The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2045 Foxtrot

Fairy Wanzhu pouted and sat down angrily. The confession she just made was almost wasted. This is quite harmful to a fan and needs to be adjusted. Pineapple Ψ Novel

The people in the Universiade Palace, especially the model team members, all had faint weird smiles on their faces, which made Fairy Wanzhu feel even more embarrassed...

Yan Zheng toasted the guests and saluted them: "Welcome all distinguished guests to my palace! Thank you Fairy Wanzhu for the reward! To express the gratitude of our model team, Fairy Yingying and I will perform a fox song for everyone. Step dance!”

"Foxtrot?" Fairy Wanzhu's eyes lit up!

Others, including other people from the Universiade Palace, are also very interested and energetic!

Because they all know that Yingying is from the Xianghu tribe. If she were to take the original form, she would walk on the foxtrot. However, now she is in human form, and Yan Zheng is a human. So what would it be like for two humans to dance the foxtrot dance? Woolen cloth?

Xiao Xiang applauded: "Xiao Yan is so good! She actually secretly practiced the foxtrot with Xiao Ying!"


"What's with the foxtrot?"

"How do I know? Didn't you hear Big Brother say that they practiced secretly?"

"Then you should take a closer look..."

Others also clapped their hands to encourage and echoed loudly...

"Please ask Fairy Feifei to play music!" Yan Zheng said loudly.

I saw Fairy Feifei smiling brightly, as if the fragrance of a garden bloomed, which made people intoxicated. With a flash of inspiration in her hand, she turned out to be a pipa, fine-tuned the tune, and counted "Zheng" and "Zheng", like a fountain of music. It circulates in the space and makes people feel refreshed!

Fairy Yingying has already stood up. As she stands up, the robes on her body are constantly changing styles, gradually turning into a set of light robes with a white base and a slight light blue color!

She wears a small corolla on her head, and her robe is dotted with red, yellow, pink, purple, and white flowers. Below the light robe is a slightly exaggerated skirt, and of course it is dotted with colorful souls. The flowers look like they are in full bloom, but they are still natural and full of floral fragrance, which is pleasing to the eye.

Looking at Yan Zheng again, the robe on his body is also changing, becoming a black robe. The style is extremely close-fitting and clean. The lining is white, and the chest collar is also white and radiating, which makes him extremely handsome and slightly... Have a strong character!

Everyone’s spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful,

Soon they discovered that the boots of the two people had also changed a lot. Yan Zheng's boots became shiny and could almost be used as mirrors, while Yingying's boots turned into an unprecedented style, looking very slender, and the heels were even more slender. The high pillow makes Yingying's figure look naturally convex and convex, greatly increasing her allure!

Everyone felt a little thirsty and couldn't help but swallow a lot of saliva to relieve the symptoms of throat fever...

When the pipa sounds, the slender fingers flow, and the music flows out like a clear spring, flowing in the bridge space, bringing an elegant and tranquil atmosphere. There is a sense of rhythm in the music. The number of beats is certain, but the speed It is both comfortable and tight, sounds soft, fluent, and dynamic. The listeners all have the urge to get up and dance...

Yan Zheng waved his right hand and invited Yingying. The two of them moved with the beat and gradually came together. Yan Zheng held Yingying's right hand with his left hand and put his right hand on Yingying's left back. This starting position made everyone see it. One light!

Almost no one has ever seen such an opening!

Why do I say almost? It’s because Li Yun, Xiao Xing and Feifei have met before, and this foxtrot was brought from the past universe. Since each model team member has solo and duet requirements, Xiao Xing They arranged for the two of them to practice the foxtrot. The two of them were extremely devoted to the practice, and now they could finally show it off.

Although the name of this dance has the word "fox" in it, the dance steps actually have nothing to do with fox. They are all dance steps designed by the human race. Moreover, Xiaoxing's design also includes the elements of Tanyi Wu. The ingredients make this dance both gorgeous and thrilling, soothing and stimulating. It is high-energy throughout and makes people enjoy it endlessly and find it difficult to stop!

With a "swipe", Yan Zheng bent down slightly, Yingying leaned back, her head almost touched the ground, and her delicate body became horizontal with the ground!

"Oh my God!" Everyone was caught off guard and screamed!

This opening ceremony won a lot of praise!

Yan Zheng pulled Yingying up and danced with the music. He held Yingying and spun around here, like a mass of flowing air, with a bright rhythm, ups and downs, light movements, stretching and generous, leisurely and calmly...


Everyone's mouths were opened wide and they were all watching intently. Their eyes moved with the movements of the two people, and they couldn't even blink!

Sometimes the two of them separated, sometimes they came together, sometimes they flew into the air, and sometimes they danced close to the ground. In short, there was nothing you couldn’t see, and only you couldn’t imagine it. The large number of novel and incomparable dance moves made everyone dumbfounded and couldn’t believe it. Humans can dance like this!

Feather step, double left spin, triple straight step, circuitous step, wave step, surf step, flip, flip again, heel turn, sword step, cross step, reversal step, crab walking cat step...

With charming smiles on their faces, Yan Zheng and Ying Ying performed a set of extremely gorgeous and exciting new dances in front of everyone. Every move was carefully crafted and trained hard, so this dance looks amazing. Release without loosening, tighten without tightening, smooth and dynamic, people will be mesmerized and fascinated by it!

"It's over, it's over..."

“I didn’t expect the foxtrot to look so good, my God!”

"You must learn this dance! Although the figure and appearance are not as good as theirs, it will definitely be fun to dance!"

"Foxtrot...has become my favorite!"

"What an eye-opener..."

Everyone screamed in their hearts and couldn't sit still anymore. They all stood up and applauded the two people in sync with the rhythm. The entire bridge space seemed to be on fire. The heat rose sharply and could not be stopped!

"Wo!" Everyone suddenly screamed at the same time!

It turned out that two dancers suddenly stopped in the middle of their fast movements! This made people exclaim involuntarily.

But this was just a sudden stop for them. Soon, the two people's movements began to advance and retreat, at random speeds and slowness, with consistent movement and stillness. As the beat of the music changed, they were faster and slower, constantly changing speed and center of gravity, and their dance postures. It is calm and powerful, giving people a decisive and sharp-edged feeling.

The two danced a series of dazzling dance steps with great skill, and their intertwined body language fully displayed the beauty of the human body!

The expressions of the two people also became quite serious. Sometimes they stared at each other affectionately, sometimes they quickly turned their heads, sometimes they looked left and right, as if they were engaged in a war or a fight. An amazing sense of power arose spontaneously, stimulating the viewers. The whole body must be full of muscle strength!


The design combined with tango dance style is the finishing touch of this foxtrot dance!

I saw the two of them walking like cats and tigers at times, as if the autumn wind swept fallen leaves, silently, but wherever they passed, the wind and sand were thousands of miles away, and the fallen leaves were scattered in all directions. The sensitivity and flexibility of their bodies were extraordinary and full of romanticism. Spiritual, more lingering, and less murderous.

Sometimes it is expressed with vigorous and vigorous movements during the march, and the beating of gongs and drums is very lively, just like a fireball blooming, bursting out with incomparable power, extremely domineering, and rich in blood.

No matter which pace they take, their sudden stops and movements are always interspersed, making people excited and screaming!

A Taoist spirit rose in the field, arousing everyone's enthusiasm to the highest level, and their voices were almost hoarse. Fortunately, Fairy Feifei's pipa sound was not affected, and it still led to the amazing performance of the two people on the field!

In fact, the importance of the pipa sound is no less than that of the two dancers, or even more important. It is precisely because of the stimulation of the music that the two dancers' dance ideas are fully displayed and reached a very high level. realm!

This most exciting tango dance finally passed, and the music turned to soothing and gorgeous, which made everyone in the seat breathe a little bit of relief, and when they began to appreciate the generous, leisurely and leisurely foxtrot, their mood became the same as that of the two dancers. It's bright and clear, and it's extremely comfortable.

The music gradually became quieter and the dance steps slowed down. Finally, the two ended almost at the same time. Yan Zheng, Yingying, and Feifei saluted everyone at the same time, with great joy on their faces!


There was an uproar in the bridge space, and everyone was not calm, except Li Yun.

Sheyang suddenly woke up, raised his hand, and dozens of fine stones fell into the hands of the three of them. He said loudly: "Wonderful! Wonderful!! It is indeed the dance of the Universiade Palace, but it is different!"

"Thank you, senior!" The three of them thanked in unison.

Xin Yang, Wan Zhu, Guo Huan and Zhao Jing all took out small gifts and threw them out, making the three of them so excited that they were covered with gifts. Xiao Xiang and others were not idle either, and took action one after another to give these three people from the Universiade Palace. The human treasures give generous gifts without being stingy at all...

"Thank you, eldest brother and all the brothers!" The three of them thanked them hurriedly.

"Haha! It's so hard for you to hide it from me, brother! I have such a dance, but I didn't show it until now. It's really annoying!" Xiao Xiang laughed.

"Brother Mingjian, if the dance is not up to par, we won't perform it! There are many kinds of dances in the team, but they haven't mastered them yet, so they haven't come out to perform yet!" Yan Zheng said with a smile.

"What?! There are many kinds of dances?!" Xiao Xiang exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course! Everyone in our model team has entered the dance lane, and almost everyone has their own special dance!"

"Oh my God!"

Everyone exclaimed and looked at each other in shock.

Unexpectedly, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Universiade Palace model team. Everyone is not simple. This not only surprised Xiaoxiang and others, but also shocked Sheyang and others!

Because they can see that most of the model team members are human race, and their cultivation level is still low. With the low-level blood of the human race, they can actually cultivate such Taoism. Even the strong men of the True Yang Clan are greatly affected. This What a miracle!

"It seems like it won't work if we don't work hard..." Xiaoxiang, Xiaoxuan, Wang Yi, Xiong Bing and others lamented in their hearts...

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