The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2219 Rocky Temple

"What's going on? How could such a powerful Zerg army suddenly disappear?" the Holy Emperor asked in shock.

"It's really strange. Yesterday's message was about one running away and the other chasing, but today he disappeared..." Master Shanhui said suspiciously.

"Where can so many Zerg people hide? Why are they hiding?" Zhenjun Dongxia said loudly.

"That's right..."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

The Zerg people had an absolute advantage and had been chasing and intercepting the fairy army and the demon team. There was no reason to give up suddenly. Instead, they hid and let the fairy army encircle and suppress them, unless something major happened.

"Could it be the reason why our rescue team arrived?" Lord Hanshan thought.

"Eh...that makes sense!"

"Calculating the time, it should be here, but..." True Lord Dongxia muttered.

"But what?" Master Shanhui asked.

"The Demon Realm is a vast territory. Even if the rescue team arrives there now, it will still take some time to find the Immortal Army and the Zerg. And we don't know where the two sides are at this time, so we can't judge whether this is the reason!" Zhenjun Dongxia analyzed.

"It's true..." Everyone was convinced by him again.

Although the sudden change in the situation in the demon world gave them a lot of doubts, it made them feel relieved. After all, they watched the immortal army being hunted by the Zerg every day, and they were all worried and uneasy.

Now it's okay, the fairy army is in turn encircling the Zerg, at least they no longer have to worry about their own safety.

However, Zhenjun Dongxia suddenly thought of a problem and said, "No! Wu Siqi's going to the demon world is a threat to the prince!"

This question should have been thought of by the Holy Emperor first, but now it is Zhenjun Dongxia who thinks of it first. It is precisely because this Holy Emperor is not the original Holy Emperor, and there is no father-son relationship between him and the prince at all, so he only cares about How can I care about the life and death of the prince?

But after hearing the words of Zhenjun Dongxia, the Holy Emperor suddenly understood and said quickly: "Exactly! I just thought of this problem, but the Immortal Court cannot be without an owner for a day. I have reached my limit here and can't go any further. The demon world has gone..."

"The Holy Emperor has many things to do. It is indeed inconvenient to leave the immortal world. Why don't we just leave it to us! If Wu Siqi is not cut into pieces, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in our hearts!" True Lord Dongxia said loudly.


" good! So good!"

"'s time for all of you, Immortal Lords and Immortal Chan, to make this trip! I'm hosting a banquet in the Immortal Courtyard to wait for your good news! By the way, Wu Siqi, in addition to using poison, he also has the Immortal Weapon Heaven and Earth Plate. In addition, his soul power is quite strong and he is good at plotting, so you should be careful!" the Holy Emperor warned.

"Thank you, Holy Emperor, for reminding me!" Everyone responded in unison.

The group of people said goodbye and the Holy Emperor returned to the Immortal Court. However, Zhenjun Dongxia and others took the teleportation array from the Immortal Platform to the Demon Realm...

In fact, for Zhenjun Dongxia and others, after knowing that Wu Siqi had the intention to kill them, they would not be able to return to their respective forces with peace of mind if they did not capture him, because once they were left alone, the risk would become Even higher, only when everyone is here and work together to kill him can the merits be considered complete...

In the Demon Realm, Li Yun moved a realm tree and propped up the last completely collapsed interface. Everything began to recover, and the creatures that were not yet dead began to save themselves. A look of satisfaction appeared on his face, as he finally completed this task. finished!

During this round of rescuing the world tree, he also found his little slave Lila from the Taotie tribe. It turned out that he had saved many people from the devil world with his pills, and also put many people into him. The small space in the small space, especially the many people of the Taotie tribe, was hidden by him in the small space. Since the world in the small space is extremely vast, there is no problem in containing as many people as possible. Therefore, just this small space alone allowed many members of the demon tribe to hide in the small space. When a person survives a desperate situation, it can be said that his merits are immeasurable!

When they heard that most of the Zerg had left, leaving only a lot of middle and low-end bugs, these demons finally felt relieved. They were really frightened by the Zerg.

Originally, the demons were also a ruthless and aggressive race.

But after encountering the Zerg army, they finally knew what true ferocity was. Just like the Taotie tribe, their characteristic is that their devouring method is particularly powerful. However, in front of the Zerg tribe, they found that their devouring method could not be used at all. The countertop is really a small thing that makes a big difference!

The people of the Demon Race also rose up to resist like the Monster Race, but unfortunately the Zerg were too powerful and could not be defeated by them at all, so they hid, hid, and fled. In the end, nearly 30% of the interface collapsed. Other interfaces are also close to collapse, many races have been exterminated, others have also suffered heavy losses, and they are in constant panic...

Some capable people were already preparing to lead some people to escape from the demon world, but for some reason, they found that the Zerg army was gathering in large numbers in the air, which almost made them collapse. Did the Zerg know that they were going to escape, and then completely closed the air passage? ?

These people were forced to stay in the demon world, and gradually fell into despair, feeling that the end was coming...

Unexpectedly, the situation has changed suddenly in recent days. The collapsed interfaces seem to have emerged from desperation, and have risen again, showing vitality. Many races that were originally thought to be extinct have reappeared and begun to save themselves...

It seems that the demon world is inexhaustible and the atrocities committed by the Zerg are such that even Heaven can no longer stand it!

The demons rushed to tell each other, cheered and united like never before, preparing to join forces for another fierce battle with the Zerg army. At this time, the Taotie tribe climbed up and shouted, so that all the major races in the demon world gathered together, saying that something big was going to happen. tell.

Since these races have gradually gathered together after being swept away by the Zerg tribe, the time for them to gather together was naturally very short. Soon, countless demon race people appeared in the Rocky Mountains, the base camp of the Taotie tribe!

This is the sacred mountain of the Taotie people. At the highest point of the sacred mountain, stands a temple, which looks like a huge open mouth. The sharp teeth are huge and sharp, shining, making people look intimidating.

At this time, the leaders of the top fifty races of the demons gathered in the temple, and it was very lively. This scene has been extremely rare in recent years. If it were not for the attack of the Zerg, these races would probably have fought against each other. The fight was so fierce that it was impossible to sit together.

But now, under the strong pressure of the Zerg army, the demons are facing the danger of annihilation. People of these races finally put aside their grudges and hatreds and discuss how to deal with the Zerg.

The heads of the top ten races are sitting on the throne. In addition to the Taotie tribe, there are also the Split Sky Si tribe, the Ice Armored Horned Dragon tribe, the Red Flame Golden Elephant tribe, the Thunder Bat Dragon tribe, the Eight-clawed Fire Chi tribe, the Coral Unicorn tribe, and the Nine-winged Heaven tribe. Dragon Clan, Blue Winged Sea Dragon Clan, Sea Split Black Whale Clan…

Some of these races had no conflict with the Zerg at first, such as the last Blue Winged Sea Dragon Clan and Sea Splitting Black Whale Clan. They lived deep in the sea and had no interaction with the Zerg. However, after the Zerg attacked their world tree, problems arose. Due to the collapse of the boundary tree, the entire interface collapsed completely. Many tribesmen lost their lives in an instant, and only some powerful ones escaped.

Only now did these people understand how selfish and misguided they were in not helping the races on land to resist the Zerg. This is the saying that when the nest is overturned, there will be no eggs left intact!

They were still complacent at first, thinking that they were hiding under the sea and the Zerg could not cause any harm to them, but when the interface collapsed, they were not immune, and they regretted it.

People often only see the world in front of them and live a life that they think is quiet and beautiful. All bad things have nothing to do with them and all happy things will fall on their own heads. However, real life is definitely not like this!

The so-called peaceful years are just that someone is carrying the burden for you. If you don’t fight and bear the burden yourself, then at least you won’t be able to protect your own descendants and relatives. If you persist in working hard, As your abilities increase and you become more responsible, you will not only be able to protect your descendants and relatives, but also allow more people to benefit from you. Isn't this how the race of life is passed down from generation to generation?

If one generation gives up, two or three generations give up, lose their spirit of responsibility, and fail to create better development conditions for future generations, then this race may face the danger of annihilation!

The spirit of responsibility is not only reflected in taking responsibility for the world in front of you, but also having an overall view and a long-term vision. You must not only see the survival and development of your own race, but also see that it is impossible for a race to survive alone. In a specific environment Among them, there are inextricably linked relationships between all races. The richer the number of races, the denser the levels of life, and the closer dependence on each other, then there will be more possibilities for survival and development, and the continuation of The probability is higher.

Therefore, when other races are in trouble, even if it is a race that seems to have no connection with ourselves, as a person with a sense of responsibility, a big picture and a long-term vision, we cannot allow ourselves to stay out of the incident, or even gloat.

This truth is deeply understood by the Blue Winged Sea Dragon Clan and the Splitting Sea Black Whale Clan!

Therefore, after hearing the Taotie Clan's summons, the leaders of the two tribes were the first to arrive. Among them, the leader of the Blue Winged Sea Dragon Clan was Hai Tian, ​​and the leader of the Splitting Sea Black Whale Clan was Jingyun.

Seeing that most of the people had arrived, Hai Tian said to Luo Du, the leader of the Taotie tribe: "Brother Luo, are you calling everyone together this time? Could it be that the Zerg tribe is making some big move?"

"The Zerg tribe is indeed making big moves!" Luo Du nodded.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked and looked at each other.

"Are they coming again?" Hai Tian asked urgently.

"No! They are not trying to attack, but they are trying to escape from the demon world!" Luo Du said in a shocking voice.

"Escape?!" Everyone was stunned.

"How is this possible?" Jingyun asked curiously.

"Haha, this news is undoubtedly true. A large number of powerful Zerg people have left this world, and there are still a large number of mid- to low-end Zerg people staying here, waiting for the opportunity to leave..."

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