The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2233 The old man’s eyes

When Wu Siqi thought of these factors that might affect the world, he immediately began to analyze them one by one.

Immortal stones will not be insufficient, and as for the environment, it is actually better to receive information in the interstellar space than in the Holy Master Palace, because it is extremely vast and there is no obstruction, which can ensure the smooth flow of information.

That means something is interfering!

Generally speaking, there are many things that can interfere with information. Based on Wu Siqi's experience, he found that if there are mineral deposits around, it will have an impact, or there may be large objects nearby, such as continental blocks, meteorite areas, large interstellar areas, etc. Plant belts, or even stars suddenly have accidents and burst out with strong energy surges, etc...

It would be understandable if we say that the two disturbances to the heaven and earth disk were due to such things around us!

"The energy tide has not been discovered recently. Could it be that there are large mineral deposits under this ice sheet?" Wu Siqi murmured.

"What do you mean?" Lord Hanshan asked.

Wu Siqi explained his analysis, and the six immortals immediately looked at him with admiration and secretly admired him.

The Holy Master is indeed a Holy Master, and his knowledge is extremely profound. His casual remarks are refreshing and beneficial to people.

"It makes sense! However, if there is interference from mineral deposits under this ice sheet, how can we explain the chaos in the heaven and earth in the past few days?" Zhenjun Dongxia asked.

"The interstellar space is extremely vast, and our eyesight and immortal knowledge are limited. How can we know if there are corresponding interference objects nearby? The heaven and earth disk is very sensitive, much stronger than us!" Wu Siqi hummed.

"Well, it seems this is down to luck..."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard Jiutian Xuannv scream: "Look! There is someone there!!!"

Everyone was startled and quickly looked around and found that there were indeed signs of life activity in a mountain range somewhere in the ice field!

"Is it a soul beast?!" Lord Hanshan shouted.

"You have to get closer!" Wu Siqi said.

He controlled the Heaven and Earth Disk and carefully approached the ice stone. In order not to attract the attention of the life, the speed had been reduced to an extremely slow speed, and he also added an invisibility formation. It was like a cloud of mist that slowly floated over the ice stone. …

However, the beings operating in the mountains seemed to be of a high level. They soon noticed something approaching and raised their heads upwards, watching suspiciously...

"Nian's father?!"

"How could it be him?!"

"Isn't the one next to you Hua Yu Xiansheng?!"

"Oh my god!!!" Jiutian Xuannv screamed, her eyes shining brightly.

Unexpectedly, she could see Hua Yu Xiansheng here, which made Jiutian Xuannu couldn't believe her eyes. She covered Tan's mouth with her delicate hands and gasped violently...

Western Ehuang was extremely excited when she saw her idol suddenly appearing here, and her face turned a different shade of pink...

These two fans were so fascinated by Hua Yu Xiansheng that when they saw him, their legs were weak and they were about to collapse...

Dongxia Zhenjun and others were better off. After some careful observation, they finally confirmed that the two people were really Nian Chu and Hua Yu Xiansheng. I don't know how they got together. Is there something fishy in it?

But Nian's father said loudly: "Old Dong, why is it you?!"

"Haha, Brother Nian, I should be asking you this, right? If you don't enjoy yourself, why are you going to this interstellar ice plain?" Zhenjun Dongxia laughed.

"Come and dig some ice! Our Sansevieria wine will taste much better if it is chilled with these interstellar ice cubes..."


"Why are you lying to me? Huayu, this pretty boy, is so good at this, he came with me specially this time! Hahaha..." Mr. Nian laughed.

"I see…"

Everyone suddenly realized, and quickly jumped out of the world and came to the top of the mountain where Nian's father and Hua Yu were.

"Eh? This flying boat of yours is really special. Is the person sitting on it a holy master? Why don't you get off?" Nian's father asked curiously.

"Hmph, what are you doing down here? I still need to collect information..." Wu Siqi said with disdain.

"Leave him alone! We found a starry sky soul beast, but it disappeared when we ran here. The Holy Master is tracking its information..." Lord Hanshan said aside.

"Soul beast? This is a rare thing..." Mr. Nian's eyes lit up and he salivated.

"Haha, you were not responsible for finding it! We discovered it first!" Hanshan Shenjun said quickly.

"You're so stingy! Then I don't get your share of the cold wine!" Father Nian said loudly.

At the same time, he took out a lot of tigertail wine and distributed it to the other five immortals.

Hanshan Shenjun became anxious and shouted: "Okay, okay, I'll share some of your flesh and blood with you then!"

"That's pretty much it, here... eh? You guys..." Mr. Nian was suddenly startled and stared at the Six Immortal Lords carefully, looking at them carefully.

"What's wrong? You don't recognize me anymore?" Jiutian Xuannv said softly, but her eyes glanced at Hua Yu Xiansheng.

"How come you don't know her? The most beautiful woman in the fairy world is right in front of me. If I hadn't been old, how could I be a pretty girl like Hua Yu?" Nian's father teased.

"Giggle, what you said is nice. Who is the most beautiful woman in the fairy world? Didn't you see that Sister Ehuang is here?" Jiutian Xuannv said with a smile like a flower.

"Sister, please don't get involved with me! You are worthy of your reputation as the most beautiful woman in the fairy world. I feel pity for you, sister!" Ehuang of the West snorted.

"Oops, sister made fun of me again! This is our personal talk, don't let the immortals laugh at us..."

"No, no, you two sisters came to this interstellar ice field and made it the most beautiful place in Xuanling!" Hua Yu Xiansheng praised.

"Really? Giggle..."

"Of course...but..." Hua Yu Xiansheng looked at the faces of the two people and hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Jiutian Xuannv asked anxiously.

"Let Brother Nian speak..." Hua Yu said with a smile.

"Brother Nian, tell me! You guys are acting weird today. Is there something wrong with me, little sister?" Jiutian Xuannv said coquettishly.

Mr. Nian nodded and said: "Sister, there is indeed something wrong today. Hey, how can I say this? It should be said that you guys felt that something was wrong at first sight. Just now you were wondering if I was a little dazzled... "

"What's wrong with us?" True Lord Dongxia was shocked and asked quickly.

"Old Dong, have you been poisoned? I feel that there seems to be a faint black energy on your body. The hall is dark, and there may be a bloody disaster!" Nian's father spoke to Zhenjun Dongxia without any scruples and directly said.

"You?! You... can see that?!" True Lord Dongxia was extremely shocked and said in astonishment.

Others were also shocked. With the status of Nian's father, no one dared to wait for such words to be said.

Hanshan Shenjun said quickly: "Brother Nian, where are you looking at me?!"

"The same goes for you! In fact, when I saw you just now, I noticed that all of you were like this. Did something happen?" Nian's father said loudly.

When Wu Siqi heard Nian's words on the heaven and earth disk, his face changed drastically and his heart skipped a beat!

If Mr. Nian could really see something, wouldn't it mean that his conspiracy might be exposed? That would be dangerous...

His body was trembling slightly, and he was ready to escape at any time. Fortunately, no one else was on the heaven and earth disk at this time, and he could completely use the heaven and earth disk to escape.

"This...Brother Nian, don't ask! We are indeed a little unlucky, and we have all been poisoned. However, the Holy Master will refine the detoxification pill for us, and we are searching for medicinal materials everywhere..." True Lord Dongxia said vaguely.

"I see... what kind of poison did you get? Aren't there many masters of detoxification in the immortal world?" Nian asked curiously.

"Brother Nian doesn't know. This poison is an unknown poison. What kind of detoxification pills don't exist on us? But it has no effect after eating it. But the Holy Master was also poisoned, and he fell ill after taking the detoxification pills on him. Okay, but that detoxification pill is extremely precious and the medicinal materials are hard to find, so we need to spend more time collecting it and then ask him to help us refine it." Zhenjun Dongxia explained.

Father Nian looked at Wu Siqi sitting on the heaven and earth plate, and said teasingly: "Is his poison cured? I don't think so..."

When Wu Siqi heard this, he quickly said loudly: "I'm naturally cured of my poison!"

"Hmph, the toxins in your body are only temporarily under control, but they are still eroding your body. If time passes, they will definitely break out again. By then, it will be difficult for you to control them anymore!" said Mr. Nian.

" tell?!" Wu Siqi was shocked when he heard this and said in a trembling voice.

"Of course! Don't you know that I have the power of the forehead eye? As long as you open this forehead eye, you can't hide any secrets from me!" Mr. Nian said proudly.

"Oh my God..." Wu Siqi screamed, not daring to respond, his thoughts racing.

"I'll give you a good look..." Mr. Nian said as he opened the third tiger eye on his forehead...

"Brother Nian, wait a minute! I just found some traces of that soul beast. I must go and investigate immediately before coming back..." Wu Siqi shouted.

With a "swish", the Heaven and Earth Disk rose into the sky, ascended into the sky, and soon disappeared!

"This..." The six great immortals were stunned and a little confused.

"He found the trace of the soul beast, why didn't he take us with him?" Lord Hanshan shouted.

"That's right! Could it be that he has to eat alone?" Master Shanhui shouted.

"Impossible! The Saint Master doesn't even have this kind of capacity, does he?" said True Lord Dongxia.

Western Ehuang teased: "We'll find out later. If he doesn't come back, it proves that he wants to eat alone! But with his current true immortal power and damaged body, can he take down the adult soul beast alone? "

"Yes..." Everyone was stunned.

The adult soul beast is very powerful and is not so easy to surrender. It would be no problem for the True Immortal to subdue it. The key point is that Wu Siqi has just been downgraded by three levels. His body has been severely damaged. His actual combat power is not even as good as that of the Earth Immortal. At most, it is at the level of Xuanxian. Even if you can rely on the Heaven and Earth Disk to recover some of the disadvantages, I am afraid it will be difficult to win alone...

"Chase! Look where he is?" Hanshan Shenjun shouted and was about to rise into the air.

"Wait a minute!!!" Father Nian shouted.

"Brother Nian?" Lord Hanshan was stunned and looked at Father Nian.

"Don't you think it's a little strange that Wu Siqi left just now?"

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