"Array? No, no!" Erlin shook his head.

"But why?" Zhifeng was stunned again.

Other Sanxian also felt a little strange, because now it seems that for cultivators, besides using the method of formation to exert their overall combat power, what other good way can there be?

If Erlin negates the method of formation, no one can think of any other way to achieve the goal of exerting the overall combat power.

"Although the method of formation has a certain effect, can that effect move the Purple Smoke Realm like the soul power army? Absolutely not! Not to mention the Purple Smoke Realm, even the interstellar ice field last time was difficult to cut and take away ! Therefore, the path of formation should not be the direction we want to go. Do you know, according to the standards of the division of civilization eras by adults and Xiao Ling, which era does our world of cultivators belong to?" Erlin asked.

"This... I'm not sure..." Zhi Feng was startled and muttered.

"Third-level civilization! And the soul army is now in the fifth-level civilization era! In other words, the soul warriors have jumped to the third level from the original second-level civilization after being tempered in the Universiade Palace. Even Ziyan Jie also moved to Xingyun Castle, leaving us far behind..." Erlin sighed.

"Amitabha... I wonder how the civilization levels are divided? How big is the gap?" Zhifeng asked.

He has only recently arrived at the Universiade Palace. Whether it is his qualifications or the information he has obtained, he cannot compare with those who have been in the palace for a long time, so he asks this question.

"According to Xiao Ling, civilization levels are divided according to the way we use energy. For example, Xuanshi uses Xuanqi energy and is in the second-level civilization, while cultivators use spiritual energy or fairy energy and are in the third-level civilization. If we can comprehensively Using the energy of the entire Xuanling world, including the energy poured into the Xuanling world by the sun, moon and stars, then we may be in a fourth-level civilization. If we can use the energy of the entire sun, then we may be in a fifth-level civilization..." Erling Said simply.

"Is that so?!" Zhifeng said in shock.

What Erlin said was very different from the cultivation knowledge he had learned in the past, which made him feel a little confused...

"Yes! Although we can use the power of fairy spirits, we are still far from using the energy of the entire Xuanling world. There are many forms of energy that we are not aware of. For example, there is still the power of chaos in this world. Many people I don’t know. There is still a lot of energy hidden deep in the earth and the bottom of the sea, which we cannot use at all with our ability. As for the energy of the sun, moon and stars that shine into the Xuanling world, a large amount of it is wasted... Therefore, Xiaoling said that the best we can do now is It is in the middle of the third-level civilization, and has not even touched the edge of the fourth-level civilization. You know, there is a standard for the fourth-level civilization, which is to see whether life can continuously fly in the starry sky for countless years. If you cannot make full use of the sun, moon and stars, of ability,

There is no way to do this. The spacecraft in our Xuanling world can stay in the starry sky for a year and a half at most. If it flies too far, it will most likely be stranded in the starry sky due to exhaustion of energy..." Erlin explained.

Zhifeng was extremely shocked when he heard it, and felt that his mind was opened. He couldn't help thinking: "So, the soul power army can definitely fly in the starry sky for a long time?"

"Of course! You see, the soul power army has now reached 30 billion. The daily consumption is unimaginable, but they are completely self-sufficient. Just this trip to the starry sky has swallowed countless Matter, these materials were converted into energy by Xingyun Castle, which is enough for them to fly to infinity! If it were us, even if we caught the matter, but there was no way to convert it into energy, it would still be useless," Erling said.

"What if we also have a treasure like Xingyun Castle?" Zhifeng asked.

"This... even if there is, we can't capture matter like the soul army. You have all seen the recent trends of the soul army. Capturing those interstellar substances is not something you can just catch. The process is actually extremely dangerous, but However, because the soul power army is so powerful, we think that grabbing materials in interstellar space is a very simple matter, but in fact, that is completely an illusion!" Erlin sighed.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, feeling that they seemed to have made a mistake again.

"If you have experienced interstellar combat, you will know that the speed of matter in the starry sky is much faster than in the Xuanling world, and the impact force is much stronger, because there is no air resistance in the starry sky, and objects of the same weight produce The impact is much stronger than you think. For example, if the soul power army moves the Purple Smoke Realm, how much weight should such a huge interface have? If the control is not good and you lose your hand in the middle, then the impact generated by the Purple Smoke Realm will be extremely large. It may hit Xing Lun Castle hard, and the consequences may be extremely serious!" Erlin said.

"Oh my God..." Zhifeng and others couldn't help but their faces changed color and they screamed in surprise.

Thinking about the consequences of that collision, everyone's hearts suddenly trembled.

Erlin's words made almost all the methods discussed by everyone in the past few days a joke. It seemed that the problem still lay in his too little knowledge reserve.

If you can't even see the root cause, how can you possibly solve it?

Erlin sighed and said: "Think about it, can you control the starry sky using the method of formation? There is no air in the starry sky, but danger is everywhere. A small meteorite is very likely to smash your airship. Crush, crushing all the people in a square formation to death, therefore, Lao Na does not think that the formation method is a good way to solve this problem."

After listening to Erlin's speech, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, speechless...

It seems that there is a huge gap between the third-level civilization and the fifth-level civilization. This level is not something they can solve if they want to...

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa"

Applause rang out, and a figure appeared in the venue. Everyone took a closer look and found that it was Ling Daozi. Unexpectedly, he had also come to join in the fun!

Erlin's eyes lit up. He and Ling Daozi were close comrades-in-arms. They had communicated frequently when they were on Xingyun No. 2. This also made his knowledge richer than others, and he thought about problems more deeply than others. Much more profound.

"Old Lin, you're right!" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"Xiao Ling, why did you come over from No. 2 when you had time? Why do you look like you have made great progress in cultivation?" Erlin asked.

"Hey, I didn't expect Lao Lin to be so good at praising people! I've been here a long time ago, but you didn't see it. I'm still very interested in the issues you discussed." Ling Daozi teased.

Of course Erlin didn't know that the Ling Daozi he met was actually just a clone of Xiaoxing on Xingyun No. 2, but the current Ling Daozi was Xiaoxing himself, and his level of cultivation was naturally different. People like Erlin didn't know how to do it now. They couldn't tell what level Xiaoxing's cultivation was, but they could still feel that Xiaoxing was definitely not something they could match.

"Oh? I wonder if you have any suggestions?" Erlin asked anxiously.

"Of course I have suggestions, but no matter how hard you try, you may not be able to compare with the soldiers of the Soul Army!" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

"But why? I really don't believe it!" Erlin said loudly.

"Tell me why you don't believe it..."

"The foundation of a cultivator is much stronger than that of the Soul Army soldiers. A cultivator can even regard 10,000 Soul Soldiers as nothing. Therefore, what the Soul Army can do, we should also be able to do, and even do more. Okay!" Erling said.

Zhifeng, Xiaoshun, Dexian, Dezhang and others all nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable..." Ling Daozi nodded slightly.

"In my opinion, as long as we find a suitable way to pool all our efforts, a small number of cultivators can withstand an army of soul power, and the efficiency will be even higher!" Erlin thought.

"Yeah, the key lies in the method! If the formation method doesn't work, I believe there must be other methods." Zhifeng supported from the side.

Ling Daozi smiled and said: "My lord has said that there are always more solutions than difficulties! As long as you really want to do this, how about I help you think of the solution?"

"Really?!" Erlin said in surprise.

"Of course! In fact, with the foundation of the soul power army, it is not difficult to organize another cultivation army, and this matter is still necessary at present." Ling Daozi said.

"That's great!" Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this.

Erlin asked: "Xiao Ling, why do you think it is necessary to organize an army of cultivators now?"

"The power of cultivators in the Universiade Palace seems to have been ignored. In fact, my intention is to let you develop further on your respective paths. However, it seems now that doing so makes your life too leisurely. On the contrary, Losing an enterprising spirit means that people have become lazy. Therefore, you also need the stimulation of fighting to burst out such a spirit!" Ling Daozi explained.

"This..." When everyone heard this, their faces turned slightly red and they felt bad.

Ling Daozi continued: "You have also seen now that the soul force army not only has excellent overall combat power, but also has continuous improvement in personal abilities. Thousands of people join the Taoist movement every day, while for cultivators, only a handful of people join the Taoism every day. According to this If the trend continues, I'm afraid there will be no need to hold Dao Soul Competitions in the future..."

"Tao Soul Competition?!" Everyone was startled.

"This Dao Soul Competition is an elite showdown between the Soul Army soldiers and cultivators. Don't think that a cultivator can still face ten thousand Soul Warriors calmly now. In fact, the strength of the elite soldiers in the Soul Army is no longer the same. Fan Xiang, and this does not include the powerful soul worms, it only refers to the original soul army." Ling Daozi reminded.

"Wo..." There was an uproar in the field, and all the immortals looked at each other, feeling that the pressure was really great!

Erlin asked urgently: "Xiao Ling, I wonder how strong the Soul Army elite is now?"

"I can't say...but I want to give you a hint. There are really many peerless geniuses in the Soul Army. Their qualifications are so good that even I feel envious...Geniuses like that, as long as they are given a good growth environment, They can give us a big surprise in return!" Ling Daozi said with a smile.

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