The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2019 Questions about Uncle Sheyang’s research

"Giggle, don't you think the greater the difficulty, the greater the challenge?" Wan Zhu said with a smile.

"Even so, if the difficulty far exceeds your actual ability to solve it, can you still think that it is just a challenge?" Li Yun asked.

"Huh, for us, the True Yang Clan, no matter how difficult the problem is, we will eventually solve it!" Wan Zhu said confidently.

Li Yun looked at her and found that what she said was indeed from the bottom of her heart and was definitely not a bluff. It seemed that she really believed in the wisdom of the True Yang Clan to the point of worshiping her...

"Well, since you said so, then you will take the blending method as the first problem to solve. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time. If this problem is successfully solved by you as you said, then I I'll leave the other problems to you!" Li Yun said with a smile.

When the two heard this, the terrifying scene they had faced in the Tao realm seemed to flash before their eyes, and they were stunned for a moment!

The Tao power of the Tao of blending in the Tao realm is like an overwhelming force, coming in a steady stream. No matter how hard they struggle, they cannot resist it. Even the twelve-level sun essence fire is like a firefly and a bright moon in front of it. It was destroyed after a few flashes, which frustrates their originally full confidence!

"Well...we need a quiet place to study this problem..." Fairy Wanzhu muttered.

"No problem! Since I will be heading north soon, how about taking my flying boat there?" Li Yun asked.

"Your flying boat? Can there be a quiet place on the flying boat?" Wan Zhu asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Don't worry! And if you have any questions on the flying boat, you can communicate with me at any time."

"That's fine! It seems that we have to stay with you during this period. However, we will not eat and drink from you for free. These few crystal stones can be treated as our expenses." Wanzhu took out a few A piece of Sun Essence Stone was handed to Li Yun.

Li Yun declined: "Absolutely not! You are my guests. How can a master ask for fees from his guests? Besides, these crystal stones are of great value, how can I accept them casually?"

"Xiaoyun, do you look down on us?" Wanzhu snorted.

"Ah? Sister Zhu must not say that! It's too late for me to respect you, so why do I look down on you?"

"Then you immediately accept these crystal stones. They are unique to our True Yang Clan. Consider them our gifts to you!"

"Okay! Then I'd rather be respectful than obey my orders and accept it!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's right!" A satisfied smile finally appeared on Wan Zhu's face.

Xinyang said at the side: "Xiaoyun has such a sharp eye, he can see the value of our crystal at a glance! It's funny that I used it as a reward in the teahouse before, but no one came forward to taste the tea. In the end, it was the king The fat man has some insight and got the crystal stone first!"

"Brother Yang doesn't know, Wang Yi is also my little slave. Of course it was me who gave him the advice when he went to taste tea. Now he has made a fortune!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"What?!" The two of them were startled.

"That teahouse was actually a shop in our Universiade Palace, but after this incident, it was completely closed down..."

"I see..." The two of them suddenly realized.

"Okay, without further ado, let's pick up the people first and then set off!"

Li Yun threw out Xingyun No. 1 and put the two of them into the boat. He then came to the Chaos Formation where Tong Juyan was, collected the formation, and took Tong Juyan into the boat. The various shops in Baocheng picked up the slaves who opened the shop, leaving only Ling Daozi of Shanhai Qixuan and his puppets, and of course Wuchen. Then the boat turned around and headed towards the Bishui Lake...

Halfway there, Chi Yan also came back. It turned out that he had just run to deliver supplies to Abi Axe. Since he had to avoid the Immortal Emperor and An Yi, it took a lot of effort to deliver them smoothly.

When I came to the boat, I found that Xin Yang and Wan Zhu were also there. I couldn't help but be slightly startled. I didn't expect that these two people had also followed.

Xinyang and Wanzhu were originally attracted by Xingyun No. 1 and were frantically studying the peculiarities of this spaceship. When they suddenly saw Chi Yan, their eyes lit up and they felt a little excited because they knew Chi Yan. There must be chaos items on him.

"Brother Chi, do you have any chaotic things on you? Can you exchange them with us?" Xin Yang asked quickly.

"Exchange? Of course no problem, but..."

"But what?"

"First, my master has promised that if you solve the problem, he will give you some objects of chaos, so you only need to study with peace of mind now. Second, can you tell me what you want this object of chaos to do? What?" Chi Yan said.

"This..." The two looked at each other, hesitantly.

"If it's not convenient for you to say it, forget it!" Chi Yan said flatly.

"Hey, Brother Chi, don't be anxious. In fact, it doesn't matter if I tell you..." Xin Yang said.


"This matter is not a task within our clan, but a small task assigned to us by our Uncle Sheyang." Xin Yang said.

"Uncle Sheyang? Your uncle?"

"Yes! He suddenly thought of a question recently, mainly about how our sun was born from chaos, so we need some chaotic things to study." Xin Yang said.

Chi Yan was slightly startled when he heard this, and thought about it: "Why did your uncle think of this problem? I seem to have heard my elders mention this problem, and also explained many details..."

"What?! Is this true?!" Xin Yang and Wan Zhu were stunned and asked in shock.

"Well, I heard my adults describe some of these things last time, but because I didn't quite understand them, my impression is a bit vague now that I think about it. But my adults seem to have known about this for a long time." Chi Yan said with certainty. .

"Oh my god..."

The two of them looked at Li Yun with incredulous expressions in their eyes.

Li Yun said helplessly: "Don't look at me like this. What Xiaochi heard was just some guesses from me, not something that he said he knew clearly."

"Xiao Yun, tell me how our sun was born from chaos?" Wan Zhu asked impatiently.

"Sister Zhu, it's still unclear whether my research results are accurate or not. If I tell you now, I suspect you won't believe it at all, or won't listen at all, and..."

"And what?"

"If you tell your Uncle Sheyang based on this, it will definitely disrupt his thinking and make him take more detours, so it is really not appropriate to say more now." Li Yun explained.

"This... don't be afraid! Just tell us. We will never tell Uncle Sheyang!" Wanzhu said confidently.

Xinyang was surprised and said: "Xiaoyun, why did you think of this problem? It seems that such a problem should not be something you have thought of at such a young age, right? You know, even our Zhenyang clan has not thought of it for so many years. If anyone cares about this issue, only Uncle Sheyang has thought of it recently, but he is a wise man in our clan!"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Brother Yang, this question is not a very profound question, but a very simple question, because the beings living in this world can see this sun every day, then they will miss this sun." How did it happen? That's all. Therefore, everyone, including me, will think of this question, and it has nothing to do with age. However, because this question is so simple, everyone ignores it completely. So much so that I didn’t study the reasons for its appearance…”

Xin Yang was stunned for a while and said with emotion: "You are indeed right! The more difficult the problem, the more obvious it is before us. But we are too familiar with it and are accustomed to it, so we don't go into it deeply. Study the truth behind it!”

"Brother Yang's summary makes sense! It's like some people like traveling because they like the exotic scenery and different customs very much. They feel that they are exposed to new things and give birth to new hopes every day, so they travel every day. It is full of enthusiasm and high morale. However, those so-called exotic customs are simply lifeless and dull to the locals, because they see the same scene day after day. This is a familiar place without scenery. That makes sense." Li Yun smiled.

Wan Zhu turned her eyes and said, "Is it possible that Xiao Lun treats every day with a travel mentality?"

"Why would Sister Zhu ask that?"

"Didn't you just say that? We all see the sun day after day, but treat it as a fixed decoration and ignore it at all. But you have already noticed it and studied its causes. , if you don’t treat every day with a travel mentality, maybe you won’t be able to discover this problem.” Wanzhu Kankan said.

"After hearing Sister Zhu say this, I really think that's the case! However, this may be related to my strong curiosity. I have liked solving cases since I was a child. This hobby can be said to be influenced by my father, and A person who likes to solve cases must be a very curious person. He wants to study everything he sees and think about its ins and outs. Therefore, it is natural to raise questions about the sun and start some thinking." Li Yun said.

Wan Zhu's heart was moved when she heard this. Of course she had read Li Yun's information and knew that he liked to solve cases. However, after hearing Li Yun connect this matter with the question about the sun, she felt that There are some similarities between the two, because solving a case is also about finding the root cause, and exploring the cause of the sun is the same.

It's just that many people tend to ignore common things, but people who are good at solving cases can realize the extraordinary things in them.

Moreover, approaching the research of some problems with a case-solving mentality seems to be an excellent solution. Although there are some differences between the two, there are many things that can be learned from.

"Thank you, Xiao Yun, for reminding me! Sister, I really gained a lot today!" Wan Zhu said sincerely.

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