The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 212 New jersey (1)

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Li Yun returned to the cave and found that Ren Yu had left a spiritual ring for him. He sensed it and couldn't help but smile on his face.

Inside were the batch of monk robes he requested, which Ren Yu got from the sect.

"Master, now that we have the Mysterious Power Talisman, we need to let the Immortal Server wear the new robe we designed. Otherwise, if the Talisman explodes, he will be killed before he can kill his opponent!" Xiaoxing said with a smile. .

"Exactly! However, these brothers and sisters cannot make this shirt. We have to make it ourselves."

The robes of monks are much better than the robes of immortals. Not only are the materials resistant to wear and tear, heat, cold and water, but they are also resistant to being hacked by magic weapons, and can play a protective role like ordinary magic weapons.

Some high-end robes can even reach the protection level of spiritual weapons and are extremely expensive. However, there are very few such robes, and only the top ten peak masters and a few ancestors can equip them.

Since robes are easily damaged during action, most monks will prepare multiple sets in case of emergency.

If you want the Immortal Warrior to exert its strong combat power, in addition to having offensive means, it is more important to have good protection. If others cannot break through your protection, then he will only be beaten in the future.

Transforming the robe is one of Li Yun's plans. This is a relatively simple and low-cost plan.

Because if you want to greatly enhance the protection, you must get a cold iron star mail armor like Li Yun's. However, this kind of armor is not a piece of cabbage and can be obtained casually.

In the world of cultivation, there are some sects that specialize in making treasured armor. They have been passed down for a very long time, and the secrets of manufacturing are strictly guarded. There is very little information about this in the classics.

Moreover, even if such treasured armor were provided, the cost would probably be extremely high. With so many immortal attendants, it would be impossible for each person to have one.

However, Xiaoxing has his own way.

With the robe as the carrier of spiritual power, by carving the immortal patterns of the protective formation on the robe, its protective power can be greatly improved. This has been confirmed through experiments.

Because the protective array can resolve the force more evenly, it reduces the damage caused by the opponent's attack.

In addition, by absorbing the energy in the force and converting it into the energy source of the robe formation, further progress is made. One step further improves the protective power of the formation and creates a virtuous cycle.

In this way, unless the opponent's attack power is extremely fierce and exceeds the ultimate endurance of the robe, the robe will protect the owner extremely well.

The higher the level of the protective formation, the higher the protective power.

Moreover, Li Yun designed a small spirit gathering array, which is somewhat similar to the self-operating spirit gathering array on Ah Wu Xuan Dongmu. This allows the protective array to not consume spiritual stones and can always operate on its own.

Finally, it is natural to design a unique hidden lock and back door so that others cannot start to study it.

The protective formation that Xiaoxing is preparing now is the Seven-Star Big Dipper Formation. This formation was obtained from the Star Sword Sect and was found in the storage bag of its third-generation disciple Xiao Teng.

At that time, this group of people was captured by the magician Jie Xi in the Qiulong Mountains. They were supposed to die, but were later rescued by Li Yun. Of course, Li Yun also collected the interest in advance and stripped them all naked.

The Seven-Star Beidou Formation is Xing Jianzi's proud work. With this formation, the seven disciples can exert combat power far beyond their own strength. Fighting across ranks is not a problem.

This formation not only has strong offensive power, but also has stronger protective power. It uses the power of seven people to block the opponent's attack, which is the essence of the protective formation.

After getting the little star, as if he had found a treasure, he immediately calculated and condensed it, greatly increasing its effectiveness, and condensed the pattern of the array. Although it is unknown what level it has reached, it is definitely a rare treasure array.

Li Yun waved his hand, and a robe floated on the talisman platform.

The Xishan fox hair was soaked in the beast's blood, and he concentrated his energy and began to wave the hair.

The brush moves like a dragon or a snake, either straight or curved, thick or thin, seemingly straight but actually curved, seemingly thick but actually thin, seemingly flat but actually three-dimensional, dot, horizontal, vertical, left, navel, hook, fold, lift... there are many brushwork techniques , people are dazzled and blinded.

In a moment, a huge fairy pattern appeared out of thin air, flashing with astonishing spiritual light, and slowly flew into the robe. With a "swipe" sound, a spiritual light flashed, and the entire robe seemed to be bathed in a gleaming light.

Keep swiping, one fairy pattern after another flew into the robe. After a while, I stopped writing, and saw that the robe kept flickering, flickering, and suddenly stopped, all the auras converged, and gradually returned to their original state. However, at this moment, it seems to be very different from before.

The whole robe looks full of energy, as if it is alive!


Xuan Dongmu looked on and was dumbfounded, but now he screamed in surprise.

Unexpectedly, Li Yun is really a master of writing, and everything he writes contains Taoist charm. How can Xuan Dongmu not be surprised by this? There are definitely no more than one person like this in his memory.

"Master, did you really let those immortal attendants wear this robe?!" Xuan Dongmu asked in shock.

"That's right! Only by wearing such robes can they be better protected and be able to exert their strong combat power." Li Yun nodded.

"But, with their abilities, they might not even be able to keep this robe..." Xuan Dongmu shouted.

"Don't worry, I left a backdoor on the robe. If it is really robbed, it will self-destruct after a period of time without the continuous induction of profound energy. Moreover, even if it is robbed by other mortals, I can still Let them self-destruct through the back door." Li Yun laughed.

"What?! Back door?! There is such a back door..." Xuan Dongmu was a little uneasy.

"This is nothing. All my products have backdoors. If someone uses these products to deal with me, it will be delivered to your door!"

"Then...what if someone cracks the backdoor?"

"It's impossible to crack! Because I also added a secret lock. If someone wants to forcefully break in and understand, all products will self-destruct immediately!"


Xuan Dongmu was completely petrified and was too shocked to say a word.

After Li Yun explained, he continued to add the patterns of the Seven-Star Beidou Formation to these batches of robes. Finally, he even modified a robe specifically for Xuandong Mu.

"Thank you, Master!"

"You're welcome!" Li Yun smiled.

However, Xuandongmu was still used to being naked and cool in Tianyun, so he put away his robe and left it to wear when going out.

"Go see how they're getting on..."

Li Yun detected that Ming Kongzi and Sima Kong's consciousnesses were locked together, so he stepped out and flew towards the testing site.

In the corner of the testing ground, Ren Yu was training the Immortal Warriors. The seven Immortal Warriors who were the first to fuse the first-level demon crystals have become team captains, leading their respective teams in training.

At this time, they were still practicing Xuan Gong, but their power was already very different from when they were in the Tianlong Empire.

Due to the effect of the Golden Dragon Liquid, the physiques of these immortal servants have been greatly improved, and the physiques of many outstanding ones have reached the level of the early stage of Qi refining, which can be said to be completely transformed.

On such a basis, it is naturally different to perform the original Xuan Gong.

Even the ordinary Xuan Gong, its power has been greatly improved. Between a punch and a kick, it will naturally bring about a strong wind with astonishing momentum.

Ren Yu's eyes were stern, and he shouted and scolded from time to time, his hatred of iron not becoming steel was palpable.

At present, more and more immortal attendants are signing up for special training. The number has reached a thousand, accounting for half of the immortal attendants in Wuyou Peak. Moreover, this trend is spreading and has the potential to sweep across the world.

Although the fact that the seven immortal servants headed by Li Si and Lin Li successfully fused the first-level demon crystal was classified as a secret, it was allowed to spread in Wuyou Peak. Once the news was released, it immediately spread in Wuyou Peak. All the immortal attendants were going crazy.

Being able to become a person like an immortal master is the dream in the hearts of these immortal servants. If they can, they will no longer have to depend on others, no longer have to do menial jobs, no longer need to be bullied and humiliated, and even... they can also have an elephant immortal With a long life like Master, I can do more things and enjoy more fun...

It can be said that their determination to become stronger is stronger than those who have spiritual roots!

Now, Wuyou Peak is helping them realize this dream. If they don't seize this opportunity, even God will punish them!

As a result, the testing ground began to be crowded with people. As soon as all the immortal servants completed the task at hand, they would run here to inquire whether they could join the special training.

At this moment, they were gathered outside the testing site, and their eyes almost bulged when they saw the extremely powerful testers in the field.

"I want to join!"

"I want to sign up!"

"I want…"

"I also want…"

The public sentiment is raging and unstoppable.

Ren Yu looked at the crowd outside coldly, then suddenly pointed to a test site nearby and said, "If you want to sign up, you must first pass the Five Elements Formation level!"

The immortal attendants were startled and looked back, only to see the four words "Five Elements Formation" engraved on the testing ground.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Someone shouted and rushed over first.

There was an immortal guard guarding the door, it was Qiu Ren, a disciple of Wuyou Peak. When he saw the crowd approaching, he stood up to block it and said: "To enter the Five Elements Formation, you must be prepared physically and mentally. Without perseverance, Without a cool head and a strong body, it is impossible to go through it! Whether it is one day or three days, January or March, you can only try if you are ready. Everyone can have three chances, if If you fail to pass three times, you will not be able to enter the special training camp again!"

"I see…"

The immortal attendants suddenly realized and couldn't help but hesitate. There were only three precious opportunities. If they were wasted due to lack of preparation, they would never have the chance to become a strong man in this life.

"Excuse me, Immortal Master, have all the immortal attendants currently in the special training camp passed the test of this formation?" someone asked.

"Of course! You can communicate with them first and learn lessons. In short, this test is not to make things difficult for you, but to enable you to have a strong mind before entering the special training camp. You must know that there is no It is impossible to walk on the road of being strong with a strong mind!" Qiu Ren explained.

"Thank you, Master Immortal!"

After hearing this, the immortal attendants gradually dispersed and prepared secretly.

...To be continued.

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