The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2269 Tianlong Emperor

Yuan Yi saw the lively scene in the Xianji Department and smiled in his heart. He was cheerful all day long.

He used to be a little afraid of the wind, but now he wants as many wind outlets as possible. Of course, the wind outlets he likes are business opportunities.

He now believes that when the storm comes, a fat pig can fly, and a piece of straw can be sold for the price of a spiritual stone!

Just like those derivative products of the video jade slips, their own value is very low, but when sold together with the video jade slips, they can be sold for more than ten times the price, and the supply exceeds demand!

This way of making money is quite simple, because you just need to follow the big trend of video slips. As long as wonderful video slips continue, this way of making money will always be there, and it will still be firmly grasped. In your own hands.

Yuan Yi is now eagerly looking forward to the arrival of Ling Daozi's new video. In fact, he is the same as many people in the fairy world. They are completely fascinated by the wonderful videos released by the Fairy Machine Department from time to time, and everyone wants to promote the new video. You can see it immediately when you come out. On the one hand, you can enjoy it by yourself, and on the other hand, you can brag to others.

It can be said that the video jade slip story series market has grown from scratch to prosperity, and now it has truly formed into a huge outlet, becoming more and more powerful in the fairy world...

"Sir, it seems that we really need to plan carefully to see what video quality we can create next!" Xiaoxing said.

"Well, it's best to have several series, such as the Star Wars series, the League of Legends series, the suspense solving series..." Li Yun agreed.

"These series are extremely attractive no matter which cosmic plane they are in, and they are also very lively in the Xuanling world. Xiaonu designed the video with them as the theme!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Not bad! Judging from the videos released earlier, these main lines have actually coincided with each other. For example, the soul beast and the giant algae forest belong to the interstellar series, the war between humans and insects belongs to the hero series, and the saint master and the murderer belong to the suspense solving series..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes, of course, there are main lines and crossovers among them. Suspense runs through almost all series. This is one of the factors that attracts people to continue watching. Now it seems that we can completely guide the change in the direction of the fairy world by launching high-quality videos. For example, the following battle for the throne, continued pursuit of murderers, internal fighting among princes, immortal classes and wild immortals, immortal courts and barbarians, immortal world and soul world, mysterious world and soul situations may break out in these large areas at any time. , and it is entirely possible that these situations will undergo some subtle changes because of our video stories..." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded: "Although we do not directly intervene in the affairs of the fairy world, we can influence the course of these events through these video stories.

It's quite interesting... I wonder where the world is now? "

"Still halfway, the young Immortal Emperor seems to be controlling the speed, not as anxious as before. Perhaps he has realized that the opportunities and risks of this trip coexist, so he is flying, planning, and collecting information from all parties... "

"Oh? This is a good sign. Last time I heard that he wanted to summon all the immortal commanders. Have all the immortal commanders responded?" Li Yun asked.

"Not so fast! Those immortal commanders haven't received the summoning talisman yet! However, judging from the actions of the young immortal commander, do those immortal commanders realize that they have been deceived by the Holy Emperor? It seems a bit different... "Xiao Xing said suspiciously.

"It really doesn't look like it! At present, An Yi definitely knows, but others can't tell much about it. At most, Guan Chong can see a little bit." Li Yun said.

"Sir, these immortal commanders are all very scheming people. They each have their own way to save their lives. It's normal that they didn't notice it. Judging from some information collected before, Guan Chong may be the mastermind of the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor. Or, maybe he was controlling this matter from beginning to end, and some of the other immortal commanders already knew about it, such as An Yi. He was also directly involved in the growth of the young immortal emperor. Some of them should be secretly supporting it, such as Wu Ling and Fairy Hemerocallis, some may not know it yet, such as Qu Tianba, Fairy Aohua and Fairy Mugui. These three people have relatively big nerves, not so delicate hearts, and relatively big mouths. On the one hand, they themselves Maybe they were not able to keenly sense that there was something wrong with the Holy Emperor. On the other hand, Guan Chong and the others did not dare to tell them even if they knew about it, because they were worried that they would leak it out and affect the entire plan..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well said!" Li Yun praised.

"This time the Young Immortal Emperor summoned them, maybe he wanted to let the other few people know about the matter, so that these people can work together to help him regain the throne. This is a sign of burning the boat, but..."

"But what?"

"It's okay if it succeeds, but if it doesn't succeed, these top ten immortal commanders will no longer be able to stay in the immortal class. Even if other people of the Qinglong bloodline ascend to the throne of God, they can only live in seclusion with the young immortal emperor, and they will have to face All the risks that come with it..." Xiaoxing said.

"Emperor and courtiers, let alone masters and slaves, monarchs and ministers? This is also their fate. Now forced by the situation, the young immortal emperor has to go out to fight for the throne in advance, and the future is uncertain..."

"Sir, this big drama has just begun. Should we launch the Palace Fight series to influence this process?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It is too sensitive now and has too much influence. Even if it is to be launched, the scene must be changed to avoid being judged."

"This... how about taking a certain mortal world as the background?"

"Then let's try... Are there any stories about palaces in the mortal world with similar situations?"

"Hey, it's a bit difficult to find a palace battle in the mortal world with similar situations. However, with the resources we have at hand, what kind of palace battle drama do we want? The protagonist and supporting characters can be selected from the soul army, and the scene is full of ships. With such rich and colorful choices as Middle World, Xingyun No. 3, and Interstellar Space, we can produce the most beautiful, bloody, and attractive palace battle drama!" Xiaoxing said with confidence.

Li Yun's eyes were full of little stars when he heard this, and he quickly asked: "If these people are singled out for filming, will it affect their own cultivation and fighting?"

"Sir, filming is also a Taoist skill. Our ship world has always advocated the cultivation of Taoism, rather than blindly pursuing the practice of rapid advancement. They can hone one more Taoism by participating in filming, so why not? In addition, There is no conflict between filming and fighting, the most important thing is the reasonable deployment of slaves..."

"It seems that our beauties from the Universiade Palace have another chance to appear..." Li Yun teased.

"That's a must! Behind each of them is a huge market. Now we should cultivate the potential market in the fairy world and increase fans. Later, when we fatten up, we can become a big star. Harvesting spiritual crystals and fairy stones is a piece of cake!" Xiaoxing! He said triumphantly.

After the two agreed, with Xiaoxing's planning and coordination, the filming of the Universiade Palace version of the palace battle drama was officially started. In addition to the members of the Universiade Palace model team, there were also many former Tianlong Empire and South Vietnam Empire. Soul warriors, these people originally came from the palace of the mortal world, and they acted in their true colors. Even the stage of training their acting skills can be greatly shortened.

Among them, the role of the Holy Emperor is played by Xianxian's father Mengyu, the role of the Young Immortal Emperor is played by Long Hao, the third prince of the Tianlong Empire, and the other roles are arranged according to Xiaoxing's script.

The name of the script is called "Dragon Emperor"!

This drama is definitely the largest comprehensive performance project of the Universiade Palace since its establishment, because there are so many elements that can be assembled in it, and each one is extremely attractive!

For example, Universiade Palace robes, Universiade Palace beauties, Universiade Palace model performances, food, wine, tea, fruit, poetry, music, dance, painting, cooking, flower arrangement, chess, utensils, medicine, war scenes, martial arts Fighting scenes, palace fighting scenes, intrigues, scheming...

And all of this is strung together by a suspenseful and thrilling storyline that will definitely make people obsessed and want to stop...

Even the people participating in the show have no control over their own destiny in the play. They can only try their best to perform according to Xiaoxing's requirements. As for how it will develop in the future, no one can know!

After a period of preparation, the filming of "Dragon King" has officially started!

Although this is an extremely grand series of stories, it begins with a small seaside town, which is of course Tingchao City!

But the protagonist becomes Long Hao, the third prince, who starts to grow from a young boy...

What attracts people are the opening theme song, the dazzling dance, the endless sea, the vast starry sky, the rushing river, the beauties in fairyland, the warm scenes in the backcountry, and the magnificent close-ups of the war...

Once such a beautiful and lonely wind blew across the land of the fairy world, it immediately caught the attention of countless people, and none of them were calm!

Various Xianji Agency outlets broadcast the trailer over and over again, attracting countless people to stop and watch, waiting for the blockbuster to be officially sold!

Yuan Yi quickly received the news, and his heart was as hot as an ant on a hot pot. How could he sit still?

He quickly contacted Ling Daozi, and after finally getting through, he said anxiously: "Ling Daozi, when will the video of "Dragon Emperor" be delivered?!"

"I've been busy lately, please give me some time!"

"Ah? No! The Xianji offices everywhere are almost crowded now! If we don't launch it, I'm afraid other businesses won't be able to do it!" Yuan Yi said loudly.

"Oh? Is it that exaggerated?"

"Look! See for yourself..." Yuan Yi pointed at the light curtains in the Xianji Cave and shouted.

As expected, the light screen was filled with dense crowds, which crowded the Xianji Department outlets. Those who wanted to buy information found it difficult to squeeze in front...

"It seems that the effect of the trailer is pretty good..." Ling Daozi teased.

"Isn't it great? The beautiful food, beautiful music, beautiful people and beautiful scenery that appear in the video... have aroused the interest of countless people. In my opinion, they are all small outlets!!!"

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