The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2239 Original Sin

The information on the light screen changed again, and a light spot appeared. The light spot gradually grew larger and turned into a huge ball, slowly rotating in front of the soul beast...

The light and shadow were so three-dimensional and real that the soul beast couldn't take his eyes off it, with an incredible look in its eyes!

The ball became bigger and bigger, and the details became clearer and clearer. It finally saw clearly. As far as it could see, there was a porthole on it. From here, it looked in, looked in, looked in...


The soul beast exclaimed, and it discovered that behind the porthole, it turned out to be a new world!

The sky here is clean and dust-free, azure blue, so clear that it can reflect your own shadow. The land here is grand and undulating, lush and full of vitality. The air here is extremely fresh, and even has a hint of sweetness...

High in the sky, there is the vast interstellar space. The sky is dotted with countless stars, shining brightly. Shooting stars streak across the sky from time to time, making it almost drunk...

Rocks pierce the sky, cloud waves hit the shore, and smoke rises thousands of miles away...

An invitation gesture appeared on the light screen. The soul beast hesitated for a moment and nodded.

A ray of light and shadow covered it, and with a "swish" sound, the soul beast really came to the interstellar space it had just seen. For a moment, it felt as if it was in a dream...

However, this interstellar space is indeed different from the one he is familiar with. It seems to be deeper, quieter, quieter and peaceful, making it feel a great sense of security!

This is very important, because it is really afraid of the wandering life of a refugee. If it can live here, then it will be grateful from the heart and will cherish it...

This soul beast began to wander around in this interstellar space, feeling a little too happy to miss Shu...

After Li Yun and Xiaoxing tricked it into Xingyun No. 3, they ignored it for the time being. However, Xiaoxing would try to communicate with it, and it didn't take long before they understood the language of the soul beast. In fact, Soul beasts also belong to soul-based life forms, and their language is quite similar to that of soul insects and soul clans, so Xiaoxing only takes a short time to understand their language.

"Sir, this soul beast is called Justice, and it is a powerful person in its tribe. Last time, it was because it was so hungry that it secretly ran out of its hiding place to look for food." Xiaoxing said.

"They still have nests? Doesn't that mean there are more soul beasts?" Li Yun was delighted.

"Yes, they still have more than a hundred large and small spirit beasts, but their group used to have tens of thousands of them! The rest basically died abnormally, which means they were all hunted."

"Oh my god..." Li Yun was extremely shocked.

From 10,000 to more than 100, only 1% survived. Such hunting is terrifying!

It's simply genocide!

He couldn't help but think of the barbaric era of the pre-universe. After some more advanced races discovered the New World, they would implement a cruel genocide strategy against the indigenous people in the New World. They wanted to kill them all, and then destroy all their lands and Keep all the wealth for yourself...

These aboriginal people were as if they were born guilty in the eyes of the invaders. They were ruthlessly killed by them and died in large numbers...

When a low-level civilization faces the invasion of a barbaric high-level civilization, they are powerless and can only accept the fate of being massacred.

If they have other uses, it is possible to retain some blood, otherwise they can only be completely eradicated from the foundation!


The biggest risk for a civilization is that it does not make rapid progress!

If people in civilization only care about internal friction, only care about timely enjoyment, only care about the peaceful years, and only care about entertainment until death, then they have really committed the original sin!

Because there are so many unknown risks lurking around their civilization. The sudden outbreak of any risk may cause this weak civilization to be wiped out in an instant...

Only by maintaining a sense of crisis, uniting as one, and making rapid progress in all aspects, even if it is not rapid, must maintain a certain growth rate, can it be possible to accumulate the energy for transition in a short period of time and elevate the overall civilization to Go higher and escape some of the countless unknown risks…

From this perspective, the starry sky beasts represented by the soul beasts certainly committed the original sin, because when they were kings and hegemons in the interstellar space, the level of civilization in other interfaces was not even as high as theirs, but they were only busy with internal friction. , did not develop stronger combat power, while other interfaces continued to improve, immortals also appeared, many powerful beings were born, and overtook them, so they went to interstellar space to hunt them, causing them heavy losses!

The starry sky beast family missed the best opportunity for development, sailed against the current, and retreated if they did not advance. They did not make progress, but they were regressing compared with other races, and finally ushered in an era of crisis.

The change in fate of the soul beasts is the result of their stagnant development. This is a microcosm of the continuous changes in the civilizations of thousands of races in the universe...

It can be said that the problem of original sin exists in almost all racial civilizations, because after all, there are very few races that can stand at the highest level of civilization. Most races need to work harder to get rid of the troubles caused by original sin and bring themselves closer to the highest level. Even go beyond...

After Li Yun heard what Xiaoxing said about the changes in the fate of the soul beasts, he did not look at them from the perspective of a savior. On the contrary, he felt a deep crisis. In fact, everyone including himself was far away. It is far from reaching a state of advanced civilization. If we encounter some barbaric and unreasonable advanced civilization at this time, we will be in big trouble.

The probability of this happening in the vast universe is actually not small. Sometimes, there may be civilizations in an entire galaxy that are more advanced than you, because they may have started much earlier than you.

Therefore, as a latecomer, accelerating development is the last word!

If you want to save more seeds of life in the future, you must work harder to develop from now on. I hope it's still too late...

"Have you told him to move all his tribe here?" Li Yun asked quickly.

"I haven't said anything yet. Xiaonu is worried that Justice will have doubts. It would be better to let him stay here longer before talking." Xiaoxing said.

"Your idea is very good, but there is no need to delay in rescuing the soul beast's life seeds. The sooner the better. Regarding your doubts about justice, what you are thinking of is that he is afraid of being deceived by us and then catching them all in one fell swoop, right?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's right! Zheng Zheng's wisdom is quite high. He must have a lot of questions on his mind. It's normal for him to think of this." Xiaoxing said.

"Then you can take him to visit our Jushen Mountain. With a treasure like Jushen Mountain, do we still need the Converging Stone in his mind?" Li Yun reminded.

"Yes..." Xiaoxing's eyes lit up.

"Sir, please hurry up and collect this water land mass. Xiaonu will talk to him..." Xiaoxing said immediately.


Li Yun looked out the porthole and saw a blue landmass slowly turning...

The starry sky is indeed wonderful, and any situation can occur. For example, although the volume of the land mass in front of you is several times larger than the ice sheet in front, it is still difficult to maintain temperature in such a volume in the starry sky. Therefore, under normal circumstances, It is unlikely that there is liquid water on it, but it should be covered with thousands of years of glaciers like the ice sheet in front.

However, now the entire land mass is covered by water except for the raised mountains here and there...

This shows that the temperature of this continent is quite high, which can ensure the existence of liquid water, but where does its temperature come from?

Li Yun controlled Xingyun No. 3, flying around the water and land while looking for the cause.

He soon discovered that on the other side of this water and land was a large ice field, which was solidified!

The side covered by water is always moving toward the sun and absorbs the heat of the sun, thus maintaining a certain temperature range.

However, the heat of the sun has been shining on this side of it, and the heat is very strong. Logically speaking, the water should be evaporated quickly. Why can it still retain water?

This is indeed a bit puzzling...

Therefore, Li Yun did not start rashly, but continued to observe and analyze the data obtained from various observations. Many of these methods were scientific research methods of advanced level four civilizations, including light waves, reflection, color aberration, atmosphere, etc., through These analysis methods can basically determine the atmospheric composition and contained materials on this continent.

"Sir, this water is not ordinary water, but heavy water!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Heavy water? No wonder!!!" Li Yun suddenly realized.

Although heavy water is liquid, it is actually not water in the ordinary sense, but a mineral!

Its shape changes very little, and it does not evaporate even if it is heated, but maintains its basic appearance.

However, on the back side of the landmass, due to the extreme cold, they still solidified. This state is called black ice!

Black ice is rare because it is difficult to find a place that is cold enough for heavy water to solidify. However, in this interstellar space, the infinite coldness creates favorable conditions for the emergence of black ice.

Therefore, this so-called water-based land mass is actually not a water-based land mass, but a heavy water land mass!

"Oh my God!!!" Li Yun couldn't help but screamed after thinking about this problem!

This is simply a big treasure, okay?

Are there treasures everywhere in interstellar space?

Obsidian was discovered earlier, and now there is heavy water. With such a rich material, why don't others mine it?

"Sir, there are not many people who are capable of mining. They should all be people at the level of the six immortals before. But these people are in high positions, control a party, and have all the power. How can they have the time and curiosity to go to the interstellar space? What about mining materials?" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, when it comes to curiosity, I think it makes sense! These people may not be as curious as us. We just think that we have to travel far and wide to soar in the starry sky in order to encounter such treasures... But they are The understanding of Xingkong probably only lies in those giant starry sky beasts..."

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