The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2056 Insect Swirl

This scene must have seemed familiar to Wang Yi and Xiong Bing, because they followed Li Yun earlier. Xingyun No. 1 had penetrated a terrible space rift in the lower world, and now, it is in the spiritual world again. Something happened!

However, although the rift this time was large, the impact was not as strong as in the lower realm, because they were chasing the army of soul worms along the way. Wherever the army of soul worms passed, many life races along the way had long been wiped out by them. Once it is empty, the others are deeply hidden, so naturally no one will come out to watch the fun.

When everyone was half-dazzled, Xingyun No. 1 suddenly appeared to slow down significantly. The light outside changed from being as fast as an arrow at the beginning to a light spot. The shadow of the light spot became larger and larger, and finally it was Gradually some blurry scenery appeared...

With a "swipe", Xingyun No. 1 finally stopped gliding, allowing everyone on the ship to completely return to their original state from the almost weightless state. They suddenly took a few deep breaths and felt relieved.

However, when they saw the scene in the distance, their hearts suddenly lifted up again, and their expressions changed drastically!

What I saw in the light curtain before and what I saw now are completely different things. I saw that the sky here was covered with thick clouds, as dark as night, and the overwhelming soul worms had swept everything away. Only a small number of them were besieging Fairy Mengxia. There are only some soul insects, and the rest of the army is still flying further forward in batches...

"It's over, it's over..."

"Uh... uh uh... uh uh uh..." Several fairies began to vomit desperately again. How could Fairy Wanzhu dare to offer to go to the rescue?

Such an army of soul insects has simply become a super great immortal, killing gods when God blocks it, and killing Buddha when Buddha blocks it!

Looking at Fairy Mengxia again, the situation was even more dangerous than before. Her robe was almost eaten away by soul worms!

Her long hair was cut short and messy, and her body became naked. Fortunately, she was covered by a layer of fairy light, otherwise she would have had a happy ending.

Only the Little Xuan Mirror is still in her hand, and the flying sword has gone to no one knows where... Fairy Mengxia's face has already shown despair. In her opinion, although she carries countless treasures, she is now gone. After squandering all the money, facing such a terrifying army of soul worms, I am afraid that in the end I can only hide in the small mysterious mirror and pray that it will not be eaten by the soul worms.

But this approach is extremely risky, because if even the small mysterious mirror cannot stop the bites of these insects, then you will also be buried in the belly of the insects. Thinking about this makes people feel desperate!

Her current mood is no longer disgusting, disgusting, contemptuous, energetic, brave, and anxious at the beginning.

Regret, anger, but only despair, deep despair. It seems that this time he will definitely fall. It is a pity that even the letter talisman was eaten by insects. My father will definitely not know that he has fallen into the belly of the insects. , and Li Yun, who is looking for it, will not know that there was once such a woman who made a special trip from the fairy world to the spiritual world to find him...

The immortal power in her body was almost exhausted, and the surrounding spiritual energy was of no use at all. Fairy Mengxia was already planning the final outcome, but suddenly she realized that there was some commotion among the soul insects that were besieging her...

This commotion came from the outside in, so she was still killing the enemy desperately, but the pressure was greatly reduced, allowing her to take a few good breaths!

A voice suddenly rang in her ears: "Just use the Little Xuan Mirror to protect yourself!"

"Who?! Who are you?!" Fairy Mengxia asked hurriedly in excitement after fighting for so long and finally receiving unexpected foreign aid.

"I am...Li Yun!"

"Li Yun?! Oh my God!!!" Fairy Mengxia screamed, her eyes sore, and tears couldn't help but burst out of her eyes...

"Okay! These bugs are so disgusting. I'm killing them. Don't worry, put on this robe first..."

As she spoke, a blue robe appeared in front of Fairy Mengxia, looking extremely gorgeous.

Fairy Mengxia quickly put the robe on her body without even thinking about it. A strong sense of security suddenly enveloped her whole body, making her feel refreshed!

"There is also this longevity pill, swallow it!" Li Yun said again.

"Life-Extension Pill?!" Fairy Mengxia screamed, and immediately swallowed it without having time to take a closer look.

Looking at the soul insects that besieged him just now, he found that they seemed to have encountered something terrible, and they all retreated backwards, leaving a huge space around him.

"Be careful, fairy! We'll pick you up!" Li Yun's voice sounded again.

"Okay!" Fairy Mengxia had already discovered Xingyun No. 1 and naturally knew that Li Yun was there.

A web of light instantly enveloped Mengxia, and with a "swipe", her person disappeared!

When the soul insect army saw this scene, there was a great commotion, and their target was immediately fixed on Xingyun No. 1 from a distance!

Of course, the army of soul insects in the distance didn't know what was happening here, but this situation was definitely the first time since they established the army, because no one could escape from their claws. This time Xingyun No. 1 can It's said that it has stung a hornet's nest, how could the army of soul insects let it go?

Except for the army that has flown to the south, the rest of the soul insects have locked onto Xingyun No. 1 and are rushing here. For them, anything can be eaten now, and the flying boat is no exception!

Moreover, Fairy Mengxia is in the flying boat, and there must be other lives there, so there is no doubt that we must capture this flying boat!

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be ignited all of a sudden, stirring endlessly, and actually formed a huge vortex, slowly turning like a whirlwind. In the center were countless transformed Zerg people, and the soul light emitted by them had already gathered. Firmly lock Xingyun No. 1 and slowly press towards it!

"Wow!!!" There was an exclamation in the bridge space!

Everyone looked at this giant insect whirlpool that they had never seen before. They were all dumbfounded and gasped rapidly!

Such a terrifying army of soul insects!

Not to mention that Xinyang, Wanzhu, Guohuan, Zhanjing and other members of the Zhenyang tribe have never seen such a fighting method before. Even Li Yun did not expect that there could be such a formation method. It can be said that he was greatly inspired!

Sheyang, who was originally enlightened in the isolation formation due to his epiphany, had already woken up. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but scream, looking very excited!

In his extremely long life, he had never seen such an army of insects, which made him feel extremely excited.

"Sir, I didn't expect them to have evolved to such an extent!" Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"That's right, we can't underestimate them! Take back our Tiantian Pockets immediately!" Li Yun said urgently.

"Yes! Sir!"

Xiaoxing immediately recalled the Tiantian Dou team that had just gone to rescue Fairy Mengxia. Although they were the enemies of the soul worms, when facing such a terrifying army of soul worms, it was impossible to defeat them. Instead, they might be counterattacked by them. .

Because after forming a group army, the competition between the two sides is no longer about natural restraint, but the overall combat strength of both sides. If those weak Tiantian Dou encounter such a powerful army of soul insects, they may not have time. Show his ferocity and you'll die!

Xingyun No. 1 is like a small boat. It is inconspicuous in this whirlpool of howling winds and dense dark clouds. It is swaying in the wind and may be capsized at any time...

"Sir... let's run away quickly..." Xiao Xiang, who had just woken up, couldn't restrain the panic in his heart when he saw this scene and suggested first.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Li Yun. From their eyes, it was easy to see that they agreed with Xiao Xiang's suggestion, because they had rescued Fairy Mengxia and the goal had been achieved. There was no need to fight with such a terrifying army of soul insects here. A life or death!

Judging from the current situation, such an army of soul insects is definitely comparable to a super power. Even the Zhenyang tribe feels that they have no confidence. Although the people in the Universiade Palace have great confidence in Li Yun, they also feel that there is no This is necessary.

Li Yun muttered: "We really need to leave here, because we have found a few more people who are besieged by the Chongchong army, and we need to rescue them! However, we cannot give them an advantage like this, and we must recover some interest for Fairy Mengxia !”

Everyone couldn't help but look at Fairy Mengxia who was unconscious on the ground. After she was rescued, the spiritual support that had been supporting her suddenly relaxed, and she fell down and fainted...

There was a "swipe" sound, and the boat became dark!

Everyone quickly looked outside and found a huge beam of black soul light falling from the sky like a world-destroying divine thunder, locking Xingyun No. 1 firmly!

A light curtain "swiped" and bounced in the bridge space. What was displayed on it was the change of the outer energy shield of the spaceship. The numbers on it were beating continuously, which made people feel scared and confused...

"Xiaoyun, what's going on?!" Fairy Wanzhu asked urgently.

"Chongchong's soul cannon is eroding our outer shield, and now the power of the outer formation is resisting it." Li Yun explained.

"Soul cannon?! Is it a soul cannon? Oh my god!" Fairy Wanzhu's expression changed!

Sheyang was also startled and said anxiously: "The soul power is extremely weird, so be careful! Wait for me to break it with my essence fire!"

"Senior, wait a minute!" Li Yun said.

"But why?"

"Senior's essence fire must be used in key places. This insect army is nothing now. There are more terrifying ones ahead. We will use them when the time comes." Li Yun sighed.

"What?! This..." Sheyang screamed.

"I am currently studying their formation methods and the power of the soul cannon so that I can better deal with them in the future..." Li Yun added.

"That's it! What do these numbers mean?" Sheyang asked.

"These values ​​represent the strength of the outer formation. Their values ​​are constantly declining, which means that the soul cannons are extremely eroding them. If the values ​​drop to zero or negative, it means that the outer formation has been destroyed. What was broken by the soul cannon directly damaged the outer shell!" Li Yun explained.

"'s dropping a lot now, what should I do?!" Sheyang quickly discovered the problem and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry! The rate of descent has slowed down and it won't reach zero..."

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