The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2331 The Holy Emperor Under Pressure

The stars are in chaos!

The chaos here is of course relative to the original astrology. If it had been like this from the beginning, people would have accepted it unconditionally and would not have felt anything unusual. But it is different now. In a short period of time, Xuan Ling So many major events are happening in the world, and the stars are changing again and again. This makes people in the Xuanling world who believe in the stars inevitably feel that the way of heaven has changed and everything will be chaotic!

Even the people at the top of the immortal world don't understand why the stars have changed so drastically in a short period of time, let alone the middle and lower classes and cultivators at the bottom. The panic among the people is intensifying, and people urgently need someone to stand up and give them an explanation.

Since Taoist Priest Tianxuan and a group of immortals went to the interstellar space, the person who can stand up and explain is none other than Master Jue Yuan!

At this time, Master Jue Yuan felt a lot of pressure. The Galaxy Cauldron was running all the time, desperately collecting information, and he was analyzing the information day and night, trying to decipher the secret of the astrological changes.

Wu Siqi became his partner, and the world was moving crazily, with information pouring in...

Apart from receiving treatment, the Holy Emperor spent the rest of his time with them, assisting in analyzing data. Such days were really difficult...

There is too much pressure from the outside world, and urgent news comes every day. They are all information about the troubles caused by immortals or low-level cultivators from various places. There are also various complicated rumors, many of which are aimed at the Immortal Palace. Is the Holy Emperor really... Somewhat unable to bear it any longer, he asked: "Master, do you have any clues?"

Master Jue Yuan closed his eyes, frowned, and muttered words, but did not say a word...

Seeing Master Jue Yuan like this, the Holy Emperor was helpless. When he looked at Wu Siqi, he found that he also looked confused. Knowing that it was impossible to ask any results, he had to stop.

Suddenly I saw Guan Chong coming in hurriedly, holding many jade slips in his hand, all issued by the Xianji Department, and his eyes lit up!

Recently, he has been watching "Tianlong Emperor". In the last few episodes, it was mentioned that Tianlong Emperor was affected by rumors from the outside world. He has been under a lot of pressure recently. This situation is quite similar to his own. Maybe this new jade slip will have What tips…

"Sir, please watch this latest episode of "Dragon Emperor"!" Guan Chong said anxiously.

"Oh, what's new?"

"Emperor Tianlong also encountered astrological problems!"


The Holy Emperor quickly flicked the jade slip away.

To watch…

Sure enough, in this episode, the stars in the world of Tianlong changed drastically, and they even looked very similar to the current sky in the fairy world. This led to widespread rumors among the people, saying that the newly succeeded Holy Emperor was a disaster star, causing anger and resentment, and must be replaced. Lose…

This rhythm is exactly the same as the current situation of the Holy Emperor. Seeing this, the Holy Emperor has already understood in his heart that "Dragon Emperor" is actually a big drama with himself as the protagonist. Where this drama goes from here may depend on him. How to do it.

However, it would be wrong to say that this play completely replicated his own experience, because in the final stage, a character appeared. This person's outfit looked like a star teller from the lower world in the past. He claimed to be a person from the Immortal Machine Agency. He has the power to reach heaven and earth. He can calculate and calculate clearly. No matter what problem he has, he can calculate clearly. However, if you want him to calculate, you must give him enough money!

Emperor Tianlong was doubtful and hesitant, not knowing whether to give the money according to his request, because this person had a big appetite and belonged to a lion with a big mouth. If he gave the money to him but did not get the correct answer, then his There will definitely be another layer of guilt!

The story ends here!

The Holy Emperor was stunned and stared blankly at the light curtain...

"Sir, did this play give us a hint at the end?" Guan Chong asked cautiously.

"Hint? What hint?" asked the Holy Emperor.

"Didn't the star teller say that? He is from the Immortal Machinery Department. As long as you give him enough money, he will give the correct answer!" Guan Chong said.

"This... do you think what this play says is true?" the Holy Emperor pondered.

"Sir, whether it is true or not, rumors are spreading in the fairy world now, and petitions from all over the world have almost flooded your desk. Especially the Purple King and the Blue King, they will stir up trouble in the fairy court almost every few days. , I asked your lord, and more and more officials from the Immortal Courtyard began to agree with them. If this continues, it will be difficult for the people of the Immortal Courtyard to win over..." Guan Chong analyzed.

"Xian Ji Department... Yuan Yi has a close relationship with Li Yun now. If Li Yun really knows the situation of foreign enemies or the truth about the changes in the astrology, then through Yuan Yi, it is really possible to get the answers we want... You go to Xian immediately Let’s ask the Machinery Department to find out how much the star teller costs,” the Holy Emperor said.

"Yes! Sir!" Guan Chong hurried away.

The Holy Emperor looked at Master Jueyuan and Wu Siqi who were completely immersed in their own world. He sighed and could only return to his dormitory first...

Before they arrived in front of the temple, they found a large number of immortals gathered at the gate of the Immortal Palace. They did not make any noise. Instead, they protested by sitting quietly there. They also put up light curtains that read:

"Please give us an explanation!"

"The way of heaven changes, and the world changes!"

"Expel the disaster star and choose another bright master!"

"Surrender is a virtue!"


When the Holy Emperor saw this scene, his face turned a little livid!

Many of these people are veterans of the Qinglong clan. They have been living in seclusion for many years. Unexpectedly, they would come out to join in the fun now, which really shakes his confidence...

The Holy Emperor didn't need to think too much to know that these elders of the Qinglong clan must have been persuaded by the Purple King, Blue King and others to cause trouble, with the purpose of getting himself to step down!

If they had not taken the lead, I am afraid that the officials of the Immortal Court would not have dared to support the Purple King or the Blue King so blatantly. After all, they would not easily take sides if they were eating the food of the Immortal Palace.

But now that these elders are taking the lead, it doesn't matter to them. Anyway, if anything happens in the end, they can put the blame on these elders.

The Holy Emperor was completely unaware that these elders were getting more and more confused, and were actually used as spearmen by the Purple King and the Blue King.

They must have been deceived, or they are really old and confused. Not everyone in this world can live a better life and become better. Whether a person matures or not, whether he has become a better person in life, actually depends on his age. The relationship is not particularly big, but has to do with his mind and experience.

Maturity largely refers to mental maturity rather than age and physical maturity.

If a person has an unstable mind and character, is easily irritable when encountering problems, handles things simply and brutally, and cannot reflect on himself, sum up experience, and draw inferences afterwards, then no matter how much experience he has, he may make the same mistake again and again. Wisdom also does not improve with age.

On the contrary, these people may become more and more stubborn in their minds, less and less able to listen to other people's opinions, less and less able to accept new things, and treat things more and more simply and roughly. This is a sign of old fools.

However, some people are young and mature. Although they are young, they are good at summarizing experiences and lessons. They become more courageous and independent-minded, deal with things more and more smoothly, and see things with sharper and sharper eyes. It’s okay to manipulate some people who think they are treacherous and cunning...

The Holy Emperor was extremely speechless at these elders, and simply used the formation to enter the dormitory invisibly and perform treatment first.

For him, if this change had occurred before, he would have really given up. Anyway, he still had a way out.

However, as the Purple King and the Blue King pressed harder and harder, the Holy Emperor became more and more angry!

"You are going to force me to step down voluntarily like this, but I will not step down! Even if I want to step down, I will never step down with the infamy of a disaster star. Instead, I will thoroughly investigate the matter and give an explanation to the people in the immortal world!" Holy Emperor! He said firmly in his heart.

Some people will collapse involuntarily under pressure, but the truly strong ones become more courageous with every setback, remain indomitable, and dare to face the most dangerous situations...

The current Holy Emperor is indeed in a bad situation. On the one hand, his own cultivation is damaged and Xiaomei's poison has not been cured. On the other hand, the Purple King, Blue King and others are pressing forward step by step, causing trouble in the Immortal Court and moving out the elders of the clan. He came to cause trouble and spread rumors in the fairy world, blaming all the problems in the fairy world on the fact that the Holy Emperor was a disaster star!

In the eyes of many people who do not have independent opinions, they would rather follow what others say than use their brains to think about the possibility of this matter. Therefore, as soon as rumors spread, many people will become a crowd and join in the fun. , lest the world not be in chaos...

This is of course extremely disadvantageous to the Holy Emperor, because cultivators attach great importance to the stars and believe that the stars are part of the way of heaven, indicating good and bad luck in this world. They even think that those big figures must be transformed from a certain star in the sky. Come on, if the stars change, it means that the big people will also change...

In fact, not to mention those little people in the fairy world, even among the high-end people in the upper class, many people have this idea, and they are increasingly dissatisfied with the Holy Emperor.

There are not many people who can truly understand that the way of heaven is not static, but is always changing. Only change is the true way of heaven. Master Jueyuan and Wu Siqi are definitely two of them.

They also knew that the Holy Emperor was under great pressure and could collapse at any time, and they urgently needed to stand up and speak for him.

However, there is no problem in standing up and speaking. The key is that even I can't figure out the changes in the astrology, so I can't explain clearly.

If you stand up and talk nonsense, and then get knocked down as soon as you are questioned, then your reputation in this life will be in vain, and the price will be even greater!

Therefore, the two of them can only immerse themselves in research now, hoping to find out the real cause of the abnormal changes in the stars as soon as possible and restore the innocence of the Holy Emperor...

Master Jue Yuan seems to have his eyes closed, but in fact his immortal consciousness has been closely watching any changes on the Galaxy Cauldron. After a recent period of observation and thinking, he seems to have discovered some clues...

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