The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2027 We are the loophole in this universe

Hearing Xiaoxing's words, Li Yun's heart was beating wildly, because not only did these people transform, but they all transformed perfectly. Males transformed into females, and females transformed into males. The scenes were so fragrant and strange that it was simply jaw-dropping!

Fortunately, only he and Xiaoxing could see it here, otherwise these people would be in misery!

He reacted, quickly thought about it, and used the Chaos Formation to isolate everyone and stay in a separate space. Finally, he put a space stone into each person, while Chi Yan moved into Tianyun World, and it was finally quiet. .

There was only this shining model left on the bridge, and Li Yun was a little embarrassed for a while!

I'm a bit reluctant to put it away, but don't put it away. No more people can come here, otherwise the transformation phenomenon will definitely occur.

He simply let the model shrink into a small halo, slowly rotating in the center of the bridge space, and then he flashed into the Tianyun world, yelled, and vented his passion. After a long time, he slowly Calm down slowly...

"Sir, Zexin's troops are here!" Xiaoxing's voice suddenly came.

"Zexin Department?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"This is Tong Juyan's tribe! Aren't we here to see his Chaos Baby?" Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun finally realized that he was originally going to come here, but because he had been practicing the model along the way, time slipped by quietly, and he has now reached his destination!

"From a geographical perspective, this place is located at the North Pole of the big sphere in the spiritual world!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"The North Pole? Then there should be an aurora here!" Li Yun immediately remembered this matter.

"Sir, there is indeed an aurora phenomenon here, because the magnetic field in the spiritual world is extremely strong, forming a funnel-shaped closed loop of magnetic lines on the periphery of the spiritual world. The funnel is also facing the north and south poles. Therefore, when the solar wind blows over, the high-energy The particles are blocked by the magnetic ring and leak to the poles, where they violently collide with the aura molecules here, resulting in the aurora phenomenon. Since the energy of the sun's essence fire here is extremely high, and the aura molecules are also high-energy particles, the two The collision between them is much stronger than that in the previous universe, so the aurora phenomenon here is huge and looks extremely beautiful!" Xiaoxing said.

"Very good!"

Unexpectedly, the aurora can be seen in the spiritual world, and it is even more spectacular and beautiful. This is a kind of spiritual comfort for Li Yun, as if he has returned to the moment when he watched the aurora in the previous universe.

"It's a bit unfortunate. It's daytime in the North Pole in the spiritual world now, and there's no night, so basically you can't see the aurora. However, you can still see some signs of some of the more violent auroras." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This is indeed a pity!" Li Yun sighed slightly.

"We can end our trip here as soon as possible and rush to the South Pole, so we can see it!" Xiaoxing suggested.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you can't see it now, as long as you know that this phenomenon exists, there will be many opportunities to watch it in the future! We still have to take a good look at that chaotic baby..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Xiao Nu has locked his position and is currently laying a ground net. It will be observed soon..."


Li Yun didn't want to observe with his spiritual consciousness right away, of course, so as not to disturb this chaotic baby. His purpose was really just to take a look. It would be best if he could observe everything in secret.

He ducked to the bridge,

Looking at the world model that is still slowly rotating above the center of the space, a look of ecstasy flashed across his face!

This model is really beautiful!

And he also discovered that during the time he was away, the evolution of the model seemed to be still in progress, as if the model already had signs of life!

"Xiaoxing, is this world model really giving birth to life?" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Given the amazing power and vitality of this world model, there have long been signs of life, so it can continue to evolve..."

"Well, I carefully sensed it and found that there were indeed signs of life in it. It seems that it has indeed become a living body!" Li Yun muttered.

"Sir, the value of the world model that has become a living body is immeasurable. It must not be given to Xinyang and the others. It is better to let Chi Yan go back and give them the same amount of chaotic matter." Xiaoxing said.

"Of course! What they exchange is material, not living things. However, I have been thinking about a question recently..."

"what is the problem?"

"The rules of this universe are so magical, and the most magical thing about it is the variety of strange things in life, which are very different from the previous universe!" Li Yun said.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"No matter what kind of carrier, it is possible to produce signs of life, such as stones, trees, water bodies, even stars, underground, the center of the earth... these substances and places can breed life. Of course, in the end, they can Transform into humanoid life forms, and the larger the object, the higher the energy level, the more advanced the life that is born, these seem to be closely related to the cultivation of civilization..."

"Indeed. In our previous research, we have shown that whether a carrier can appear life is mainly related to its acquisition of vitality. With the breath of vitality, it can be nourished and produce signs of life. This situation is mainly for Originally there was no carrier of life, but for the reproduction of existing living beings, such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other races, the reproduction is not difficult. Even if advanced bloodlines and soul threads are put in, success of reproduction may not be guaranteed. So much so that their reproduction takes hundreds of years..." Xiaoxing said.

"This involves the breath of vitality. We know that this breath of vitality can greatly nourish the living body, awaken the life consciousness in it, thereby stimulating the birth of life. However, I still know how the breath of vitality awakens the consciousness of life. Not very clear..." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, this problem has been revealed during the evolution of our think tank!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Oh? Tell me quickly!" Li Yun said in surprise.

He didn't expect that the think tank had already solved the problem just when he thought of it. This showed that the evolution of the think tank was really not guaranteed, and the speed might still be a long way ahead of him.

What would happen if my brain could evolve faster than a think tank?

When Li Yun thought about this, he became a little uneasy!

Because that would mean that his wisdom surpasses that of a fourth-level civilized universe. In this case, wouldn't he be able to become the master of the universe? !


He exclaimed in his heart and almost fell into a trance. If he really reached such a height, would he create a new universe by himself?

If he could do this, would there have been a master of the universe long ago, and he created the previous universe he knew and the current universe?

If this is the case, then all life and matter in the two universes are nothing more than experiments for the Lord of the universe!

Li Yun's heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't help but have some wild thoughts...

"Sir, what are you thinking about?" Xiaoxing asked curiously when she noticed his strange behavior.

"This...I was just wondering if there is such a person as the Lord of the Universe? If it does exist, would the previous universe and this universe be created by such a person?" Li Yun explained his thoughts. come out.

"Hehe, it's too early for adults to consider this issue now! However, Xiaonu believes that as long as adults continue to develop, it is not a dream to become the master of the universe. When the time comes, we will create a small universe to have fun!" Xiaoxing Said with pride.

"You?! I'm not saying that I want to be the master of the universe, but I'm thinking that if such a person really exists, wouldn't the beings living in these two universes be his experimental subjects?"

"Test subject? This possibility cannot be ruled out!" Xiaoxing said seriously.

"Oh? What do you think is the possibility of this? Is it possible that he has noticed our existence now?"

"Sir, look at this world model. After we just gave birth to the sun, the rules of the universe have already been introduced. In fact, even in the gestation stage, the rules of the universe have already penetrated pervasively! Just as we monks build our own space weapons , the very beginning is to establish the rules of the space world. It can be said that there is no world without rules. All life and things develop and change under certain rules. If there are problems with the rules, there will be many loopholes in the small and large ones. It may lead to the collapse of the entire world. Therefore, Xiaonu believes that the rules of the universe cannot appear without reason. There must be some kind of life form that has been formulated from the beginning, and everything in this universe is under such rules. Go down and run and develop..."

"So, you think the possibility is extremely high?"


"What about us?"

"We are a loophole in this universe!" Xiaoxing said with certainty.

"Loophole?" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Yes! Have you forgotten that when we were in the lower world, we were almost caught directly on the Netherworld Well? That's because they found that we are beings outside the rules and a loophole, so they caught us to make up for the loophole. "

"It makes sense! It seems that we have temporarily concealed ourselves from the detection of the rules of the universe. We must be more careful in the future!" Li Yun said with some fear.

"Don't worry, sir. In fact, we have now completely integrated into the rules of this universe, because we have become extremely serious monks, and our abilities are still growing. However, we also possess the wisdom of the pre-universe. This can help us achieve greater success. This is not cheating, but the result of our organic combination of the two and mutual transformation..."

"Well, at least everything we do in this universe is in line with the laws of nature..."

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