The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2348 The Strongest Relocation Mission

"Bodhi?!" Taoist Master Tianxuan was startled and exclaimed.

The sudden arrival of Immortal Bodhi Zen really shocked him, because they were originally divided into two groups, one went to the Immortal Palace to convey the message, and the other stayed in the starry sky to try to get in touch with foreign enemies and ask for their help.

In the eyes of Tianxuan Taoist Priest, communicating with such a powerful foreign enemy is almost an impossible task. I don’t know if they understand the language of the Xuanling world, or even if they understand the language, they may be too lazy to deal with you because they look down on you. You, so there is something wrong with Bodhi Zen Immortal and the others appearing here now...

"Taoist Master, there is a reply!" Bodhi said loudly, unable to suppress the excitement on his face.

"Is there really a reply?!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked excitedly.

"Yes! Look!"

There was a flash of light on Bodhi Zen Immortal's hand, and a small ball of light appeared.

"This..." Taoist Priest Tianxuan was startled and looked at the small ball of light suspiciously.

Others heard the conversation between the two of them and were also very interested in this small ball of light. They didn't know what the echo that Bodhi Zen said was.

I saw Bodhi Zen Immortal pinch this small ball of light and "swipe" it. The small ball of light spreads out and turns into countless small light spots. These small light spots actually arrange a letter in the air!

Everyone quickly understood the meaning of the letter with their immortal knowledge. It said that the arrangement of the starry sky array was to protect the temporary safety of Xuanling. First, it intercepted the energy projected by the sun, moon and stars to Xuanling. The second is to delay the awakening time of this super power. The second is to distort time and space, so that outsiders cannot discover that this person is using the Gigantization Technique here, so they cannot awaken him in advance. The third is that the star changes are caused by the distortion of time and space, so there is no need to worry.

In addition, since this person's awakening is irreversible, it is estimated that his awakening time will be about three hundred years later. This is a rare buffer time in the Xuanling world. Everyone must find a way to escape from the Xuanling in advance, and the Starry Sky Formation It can provide a temporary refuge for those who are escaping, but it is not absolutely safe, because once the person wakes up, he is very likely to break through the formation and leave here. In addition, the Xuanling world is falling apart and the impact is huge, so it will definitely Some people are going to suffer...

The content of this letter was easy to understand, and everyone inside and outside the Immortal Palace could basically understand it. For a moment, everyone was filled with excitement and silence...

I see…

Everyone suddenly realized that the so-called foreign enemies were actually real friends. After discovering the crisis in the Xuanling World,

They took the initiative, thought of many ways for Xuanling, and did many methods, so that the world of Xuanling could get temporary peace, so that the people of Xuanling could make full use of this buffer time and do a better job of escaping from Xuanling. preparation…

The light spots in the sky stayed for a while, then suddenly started to fly again, and gathered in the hands of Bodhi Zen Immortal again. Such a unique talisman made everyone look at it!

This kind of letter talisman can be called a light talisman. This light talisman does not have a key set. If it is set, even if someone gets it, it will not be able to read the content. It has extremely strong confidentiality.

During the transmission process, it was just a small point of light, just like a light and shadow. No one thought that it could be a letter. Those who knew it would have a hard time intercepting it, because the speed of light and shadow is extremely fast, and it would be difficult to catch it. Can't catch up either.

The appearance of the light talisman makes everyone admire the people behind it. Not only can they intercept the energy of the sun, moon and stars, they can also distort time and space, and they can also predict the awakening time of this super power... All of this makes people I admire it from the bottom of my heart...

It can be said that this letter gave everyone a reassurance. No matter what, there are still three hundred years to go. As long as you prepare well and escape into the starry sky formation, you still have a chance to be rescued.

As for how to find a place to settle down after escaping, we can only work harder to find it...

"Master has made great achievements, I sincerely admire you!" Taoist Master Tianxuan praised.

"Amitabha! Taoist priest, please don't say that. They are determined to save Xuanling and will reply to us sooner or later! On the contrary, Taoist priest has worked hard and worried about Xuanling's fate along the way, which really makes the poor monk ashamed!" Bodhi Zen Immortal said.

The Holy Emperor had recovered at this time. When he saw this scene, he stood up and saluted and said: "The Taoist priest and master have done their best for my Xuanling to benefit the common people. On behalf of all the creatures in the Xuanling world, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

"Thank you, Master Taoist!" "Thank you, Master Taoist!!" "Thank you, Master Taoist!!!"

Everyone shouted in unison, the sound echoing throughout the world...

Seeing this scene, Li Yun and Xiaoxing, and of course Nian Hu, Hua Yu, Miao Yinqin and others in the core cabin were all very excited. It seems that at this moment, the high-end cultivators in the entire Xuanling world We finally became a team!

These people were originally divided into three groups, namely the Holy Emperor's side, the Purple King's Blue King's side, and the neutral side. The atmosphere inside and outside the Immortal Palace has almost dropped to freezing point. Of course, there are prerequisites for such a situation to be formed at this time. , that is, Li Yun and Xiaoxing gave them a sense of security and confidence.

Now they understand that the cage of heaven and earth they originally thought is not real. The ground is a cage and it cannot be fake. However, the great formation in the starry sky is a refuge. If they can escape there, they can at least avoid the collapse of the Xuanling world. That powerful impact, and whether we can escape the danger of impact and destruction from that superpower depends on our luck...

Moreover, they quickly thought that the people in the starry sky were also super powerful. Maybe they could stop the impact of this powerful power, and then there would be no danger...

Under this assumption, everyone, led by Taoist Master Tianxuan, began to study how to evacuate from the Xuanling World...

In their view, the buffer time of three hundred years is actually extremely tight. For cultivators, three hundred years is definitely not too much. Many powerful people will go into seclusion once or take a nap.

The Xuanling world is so vast and contains countless creatures. To relocate so many lives is an extremely huge task!

Moreover, before moving, there are many preparations that must be made in advance. For example, you must prepare enough energy to survive the long days in the stars; you must have a basic destination where you can start over and build a new world. ; There must be enough and good enough aircraft that can carry so much life and energy; they must have strong protection capabilities, otherwise, once they are attacked by a powerful enemy, they will suffer heavy losses...

These questions were raised one by one by the immortals. Many people felt more and more overwhelmed and some did not know what to do.

They discovered that behind every problem there are countless small problems, and each of the so-called small problems is actually a huge challenge!

For example, the simplest question is to have enough energy star reserves. So, what does it mean to be enough? Considering the billions of lives in the Xuanling World, no matter how much energy is prepared, it will not be enough!

Unless it can be like the Xuanling World, where energy can be continuously transported in from the outside and recycled, it will be possible to meet everyone's needs.

But to do this, there must be a world-class space. But with the current level of flying boats in Xuanling World, how is it possible?

Therefore, if the current flying boat is responsible for the task of migration, it will definitely consume energy along the way, constantly consuming, and consuming a lot of energy. I am afraid that it has not flown very far or reached the destination, and it will be lost halfway. It might be stranded and everyone would be stuck in the starry sky, which would be a disaster!

And this is just one of many problems...

Taoist Priest Tianxuan felt this even more profoundly. During this exploration of the starry sky, Xingxuyi was just flying around in the starry sky, and it didn’t take long for him to bring all the spiritual crystals and fairy stones with him. When it was used up, he had to collect crystal stones from other immortals to replenish it.

The asteroid itself can also receive energy from the stars, but that energy is not enough to cope with its own continuous operation and long-distance flight.

However, he was inspired by this and said: "We must devote all our efforts to refining a better flying boat, and this flying boat must be able to realize self-supply of energy, and the source must be the star power in the starry sky, because only star power is the source. Ongoing!"

"Yes!" Everyone suddenly realized.

"There are many big forces in the fairy world that specialize in refining flying boats. This task can be given to them, and Pindao will also join them. Only by completing this task can the entire relocation be possible!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said firmly.

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

"In addition, please ask Master Bodhi to continue to contact our friends in the starry sky. With their level, they must know some continental masses or large stars that exist in the nearby interstellar space, so that we can have a predetermined destination to avoid being delayed. There’s not even a place to stay.” Taoist Priest Tianxuan continued.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master, I will definitely complete this task!" Master Bodhi said.

"Thank you, Master!"

"There are still many details. I hope everyone here can put forward their own ideas and brainstorm. The better prepared we are, the more efficient we will be in our actions!"

"Yes! Taoist Master!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Finally, I would like to remind you that this news is limited to this place and some powerful forces that will come into contact next. Others must not spread it, otherwise it will definitely cause chaos in the Xuanling world. If panic occurs, not only will it not It will be beneficial to our preparation tasks, and it will cause countless bloody disasters and devastate lives..." Taoist Priest Tianxuan said in a deep voice.

"Respect the Taoist Priest's order!"

The highest level of Xuanling World, headed by Taoist Priest Tianxuan, quickly started preparations for this most powerful relocation task...

Seeing this scene, Mr. Nian, Hua Yu and others felt excited and their hearts seemed to be filled with vitality again. They wished they could join in and make suggestions.

However, they know that following Li Yun is the most important thing now. Only Li Yun and Ling Daozi can truly lead the people of the Xuanling World out of danger and towards the stars...

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