The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2339 Is there something wrong or nothing?


Bodhi Zen Immortal announced a loud Zen chant and said: "Dear donors, in my opinion, although foreign enemies have not appeared from the beginning to the end, they have not done anything to us! Just imagine, they can create such a large-scale starry sky The maze can also change the time and space within it. Such an ability is beyond our imagination. If they want to do something to us, we will probably be able to resist at most, but in the end we will probably be powerless..."

"Master, what do you mean..." Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked.

"When the foreign enemies guided us through those space passages earlier? Did they give us any hints?" Bodhi Zen Immortal asked.

"This does not…"

"Yes, they can guide us directly without us even realizing it, but this time, they have rarely released such a signal. In my opinion, this is a foreign enemy giving us a choice! "

"Choose?!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan and everyone were stunned.

"The choice is to believe in them or not to believe in them! If we believe in them, then we will enter the light door. Maybe there is another world on the other side. If we do not believe in them, then we will continue to stay in this space and search for Other possibilities to get rid of this formation..." Bodhi Zen Immortal said.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look at each other thoughtfully...

Taoist Priest Tianxuan nodded and said: "Master's words make sense. This is indeed the other party giving us a choice... If it were me, I might choose... to pass!"

"Wo..." Taoist Master Tianxuan's words shocked everyone.

"Taoist Priest, do we really want to enter that light gate?" Jiutian Xuannv asked in astonishment.

"Well, apart from this choice, we seem to have no other way to solve this maze. We might as well take a gamble..." Tianxuan Dao sighed.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

Think about it, after discovering that they were trapped in the starry sky, everyone has been dizzy, exhausted, exhausted, and under great psychological pressure. If this continues, they are likely to collapse!

Maybe the foreign enemy saw this and knew that everyone could no longer play anymore, so they gave such a choice and let themselves make the decision...

It can be said that foreign enemies have been playing tricks on their group of immortals.

But they are powerless to do anything about it and can only be at their mercy...

However, Bodhi Zen Immortal was right before. The foreign enemies are so powerful. If you really wanted to take action against them, I am afraid that you would have done it long ago and would not have waited until now. It can be seen that the foreign enemies do not seem to have any malicious intentions...

Everyone's thoughts turned around, and after a little discussion, they decided to take the risk according to Taoist Master Tianxuan's advice!

Since it is an adventure, of course you must be fully prepared. No matter how strong the foreign enemy is, so many immortals are not easy to bully together. They opened the immortal power shield one by one, holding the treasure they took advantage of, and formed a Small formations, and Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked Xiaosu to upgrade the protective formations to the highest level.

Xingxiyi cautiously moved towards the light gate. Everyone held their breath and stared closely at the changes around them, ready to take action at any time...

I saw the constellation glide gently across the vast starry sky and began to approach the light gate!

Everyone felt their hearts pounding, and they didn't dare to take a breath. It seemed as if there was a huge pressure on themselves, and they were almost unable to stand...

Suddenly, the constellation instrument involuntarily accelerated its speed and flew towards the light gate!

Xiao Su said anxiously: "Sir, I can't control this slave anymore!"

"Everyone try your best!" Taoist Master Tianxuan said helplessly.

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect that the foreign enemy had completely controlled the Constellation Instrument. It was impossible to retreat now, and it was too late to regret!

They hurriedly followed Taoist Master Tianxuan's instructions and tried their best to send their immortal power to Xiaosu to help him stabilize the constellation instrument, but it seemed to be of no avail. They saw the constellation instrument flying faster and faster, like a sharp arrow. Passing through the starry sky, it hit the light gate with a loud "boom"!


Everyone screamed loudly and rolled into a pile. Even Bodhi Zen Immortal and Taoist Master Tianxuan were no exception. The cabin was in a complete mess...

I don’t know how long it took, but these people finally recovered from their panic, quickly got up from the ground, looked outside, and couldn’t help but exclaimed: "Xuanling World?!!!"

What flashed before their eyes was the extremely familiar Xuanling world. At this moment, everyone was extremely excited. They felt as warm as returning to their mother's arms. They couldn't help but burst into tears and were speechless...

Everyone suddenly realized that the choice given to them by the "foreign enemy" was to go back if they believed it, or stay if they didn't believe it!

If they had not followed the advice of Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Bodhi Zen Immortal, I am afraid that everyone would still be wandering in the maze of stars, and their return date would be far away...

"Great! I'm finally back!" Jiutian Xuannv shouted excitedly.

"I know now that it feels so good to return to Xuanling!" Xiang'ehuang choked up.

"Yeah, I always thought about leaving Xuanling and going outside to see the outside. Now I know that it's too dangerous outside, so it's better to stay in Xuanling..."

"It makes sense! After this battle, I decided to stay in Xuanling from now on and never go out again!"

"That's right..."

"Eh?!!!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan suddenly exclaimed!

"What's wrong? Taoist Master?!" Everyone was stunned and looked at him.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan seemed to be constantly communicating with Xiaosu. His face changed drastically, and his body seemed to be shaking, making people feel that something was wrong with him...

"Taoist Priest, are you okay?" Jiutian Xuannv asked urgently.

"I am a poor Taoist... uh... uh uh..." Taoist Master Tianxuan wanted to speak, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something and he couldn't speak.

When everyone saw this scene, they felt slightly uncomfortable. The joyful mood just now was gone, because something seemed to have gone wrong with Taoist Priest Tianxuan, and there was no guarantee that something would go wrong with him. Could it be that the foreign enemy had really taken action? ?

It’s really insidious!

It seems to be letting you go openly, but secretly there is a dirty trick that makes you hurt inexplicably. How can you feel safe in this?

For a moment, everyone was extremely nervous. They quickly surrounded Taoist Priest Tianxuan and looked around in case there was any sudden attack...

"Don't worry, I'm a poor Taoist... nothing's wrong..." Taoist Master Tianxuan seemed to be feeling better and said in a hissing voice.

"Taoist Master, are you really okay?" Jiutian Xuannu breathed a sigh of relief and asked again.

"'s okay! But still...something happened!"

"Is something wrong?! Are you okay or not?" Jiutian Xuannv asked curiously.

"Alas... something happened! But it's not Pindao's fault, it's something big happening to Xuanling!!!" Tianxuan Dao sighed.

"What's the big deal?!" Everyone was shocked.

Taoist Master Tianxuan finally slowly returned to his original state. He hesitated for a moment, but still said: "I finally understand why the foreign enemies want to play tricks on us..."

"Really? But why?" Jiutian Xuannv asked urgently.

"In fact, they are not trying to trick us, but they want us to see the fact clearly!"

"What fact?"

"Look at the Xuanling world carefully from this angle and see what it looks like?" Tian Xuandao sighed.

When everyone heard this, they quickly turned their heads and observed carefully. Seeing that it didn't matter, their expressions suddenly changed drastically and their bodies began to tremble...

Taoist Priest Tianxuan said from the side: "The reason why foreign enemies let us pass through so many small spaces is so that we can observe the Xuanling world from this angle and understand what risks there are in the Xuanling world! Now you have also seen it , the Mysterious Spirit World...or our Immortal World, should be formed by the giantization of one person!"

"Amitabha! After such painstaking efforts, how can we call it an external enemy?" Bodhi Zen Immortal said.

"Master is right! They use this method to remind us of the huge risks facing the immortal world. Indeed, we can no longer call them foreign enemies!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan agreed.

"Lao Na has always had this vague idea all the way. He feels that with their abilities, it is impossible for them to do such boring things to us. Now it can be basically concluded that they just want us to know the secret of the Xuanling World!" Bodhi Zen Immortal said.

"How many percent does Master think this secret is true?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked.

"Amitabha! It's extremely clear from here! This is clearly a person who is being treated for injuries here. Once this person wakes up, I'm afraid the entire Xuanling will be in catastrophe!" Immortal Bodhi Zen lamented and murmured in his mouth. , began to recite silently alone...

"It's over, it's over..."

Jiutian Xuannv's body softened and she collapsed to the ground.

Not to be outdone, Emperor E of the West slumped down with a face as pale as dirt...

The other immortals were not much better. The only people who could bear such a message were almost only Tianxuan Taoist Priest and Bodhi Zen Immortal. The others finally stood up just now, but now they fell down one after another, their heads went blank...

Xiaosu said: "Sir, shall we go back?"

"Go back! Of course I have to go back! Call everyone from Hedao Temple here first so that I can rest assured!" Tianxuan Taoist Master said loudly.

"Sir, there is no need to be so anxious. The Immortal World has been in this state for a long time, and this person may not wake up in an instant. If we give up Hedao Temple now, is it too hasty?" Xiaosu analyzed.

"Having said that, no one can guarantee when this person will wake up. Once he wakes up, the entire Xuanling will be turned upside down, and it will be too late to save him!"

"Sir, have you ever thought that even if we save them, we actually have nowhere to go?" Xiaosu said.

"No way to go? How is it possible?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan was startled.

"Now that they have set up such a starry sky formation in this starry sky, won't we still be trapped by this formation after we escape?" Xiaosu reminded.

"Yes..." Taoist Master Tianxuan said suddenly.

When everyone heard this, they felt even worse. Now the fairy world is in danger, and the outer periphery is surrounded by this starry sky formation. It can be said that it is besieged internally and externally. Are the people of Xuanling really going to be suffocated and killed?

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