The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2236 Star Obsidian

"Nothing will happen to these creatures. I will arrange for them to continue to grow in a suitable place..."

Li Yun seemed to know what they were thinking and said in their ears.

"Great!" Miaoyinqin said happily.

"Can you save some of those interstellar ice cubes for me to drink?" Father Nian asked.

"no problem!"

After a while, a space stone was moved in front of Mr. Nian. He quickly checked and found that the entire space inside was filled with interstellar ice. He couldn't help but be elated!

So I took out some to chill my wine collection...

The ice sheet is gradually melting, and the material flow forms a spectacular light flow, like a bridge across the interstellar space, and various materials are constantly flowing in it...

This process is even and slow. For Xingyun No. 3, this is the first time to take action, so it cannot be too hasty.

After these substances and life are involved, they need to be identified and classified. Those that are determined to be waste will be recycled, and those that are useful will be put into the space warehouse. Life, on the other hand, must judge its type and degree of danger, and find a suitable place in Tianyun for recycling. Placement…

Since Xingyun No. 3 already possesses the characteristics of Tianyun, it can also devour and recycle waste. Therefore, even without Tianyun's help, it can still digest this ice sheet, and the energy will be directly fed back to the soul power army in it. As well as various formations and devices throughout No. 3.

However, No. 3's appetite is now limited and his abilities need to be improved. Therefore, most of the ice material is recycled through Tianyun, and he only digests a small part of it...

"Sir, there are many interstellar micro-life forms hidden under this ice sheet. These life forms are also new species to us and can be added to Tianyun." Xiaoxing said happily.

"It's really unimaginable that in such a cold place, the biological population is so rich!" Li Yun exclaimed.

"Their pace of life is extremely slow and their metabolic rate is extremely low. Therefore, although they do not have too much material, they can still thrive. Xiao Nu found that these micro-life spans are extremely long, because in a community, they often Countless generations have been together, which shows that their life span is unimaginable..." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? Generally speaking, people with low metabolic rates have longer lifespans..." Li Yun thought.

"Yes, the simpler the life and the lower the metabolic rate, the longer the natural lifespan will be. However, in the Xuanling world, how long it can reach depends on the bloodline level. In short, there are many things worth studying here..." Xiaoxing said.

"This may be another way to achieve immortality. I wonder if cultivators can learn from it?"

"Actually, some cultivators follow this path, such as the Xuanwu clan. Their life rhythm is extremely slow and their lifespan is extremely long. They can often kill their opponents, but they are still alive and well..." Xiao Star smiled.

"But compared to these tiny beings, the Xuanwu clan may also be consumed by them for life and death!"

"Hey, it's true! However, the life course of Micro Life is much more monotonous and boring than that of the Xuanwu Clan and other cultivators. Their lives are simply the same day for thousands of years, so what's the big meaning? "Xiao Xing said happily.

"That's absolutely true! However, it is wrong to say that their lives are meaningless, because the birth of every life is by no means meaningless. They all have their own meaning of existence, such as these micro-life under the ice sheet. , their existence can bring some life to this desolate ice sheet,

Their activities can improve the soil quality under the ice sheet and provide certain possibilities for the birth and development of other advanced life forms. In fact, no matter where they are, there are unusually abundant micro-life forms, and the activities of each micro-life form can be seen It seems trivial, but if summed up, it bursts out with amazing energy. The environment of many interfaces is gradually improved by their life activities, and those advanced and complex lives are only developed on their basis. ..." Li Yun analyzed.

"What you said is great! Any small life that forms a large scale is a huge force that must not be ignored, just like the microbial life community, the insect army, the soul army, the bird flock, the fish school, the grassland, the forest... they are all They can form their own system and form their own potential energy. Maybe their individuals are insignificant and seem to have no meaning, but after forming a system and potential energy, it means a lot!" Xiaoxing added.

"I hope these micro-life forms can settle in our Tianyun and Xingyun No. 3 and develop potential..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Certainly possible!"

During the conversation between the two, the melting rate of the ice sheet was gradually accelerating, which also meant that the overall operation of Xingyun 3 was getting smoother and its capabilities were gradually improving...

"Sir, Wu Siqi was right when he said that there are really a lot of mineral deposits under this ice sheet!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Oh? What's there?"

"It is mainly a kind of obsidian, which can be called star obsidian, because it is penetrated by star power and constantly mutates to form crystals. If you study the properties of its crystals carefully, you can also determine what kind of star power it is mainly affected by. The penetration of force can infer its movement trajectory and life course..." Xiaoxing said.

"It makes sense! In fact, stargazing does not necessarily require staring at stars all the time to study them. If we can find more materials like obsidian, we can draw a lot of conclusions through research!" Li Yun agreed.

"Yes. Except for the obsidian, the ice core under this ice field is of excellent quality, with almost no pollution or defects. It is a priceless treasure for ice people!"

"It seems we accidentally picked up a treasure..."

"Hey, these abandoned land masses seem to be abandoned and useless, but due to their special location, they will undergo some mutations due to the combined effects of star power and various realms. In addition, some land masses may be separated from larger land masses. It contains some ingredients from the original continental mass." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"There is also necessity in chance. If we search more, we may be able to get a lot of treasures..."

Li Yun couldn't help but get excited when he thought about this. He originally thought that the daily consumption of nearly 30 billion soul power army would be extremely terrifying and might make them hungry, but now it seems that it would not be too difficult to feed this soul power army. Difficult, because there is actually a lot of interstellar matter and its quality is quite high, otherwise there would not be so many starry behemoths...

Indeed, having an army of 30 billion souls sounds very powerful, but if you consider the logistical issues, it will be very stressful!

If you want them to be integrated with Xingyun No. 3 and run smoothly, you must first solve the logistical supply problem. Although the cultivators in the later stage need less material supplements and directly breathe the air of the fairy spirit to practice, but in the early stage of cultivation Material supply must be guaranteed, otherwise it will be impossible to grow smoothly.

Moreover, fairy spirit energy is actually a kind of substance, which also needs to be transformed from other substances. In addition, even mid-to-late cultivators can supplement it with high-quality substances, such as Taoist food, Taoist fruit, Taoist wine, etc. There are obviously greater benefits to their cultivation.

Therefore, Li Yun has been having some headaches with this problem recently.

Fortunately, this piece of ice gave Li Yun a reassurance, and he could finally feel relieved.

There is also a huge swallowing mouth in Xingyun No. 3. As the ice sheet material flows in, most of it enters the large swallowing mouth of Tianyun World, and a small part enters the small swallowing mouth in No. 3. Everything seems to be in order!

There are more and more substances trapped in the space cabinets on both sides, and they are all displayed in a dazzling array, which makes Li Yun and Xiaoxing dazzled and excited...

There are countless high-quality interstellar blocks alone, and there are also high-value ice cores that are ten thousand years old. Even ten thousand years is less than that, and it may be possible to push them back in time to the long ancient times...

"Sir, some of our high-end Xingyun wine can also be chilled with interstellar ice cores. The taste will definitely be different." Xiaoxing suggested.

"Good! The ten-thousand-year-old ice cores from the Ice Soul Realm originally used are indeed not as good as these interstellar ice cores..." Li Yun agreed.

He immediately took control of the matter...

Mr. Nian and others drank ice-cold wine while watching Xingyun 3 swallowing the ice sheet. It was like watching a big show. As the ice sheet gradually shrank, the show reached its final climax!

I saw that the entire core of the ice sheet was finally slowly exposed under the influence of the light network, wow!

Everyone exclaimed, their eyes widened, and their saliva almost flowed down...

The core appears to be particularly solid. The reason is naturally because it is almost entirely composed of ores and is extremely hard!

These ores are obviously extremely valuable, and you can tell they are extraordinary just by looking at their shining appearance.

Star stones like this that become crystals are worth several to dozens of times more than the same type of ore that is common in the interface. This has been proven in the last wilderness world.

Of course, obtaining such a mineral deposit requires a bit of luck, and it also requires extremely high abilities. For example, without Xingyun No. 3 and this courageous army of nearly 30 billion, it would be almost impossible for others to mine the core!

And if you really have this ability and you mine to the core, but there are no mineral deposits, you will suffer heavy losses!

But the soul power army is different. Even if there are no mineral deposits, simply mining other materials is enough, because Tianyun and Xingyun No. 3 both have the ability to turn waste into treasure, and as long as there is material, it can be converted into energy.

This is the benefit of the way of swallowing, no matter good or bad, no matter how much, as long as you can swallow it, it is always good!

Whether it is a baby or a life, if it can develop an advanced way of swallowing, it may grow to a very high level, just like Tianyun, Xingyun No. 3, and the Taotie clan...

Of course, the devouring methods of most life races are not advanced enough. They cannot perfectly transform the substances they swallow. There are too many impurities that cannot be discharged. On the contrary, it affects the cleanliness of their own bodies, which is not good for cultivation and body refining. It will be difficult for these life races to become high-level bloodline life forms...

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