The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2304 The Young Immortal Emperor’s Decision

"Thank you, Master! Master's help will be unforgettable!" An Yi said sincerely.

"Shuai An is serious! It is our bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded. Besides, this detoxification pill is the result of joint research by all the alchemists here, and it is not my alone!"

As Master Shizhen spoke, he took out a pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the Holy Emperor's immortal body. The immortal power transformed and forced it into his body.

Due to the lack of soul control in the current Holy Emperor's body, the immortal power is slowly running on its own, and has a tendency to gradually stop. Therefore, Master Shizhen must continuously input the immortal power to help the medicinal power move within it. In this way, he You can also closely track the effectiveness of the medicine...

While watching Master Shizhen practice the medicine, An Yi secretly said to Fairy Mu Gui: "Sixth sister, I wonder where you are now? If you can return to your original fairy body as soon as possible, you will have hope of regaining the throne!"

"That's right! With the strength of King Fu and King Shou, there is no way they can compare with King Purple and King Blue. It will be too late if you don't come back!" Fairy Mu Gui said anxiously.

"Everything that happened here must be reported to the Lord, and he should come as soon as possible!" An Yi suddenly thought of this, quickly composed the information, and inspired it!

What they don't know is that the young Immortal Emperor has actually arrived near the Immortal Palace a long time ago and already knows everything that happened here. At this moment, he is meeting with Abiaxe, Wu Ling, Guan Chong, Qu Tianba, Aohua Fairy, and Hemerocallis Fairy. and the other disciples were discussing nervously.

Unlike the Immortal Lord and the people of Qinglong's lineage who were present, with the help of Heaven and Earth, the young Immortal Emperor saw much more than they did!

The most important thing is that he discovered that the original Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan did not actually fall, but escaped using the lightning shuttle!

The lost items in the Immortal Palace, including a large amount of Panlong Immortal Peach Wine and thousands of Pegasus horses, must have been swept away by him, which made the young Immortal Emperor feel extremely heartbroken!

However, things happened very quickly, and he only reacted after being stunned. However, the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan had long since disappeared. It was impossible to chase him back, because even if the Heaven and Earth Disk could catch up with him, his own side would not be able to catch up with him. His strength may not necessarily defeat him. After all, he is still a young man, and the cultivation realm of Wu Ling and others is also far away from the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan!

Therefore, although the young Immortal Emperor hated the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan very much, he had to watch him leave without daring to chase him.

Looking at the Immortal Palace that is now in a mess, the young Immortal Emperor is even more speechless. It can be said that there is only an empty shell left in the Immortal Palace now. Even if it is taken back, I don’t know how long it will take to restore its former glory...

Compared to before,

The Immortal Palace was greatly devalued by the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan. In the minds of people in the Immortal World, it is no longer as noble as before. Of course, as a symbol of power in the Immortal World, the value of the Immortal Palace is still there.

If it weren't for this, the Purple King and the Blue King wouldn't be thinking about competing for the throne!

Fortunately, although the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan fled, he left behind his most precious immortal body. It was a blessing in misfortune. The young Immortal Emperor also realized at the first time that this was a good thing that he would never encounter in a lifetime. Chance!

As long as he gets this immortal body, his cultivation level after settling in will definitely be much higher than his current level. However, even so, the young immortal emperor also understands in his heart that the gap between himself and the Purple King and Blue King is still very big. This is because, My own immortal consciousness and soul power are insufficient, and I still need to hone it. Controlling this powerful body with a weak soul consciousness has a huge problem in itself. On the one hand, it is unable to exert its full power; May injure yourself.

In addition, although this immortal body is powerful, the damage caused by poison and insect poison is difficult to estimate, and it is certain that its strength will not be as strong as before.

Under such circumstances, if the young Immortal Emperor takes up residence in this immortal body and appears in the Immortal Palace, although it is possible to achieve his goal of regaining the throne, he will also be completely exposed to everyone.

This is not a good thing in the eyes of the young Immortal Emperor. On the one hand, the Immortal Palace is almost an empty shell now, with little value. Especially losing all the Panlong Immortal Peach Wine is a fatal injury, because this is what the Immortal Palace uses to condense The glue of the major forces, without this life-extending thing, the leaders of the major forces would only seem to be in harmony with the Immortal Court, and they would not be able to work as hard as before.

On the other hand, holding power with weak strength can easily lead to disaster. You must know that the Xuanling world is a world where the strong are respected. If you don’t even have the power to protect yourself, but you want to have a high status and power, this It is unreasonable in itself, and it will lead to death within a quarter of an hour!

The young Immortal Emperor sees this very clearly. In fact, although he is a reincarnation, there are parts of his previous life in his memory. He has long seen through the dangers of the power struggle. Therefore, if he does not have the power to protect himself, Better give up on this tempting plan!

In his opinion, instead of exposing himself now, it is better to continue to remain anonymous and protect the safe development of himself and those under his disciples. After all, the base in the Eighth-Level Immortal Realm still exists.

However, his idea was opposed by Wu Ling, Guan Chong and others. The reason was that if he did not seize the opportunity to ascend to the throne of God now, then when the new Holy Emperor was born, that person would most likely be dissatisfied with King Qing. Pulse for liquidation!

By then, people like King Fu, King Shou, King Gui, King Shang, Fairy Wenhui, and Fairy Mengxia will probably all end badly...unless they are all taken away from the Qinglong lineage area and live in complete seclusion!

But on the one hand, this would cause too much damage, and on the other hand, living in seclusion may not always be safe. With so many people, as long as one of them has an accident, the place of seclusion may be exposed and lead to death.

In Guan Chong's opinion, it is better to take advantage of the opportunity of many immortals here to use their power to regain the throne first, and then use the formation of the immortal palace to protect himself, and at the same time use the power in the hands of the Holy Emperor to quickly improve himself. With the strength of one party, gain the power to protect yourself as soon as possible!

Although this plan is somewhat risky, it is much more proactive than giving up the position of Holy Emperor!

Now, Guan Chong and others are trying their best to persuade the young Holy Emperor to seize the opportunity.

The young Immortal Emperor sighed: "Actually, our purpose is the same. The most important thing is to ensure everyone's safety. It's just that there are advantages and disadvantages of not being exposed, and showing up and ascending the throne also has its advantages and disadvantages. Now we are just weighing it." Each is only good or bad to the extent..."

Guan Chong nodded and said: "It is a good thing for you to be careful, sir. However, if you lose this opportunity now, it will be impossible to seize the throne from the new Holy Emperor in the future, and all of us will be in a homeless situation in the future." There is no peace in life on the run."

"Having said that, if I am not exposed, then everyone can live a stable life for a while and recover their strength. As for the opportunity to regain the throne, there is now and there should be in the future. You must know that foreign enemies are invading now. , the situation in the Immortal World is extremely complicated, and the new Holy Emperor may not be able to control such a situation..." the young Immortal Emperor thought.

"This... Your Excellency is right, but what if he performs very well? Then it is very likely that he will use this opportunity to consolidate his position!" Guan Chong said.

"Well, of course this is a possibility, but now the Immortal Palace has become an empty shell. Without Panlong Immortal Peach Wine, Dan Kuang's elixir alone cannot bind the hearts of the immortals of the major forces, but it must be brewed again. It takes at least 30,000 years to produce Panlong Immortal Peach Wine! By the way..." The young Immortal Emperor's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What did you think of, sir?!" Guan Chong asked anxiously.

"Last time I met Li Yun from the spiritual world. The Xingyun wine he brewed was almost as effective as Panlong Xiantao wine, so I bought a large batch of Xingyun wine from him. Later, he also gave me a batch as a gift. The effect of wine is very great now!" The young Immortal Emperor said loudly.

"Wow?!" Wu Ling, Guan Chong and others couldn't help but scream.

"Sir, if this is the case, we will have the capital to tie the hearts of those immortals and let them help us, at least to ensure our safety during this transitional stage!" Guan Chong said excitedly.

"That's right! Purple King and Blue King don't have life-extending items of this level on hand. This is a huge advantage for us. With the help of those immortals and the immortal palace formation, we have greater confidence. Alright..." The young Immortal Emperor nodded.

"Sir, it would be best if we could keep Kaiming Zen Immortal and Tianxuan Taoist Priest. As long as one of them agrees to stay in the Immortal Palace, we will basically have no worries!" Guan Chong said.

"It makes sense! In fact, the relationship between these two people and me has always been good. If there is a supply of star luck wine, I believe they will help me..."

After discussing with Guan Chong and others, the young Immortal Emperor finally decided to take the risk. This time it was not to compete for power and status, but for the continuation and development of his own line of power.

Sometimes, seemingly calm days actually come from storms. If you have not experienced wind and rain, how can you see the rainbow after the rain?

The forefathers have overcome thorns and obstacles, and only then can future generations have a peaceful life...

In order to continue his lineage, the young Immortal Emperor finally made a bold and adventurous decision to settle in his original immortal body!

However, although that immortal body is his own body, it is from a previous life. It will take some time for him to adapt to it, so he must settle in as soon as possible.

Moreover, settling in does not just happen. If the immortal body is placed in the immortal palace, there will be so many powerful people on site. As soon as he appears, he may leak his aura and be discovered, especially the Qinglong lineage is extremely sensitive. In terms of his sense of smell, this possibility is very high, and it will be very dangerous. Maybe he will be regarded as a soul clan and be wiped out all at once!

Fortunately, this body is now placed in the sleeping palace, separated from the Immortal Palace by a long distance, and protected by formations. The young Immortal Emperor is confident that no one will be discovered...

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