The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2292 Remnant Dream

The three men immediately sent their minions to the Xianji Department to inquire about the Universiade Palace. They also sent some experts to form a capture team to follow the spies, preparing to carry out a robbery operation as soon as they found out the information...

To the surprise of the three of them, the arresting team returned not long after they set off!

"What's going on? Did you catch him?!" Master Wuxin said suspiciously.

"Your Majesty...we..." These people hesitated and were speechless.

"What's wrong with you?! Why don't you just get some information and rob someone? Is it that difficult?" Venerable Li Xue scolded loudly.

"Second King...behind..."

"Back there?! What's going on behind there?! Well, tell me quickly!!!" Venerable Li Xue shouted.

"There's someone behind...there's someone behind..."

"Is there someone?!" Venerable Li Xue was startled.

I quickly looked behind them, but there was no one there.

"You said there's someone behind you?! What a joke, there's not even a ghost!!!"

"The Second King...there are really...there are people! We were restrained and forced to bring them here..."

"What?!" Venerable Li Xue was stunned.

Master Wu Xin and Fairy Bones on the side felt slightly uncomfortable. The sense of crisis they had lost before was back. They immediately wanted to turn around and run away, leaving through the secret passage in the cave. Unexpectedly, they felt as if they had hit a wall, and their whole bodies were blown away. It bounced up and fell to the ground screaming!

"Who?! Who are you?!" Master Wuxin's face changed drastically and he said in shock.

"You...don't come here! Are you some evil spirit who has been monitoring us all the way? Have you come here in person?!" The Bone Fairy shouted hysterically.

"I will fight with you!!!"

Venerable Li Xue didn't care, he rushed forward, but was knocked back without any accident, and fell hard between Master Wu Xin and Fairy Bones.

The three of them looked around in horror and found that no one could be seen at all, but a strong pressure made them breathless. This aura was so powerful that it was like a mountain that shook all the bones in their bodies. They are all shaking and making noise,

The whole person is about to become a patient with tremors, and the whole body frame is about to fall apart...

When the three of them were panicking, they saw a flash of fairy light, and a figure slowly appeared from nowhere. It was a Taoist dressed up as a Taoist priest. He looked majestic, with a majestic face, and a long sword on his back. .

"Oh my God! are from the Hetao Temple?!" Master Wuxin screamed.

"I don't see that you still have some discernment. Yes, Pindao is Can Meng from Hedao Temple. If you fall into my hands, you are lucky!" Can Meng sarcastically said.

"Can... Canmeng?! How did you know we were here?" Master Wuxin asked unwillingly, while his mind was racing to see if there was any way to escape.

"Haha, of course someone has guided you. From the look of you, I guess you don't have any substitute puppets on hand, right? This time I'm trying to catch a turtle in a jar, and your good days are over!" Can Meng said with a proud smile.

"What?! Someone told you this too?" Master Wu Xin said in disbelief.

"That's right! You have been targeted, but you still have fun here and go to the Universiade Palace to rob people. You are so unrepentant! You deserve to be damned!"

"Ah?! Spare your life... We are also forced by life. There are poor mountains and rivers everywhere, and the people under my command have nothing to make a living. They can only do things like robbing families and homes, but we have never killed a person!" Master Wu Xin hurriedly said He got up and knelt down crying.

Can Meng was startled. In fact, he had only heard about the three evils and had not seen it with his own eyes. Moreover, because he had been in interstellar space during this period, he had not even seen the video about the three evils. Therefore, he had no idea about the three evils. Nor do people have any particular dislike or hatred.

When Fairy Bones saw Can Meng's expression, she immediately felt that something was wrong with her rich experience, and she quickly cried out in imitation: "The Immortal doesn't know something, and the slave family has long advised the two of them not to do such immoral things again. They often secretly send back the property they snatched to prevent those families from getting into trouble. I just said that I was going to rob people, but I was really confused because the videos of the Xianji Department were so good that no one who watched them didn't. Those who are attracted, we are also tempted by it..."

"The Immortal is magnanimous and has spared the three miserable lives of the young ones. We will always bless and burn incense for our seniors, and we will also go to Hedao Temple to pay homage to Taoist Master Tianxuan..." Venerable Li Xue followed up and said.

The three of them have often experienced this kind of scene since they were weak. Now, even though they have become real immortals, they still have not given up on the skills of making a living. At this time, they resumed their old skills, and they work together perfectly, allowing Canmeng, who has rarely walked in the world, to He was quite happy to hear that, and without thinking too much, he simply said: "I still have some good thoughts about you, so I will spare you for today. If you dare to do evil next time, I will definitely kill you!"

"Yes, yes, yes... Immortal has been so kind and merciful. I have nothing to repay, so I will definitely repent and start a new life!" The three of them knocked their heads like chickens pecking at rice, making Can Meng nod secretly. In a flash of fairy light, the person disappeared.

The three of them felt that the huge pressure on their bodies disappeared in an instant. They couldn't help but feel the weight of the weight, and collapsed on the ground, gasping for air...

Master Wu Xin was still more alert, and quickly reacted, shouting: "Run away quickly! Get out of here before he comes to his senses, otherwise I'm afraid something will change!"

"Yes..." Venerable Li Xue and Fairy Bones said suddenly.

The three of them quickly jumped out and got into the secret passage in the cave. This secret passage was the one they had drilled underground from the outside not long ago, and they didn't expect it to come in handy.

They secretly rejoiced in their hearts while running away frantically, and finally reached the other end of the secret passage. However, they quickly thought that if they got out and escaped, they would be discovered by the person who had been monitoring them, so they might as well hide underground. good.

Of course, if they wanted to avoid Can Meng's terrifying immortal consciousness, this secret passage was certainly not enough as a screen. Therefore, the three of them immediately re-selected a location, dug out another underground cave, and installed the best formations they had collected. Then he hid inside carefully, not even daring to make a sound...

Canmeng leisurely returned to the cave and saw the constellation waiting in the sky, so he flew up and ducked into it.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan saw him returning empty-handed and couldn't help but wonder: "Where are the people?"

"Master, these three people still have some good intentions. I wanted to give them a chance to change their ways, so I let them go." Can Meng responded.

"What?!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan was startled.

Disciples such as Dan Mo, Luo Hua Shang and others also looked at each other with some astonishment on their faces.

"Is there anything wrong with this disciple?" Can Meng felt that Tianxuan's reaction was a bit big and couldn't help but wonder.

"Here... take a good look at this letter talisman yourself... and some of the things I have collected about these three people." Taoist Priest Tianxuan threw over a letter talisman and several jade slips.

Canmeng quickly took it and sensed it quickly. After a while, he finally felt bad. He stood up and said loudly: "Damn it, this disciple was deceived by these three people!"

He quickly returned to the cave and found that the cave was empty, even the minions were gone!

He quickly scanned the cave with his immortal consciousness, only to find that the cave was quite secretive, and the space inside was extremely complicated. It seemed that it was built just for escape. There were also many places that isolated his immortal consciousness, making it extremely difficult for him to search. .

Can Meng didn't expect that her benevolence would lead to this extremely embarrassing situation. The master, junior brothers and sisters above were still waiting for her. What should she do?

Just when I was getting a little anxious, I heard the words of Taoist Priest Tianxuan: "Where is your way of time?"

"Yes!" Can Meng suddenly realized.

He immediately concentrated his energy, muttered words, and constantly mobilized the time power in his body. After a while, he stretched out his right hand, and a small light ball on his palm slowly grew, grew, and turned into a small The ball of light bloomed with amazing light!

With a "whoosh", Can Meng threw out the small ball of light, and a wave of light immediately spread out, flooding the entire area!

Master Wuxin, Venerable Li Xue and Fairy Bones were hiding in the underground cave with bated breath. Suddenly, they felt a light and shadow coming from a distance and swept over where they were in an instant. The three of them suddenly felt a little dizzy. Weirdly, after a while, the three of them actually appeared in the scene where they had just fallen to the ground, facing Can Meng who was crying and complaining...

Can Meng stared at them coldly, seeing their crying faces more clearly. Thinking that she had been deceived by such a villain, she was extremely disappointed in herself!

Moreover, seeing how smoothly these three men lied, they even deceived themselves. It shows that they have deceived many people in the past. It is no wonder that the three of them can get away with it without being caught.

However, Can Meng had already made up his mind this time. No matter what the three people said, he remained unmoved. With a big hand, he grabbed the three chattering villains and instantly restrained them and held them in his hand.

Looking back at the other people in the cave, these people were obviously not good people. They had done many bad things relying on the support of these three evils. So, I cast a fairy net and caught all these people in the middle. Tucked into a small space.

This time, he finally returned to the Xingxueyi with his trophies, and was warmly cheered by his junior brothers and sisters. Can Meng finally saved a lot of face.

Especially the time-power trick just now was so cool. Due to the time reversal, these junior brothers and sisters didn't know that they had been fooled once, so they thought they just went out for a spin and completed the task easily!

Of course, with Taoist Master Tianxuan's level of Taoist power, although he does not understand the way of time, he does know the entire process of Can Meng's arrest. For him, he has his own way to preserve this memory, because he had already launched Can Meng's Before time had passed, all the memories of that period had been burned into memory and stored in his own brain, and he had protected them tightly.

However, Can Meng's time power was not enough to destroy this memory, allowing Taoist Priest Tianxuan to preserve the memory...

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