The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2251 The Situation of the Holy Emperor

The Holy Emperor is currently in a period of weakness, and the toxins in his body are constantly eroding his body. Only a few people know this secret, and Wu Siqi is one of them!

Moreover, he was very aware of the power of this poison. He had also taken the herbs and pills provided by the alchemist. It could be said that they basically had no effect. Now the Holy Emperor would have no difference if he took these things.

If according to Shi Zhen's statement, it would take them a year and a half to prepare the antidote pill, then the Holy Emperor would have definitely been weakened to an extremely low level by then and would not be his opponent.

Wu Siqi quickly sensed an opportunity from the information he obtained, and was overjoyed.

Although I don't have much time, the corrosive effect of poison on my body is much slower than that of the Holy Emperor. After all, I have already been reborn once and paid a huge price, which is all worth it.

As long as he takes the body of the Holy Emperor, he only needs to use the poison to detoxify him again, and he can save his life. By then, Shizhen and others should have prepared the antidote, and all the problems will be solved!

Wu Siqi was making his own wishful thinking and was about to leave when he suddenly found True Lord Dongxia and the other six immortals coming to the Immortal Courtyard. He quickly did not dare to move anymore and monitored carefully...

After Dongxia, Hanshan, Shanhui, Bodhi, Ehuang and Xuannv came out of the Immortal Machine Cave, they said goodbye to Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal, and then went straight to the Immortal Court.

Seeing that everything was normal in the Immortal Court, the six people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the Holy Emperor should be fine.

However, because Li Yun had previously said that the Holy Emperor's poison was different from theirs and had another cause and effect, the six of them decided to hide the news that they had been detoxified to avoid being questioned by the Holy Emperor.

The six people waited in the Immortal Hall for a long time, and the Holy Emperor finally appeared! Also followed were Master Dan Kuang and Master Shi Zhen.

"I just have something to do, and I have kept you all waiting for a long time!" the Holy Emperor said.

"It doesn't matter!"

"Seeing that the Holy Emperor is in good spirits, I hope the dragon body will be healthy!"


After some pleasantries, let’s get down to business.

The Holy Emperor learned about Wu Siqi's various behaviors, from initially gaining the trust of six immortals, trying to capture three traitors in the sect to no avail, to finally losing trust and running away in a panic, and it is said that he even returned to the immortal world... His expression changed. When it is dark, my mind is spinning.

"So, Wu Siqi escaped after being exposed by the two immortals Nian Chu and Hua Yu?" the Holy Emperor asked.

"That's right! Mr. Nian has the power of forehead eyes and can see many of his secrets. Wu Siqi may have too many secrets in his heart, so he ran away in a hurry..." True Lord Dongxia nodded.

"So that's it..." the Holy Emperor said in shock, but in his heart, he listed Nian's father as someone he must never meet!

Wouldn't it be terrible if my father could really see the secret in me?

Zhenjun Dongxia and others did not say that this matter was related to Li Yun, but Nian's father's words were actually passed on by Li Yun.

"Holy Emperor, Wu Siqi has returned to the Immortal Realm. This person is quite cunning and very familiar with the situation in the Immortal Court. He must be hunted down with all his strength, otherwise he is very likely to endanger the slaves of the former Saint Master Palace, as well as many people in the Immortal Court, and even Including yourself!" Zhenjun Dongxia reminded.

The Holy Emperor nodded and said: "Brother Dong is right! I will immediately issue an edict to arrest Wu Siqi! But..."

"But what?"

"Wu Siqi has a very high level of cultivation, but there are not many people who can arrest him.

I'm afraid this matter requires the participation of Brother Dong! "The Holy Emperor thought.

"Haha, the Holy Emperor didn't know something. Wu Siqi claimed that the nameless poison was poisoned by his little maid Zezhang. Even he himself was poisoned by the nameless poison, and it seemed to be much more serious than us. His current cultivation level has dropped to the middle stage of True Immortal, so no matter how cunning he is, there is nothing to worry about..." Zhenjun Dongxia said with a smile.

"Ze Zhang's subordinate? His cultivation has dropped to the middle stage of True Immortal?!" The Holy Emperor was shocked.

"He did say so, but this matter is debatable. Ze Zhang is his little maid, how could he poison his master? Even if he betrays the Holy Master Palace, there is no need to do so! As for his cultivation, the six of us have It can be seen clearly that he is indeed in the middle stage of True Immortal, and the senior guards of Immortal Court are enough to deal with him." True Lord Dongxia affirmed.

"It's a pity that Ze Zhang was not caught, otherwise this matter could have been proven." The Holy Emperor sighed.

"Whether or not Zezhang did this, Wu Siqi's intention to harm us is the same. He just wanted to control us while we were dealing with the Zerg army and make us slaves. His intentions are so sinister that it's outrageous!" True Lord Dongxia said loudly.

"Yes, if Brother Nian hadn't noticed this, I'm afraid we would have fallen into his trap sooner or later if we got together with Wu Siqi!" Hanshan Shenjun said harshly.

"Hmph, we must find him out, he will be punished severely according to the immortal rules!!!" Master Shanhui said angrily.

"That's right..." everyone else agreed.

The Holy Emperor couldn't help but feel extremely horrified as he listened to everyone's discussion!

If Wu Siqi's plan succeeds, then his situation will be very difficult now!

Even he himself did not expect that Wu Siqi would be the biggest threat lurking around him. Fortunately, he had always trusted him and regarded him as his confidant. Unexpectedly, he had been poisoned by him and had to face it now. The subsequent impact he may bring next...

The Holy Emperor felt extremely regretful and felt that he was in big trouble!

Because Wu Siqi is the person who knows his own details best. If his affairs are made public, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the entire fairy world, and his end will definitely not be much better.

However, what surprised him was that hadn't Wu Siqi returned to the fairy world? Why hasn't he revealed his identity yet?

Could it be that he was waiting for a better time to reveal this matter?

When the Holy Emperor thought of this, he became increasingly uneasy.

If he could have noticed Wu Siqi's conspiracy earlier and killed him first, he would have been able to sit back and relax now. Unfortunately, things have evolved to this point and he can only resort to tricks.

He thought that if he followed the suggestion of Zhenjun Dongxia and others and sent people to hunt down Wu Siqi in the entire immortal world, would he be cornered and his identity exposed early?

This problem is his weakness. It can be said that this weakness is now in the hands of Wu Siqi. For him, his identity as a Saint Master has been lost, and there is no need to help him keep the secret of the identity of the Saint Emperor. Barefoot Those who are not afraid of wearing shoes, if Wu Siqi breaks the jar, the Holy Emperor himself will definitely be the unlucky one in the end.

"Don't worry, everyone. I will definitely select the best arresters as soon as possible and arrest Wu Siqi as soon as possible! Thank you for your hard work. Please stay in the Immortal Palace for a while. I want to have a good glass of Xiantao wine with you!" Di Daodao said.

"Wow..." The immortals exclaimed softly when they heard the words.

Unexpectedly, the Holy Emperor would entertain him with Panlong Xiantao Wine, so it would be impossible for him to leave anyway.

"The Holy Emperor is interested!"

"Haha, when did you drink it last time?"

"Hundreds of years ago, right?"

"That's true..."

As he spoke, preparations for the Immortal Palace feast had begun. Immortal music was playing in unison, and the palace maids and waitresses began to serve the Immortal Palace delicacies one after another...

The Holy Emperor greeted the immortals with a smile, but the voice of Master Dan Kuang came to his ears: "Holy Emperor, these immortals did not tell the truth completely!"

"Oh? What did you find?!" the Holy Emperor asked urgently.

"Master Shizhen just whispered to me, saying that he couldn't see any signs of poisoning in them. Judging from their mental appearance, they are all full of energy and have immortal light, which is very different from your situation, Holy Emperor..." Dan Kuang the master said.

"This... they were indeed poisoned. Could it be that they suppressed the poison?" the Holy Emperor asked suspiciously.

"According to Master Shizhen, it is almost impossible to completely suppress this poison. Moreover, even if one of the six people can do it, it is impossible for all six people to do it. For example, the ability of the female immortal is relatively weak. It is unlikely that you can suppress it. In fact, Saint Emperor, your cultivation realm is similar to Dongxia and others. If they can suppress it, then you should be able to suppress it, but now..."

The Holy Emperor suddenly said: "Yes! It seems that what Master Shizhen said is right! But I saw them poisoned last time with my own eyes, and now there are no signs of poisoning. Could it be that they have been detoxified?"

"That must be the case! They detoxified themselves, but they didn't even think about detoxing you, Holy Emperor. It's really abominable!" Master Dan Kuang said harshly.

For Dan Kuang, he is the royal alchemist of the Immortal Court, and naturally he is thinking about the interests of the Holy Emperor. Seeing that the six immortals have nothing to do with themselves and are hanging high, he still wants to taste the Panlong Immortal Peach Wine. Very unhappy.

After the Holy Emperor heard Dan Kuang's words, he felt happy and annoyed at the same time. He was happy that these six people had detoxified themselves, so it was possible for him to detoxify himself, but he was annoyed that they didn't help him detoxify. What was this?

He originally endured the torment of the toxin and pretended to be nonchalant, but now he no longer did so. He suddenly howled in pain, his face turned blue and white, and he was about to roll on the ground...

"Holy Emperor, what's wrong with you?!" Dan Kuang helped him up first.

Master Shizhen hurriedly stepped forward to nurse him, taking out the best antidote and applying it first...

"You... ask all the immortals how they detoxified the poison?" the Holy Emperor signaled.

When Zhenjun Dongxia and others saw this scene, they couldn't help but be stunned!

Dan Kuang said loudly: "Everyone, you have detoxified yourself. You can't just watch the Holy Emperor suffer the torment of the poison, right?"

"This..." Zhenjun Dongxia and others were stunned, their minds were spinning, and they quickly communicated secretly.

Master Shizhen said aside: "You have all detoxified, there is no doubt about this! It is better to inform me of the detoxification method so that the Holy Emperor can be treated!"

"The donor doesn't know something. Although we have detoxified the poison, we don't have any extra detoxifying pills on hand! Because the detoxifying pill was given by the old donor, and he only has six pills on hand. We want to ask for more for the Holy Emperor. There is not even one, and if we had not taken it at that time, we would all have been poisoned!" Bodhi Zen Immortal said as the representative.

. m.

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