The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2355 Everyone move to the ship

Bai Ling, the female elder of the clan, had been a little confused since she visited the starship. It was only now that she came to her senses. She came to Nian's father with a glass of tiger tail wine and a smile on her face. , said softly: "Clan leader, you have changed a lot this time when you go out. I almost don't recognize you!"

"haha, really?"

"Of course! At first glance, I thought it was Xiao Jue who came back! I didn't expect it was you! I wonder what happened to you this time? Not only did you become younger, but you also brought such a battleship. I thought I have seen a lot, but there are still many things I still don’t understand about this battleship..."

"It's normal that you don't understand it! Even I don't understand it. However, we don't need to understand it, as long as we know that we can use it!" Mr. Nian said proudly.

"Is this really our battleship? That's great!" Bai Ling said in surprise.

"Of course! After this banquet, all of us White Tiger tribe will move into this battleship!" Father Nian said loudly.

"What?!" Bai Ling was stunned.

The other members of the White Tiger clan were also stunned when they heard this. They put down their wine glasses and looked at Father Nian.

"I'm saying that after the banquet, our whole family will move into this battleship, and we will live in the battleship from now on!" Father Nian emphasized.

"Clan leader...are you talking about our entire clan?" Bai Ling said in shock.

"That's right! It's the whole clan!"

"But... there are nearly a million people in our clan, and some of them are scattered all over the fairy world. This battleship is so small, can it fit in it? How will we live in the battleship in the future? And..."

"what else?"

"The territory of our White Tiger clan has been inherited for more than 100,000 years. It has been expanded bit by bit with the joint efforts of the clan, and we have reached the current situation. If our whole clan really moves into the battleship... Let's not say whether it can be installed. Even if we can really pretend it, our territory will be lost because of it. What a pity is that?!" Bai Ling said.

"Yes, clan leader, why did you suddenly bring up this matter? I feel a little incredible..." Wu'e, the elder of the clan, stood up and said loudly.

"That's right..." Seeing that both Wu'e and Bai Ling had objections, the elders of the White Tiger clan couldn't help but agree.

It is almost impossible to expect them to give up their territory so easily;

You know, these people all have their own power and territory here, and I don’t know how long it took to reach the current situation.

Besides, although Mr. Nian is the clan leader and has a great say, it is impossible to establish a unified voice within the White Tiger Clan. According to the rules of the White Tiger Clan, these elders also have their own say. If they unite, they can definitely Reject the decision to kill my father.

Mr. Nian waved his hand, motioned for everyone to sit down, and said, "Have you seen the video drama "Dragon Emperor" released by the Immortal Machinery Department recently?"

"Of course I watched it! I didn't miss even one episode!" Bai Ling said.

"I watched it too!"

"Yes, we all have something to watch..."

"Okay! I wonder what the latest episode is about?" Nian asked.

Bai Ling was startled, then thought for a while and said: "The latest episode... is about the Tianlong Emperor who has temporarily secured his throne, but is facing huge troubles, both external troubles and internal troubles within the empire. People from all over the country have written letters saying, There was a natural disaster…”

"Well, did you know that this drama was produced by Universiade Palace?" Nian asked again.

"Universiade Palace? Have you heard of it! I heard that the people in the play are all models from the Universiade Palace..." Bai Ling's eyes lit up and she said sweetly.

"Haha, not bad! Then do you know who the owner of the Universiade Palace is?"

"The Li Yun!" Bai Ling said immediately.

"That's right! Didn't you just ask me about my luck when I went out this time? I'm telling you, my luck was meeting Li Yun!" Mr. Nian said loudly.

"Wo..." Everyone was stunned and screamed!

"Did the patriarch really see Li Yun?!" Bai Ling said in shock.

When Mr. Nian saw her reaction, he couldn't help but wonder: "What? Is there anything strange about me seeing Li Yun?"

"Oh, Patriarch, I heard that Li Yun is the most mysterious person. No one in the immortal world has seen him, only on videos. I didn't expect that the Patriarch could see him in person this time. This is really amazing!" Bai Ling Yan said with envy.

"Haha, it seems you have fallen in love with Li Yun!" Mr. Nian said carelessly.

"What? The patriarch is joking, how is this possible?!" Bai Ling blushed and argued quickly.

"How is it impossible? It would be abnormal to say that you are not obsessed with him!"

"Clan leader...I really...haven't fallen in love with him. He's so young and he's still a human. How could we, the White Tiger clan's blood, fall in love with him? Let alone fall in love with him..." Bai Ling raised her head and said proudly .

Seeing that what they said was funny, the others also started laughing, which made Bai Ling so embarrassed that he almost couldn't resist.

"Haha! Elder Bai, you are just thin-skinned! In fact, you only need to look at the people here and ask them how many of them have not fallen in love with Li Yun! As long as they have watched Li Yun's chess lecture, you will know Or those videos of him playing music, it’s impossible not to be obsessed with him! Not to mention you, including me, Brother Huayu, Miao Fairy and others, all of them are fans of Li Yun! You know this ship What's the name of Zhan Pan? Let me tell you, it's called Xing Lun Ship, which is a product of Universiade Palace and was delivered to me by Li Chuan!" Nian's father said proudly.

"Wow..." The person in the seat exclaimed, a little uneasy!

No wonder this battleship looks so extraordinary. Unexpectedly, it is a product of the Universiade Palace, and Li Yun also gave it to the clan leader. The value of such a battleship is immeasurable, which shows that the friendship between the clan leader and Li Yun is really not good. shallow.

Since these people of the White Tiger clan have seen the information about Li Yun released by the Immortal Machinery Bureau and the subsequent video drama, they have become irresistibly obsessed with Li Yun, the Universiade Palace, and the Universiade Palace. The model is fascinated by everything displayed in the Universiade Palace...

In their opinion, if they could live and practice in an environment like the Universiade Palace, and be with those Universiade Palace models every day, that would be the joy of life!

Some of them have long thought of looking for the Universiade Palace. However, the Xianji Department has never disclosed where the Universiade Palace is, where Li Yun is, or where the models are. Therefore, they can only rely on tracking videos. Drama to find relevant information.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the clan leader had already met Li Yun before they did, and seemed to have a close friendship with him, which immediately aroused their boundless envy...

"Oh my god, patriarch, tell me, does Li Yun look the same as in the video?"

"And those models? Yan Zheng? Yingying? Feifei?"

"What have you been through together?"

"Where is Li Yun now?"

"Where is the Universiade Palace?"

"What will the next episode of "The Dragon King" be about?"

"And "The Secret Mission of the Tianlong Empire", what kind of secret mission is it?"

"If the patriarch knows, don't say anything, lest the plot is revealed in advance..."

"No spoilers!"

"That's right..."

The people of the White Tiger clan spoke as if a floodgate had been opened. They spoke to each other, and in the end they almost started to choke each other. Nian Hu, Hua Yu, Miao Yinqin and others were stunned and sighed in their hearts.

It seems that these people are almost obsessed!

Even a high-level bloodline race like the White Tiger Clan is like this. I'm afraid that in the fairy world at this moment, I don't know how many people are arguing endlessly about Li Yun, the Universiade Palace, and those models. They can't have a good meal or sleep well. How about sleeping...

Mr. Nian waved his hand and hummed: "You can see Li Yun and those models if you want to? If you stay here all your life, you will definitely not be able to see them, unless..."

"Unless what?!" Bai Ling asked urgently.

"Hmph, according to what I said, everyone will move to the Star Fortune Ship. I will naturally have the opportunity to go to the Universiade Palace to see it in the future. It will not be difficult to meet Li Yun and those models!" said Mr. Nian.

"This..." Bai Ling was startled.

Wu'e and others also looked at each other and couldn't help but hesitate...

For the sake of meeting Universiade Palace, Li Yun and those models, Wu E and others felt that they were not crazy yet and would not do such a thing.

"Didn't some of you just want to ask what the secret mission of the Tianlong Empire is?" Nian said.

"The clan leader really knows?" Wu'e asked in surprise.

"Of course! After meeting Li Yun on this trip, I originally didn't want to return to the clan so soon. However, the situation is urgent now. If I don't come back to save you, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you next time when I come back!" Nian's father sighed. .

"What?! What's going on? Why can't the patriarch see us when he comes back?!" Wu'e was stunned.

Bai Ling and other elders were also startled. They felt that there was something in the patriarch's words, and what he was going to say next might not be trivial. They couldn't help but wake up one by one and stare at Father Nian closely.

Mr. Nian said: "You don't know that all the video dramas released by the Immortal Machinery Agency are produced by the Universiade Palace. Moreover, they are not completely fictional, but refer to the drama. For example, this "Dragon Empire" "actually reflects the power struggle in the Immortal Realm and the Immortal Palace. Among them, the Tianlong Emperor is the current Holy Emperor. After going through many hardships, he has finally returned to his original position. It's a pity..."

"What's a pity?"

"His empire is almost shaky, and he will have another three hundred years at most!"

"Three hundred years?! How did the patriarch know?" Wu'e said in shock.

"Of course it was Li Yun who said that! Three hundred years later, our Xuanling world will completely fall apart. If everyone cannot escape in time, they will be buried in this catastrophe, with no bones left, and even the reincarnation of their souls. Maybe!" Mr. Nian said fiercely.

"Oh my God!!!" Wu'e, Bai Ling and others' expressions changed greatly when they heard this, and they screamed in surprise!

"The earth beneath our feet will also turn into gravel in that catastrophe, and everything will be lost. Do you think that if you don't follow Li Yun now, you will still have a chance in the future?"

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