The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2043 The Sun God created the world?

? Li Yun strongly agrees with Xiaoxing’s analysis. When it comes to energy and matter, it can be said that it has already transformed into the entire world!

Everything you see in front of you is composed of energy molecules. Even if it is burned to ashes, there is still a lot of energy in it. It just depends on how to use it.

Through research on the mutual conversion process between energy and matter, Li Yun now has a deep understanding. For example, after introducing some energy directly into Tianyun World, he can obtain a corresponding material area in Tianyun World. The more energy there is, the more energy there is. , Tianyun World will become bigger, higher, deeper, and more colorful, and Tianyun World will continue to grow and develop in this process of energy absorption...

As the largest energy body in this world, the sun itself has various energy forms, not all of which are thermal energy. In this way, various energy forms can form various material worlds, just like in its internal space There are both severe cold areas and extremely hot areas, which makes the sceneries richer, rather than monotonous high temperatures.

As more and more information is discovered, Li Yun and Xiaoxing learn more and more about the world of the inner space of the sun. Another magical world has opened up before their eyes, stimulating their enthusiasm for exploration...

Looking at Sheyang who was concentrating on his research, Li Yun felt that it was no longer so mysterious. To him, the True Yang clan was just another race, just a little special...

He found that the research on Sheyang had its own characteristics, including his own personal thinking and the thinking of the predecessors of the Zhenyang tribe. Moreover, due to the influence of his previous world model, Sheyang's thinking also contained Some of Li Yun's ideas were mixed in, but he was far from being able to understand these new ideas. As a result, Sheyang's wisdom seemed to be unable to control such research experiments.

Li Yun saw that he had overturned many speculated models in a short period of time. This situation only showed that Sheyang's current thinking was extremely confusing, and many things were mixed together. If he could not sort out his In terms of ideas, let alone whether the model is reasonable or not in line with the actual development situation, it is impossible for him to build a world with wrong development.

Xinyang, Wanzhu and others finally discovered Uncle Sheyang's embarrassment. At first they thought he was concentrating on his thoughts, but later they knew something was wrong because Uncle Sheyang rarely had beads of sweat on his forehead. Come.

This situation is too abnormal for the people of the True Yang tribe!

Because the people of the Zhenyang tribe have long been accustomed to high temperatures, they have other ways to deal with the high temperature, but it is definitely not sweating. They will only sweat when they really can't stand it. But in today's Starship, where does the high temperature come from? ?

Wanzhu was more attentive and found that Uncle Sheyang was sweating coldly.

It wasn't Rehan, it was of course related to the unsmooth research process, so he said softly: "Uncle Master, are you too tired from studying just now? Why don't you take a rest?"

When Sheyang heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "That's right, I can't calm down and can't think of anything... I'd better come back later."

"Uncle Master, look at the prototype you are making now, is our sun about to be born?" Wanzhu asked.

"No, it's still far away!" Sheyang stopped controlling and said.

"What is this big, irregular earth ball in there?"

"This... is a piece of rough jade discovered by our ancestors..." Sheyang said.

"Pure jade? It's jade, right?" Wan Zhu asked.

"Yes, it is a stone containing jade, but this one is a bit special because it is so big that our ancestors thought it was a giant continent when they first discovered it..."

"and after?"

"Later...the ancestors settled on the small island near it, planning to slowly reclaim the mainland and seek development..."

"What happened next?" Fairy Wanzhu asked with interest.

Even Li Yun felt a little curious. Did the Zhenyang tribe really discover a giant continent in the solar space?

Xiaoxing reminded: "Sir, didn't Sheyang say before that he would use chaotic matter to study how the sun was born? Isn't this big earth ball the prototype of the sun?"

"What?! How is this possible?!" Li Yun opened his mouth in shock.

"Hehe, it's not impossible! Because in the eyes of the True Yang Clan, the sun is just a huge pearl, and the pearl comes from jade. This logic seems to make sense..." Xiaoxing teased.

"Oh my god...this...this, this, this..." Li Yun was simply speechless.

But what made him even more devastated was hearing Uncle Sheyang say: "During the reclamation process of our ancestors, they discovered that this continent is rich in jade, and you can find it almost everywhere you dig, so they began to organize Excavating jade deposits from the ground…”

Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guo Huan, Zhao Jing, and Chi Yan were all fascinated by what they heard. They never expected that the ancestors of the Zhenyang tribe were so lucky. With such a jade continent, it would be impossible not to develop!

Uncle Sheyang spoke with gusto, and the next plot was almost exactly consistent with Xiaoxing's guess, that is, the ancestors of the Zhenyang tribe finally peeled off the outer layer of this big earth ball and carved it into a The huge pearl, this is the origin of the sun!

The fairy world, spirit world, demon world, demon world, soul world and other interfaces are made of the materials that were peeled off the big earth ball. After all, in the legend of the Zhenyang tribe, this world is their ancestors Made by my own hands through hard work!

Therefore, it is logical that the True Yang Clan became the masters of this world!

Xinyang and others were filled with excitement when they heard this. Maybe they had heard similar stories in the clan before, but it was the first time that Uncle Sheyang told it in such detail and wonderfully today. They were bathed in the amazing warmth of Sheyang. In my heart, I feel so warm and happy, because my ancestors built a pearl for me and planted a big tree, and now I can enjoy its warmth and eat the rich fruits...

Suddenly, Chi Yan, who was surrounded by the warm essence of fire, regained clarity in his eyes and asked: "Senior, since this world was created by the ancestors of the True Yang Clan, then the moon should be the same, right?"

"Moon?" Sheyang, Wanzhu and others were startled.

"Yes, the moon is also in this world. It should have been built by the ancestors, because there was no moon here in the beginning. However, the younger generation has a question. I don't know how big the moon is. From that big earth ball The material that has peeled off has created so many interfaces. Is the remaining material enough to create such a huge moon? Moreover, the moon is so white and the moonlight is so cold, it seems that it should also be made of jade. , but isn’t it the soil that was peeled off from the sun?” Chi Yan asked.

" a good question! I am thinking about this issue now, so I don't see that this model is not completed..." Sheyang mumbled, with a rather embarrassed look on his face.

"I see. This junior also has a question to ask..."


"I wonder how many ancestors of the Zhenyang Clan there are?" Chi Yan asked.

"As for the ancestors, the population is generally relatively sparse. After creating a suitable environment and taking root, a larger population will slowly multiply." Sheyang replied.

"What the seniors said makes sense! However, the juniors believe that the ancestors not only had a smaller population, but their abilities were not necessarily much higher than those of the powerful ones of the younger generations. Compared to the huge and incomparable sun, ordinary life is not even a single Worse than a particle of dust, if you want to burst out with such amazing power, peel off a whole layer of shell from the entire big earth ball, you have to create so many interfaces, and even giant stars like the moon, let alone they have Without this ability, even if it were available, the time required would be extremely long, perhaps so long that it is unimaginable. Is the history of the True Yang Clan really that long?"

"Well, even though I can't believe it when I say it, the abilities of our ancestors of the Zhenyang tribe are unimaginable..." Sheyang insisted bravely.

"Okay! Then the ancestors of the True Yang Clan with such powerful abilities have almost reached the ability of the Sun God that my family had speculated before. They should still be living in the True Yang Clan now. I wonder what your top ten prophets are like? Character?"

"Well...of course they can't be the sun gods! They're just a little better than me." Sheyang told the truth.

"Sun God?! Is there a Sun God in our clan?!" Wan Zhu's eyes lit up and she asked excitedly.

She didn't know what Li Yun and Xiaoxing had speculated about the Sun God, so she couldn't help but be very interested when she heard about this sudden figure.

"I'm not too sure. Maybe they exist in the sun, and we don't know about it." Sheyang continued to speak hard.

For him, facing such an aggressive question from Chi Yan, he could no longer hold back any longer. Fortunately, he was a superpower after all. In terms of cultivation and Tao power, he could firmly hold Chi Yan down, so as long as he If he believes in his own thinking, he can persevere!

Persistence is victory!

If it collapses, Sheyang's path may be greatly damaged...

When Chi Yan heard this, a smile appeared on his face and he said: "Great! It seems that this junior must visit our Sun God in the future and ask him about the many causes and consequences of this world!"

"Haha, I also have this wish. I believe that our Sun God should exist. If such a powerful Sun God did not exist, how could this world be formed?" Sheyang laughed proudly.

Fairy Wanzhu's face glowed when she heard this, and she said sweetly: "Uncle Master, why didn't you mention the matter of the Sun God to us before? Such a major event must have been recorded in our clan for a long time, right?"

"This...the records in our clan don't call it this, the Sun was actually guessed by me from the Xiaoyun Gang..."

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