The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2035 A world of virtuality and reality


Hearing this, Sheyang said: "Eye sight does not really need the support of the body. Even these two rays of my spiritual consciousness can see through most things in this world, but there are not many things that I can see from you, such as , how did you control that expedition dance? What is your Taoist intention? What secret is hidden in this spaceship? What level has this chaos formation reached? Why haven't I cracked it yet? Of course, there is still There’s that simulated world…”

"It seems that the senior is really unwilling to let the junior go... Since the senior is so interested in that simulated world, the junior might as well talk to the senior..."

"Oh? You don't need me to tell you about the True Yang Clan?"

"Actually, the biggest secret of the True Yang Clan lies in its existence, and I already know this. As for whether seniors talk about your race, it is no longer important, because I am just a little curious about it, and , I can also tell seniors that I had already guessed your existence before I met you, but your current situation is quite different from my guess..." Li Yun said.

"What?! How is this possible?! I wonder what's the difference between our guess and yours?" Sheyang said in surprise.

"If senior doesn't believe it, I can play back what I said to Xiaonu Chiyan before!"

Li Yun said, and opened a light curtain with a "swipe". The message played on it was exactly what he had communicated with Chi Yan through Huo Yan when he was in the wilderness world. That message could be said to be his response to The existence of the Sun Clan is an extremely perfect guess, and the words used to prove it at this time are the most convincing.

Sure enough, when Sheyang saw that scene and heard the conversation between Huo Yan and Chi Yan, he was stunned!


As Li Yun said, the level of the Sun Clan revealed in the conversation is much higher than that of the current True Yang Clan, and that will undoubtedly be the ultimate form of the development of the True Yang Clan. However, the current True Yang Clan is far from that. The shape is so different that it is simply out of reach!

No wonder Li Yun said it with a hint of disappointment.

Thinking of this, Sheyang's face turned red. The reason was naturally that he was ashamed that the development status of the Zhenyang clan could not meet Li Yun's expectations...

"Impossible! There is no way that the True Yang Clan can develop to the state you mentioned!" Sheyang shouted in shame.

"Senior's words are wrong! The True Yang Clan cannot do that, but in other suns, there may be races that have reached this level! Of course, this is the ultimate and perfect state of the development of the Sun Clan.

It should be said that there are not many Sun Clan who can reach such a level, maybe very few! "Li Yun said.

"Other suns? You mean there are other suns... there are also True Yang tribe among them?!" Sheyang said in shock.

"Of course there are other suns! Senior, if you look at the starry sky in the universe, the stars you see are actually suns one by one. Since they also follow the rules of this universe, there should be some races among those suns. , but their names are not necessarily called the True Yang Clan, and I call them collectively the Sun Clan!" Li Yun explained.

"Oh my god! You mean...those stars are the sun?! Isn't this incredible?!" Sheyang was completely confused!

Li Yun sighed slightly in his heart, this is the vision of people from the third-level civilization. In their eyes, except for their own solar system, everything else is just embellishment. It is no wonder that many wise men from the third-level civilization also think that they are the universe. In the center, the stars are revolving around itself...

"Those are indeed the sun! It's just that because the distance is too far, you can only see a small flicker of light, and..."

"And what?" Sheyang asked urgently.

"Since sunlight also has a speed limit, it took a long time for those rays to arrive here. Therefore, the stars we see now are actually what they looked like a long time ago. Maybe when we go there to see them, You will find that the place has been changed beyond recognition, maybe the star no longer exists!" Li Yun said.

"This..." Sheyang was stunned when he heard this, his thoughts were racing, but he felt unbelievable!

He reacted and thought: "How could you know this at such a young age? Such a long time is not enough for you to walk a short distance, right?"

"Indeed! But..."

"but what?!"

"Because I can observe!"

"Observation? Is this your way of stargazing?" Sheyang said suddenly.

"How do seniors know that I have the ability to observe stars?"

"Hmph, Xiaoyang Xiaozhu and the others have purchased your information a long time ago, so I naturally read it too!"

"I see. However, do seniors think that the information in the data can be fully trusted? Or is it comprehensive?"

"This...of course not! It can only represent the past at best!"

"Senior is indeed a wise man, what he said is right! Not only is the information impossible to be complete, it may also be false. If you believe it, you may be misled and make wrong judgments. Don't share a person's personal information. Even the history of a mortal empire, a cultivation sect, or a powerful fairy sect may contain a lot of false information. For those in charge, it is just a tool to strengthen their power and control. So , the information in this world is actually made up of falsehoods and falsehoods, true and false, everyone needs to have a pair of super discerning eyes and a thorough and clear heart to be able to see through the fog and see the truth clearly!" Li Yunkan said.

"Well said!" Sheyang praised sincerely.

"If we generalize from this, in addition to information, what we see with our eyes, hear with our ears, touch with our skin, and feel with our consciousness and soul... may all be true and false mixed together, as our predecessors said The Chaos Formation in your eyes may seem very strong, so you try every means to crack it. Instead, you will get stuck in the formation. The more you crack it, the more difficult it becomes. But if you treat it as if it does not exist, it actually becomes A phantom formation, you just need to walk out with your head held high..."

"So that's it..." Sheyang's eyes widened as he suddenly realized.

"Indeed, so around a person, all the truth may be beyond his expectation. Just like the stars seen by the predecessors, they are so faint and so cute that people have no idea that they are actually a star. An extremely blazing sun, even much bigger, more blazing, and more violent than the one in front of you..." Li Yun continued.

Sheyang was speechless. In fact, what he heard just now was far beyond his imagination, which made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. He felt that he was really too weak and insignificant...

"However, if senior thinks that the Sun Clan is very powerful because of this, then he has made another big mistake!"

"What? Isn't the Sun Clan who has reached the ultimate level not powerful?" Sheyang said in shock.

"Well, if the civilization level of our solar world is a third-level civilization, then the ultimate Sun Clan is a fourth-level civilization! However, above that, there are also a fifth-level civilization and a sixth-level civilization... Maybe there is no ultimate civilization, because there are always some civilizations that can develop to an extremely high level, although such civilizations will be very few!"

"Oh my god..." Sheyang exclaimed, and finally collapsed on the ground softly again, gasping for air, feeling like his head was about to explode and became a mess!

Seeing him like this, Li Yun thought it would be impossible to hear the principles of the world model, so he withdrew his consciousness and continued chatting with Xinyang, Wanzhu, Chiyan and others...

Previously, he and Chi Yan visited the nest of the Miaoyinqin, burned the Miaoyinqin and Huayu Xiansheng's music tripod, and moved the transforming Miaoyinqin back to her cave in the mountain, and then left the Zexin tribe. After sending a letter of farewell to Tong Juyan, he took a flying boat and flew south!

Since Zexin is at the center of the North Pole in the spiritual world, starting from this point, no matter where you go, you will always go south. This feeling is still extremely magical.

Of course, the route chosen by Xingyun No. 1 is still the direction it took when it came from the original route. This is a road Li Yun has never traveled, and a ground net can be quietly laid along the way.

In addition to the ground network, the small star also deployed a super teleportation array and observation array every 50 million miles along the way. Five of them have been deployed along the way. Adding the original three, there are eight in total. This It has covered a large area of ​​the spiritual world!

Of course, when setting up the formation, we must avoid Xin Yang and Wan Zhu. When they came to Xingyun No. 1, they were all a little dizzy, and then they transformed, so it was not difficult to avoid them, but then As time went by, they gradually woke up from their confusion, which meant that they had adapted to the environment of Xingyun No. 1.

No matter how new or strange the environment is, once you get used to it, it won't have such a big impact. This is the reason why familiar places have no scenery.

Of course, Xinyang and Wanzhu were only familiar with the surface phenomena of Xingyun No. 1, and they had never touched many of its core features.

In order to arrange the teleportation array, Li Yun and Xiaoxing adopted the method of making a comprehensive change inside Xingyun No. 1, which attracted the attention of Xin Yang and Wan Zhu again. As long as Chi Yan was with them, Following them, Li Yun could naturally leave quietly to set up the formation.

After so many times, Xinyang and Wanzhu have become accustomed to Li Yun appearing and disappearing sometimes, so they did not expect that he would do such a big thing, and they only studied it with great interest in the boat...

But Li Yun ignored one person, and that was Uncle Sheyang. Since the last time he talked to him, he revealed that the chaotic isolation formation was actually just an illusion formation, and it was not intended to imprison him, so although Uncle Sheyang was still inside , but he can actually leave there at any time.

Therefore, Uncle Sheyang played a trick and created a blinding trick in the formation. Even Xiaoxing was not aware of it for a while. Then Uncle Sheyang left the chaos formation and quietly followed Li Yun when he left. Got out...

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