The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2068 The difference between conquest by force and integration of civilizations

"Of course! However, if these two hundred thousand soul warriors are allowed to escape and harm the frontal world of the spirit world, the consequences will be very serious." Xiaoxing said.

"Well, we must keep a close eye on them this time. When they have the opportunity to fight, we will catch all these 200,000 people in one go!" Li Yun nodded.

"no problem!"

This matter can be said to be a top priority and there must be no mistakes or omissions, so the two of them solemnly included it in the details of the plan.

Now, the Soul Clan is building formations, altars, blood pools, and various means to limit the power of Soul Insects. This has opened their eyes to Li Yun and Xiaoxing!

Because these are the unique methods of the Soul Clan, they are simply a vivid interpretation of the information in the Soul Machine Palace.

The secrets of the soul clan were also revealed to the two of them bit by bit, and they no longer felt any strangeness to the extremely distant soul world.

However, Li Yun suddenly discovered a problem, that is, there were very few, or almost no, master-slave relationships between these soul warriors, but a superior-subordinate relationship. This situation was completely different from the master-slave relationship prevalent in the Xuanling world. Varies!

"Xiaoxing, have you ever discovered this?" Li Yun asked.


"What could be the reason?"

"Sir, this should be related to the situation we analyzed earlier! In other words, after the Soul Clan takes over the body, there will be two or more souls in the soul. In this case, which soul controls the body? Even Tiandao will feel confused, so the master-slave relationship recognized by Tiandao has problems here." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! But what if someone can remove the soul hidden in this person?" Li Yun thought.

"If the situation mentioned by you is put in your hands, it may be solved. Because your power of spiritual consciousness has reached an extremely high level, and you have a very deep research on spiritual consciousness and memory, so the original soul in it must be cleared. It should be possible. But it is difficult for others. You know, according to our research, memory and consciousness can exist in multiple locations in the body at the same time, such as the monk's Dantian, Jindan, Yuanying, etc., and even There are also some other special locations, and people in the Xuanling World have not studied them deeply. They must have tried to clear them out, but they found that the original souls still existed, so they had to give up!" Xiaoxing continued.

"Well said! This should be the case. No wonder most of the soul clan has a superior-subordinate relationship.

Slaves are rarely accepted, so this situation requires the powerful masters of the Soul Clan to use other restrictive methods to manage their subordinates..." Li Yun said suddenly.

"Yes, such as using the power of blood, cultivation suppression, Dao power suppression, etc., but those who still maintain their soul bodies and their original bodies can be taken as slaves." Xiaoxing said.

"That's right! Now that I think about it, Tuke's failure to seize the body should also be related to this aspect!"

"My lord is saying..."

"You see, taking slaves requires them to have independent souls and bodies, and the opposite is also true. If a master has more than two souls, which one will the slaves be loyal to? As a master, if you cannot clear out the original Soul, then he can't seize the body, otherwise there will be problems with the master-slave agreement between him and the slaves he has taken in." Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes! Tuke must have taken in a lot of slaves. Therefore, in order to maintain the independence of his soul, he can no longer seize bodies! The reason why he has high physical requirements in the legend is probably just a legend." Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"If it is the body of a major cultivator, the soul in it must also be stronger. Tu Ke should also know that such a soul is difficult to remove, so his strategy should be to use soul worms to control other people. Instead of letting them surrender as slaves." Li Yun nodded.

"Hehe, he probably never thought that even the soul insects have rebelled now, so his ambition to dominate Xuanling is destined to be unfulfilled!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Any ambition and action to achieve conquest through force will eventually prove to be a failure!" Li Yun sighed.

Regarding this, he and Xiaoxing have long seen through. From the previous universe to this universe, no matter how vast your magical power is, it is difficult to conquer by force. On the contrary, the spread of civilization, integration and assimilation is the right way.

Because the birth and development process of life is a process of struggle with nature. There is a spirit of struggle in the bones of every life, it just depends on whether it has been awakened.

When they are conquered by others with force, the spirit of resistance hidden in their bodies may be awakened. Therefore, the wider the scope of the conquest by force, the stronger the resistance will be. However, the force will sometimes be used up, but the resistance will not. There is no end, and in the end there will be stronger and higher force to destroy the conquerors...

However, the spread of civilization and integration and assimilation are a silent process of spring breeze turning into rain and moistening things. In this process, the communicator and the disseminated, the integrator and the integrated are actually a process of mutual benefit. Since both parties gain Benefit, why fight?

It can be said that for civilized worlds at the same level, cultural dissemination and racial integration are a major trend, but it is different for civilized worlds at different levels. Because there is a huge gap between the two sides, Conquest can become quite effective at this point.

For the world of low-level civilization, it is necessary to climb out of the low-level cycle and jump into high-level civilization as soon as possible, so as to avoid being completely conquered and eliminated by high-level civilization.

In the Xuanling world, this civilization is somewhat special. It belongs to the cultivation civilization. People admire the strong and the victory through force. Therefore, various conquests by force have never ended, and the process of cultural spread and racial integration has never ended. But it is very slow.

But some of the things Li Yun is doing now have promoted this process.

For example, with the large-scale development of the Universiade Palace, people of various races began to merge together, products began to be marketed throughout the spiritual world, chess games and gambling games that connected fairies and spirits, etc.

Li Yun believes that things like cultural dissemination and racial integration will definitely advance slowly. If there is a lubricant, this process can be greatly accelerated, and the Universiade Palace now plays the role of a lubricant...

Of course, this matter is still far away. Now, in order to fight against Tu Ke's conspiracy, he must be attacked instead of fusing the Soul Clan.

The creation of the Chaos Formation has not stopped for a moment, it has surrounded all the formations of the Soul Clan and begun to go deep underground.

Li Yun suddenly discovered another problem, that is, the Antarctic Circle should be in the polar night state at this time, because he had just arrived from the North Pole, and the North Pole was in the polar day period at this time.

But here in the Antarctic Circle, there is no obvious polar night state, it is still bright, and the aurora phenomenon also occurs from time to time, which looks extremely gorgeous!

"Sir, this is because the light from the Antarctic Circle comes from many sources. It is not just the sun here, but there are also several large stars around it that reflect the light, just like the moonlight, illuminating the Antarctic Circle." Xing analyzed.

"Yes! So, is the luminous star reflecting the light the place where the soul world is?" Li Yun said suddenly as he looked at the sky in the distance.

"That's right there! The soul world reflects the sun's rays. Because it faces the Antarctic Circle, it looks like a small moon." Xiaoxing said.

"This location is good! After this battle, we must build a teleportation array and an observation array here!" Li Yun said excitedly.

"This is already in Xiaonu's plan. Now that one has been built in the North Pole, of course one must be built in the South Pole." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Well, it seems that Chakar's theory of soul mapping is possible! Because it can be realized through the guidance of star power!" Li Yun said.

"If he is proficient in stargazing, it is possible to do it. There are many talents in Soul Machine Palace. As a strategist, it is not surprising that he has stargazing. After all, Soul Machine Palace needs to use star power to transmit information." Xiao Xiao Star agreed.

"He should be a star-level figure, so we shouldn't underestimate him."

"Your Excellency is right! There were signs just now that Chakar seemed to have noticed someone moving around. It must have been Huang Yimiao who was discovered!" Xiaoxing said.

" not good!" Li Yun was startled.

If the soul clan discovers it, it will definitely have an impact on the plan. This is really unexpected!

"Don't worry, sir! Xiao Nu has already reminded Nian Lun and Wen Qing, and they have taken Huang Yi Miao into hiding." Xiao Xing said.

He cast a light curtain, and what was playing on it was the scene of Zharmu and Chakar flying by. The two were seen flying very fast, and soon they appeared in a glacier area, with suspicious looks on their faces.

"Palace Master, it should be here!" Chakar said loudly.

"Not bad! I smell the smell of a foreign race here, it seems...human race...tiger race!!!" Zalmu nodded.

"It's strange, this place has been cleared by us a long time ago. It's impossible for humans and tigers to come here!"

"In addition to the human race and the tiger race, there is another kind of life, but I can't tell which kind of life it is! It's really strange. Who is here?" Zalmuqi said.

"No matter who they are now, the key is what are they going to do? It must not be simple for three people of different races to mix together!" Chakar thought.

The two of them felt a little bad and hurriedly searched around, but found nothing. They couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Palace Master, if they can avoid our detection, their cultivation level must be high. If they can be caught, they will be very good bodies..."

Zharmu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said solemnly: "Call more people immediately, even if you have to dig three feet into the ground, we have to find them!"

"Yes!" Chakar responded and immediately sent out a talisman to summon people.

After a while, the glacier area was filled with Soul Clan people, all of them searching for those three people as if they were on a chicken's blood...

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