The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2047 The Art of Space Integration

Fairy Wanzhu smiled and said: "Uncle Master is right! It is unlikely that a ten-year-old child will participate in solving crimes, but Xiaoyun's father is a master at solving crimes, and sometimes he takes him with him. As a result, in the end, he mainly I relied on good luck to solve the case..."

"Haha, it seems that his father must have discovered that Xiaoyun is not an ordinary person..." Sheyang said suddenly.

"Yes, because of the difficulty of those cases, even I feel it is extremely difficult when I look at them now, but it is incredible that Xiao Yun, as a ten-year-old mortal, can figure out the mystery!" Wan Zhu said sincerely.

"Oh? Is that really true?"

"For example, there is a case involving missing persons. These missing persons disappeared in different places, but the perpetrators disappeared without leaving any clues. The most important thing at this time is to locate the hiding place of the perpetrators. However, , since the crime sites are distributed throughout Tingchao City, it makes it impossible for the investigators to track them. I wonder if the uncle has any good way to find them?" Fairy Wanzhu said.

Sheyang was startled, but he didn't expect Wanzhu to ask about him, so he thought: "The perpetrator obviously did this to confuse the pursuer and prevent the other party from discovering his lair. However, since he is committing a crime, even if he thinks about it, No matter how thorough you are, there will inevitably be some clues left behind. Maybe the clues that mortals have not discovered are obvious clues in the eyes of us cultivators."

These words made everyone around them nod in agreement. Indeed, with the ability of a cultivator, it is extremely possible to discover clues that ordinary people have not discovered.

"Of course, this happened in the mortal world. We cannot look at this issue from the perspective of a cultivator. So, in my opinion, since the perpetrator commits crimes everywhere, it means that he may appear again at any place and at any time. They commit crimes, and the goal of their crimes is to rob the population. At this time, as long as they guard a crowded place and wait patiently, there is a high chance that the murderer will be discovered!" Sheyang continued.

"Wow, what senior said makes sense!"

"This is a great plan!"

"Senior is so wise!"

"Ginger is still spicier..."

Everyone praised her one after another, and Sheyang couldn't help but feel elated on her face...

Wan Zhu said coquettishly: "Uncle Master, your approach of waiting for the fish to take the bait is good, but don't you think it is too passive? Given the situation at that time, the entire Tingchao City was in panic, and the City Lord's Mansion was under great pressure. I can’t wait even a moment, and…”

"And what?"

"The perpetrators robbed a group of people crazily in a short period of time and then stopped.

By the time Xiaoyun heard about it from his father, the perpetrators had stopped robbing people. Fairy Wanzhu said.

"This..." Sheyang was startled and couldn't help but feel that there was some trouble!

Everyone also looked at each other, thinking deeply...

Li Yun was amused. Regarding this case, he believed that if they had not read the information about his childhood, it would be difficult for them to think of a way to solve it, because the method he used to solve this case already belongs to the methodology of the fourth-level civilization, even if it is People in the world of cultivation, given their level of civilization, are also hard to think of.

It's no wonder that Fairy Wanzhu and Xin Yang discovered the extraordinary significance of this matter very keenly, because they must have found that they cannot understand this method, just like they still cannot understand the method of grinding and blending.

The huge gap between civilization levels makes Li Yun really feel awe, because he and Xiaoxing may have reached the pinnacle of the fourth-level civilization, but to break through this gap and go to the fifth-level civilization, there are unknown things in between. There are so many difficulties and obstacles, but only by gathering strength as soon as possible and accelerating research can we possibly touch that boundary and break through it in one fell swoop!

Otherwise, now I can only look up to those beings above the fifth level civilization just like Fairy Wanzhu and Xinyang look at what they have done!

Because a small problem in the fifth-level civilization may turn into an extremely thorny problem in front of you. I don’t know how many methods it will take to solve it. But for the people of the fifth-level civilization, it may be just a little effort. That’s all.

"Are you saying that this group of perpetrators robbed people everywhere in a short period of time, and then suddenly stopped doing it, making it impossible to track them, and the city government was under pressure to catch them as soon as possible?" Sheyang asked emphatically. .

"Yes. In hindsight, this matter should be an extremely critical point. Only after this breakthrough can the City Lord's Mansion discover more secrets, and the strangeness of those secrets is really eye-opening! But! , even if there were experts in the cultivation world involved, it would be difficult to find the hiding place of the perpetrators, and in the end they could only sit back and watch Chaocheng's destruction..." Fairy Wanzhu sighed.

"This...didn't Xiaoyun use the tracking methods of our immortal cultivators to solve the case?" Sheyang asked curiously.

"No! He was still a mortal at the time, so it was naturally impossible for him to have such a method. However, after his father told the story, he found the main hiding place of the perpetrator the next moment!" Fairy Wanzhu said with great admiration. .

"What?! How is this possible?!" Sheyang said in shock.

Except for Wan Zhu and Xin Yang, everyone else looked at Li Yun in shock, but saw a smile on his face, shook his head and said: "What the fairy said is too mysterious. What I found at that time was only their main activity center." That’s all, to find their hiding place, we need to find more clues in their main activity centers.”

"Giggles, I made a slip of the tongue, but in fact, it doesn't make any difference, because they were hiding there originally, but when you heard about the case, they had already moved their hiding place!" Fairy Wanzhu said with a sweet smile.

"Indeed." Li Yun nodded.

Sheyang asked impatiently: "Xiaoyun, how did you find out their main activity center? How could you determine it so quickly?"

"Uncle Master, Xiao Yun uses a very strange method. This method is to identify all the crime locations, and then through a spatial integration technique, finally calculate the activity center of the group, and that The center has absolutely no connection with the places where the crimes occurred, no one would have thought it was there," Fairy Wanzhu said.

"This...spatial integration technique? Can Xiaoyun explain it in detail?" Sheyang asked urgently.

Li Yun felt helpless, but it didn't hurt to talk about it. Whether they could understand it or not was up to them. In fact, what he admired the most was Shen Hui from the Tianji Hall in the Lower Realm. He actually understood this principle without any teacher, and he also He can often figure out where his activities are, which puts him in an extremely passive position at times.

On the contrary, many powerful people have not discovered the subtleties of this method, nor have they studied it carefully. Even after studying it, they may not be able to understand it. Therefore, the wisdom of the human race is not low, and the basic points are similar. Some mortals or low-level cultivators The wisdom of a person is not lower than that of a person with high cultivation level, sometimes it is much higher.

It is really a waste that the genius Shen Hui still stays in the lower realm. It can be said that he was buried by Tianji Palace...

"no problem!"

Li Yun created a light screen, described the situation in detail, and finally wrote down his calculation process, and then stopped talking.

While everyone was listening, they stared blankly at the dense red dots on the light screen and the calculation process next to them. They were all a little confused for a moment...

With the power of their spiritual consciousness, they can quickly see where these red dots are distributed, but in any case, it is impossible for them to judge the final calculated center of activity from this, because this has nothing to do with the power of their spiritual consciousness. It had nothing to do with it, or in other words, it had nothing to do with it at all, so they could only stare at the calculation process in a daze...

The calculation symbols used in this calculation belong to the Xuanling world, but the method comes from the pre-universe. In other words, everyone here can see how the results are calculated, but the calculation principles are a bit difficult and obscure. If not It is not easy for a calculation master, a space master, or a talented person to understand this truth.

Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces, Li Yunqi said: "Xiaoxing, Shen Hui is really a genius. How did he figure it out?"

"Sir, Shen Hui is a genius in calculation, and he has a stubborn streak. In order to understand the principle of calculation, he spends almost all his free time on it every day, to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat."

"Even so, I'm afraid what matters is his calculation genius! In my opinion, instead of letting Tianji Palace destroy him, how about we poach him?"

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! This person is really not to be missed, and he doesn't seem to be reused in the Tianji Palace, and his reputation is not high. It shouldn't be a problem to poach him quietly." Xiaoxing said.

"Then act as soon as possible!"

"No problem! We happen to be sending a starship to the lower realm to receive the newly arrived soul army, and a group of people have to change their posts, so we will pick him up by the way..."

"Okay...we can only say sorry to Xingzun..."

"Hehe, who didn't discover it himself..."

"Do you think Sheyang and the others can realize it?" Li Yun asked.

"Yes! Sooner or later, it's a matter of time. However, it's hard to say about these people in the palace. Speaking of it, it is not simple for people with third-level civilization who can understand the problems of fourth-level civilization. So, from this perspective, Shen Hui He is definitely a genius!" Xiaoxing said.

"That makes sense! Let them think about it slowly..."

Li Yun simply disappeared.

Shen Hui, who was far away in the Tianji Palace in the lower realm, must not have thought that the change in his destiny would actually come from the major discovery of two Zhenyang tribesmen. If not for Xinyang and Fairy Wanzhu who studied Li Yun's story very carefully, word for word. Information, they would not have discovered such a "little" thing, and Shen Hui's sudden flash of inspiration on this little thing finally gave him a good opportunity to stand out!

A person's talent may be like gravel in the eyes of those who are ignorant, but in the eyes of those who are knowledgeable, it is as valuable as fairy crystal, or even a priceless treasure...

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