this news?

In fact, after hearing the news of King Shang's arrival, the entire system of Xianji Cave was running rapidly. Soon, the latest news about King Shang was being continuously sent to Yuan Yi's ears, and he soon had a deep understanding of Shang. The king's whereabouts were known. It turned out that during the chess match, King Shang was in the nearby Kai Tak Fairyland, mainly to check the growth of the fairy grass and elixir there.

Later, he learned about the chess match. For King Shang, he was not attracted by a chess match and gambling, but after hearing that the images of Wen Hui and Wen Qing appeared in the chess match video, he felt a little uncomfortable. Calm down.

If only Wen Hui appeared, it would be nothing to King Shang, but Wen Qing's appearance at the same time seemed a bit unusual.

Because only he and a few people in Prince Shang's palace knew that Fairy Wenhui went to the spirit world to perform a mission. Such a secret should not have been exposed, but who knew that Wenhui actually appeared in the chess game video? Didn't she know how to do it herself? Hide your whereabouts?

This was the first doubt. Therefore, King Shang was extremely dissatisfied with Wenhui and Xiaohong. Of course, what he didn't know was that the chess game was broadcast simultaneously among the fairies and no one else in the spiritual world knew. Wenhui and Xiaohong Of course, Xiaohong didn't know, and they didn't even know that she would appear in the chess game video and be discovered by people in the fairy world, thus completely exposing her whereabouts.

The second doubt is that the two of them have been in the spirit world for so long. So far, King Shang has only received a letter of talismans. What it said in it has basically no effect, but they are still in the mood to watch the chess game. For King Shang, originally He didn't have high hopes for them, he just let her go out to practice, but since it was training, it should be carried out well. Unexpectedly, they were actually playing, watching chess games, and participating in gambling, which made King Shang both angry and disappointed.

The third one is a problem, because Wen Qing is the son of the noble king, and his cultivation and moral strength are better than Wen Hui's. Now he actually watches the chess game with her, participates in the gambling, and even appears in the chess game video together. This what is going on?

You know, the two sides were supposed to be in a confrontational situation, but now they seemed to be sitting together. This had to make King Shang feel extremely baffled. Moreover, he also realized that Wen Qing was most likely to follow Wen Hui to the spirit world. , then Wenhui's current situation is a bit dangerous. If he hadn't taken precautions in advance and asked Xiaohong to go with Wenhui, I'm afraid that King Shang would not be able to sit still at all, let alone drink here in Xianji Cave.

Therefore, King Shang simply took people to Xianji Cave to verify the authenticity of the video information...

Yuan Yi understood the cause and effect of this matter in a short period of time, so he was determined and pretended to give instructions to have the relevant video information transferred over.

Then he said: "Your Majesty, has the little princess come to our Dongchen Immortal Domain? Why didn't you inform me in advance? I will definitely send someone to take good care of her."

"This... Alas, the Immortal Lord doesn't know something. The little girl is naughty and disappeared suddenly a few days ago. I have sent people to look for her for a long time, but there is no news. When I heard about this this time, I happened to be in the nearby Immortal Domain. If you have something to do, just come over and check it out. Please forgive me for disturbing the Immortal Lord!" King Shang said.

"Oh, Your Majesty, there is no need to be so polite! Normally, it would be a luxury for me to ask you to step down. It's rare that you come here in person today. You don't need to worry about trivial matters!"

While he was talking, the servant had already held up a jade slip and said, "Sir, the light and shadow about the little princess and the young master Wenqing are all in it!"

"Okay! Back off!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Yuan Yi checked it himself first, and then handed the jade slip to King Shang. King Shang quickly checked...

"What? She is indeed among them! Wenqing is also there! Where is this place? Why is the person who teaches chess a young man and not what they call Wei Da Qi Zun and Fan Da Qi Zun?" King Shang asked curiously.

Yuan Yi responded: "Your Majesty, I don't know. There is a chess workshop in Rongbao City in the spiritual world, called Shanhai Chess Workshop. The person who teaches chess is called Li Yun. As for Wei Daqi Zun and Fan Daqi Zun, They were talking about chess at the local chess master, and they did not go to the spiritual world."

"What? My little girl is actually in the spirit world?! How unreasonable?! She is getting more and more naughty!" Shang Wang Bo said angrily.

Yuan Yi was slightly startled when he heard this, but he quickly realized that King Shang obviously said this on purpose. The purpose was of course to conceal the truth. He couldn't help but laugh secretly. It was too young and too young to perform such tricks in front of me. Are you looking at me?

However, of course he cooperated with King Shang's trick and said: "This... I didn't expect that the little princess went to the spirit world to play by herself. However, looking at her, she seemed to be having a good time. You Seeing as she listens to chess very attentively, she should have good attainments in chess!"

"No way, she's just joining in the fun! She's not doing anything serious at all!" King Shang said harshly.

"Business? I wonder what the prince thinks she should do?" Yuan Yi teased.

"This... hmph, she is not enterprising at such a young age, has made little progress in her cultivation, and is extremely careless in her Taoist cultivation. She even sneaks out to play without saying a word... Oh, she just sheds tears just talking about it..." King Shang Sigh.

Yuan Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to be so harsh on Wen Hui! Based on the information I have, I heard that Wen Hui has now broken through the realm of Xuan Immortal and entered the realm of Earth Immortal. This is a huge breakthrough. Considering that she is so young, Having reached such a state, can we still say that she has no hard work and no ambition? Moreover, I see that she is full of Taoism, and she has obviously made great achievements in Taoism cultivation, and there are signs of male and female fusion!"

"What?! Male and female combined?!" King Shang was startled and shouted in surprise.

Yuan Yi suddenly felt that he had made a mistake. He was so happy when he just said it, but he actually said this. Although the Xian family would not pay too much attention to such things, it is really not easy for a little princess to make such things public. talk.

Fortunately, they are all from me and King Shang, so I am not afraid to talk about it, so I reminded him: "Didn't the prince read the video message? Didn't he see it?"

( = )

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