The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 234 Worshiping Stone City (7)

( ) Bang!

Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The space around the Ruyi Konglong Sword expanded rapidly, and the original landforms began to recover one by one. Huge mountains appeared, rivers surged, grasslands became green, spiritual birds flew, animals came, and floating animals came. The clouds dropped raindrops, the sun rose, and dazzled the winding rainbow across the mountains!


Xiao Shitou looked at this wonderful sight that he had not seen for a long time and was so excited that he almost shed tears of happiness.

"Great! It turns out it's so fun here!"

The small stone jumped out from the Ruyi Konglong Sword and flew to the mountains, to the river, to the forest, to the birds, grabbed an eagle and flew up in the air, shouting. With.

In thousands of years, he has never been so happy... Just for a promise, how wronged he has been...

"Li Yun...Li are really my great savior! Great savior!" Xiao Shitou kept shouting excitedly.

At this moment, the six-level Great Spiritual Array in Baishi City had already been shattered by the impact of the folding space. The originally impregnable Baishi City only had ruins left, and even the tall buildings inside were gone. .

The members of the Stone Worship Sect, led by their leader Xiong Chang, were all dumbfounded as they looked at the extremely familiar land in front of them.

"Master, I didn't expect that when the Stone God gets angry, the consequences will be so serious..." Ding Yuan sighed.

"The Stone God... is no longer the Stone God we are familiar with and worship! After this, I'm afraid our Christian names will also have to be changed!" Xiong Chang said coldly.

"This..." Ding Yuan was startled.

What Xiong Chang said is indeed true. Since ancient times, the Stone Worship Cult has worshiped the Stone God so much, but they never imagined that what the Stone God brought them was not a blessing, but a huge disaster!

It can be seen that many things in this world that people admire are actually just the wishful thinking of the admirers! It can be said that a hot face rubs a cold butt. The admirers are just being brainwashed and treated as monkeys.

The Stone God basically paid no attention to this Stone Worship Cult.

When the Stone Worshipers thought of this,

I felt desolate in my heart, as if a monument in my mind suddenly collapsed, and I felt a little lost.



I saw another terrible tremor coming from the sky and the earth. Everyone felt that they were pushed back countless miles by a huge force, and they couldn't help but tremble!


Xiong Chang roared loudly and led his followers to flee from this terrible place quickly, not daring to look back again.

"Huh? Why would someone go there?"

Xiong Chang was stunned and seemed to see a figure quickly passing by his group of people, heading towards the original direction of worshiping Shicheng. He couldn't help but look back.

Sure enough, a figure passed through the low altitude like lightning. The speed was so fast that it disappeared from his sight in the blink of an eye. This made Xiong Chang suddenly frightened!

"It's terrible! It's really terrible..." Xiong Chang was truly frightened this time.

You must know that with his extremely high level of cultivation at the eighth level of the Golden Core, he is almost one of the top people in the world of Daxia cultivation. However, this person passed by him and disappeared in only the blink of an eye. He couldn't even see clearly what the other person looked like or what kind of clothes he was wearing. How could he not be surprised? !

If this person came to kill him, I am afraid that Xiong Chang would have fallen down by now and would not rest in peace.

"Who is this person?! What is he doing there?! Is his appearance related to the sudden change of the Stone God?!"

Countless questions instantly came to Xiong Chang's mind.

Thinking of this, Xiong Chang hesitated, as if he felt that the treasure that his countless ancestors had worked so hard to guard was about to be snatched away.

You must know that the Stone God is a treasure that has been guarded by the Stone Worship Cult for thousands of years. If it is completely abandoned due to a sudden change, the result will most likely be that the treasure will be taken advantage of by others.

"No! I absolutely cannot let something like this happen to me! Otherwise, I will be ashamed of my ancestors!" Xiong Chang yelled in his heart.

"Even if I die there, I still want to go back and take a look! Even if I don't get the treasure, I still want to know whose hands it fell into so that I can get it back later!"

Xiong Chang made up his mind and immediately ordered Ding Yuan to lead the congregation to continue to the original goal, while he turned around and flew towards Baishi City.

Although Ding Yuan, Wen De and others continued to persuade him, Xiong Chang still set foot on his way home with great determination.

The location of the Stone God is still expanding crazily and rising upwards, forming a vast plateau!

Beautiful mountains and rivers, rushing rivers, soaring birds, and herds of animals...

A figure suddenly appeared somewhere on the plateau, looking at the magnificent scenery in front of him with great surprise. He was naturally a star teller.

Although he still held a feather fan in his hand, he forgot to pretend to shake it. Instead, he held it on his head and looked into the distance.

"This mountain... is really high..."

Star Operator looked at the extremely high mountain standing in front of him and couldn't help but admire it.

Suddenly, his eyes froze and he stared at a space. He twisted the fingers of his right hand and muttered something.

After a while, the feather fan was put away, and the five fingers of his left hand kept raising and lowering them, as if he was calculating something.

"The door to this space should be on the big rock on the left, but how to open it..." Star Operator murmured.

With a wave of his right hand, a divination table flashed out, and countless bamboo sticks flew out, and were stacked neatly on the table.

The star operator's hand flashed rapidly, and he placed and closed the bamboo sticks one by one, and repeated them for countless rounds. After about an hour, suddenly, he stopped his hand and shouted excitedly : "That's it!"

A talisman flashed on his hand, he quickly carved it on it, and with a flick of his finger, the spiritual power was unleashed.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred in this space. The big rock on the left disappeared. Everything in the space changed. The door to space in the eyes of the star operator had been displaced!

"How could this happen?! This is impossible?! The space gate cannot be changed easily!" Star Operator shouted in shock.


Bang bang!

There was another weird sound coming from somewhere, and Xingsuanzi found himself violently thrown to the side by the space movement, and almost fell under a cliff.

"What's going on?! Could it be that someone is opening the door to space inside?" Xing Shuanzi screamed, stopping his fall in mid-air and returning to the plateau.

This time he no longer started to calculate easily, but carefully observed the spatial distribution around the mountain. From this look, he suddenly became a little uneasy.

"Oh my god! Why are there so many small spaces?! Who did this? This method is simply unpredictable..."

Star Operator sighed as he flew around the mountain quickly and observed carefully.

Such spatial changes were eye-opening even for him. He never expected to find such a strange place in this extremely remote lower realm.

"It seems that even my world fruit tree space can't match its contingency!" Star Operator sighed.

He immediately took out a stack of talismans, carved them quickly, and murmured: "I must record them all and show them to the master. I am afraid that only the master in the world can solve them..."

As soon as he finished speaking, several "rumbling" sounds were heard. A space on the left was suddenly exploded in front of his eyes. Several mountains stretching for countless miles suddenly appeared in front of him. Star Operator was immediately thrown away by the huge power of space!

"Who?! Who is it?! Someone actually unlocked this space!" Star Operator screamed loudly and hurried back.

Soon I came to the mountains and found that the scenery here had changed drastically, but I didn't find any monks here, and the overlapping space next to them was still there.

"Strange... What is going on?! Could it be that the space structure here is unstable and exploded on its own? It doesn't look like it..."

He has already observed that the space here is extremely tight and extremely stable, and it will never explode due to structural instability.

"Someone must be deciphering the space one by one, otherwise things like today would not be possible." Star Operator concluded.

He immediately locked onto the countless spaces in front of him, especially around the space that had just been exploded. While carving and looking for the door to the space, he kept an eye out to see if anyone was opening the door.

Sure enough, after a while, a flash of spiritual light hit a bird's nest on a big tree in a certain space. The bird's nest fell down and the space suddenly made a "rumbling" sound and exploded with spiritual light. !

This time, Star Operator was well prepared and immediately avoided the shock wave of space power. He fixed his eyes on the space and found that many shiny stones seemed to explode in the space. They quickly "swiped" and disappeared. , it was obviously taken away by someone!

"Who?! This person is really amazing! I just found the space door, and he has already unlocked it?!" Xing Suanzi yelled in his heart, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.

Such a person might even be willing to bow down to his master.

Now that he knew that someone was really cracking the space door, and doing so in this direction, he immediately stared at the adjacent space. After a while, he found the location of the space door, which was under the waterfall. That deep pool.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, a palm print hit a strange tree on the edge of the waterfall, and the space was shattered!

"What?! So where is the door lock?!" Xing Shuanzi screamed in his heart.

If he is allowed to open the door, I am afraid that the power of space will be stirred up at this moment, and it is unpredictable.

Xing Shuanzi was shocked all over and felt very bad.

"This person... is far superior to me in terms of eyesight and calculation ability... he is really terrifying!" Star Operator had a look of horror on his face.

Suddenly, his consciousness moved, he turned around and thought, "Didn't this person leave just now? Why is he back again?"

It turned out that it was Xiong Chang who rushed here quickly.

He had already been frightened by the drastic changes in the environment along the way. Looking at this high mountain now, he felt like a humble ant, crouching at its feet, shivering.

…(To be continued.)

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