The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2065 Good News and Bad News

Sheyang was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Li Yun was not only thoughtful, but also acted as fast as lightning. It felt so safe to work with someone like him!

Everyone felt this way, and they all looked at Li Yun with admiration consciously or unconsciously...

Li Yun didn't think so much. The purpose of raising this question was to prepare everyone. If it was too late to rescue the Boundary Tree and the space suddenly collapsed, everyone would be able to react to what was going on.

Otherwise, if such a change suddenly occurs, many accidents will inevitably occur.

"After this war, we must also check all the boundary trees in the world behind and treat them, otherwise the problem will be extremely serious in the future!" Li Yun sighed.

"Haha, with some luck, I believe they will be fine!" Sheyang laughed.

"Senior, thank you! Now that we know the Soul Clan's plan, it can be said that we know ourselves and the enemy. How about we analyze the outcome of the fight between them?" Li Yun said.

"'s really hard to say! I didn't expect that the soul clan actually has tens of millions of obedient insects in their hands. These insects can be mixed into the enemy and play many unexpected roles!" Sheyang thought. .

Fairy Wanzhu said: "Uncle Master, what effect do you think it will have?"

"If they are used well, they can completely disintegrate the entire insect army! For example, the insect army cannot organize an effective formation and fall into scattered fights. In the case of scattered fights, the Soul Clan, as their original masters, would have many There is a way to restrain them... In this case, the war between the two sides will probably last for a long time, and the victory or defeat will be difficult to determine!" Sheyang said.

Everyone nodded frequently after hearing this, feeling that Uncle Sheyang was truly a cunning, scheming, and very thorough judge of problems.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of God's opponents, you are afraid of pig teammates. If these tens of millions of obedient bugs are allowed to mix into the bug army, the entire bug army will undergo unpredictable changes. In the end, it is very likely that... As Uncle Sheyang said, the entire insect army fell apart and was destroyed by the Soul Clan!

"Uncle Master is so right! If the Soul Clan can really do this, it is far beyond our original expectations. Can we rearrange the arrangement?" Fairy Wanzhu asked.

"What do you think of this... Xiao Yun?" She Yang turned to ask Li Yun.

"Senior, this move of the Soul Clan is indeed a bit unexpected, but if they want to implement the plan smoothly, they must have underestimated the wisdom of the insect army.

Judging from our previous battles, the insect army has evolved to a very high level. If they had not encountered us, it would be difficult for others to save people from them..." Li Yun analyzed.

"That's true..." Sheyang said with deep understanding.

"Since the insect army can get rid of the restriction originally imposed on them, it proves that they have a way to eliminate the restriction. Therefore, the tens of millions of obedient insects of the soul clan may eventually be instigated by the insect army to rebel. At that time, the Soul Clan just shot itself in the foot..." Li Yun continued.

"Wo..." There was an uproar in the ship's cabin, and everyone was stunned!

After hearing what Li Yun said, everyone felt that the situation was not good. If the Chong Chong army succeeded, their strength might be greatly increased, and even the Chaos Formation would not be able to trap them!

"Xiaoyun, what do you think we should do?!" Sheyang asked urgently.

"Well, I am currently studying the restrictions imposed by the Soul Clan on Chong Chong. If it is too late, it is possible to study it. If we can remind the Soul Clan, or we ourselves can prevent the Chong Chong army from instigating rebellion, then these thousands of Ten thousand obedient insects will become their pig teammates, greatly weakening the strength of the insect army, which is extremely beneficial to us!" Li Yun thought.

"What?! Can this really be done?!" Sheyang and others' mouths opened wide when they heard this, and they couldn't close their mouths at all.

"There is still a possibility. However, just in case, we still have to take action in advance to create a powerful formation. In addition, we must prepare for the situation after instigating rebellion." Li Yun nodded.

"Not bad! It's up to you to arrange the specific steps!" Sheyang said loudly.


Li Yun did not refuse and immediately set up the arrangements. Soon, everyone started their own actions under Li Yun's command...

The focus of the operation is of course the creation of the Chaos Formation, which mainly relies on Li Yun, Chi Yan and Miaoyinqin.

Since the formation range is extremely wide, the three of them were carried by Xingyun No. 1 to execute it. Li Yun discussed with the two of them, and his understanding of the chaotic formation also deepened.

However, he found that in terms of chaos formations, his and Xiaoxing's research had far surpassed that of their two chaotic babies, so there were not many useful nutrients drawn from them.

Of course, in order to save their face, Li Yun still deliberately pretended to have benefited a lot.

While he was setting up the chaos formation with the two of them, he was communicating with Xiaoxing.

"Sir, there is good news and there is bad news. Which one should you listen to first?" Xiaoxing said.

"bad news."

"High-end bugs do have the ability to instigate low-end bugs to rebel! Many low-end bugs in the bug army were instigated and joined by them!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh my god! It's true!" Li Yun said in shock.

This idea just came to his mind not long ago, but he didn't expect it to be confirmed by Xiaoxing. It seems that the Soul Clan's attempt to sneak in pig teammates for the opponent is destined to go bankrupt!

"How did they do it?" Li Yun asked.

"Similar to our previous analysis, due to the continuous iteration and reproduction of soul insects, the power of the prohibition and bloodline imposed by Tu Ke is getting weaker and weaker, and there is no light point of divine consciousness to control it. Eventually, some high-level cultivators become souls. The insects stood out and broke through the power of restriction and bloodline on their own, and in turn, they used their higher soul power to get rid of the restrictions for other soul insects." Xiaoxing said.

"How long does this process take?"

"It depends on the iteration of the rescued soul insect. If it is more primitive, the time required will be longer. If it is more fresh, the time will be much shorter. But the time interval is generally between one hour and three days."

"Three days? I'm afraid those high-end bugs don't have the patience, right?"

"That's what the adults said! However, because the soul worms in the back world are very iterative and very fresh, they rescue them very quickly, and then let the rescued soul worms continue to rescue the earlier ones. In this way , the insect army slowly formed."

"What about the good news?"

"Most of the obedient soul insects in the hands of the soul clan are primitive, and it is not easy to rescue them, because it is difficult to successfully rescue them in a battlefield environment, and it takes three days, which is almost impossible during the battle!" Xiaoxing said .

"It makes sense!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"So, the soul clan's strategy of adding pig teammates to the insect army can be said to be a good one, and it can play a big role!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It seems we can save some effort..." Li Yunle said.

"Sir, our original idea of ​​catching them all in the air was too difficult. In addition to covering the space above, the chaos formation should also go deep underground. Even if they go underground, they will fall into a trap!" Xiaoxing said.

"Yes! This is more reasonable!" Li Yun praised.

He immediately discussed it with Chi Yan and Miaoyinqin. Both of them strongly agreed, so they began to improve the original plan...

Since the space of this formation is huge, and the chaos formations originally designed by Li Yun and Xiaoxing were relatively small and compact, for this new large formation, Xiaoxing can be said to have fully mobilized its computing power and continuously improved it.

Under the continuous interpretation of the think tank, the chaos formation is being perfected at an extremely fast speed. Xiaoxing's main idea is to build the formation from the small to the large, from small to large. Each formation is relatively independent.

This has a great advantage, that is, if the army of insects damages one or two small formations, it will not affect the operation of other formations.

Moreover, with more formations, more control methods can be implemented, such as cutting and surrounding opponents, making it easier to round them up.

There is another issue to note here, and that is whether the explosion force after the formation is damaged will affect other formations and the surrounding large formations. If a chain explosion occurs, all the previous efforts will be wasted!

Therefore, this requires extremely high computing power and control ability, and each formation must be limited to a controllable range. Once it reaches saturation, the network must be closed immediately to avoid exceeding the design limit.

Of course there is no problem with Xiaoxing's computing power, and Li Yun's on-site control ability is also no problem, so the two of them are full of confidence in this...

"Xiaoxing, how long will it take for the insect army to arrive?"

"The frontline troops will arrive in about a week!" Xiaoxing responded.

A lot of light curtains were shot out. When Li Yun saw it, his eyes almost straightened out. He saw dark clouds rolling in the picture, lightning and thunder, just like the eve of the storm, which made people frightened!

"This... I'm afraid the soul clan will be scared to death when they see such a scene, right?" Li Yun asked worriedly.

"It's possible! Maybe he will just run away!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"If this is the case, all the previous assumptions made by us and the Soul Clan will be redundant..." Li Yun sighed.

"But the Soul Clan has no way out by then, because it's impossible to escape, and they can see that," Xiaoxing said.

"Well, it all depends on their bloodiness! However, I don't think the Soul Clan will be so intimidated, right? What's more, they still have quite a few tricks..."

"Sir, if we want the two sides to fight, we must do something, such as causing some chaos in the insect army before the Soul Clan is scared away. This can enhance the Soul Clan's confidence..."

"It makes sense! This is necessary!" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he said fiercely.

A fire fight requires a fuse, and Li Yun understands this very well...

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