The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2101 The heroes think alike

However, after hearing the information obtained by King Fu and others, the three kings of Shang could not help but change their faces slightly, and they were not so relaxed.

"Billions of insects?! Hundreds of thousands of soul clans?!" King Shang asked in disbelief.

"That's right! This is what I saw with my own eyes, and it's probably more than that, because the information obtained by the Immortal Machinery Department cannot be the full amount." King Fu nodded.

"This is indeed a bit unexpected! The last memorial table handed over by the Immortal Machinery Department only stated that there were more than one billion insects, and there was no soul race yet!" King Shang said in surprise.

"There must be a certain lag in the information we obtain from the Immortal Realm, but this latest information will be reported to the Immortal Court, but it will not involve too many details. Therefore, father will definitely know that we are facing an extremely difficult battle. Fight!" King Fu said proudly.

For him, he hopes that the greater the difficulty, the better, because if this battle is too easy, it will not show his ability. As for the difficulty, the damage to the fairy army will increase accordingly, but it is not his within the scope of consideration.

This is the general idea of ​​​​a hero. In the eyes of such people, victory is often a pile of bones. Without sacrifice, how can you get what you want?

As long as you don't sacrifice yourself, those ants don't matter...

Of course, as a commander, if he can achieve great achievements while minimizing sacrifices, it is naturally a manifestation of his ability. Therefore, King Fu will still consider how to win faster, more beautifully, and more economically!

"Fifth brother, this is indeed a big battle, we must be careful!" King Shang reminded.

"Don't worry! The situation has changed again!" King Fu said.

Fairy Mu Gui asked urgently: "Your Majesty, what are the new changes?"

"A war broke out between the Chong Chong army and the Soul Clan in the Antarctic Circle. As a result, the formation of the Chong Chong Army was disrupted by the Soul Clan and suffered heavy losses. The Soul Clan also fled in panic and disappeared without a trace!"

"Is that so?!" Fairy Mugui was startled.

"Exactly! Even the Chongchong army has found a place to hide now, and there is no trace of them in Yuanyi Immortal Lord!" King Fu nodded.

"Oh my god... So, we got a bargain!" Fairy Mugui said excitedly, feeling refreshed.

"Haha, God is really helping me! Now we just need to find the missing Chongchong and the escaped Soul Clan!" King Fu looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" everyone said in unison.

"It's easy to say, easy to say! However, although the insects have suffered heavy losses and are hiding again, their number is still estimated to be two to three billion, and we must not take it lightly! If you have any clever ideas, feel free to propose them!" King Fu said with a smile. .

When everyone heard this, they all looked at military advisor Zhang Liang.

King Fu also said with great anticipation: "Xiao Liang, you might as well tell me what you think."

"Yes! Sir! On the way back from the Xianji Cave, the little slave has been thinking about the battle between the insect army and the soul tribe in the Antarctic Circle of the spirit world. Such a thing itself has a rather strange atmosphere. Generally speaking, a war There must be some kind of feud between the two sides, or they are competing for territory, but the soul clan comes from the soul world, and the insect army does not know whether it was bred by the spirit world. In my opinion, it is unlikely that the insect army with such strength is... A native species in the spiritual world!" Zhang Liang analyzed.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it, and they felt that what Zhang Liang said made sense. If we analyze it from this perspective, we can indeed draw different conclusions.

"If this can be confirmed, then the insect army and the soul tribe are not native to the spiritual world, but they are launching an unprecedented war in the Antarctic Circle of the spiritual world. This is puzzling! However, we have always We know that the Soul World has great ambitions, wants to annex all realms, and is even arrogant and rude to the Immortal World. Therefore, it is not unacceptable for the Soul Clan to appear in the Spirit World. The key question is where did the insect army come from? How are they related to each other? What's the dispute between the Soul Clan? Do both sides want to seize the Antarctic Circle area?" Zhang Liang continued.

"Well said!" King Fu praised.

"Xiao Nu feels that in order to answer these questions, we must rush to the Antarctic Circle area as soon as possible to conduct on-the-spot verification, because that is the battlefield of the war, and there will definitely be countless clues left behind. Then we can follow the clues to find out their whereabouts and bring them to justice. Catch them all in one fell swoop!" Zhang Liang suggested.


"That's how it should be!"

"The military advisor is really far-sighted..."

"I am over-flattered…"

After listening to Zhang Liang's suggestion, King Fu immediately ordered the entire army to move forward toward the Antarctic Circle of the Spirit World and advance rapidly...

At this time, the people below urgently sent another letter, which was exactly what Yuan Yi sent later.

King Fu quickly opened it and took a look. It turned out that what Yuan Yi said in the letter also suggested that he go directly to the Antarctic Circle to search for clues. The content of his analysis was almost exactly the same as what Zhang Liang just said!

It can be said that heroes think alike!

King Fu simply read the letter to everyone, and everyone couldn't help but admire Zhang Liang even more. Unexpectedly, his ideas coincided with those of Yuanyi Xianzun, which shows that his wisdom is really superior to others!

As a result, the immortal army moved forward more firmly, using its full immortal power, flying over the spirit world...

However, the speed of the Qinglong Warship was not comparable to that of the Xingyun No. 1. By the time they reached the Antarctic Circle, nearly a month had passed!

In other words, they flew from the North Pole to the South Pole for a whole month!

If we add two months to obtain information and one month to arrange the dispatch of troops, it took more than four months after the insect plague broke out for the fairy army to arrive at the place where the incident occurred in the spirit world!

This makes people collapse just thinking about it...

However, this speed is already considered fast to people in the Xuanling world, because the Xuanling world is too big, and it is impossible for Xianting to react as quickly as Li Yun to every area. You know, even if Obtaining and analyzing information were delayed for nearly two months. The decision to send troops went through internal infighting. In the end, due to internal strife and the need for confidentiality during the march, we did not dare to move forward quickly, so it was delayed again and again.

Li Yun happened to be at the scene of the incident. In addition, the ground network and sky network had been laid. All the information he received was real-time, and both global and local information could be received. He also had enough processing power to quickly respond to the incident. Process and react. Otherwise, it would be impossible to rescue Fairy Mengxia and Fairy Wenhui in time.

In fact, it can be clearly seen from the comparison between the two sides that the biggest gap lies in the collection and processing of information. War is largely an information war. This has been verified by countless war cases!

Only by obtaining the most original and comprehensive information and possessing sufficient processing and analysis capabilities can it be possible to formulate the most correct strategies and tactics and make the fastest response.

Li Yun is already far ahead of everyone at this point, so his achievements are also based on this solid foundation.

The Azure Dragon Fleet arrived in the Antarctic Circle area of ​​the spirit world in an invisible manner. However, this did not escape the monitoring of the underground network, and various information continued to pour in...

"Sir, the fairy army has launched a carpet search in the Antarctic Circle area!" Xiaoxing said.

"There is a problem. Last time we released the Binglan tribe members, maybe they would leak some information..." Li Yun said helplessly.

"Indeed. However, the people who put us back did not see us, and the clan leaders who saw us are now in Xingyun No. 1." Xiaoxing said.

"But they all know that they were saved. This will let King Fu and the others know that a third party appeared during the battle between the two sides, and this third party played a very important role."

"Yes. It depends on how far they can analyze it..." Xiaoxing said.

This matter is indeed uncontrollable, because Li Yun is now far away from the Antarctic Circle. Even if the clan leaders send a letter to silence them, it is too late, and it may be self-defeating, so just ignore it for now...

When the King of Fortune's Immortal Army came to the Antarctic Circle, they were still invisible at first, but later found out that this was not necessary at all, because the place looked extremely peaceful, not even a single insect was seen, not a single Soul Clan was found, and the environment was extremely beautiful. Space did not collapse because of the war, and many life races are migrating back...

"What's going on? It doesn't look like there was a war here at all?" King Fu was completely stunned!

"Fifth brother, is this just a superficial appearance?" King Shang was always more cautious, so he asked.

"Of course, the information cannot be wrong! There must have been a war here, but something must have happened afterwards, otherwise it would not have been possible to recover so quickly..." King Fu muttered.

The two of them were just observing below the fleet. An Yi and Mu Gui were by their side to ensure safety. However, the two people who were really responsible for the inspection mission were Zhang Liang, Yi Kuan, Zhan Yi and other members of their sect.

In addition to thinking about the Immortal Army, King Shang also thought about Fairy Wenhui and Xiaohong. He had sent the letter talisman long after he came to the spirit world, but he has not received a reply from them so far. It made him feel a little uneasy, because it had been a month, and with the speed of the immortal talisman, he could receive a reply anyway. This showed that Fairy Wenhui and the others were in a somewhat unpredictable situation.

He suddenly had a not-so-good idea in his mind: "They should be looking for fairy grass and elixir after the chess game. Zhuantian Mountain and Boundless Sea are close to the world behind. Will they encounter an insect plague in the process?"

Thinking of this, King Shang became a little flustered!

This possibility is not impossible, on the contrary, it is very high. If they really encounter an insect plague, with their abilities and the treasures they carry, it is impossible to defeat each other, and even escaping will become a problem!

"It's over, it's over..." King Shang's face changed slightly and he murmured.

"Thirteenth brother, what's over?!" King Fu asked curiously.

King Shang told the story about Fairy Wenhui, and King Fu and others were stunned!

"Did you have a soul lamp to watch her when you set off?!" King Fu asked urgently.


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