The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2243 1 video

"It's really weird!" Kai Ming heard this and nodded in agreement.

Others heard their discussion and were also interested in the sudden disappearance of the water system continental mass.

"For such a huge continental mass to suddenly disappear, it is most likely an accident. It may fly to a nearby interface, and that interface may be in danger!" Zhenjun Dongxia said in shock.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other. Zhenjun Dongxia's speculation was very reasonable. In history, various interfaces have been hit by large rocks in interstellar space many times. Each time, it would cause a huge catastrophe, with countless casualties!

"No! If this is really the case, we must find that continental mass and see if we can restore it to its original position..." Enlightenment Zen Immortal said quickly.

"Yes! The continental mass that has been separated from its original position is definitely a terrible hidden danger. Now that we are here and have discovered this matter, we must investigate the matter thoroughly." Taoist Priest Tianxuan agreed.

These two people spoke, and naturally the others had no objections, so everyone went to the original location of the continental mass to check what was going on.

Flying closer and closer, Tianxuan and Kaiming became more and more certain that the continental mass was really missing!

Moreover, there seemed to be an air mass permeating this space, and its smell was quite like the smell of heavy water, which made everyone puzzled.

"Tianxuan, does it mean that the water system land mass does not contain water, but contains heavy water?" Kaiming asked in surprise.

"It's very possible! Now that I think about it, it seems right. It seems unlikely that such a landmass has water, but it is normal to have heavy water." Taoist Priest Tianxuan said.

"It's so good. If all the water on that continent is heavy water, I can't imagine how valuable it would be..." Kai Ming said incredulously.

When everyone heard this, they were also shocked. They did not expect that such a heavy water continent existed in this star field. They would have come here to mine it if they had known about it, but unfortunately it has disappeared now.

In addition, they quickly thought that if an accident occurred to such a heavy water continent, the damage it might cause would be doubled, because it was too heavy. If it hit a certain interface, I was afraid that the entire interface would be hit. Collapse, everything may be wiped out...

"It's over, it's over, we have to find out where it is flying to..." Taoist Priest Tianxuan screamed repeatedly.

"Look! There is light and shadow there!" The enlightened master suddenly pointed to the distance and said.

"Light and shadow?" Everyone was stunned and looked quickly, but they didn't seem to see anything.

"I can see it with my sharp eyes. Follow me quickly!" Kai Ming said loudly.

Everyone was secretly shocked. They didn't expect that the enlightened Zen immortal lived up to the word enlightenment and had a pair of wise eyes, which was really enviable.

They quickly followed the enlightened Zen immortal and fled forward...

Sure enough, as the distance got closer, they also saw the light and shadow, and couldn't help but feel a little excited. Could it be some kind of treasure?

For this group of people who stand at the pinnacle of the Xuanling World, they are not afraid of whether this is a trap at all. The most important thing is a clue, and this light source is very likely to be the only clue left when this heavy water land mass disappears. It is very important.

Soon, everyone finally came to the light source and looked up. Everyone was stunned!

Because this is a huge light curtain!

Such a huge light curtain is really rare, especially in this interstellar space, it is even more abrupt and makes people have to look at it.

What attracts them even more is that

The images on the light screen are extremely clear and three-dimensional, almost more real than the real thing!

In everyone's impression, such a high-quality video seems to have only been seen recently from the information jade slips sold by the Immortal World Immortal Machinery Department. It was impossible to see it before.

The moment they watched, the video started to move. The first thing that caught their eyes was a huge soul beast, and next to it was a small soul beast. The small soul beast was playing next to the big soul beast. So cute…

At this time, they came to a big tree in the interstellar space. This tree is called the soul tree, and the fruit it bears is called soul fruit. This kind of fruit is the favorite of soul beasts.

The big soul beast circled the trunk and slapped the branches in order to drop the fruit. Because the soul tree was so huge, it was temporarily separated from the little soul beast. However, when it turned back, it found that the little soul beast was gone!

Everyone could clearly see that the little soul beast was eyeing a soul fruit that fell from the soul tree, but the soul fruit seemed to be pulled by an external force and flew away. The little soul beast hurriedly chased it, and it didn't take long. Stay away from the Soul Tree area.

Suddenly, the little soul beast crashed into a giant net. It couldn't help but be frightened and struggled desperately. However, this giant net was extremely powerful. No matter how it collided, it would be fine. It would bind it tighter and tighter, and finally He was hoisted up and hung next to a pile of rocks...

There are countless people lurking around the rocks, waiting quietly...

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the big soul beast to finally find this place. When he saw the little soul beast here from a distance, he couldn't help shouting excitedly and rushed over. However, what he didn't expect was that this was a hunter. A trap set by the team, using the small soul beast as bait, the purpose is of course for the big soul beast.

As a result, the big soul beast was also caught in a giant net. Although his struggling power was much greater than that of the small soul beast, he was unable to break through the shackles of the giant net and was finally captured!

Not long after, a gruesome cutting scene was staged. The scene was too bloody to be described. However, the process was played on a large video. The contrast between before and after was so strong that it moved all the viewers, even Shan Shan. Both Hui Dashi and Hanshan Shenjun couldn't bear to watch anymore...

When the trapping team cut out the two large and small God-concentrating stones and cheered, everyone had tears streaming down their faces and trembling all over...

However, this was just the beginning. The speed of the video was accelerating. Everyone saw the various traps set by the animal trapping team and the poultry trapping team, trapping and killing countless giant birds and beasts in the starry sky, and also plundered a large number of beasts' nests. As a result, their numbers have plummeted, and they either flee far away or hide. Some even starve to death because they dare not look for food outside...

This originally lively and busy interstellar space has now gradually returned to dull, dead, and desolate after experiencing large or small killings one after another...

Finally, a line of words was displayed on the light screen: Please take the video jade slip under the light screen to the Immortal World Immortal Mechanism Department and have Yuanyi Immortal Master burn it for free viewing at all major Immortal Mechanism Department outlets. Thank you! The original Hanshan Divine Spear and Qiankun Circle have been returned!

"Brush" and "swipe" were heard twice, and two groups of fairy lights emerged from under the light curtain. What was wrapped in them was the Hanshan Divine Spear and the Qiankun Circle. In addition, there were many small light groups floating, which were exactly what was seen in the video. Said information jade slip.

The Enlightened Zen Immortal quickly took one of the jade slips and took a closer look. The content was exactly what he had just seen on the big light screen.

"How good! The donor has taken great pains. I will definitely send these jade slips to the Immortal Machinery Department!" Enlightened Zen Immortal said loudly.

"Thank you, my dear friend! I swear to God that I will never hunt the beasts in the stars again!" Master Shanhui said loudly.

"I am the same!" Lord Hanshan agreed.

The two took their respective treasures and looked at the lost treasure. Their hearts felt extremely heavy. This experience gave them a spiritual baptism and they felt that they had benefited a lot.

"Who is the Immortal Friend?" True Lord Dongxia couldn't help but ask.

There seemed to be a moment of hesitation on the light screen, but finally a name was displayed: Li Yun!

"Li Yun?!" Everyone screamed.

Unexpectedly, the person who took away the treasures of Lord Hanshan and Master Shanhui turned out to be Li Yun!

This really surprised them!

Of course they have read Li Yun's information, but the human boy mentioned above has grown to such an extent now. Isn't this too fast?

However, Zhenjun Dongxia and others immediately thought that the detoxification pill they received from Nian's father last time was a gift from Li Yun. Speaking of which, Li Yun was also their savior. This love must be repaid, otherwise it will be a cause and effect. .

"Li Yun, thank you for the antidote pill you gave me last time. I want to exchange the treasure for you. I hope you won't refuse!" True Lord Dongxia said loudly.

"The same goes for me!" Immortal Bodhi Zen immediately followed.

"I want this too..." Xiang Ehuang agreed.

"That's right..."

But the light screen showed: "No need! Fairy Zezhang has been thrown into my Universiade Palace. She accidentally hurt everyone. I apologize to everyone on her behalf. As for the detoxification pill, it was also a gift on her behalf. This cause and effect ends!"

"This..." Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and couldn't help but sigh when they realized it.

I didn't expect that the matter would end in such a way. It was really unexpected.

"Excellent! Can I ask a few more questions?" Enlightenment Zen Immortal said.

"Just ask."

"Is that soul beast okay?"

"Very good! The soul beast is called Justice, and he has now joined my Universiade Palace and become a member of my army!"

"Justice...very good! Please convey my apology to him on behalf of me. I should have vigorously stopped the people from the fairy world from hunting the beasts in the stars, but I neglected to take action and made such a big mistake. I will definitely do it after I return." I’ll think about it after meeting…”

"The apology will be conveyed, but there is no need to face the wall and think about it. It is better to publicize and educate more..."

"This... the donor is right! I will definitely mobilize the Zen monks in this temple to carry out this matter! Also, I wonder if the donor knows where Wu Siqi is now?"

"Wu Siqi...has returned to the fairy world, the destination is unknown..."

"Can the donor give another detoxifying pill to the Holy Emperor to detoxify?"

"No! There is another cause and effect to this matter, and there is no need for me to give you pills to solve it."

"I see...Does the donor know where the Zerg army that went to the soul world went?" Enlightenment Zen Immortal asked immediately.

"I've taken it in!"

"Amitabha...where are the insect plagues in the demon world?"


“Where did the heavy water land mass here go?”

"I've taken it in!"


"I wonder if you have any questions, Master?" Li Yun asked.

"When will the donor arrive in the fairy world?"

"Maybe soon..."

"Can you visit my Mingkong Temple first before arriving in the immortal world?"


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