The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2362 Star Spirit Root

"That's true!" Xiaoxing agreed.

In the process of studying this person, the two of them were of course thinking about what kind of method they should take to deal with him if they need to face him directly, and the song Tianyun they just thought of should be a good one. choose.

However, Li Yun knew that the Song of Tianyun was too powerful, and he was afraid that not only this person, but also the Xuanling world would not be able to bear it, and it might even affect the peripheral secondary interfaces and various lower realms. Then the entire Xuanling world would be unbearable. The world will be severely impacted, and the situation will be chaotic beyond control.

Of course, if this person wakes up completely, then the Xuanling world must be destroyed. There will be no need to worry about dealing with him then, and Tianyun's Song will become a powerful weapon to restrain him.

"Sir, although this person's Qi and blood are running vigorously, based on the information analysis, some of the meridians are indeed blocked, and some acupoints are also closed. From a medical point of view, these meridians and acupoints are generally not It corresponds to its internal organs..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Oh? Can you tell which internal organs are the problem?" Li Yun's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Currently, his heart, lungs, and liver should be severely damaged. As for his Dantian, we can't tell yet..." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It seems that his injuries should mainly be in the upper body. It is estimated that the Dantian will also have extremely serious damage, but he has already recovered well..." Li Yun thought.

"His blood vessels have recovered well, but there are still a lot of blocked Qi pulses. It can be seen that there must be a big problem in the Dantian, and there are problems with the three important internal organs of the heart, lungs and liver. No wonder he has to use the technique of giant transformation to recover... "Xiao Xing said.

"This can also explain why there are so many high-grade immortal veins in the heart of the eighth-level immortal world. Because the heart has a more serious problem, a large amount of energy is sent there, and as a result, better immortal veins are born. ...By the way, can you tell what kind of power he used?" Li Yun asked.

"There are many kinds of power blended in his body, including spiritual power, demon power, magic power, fairy power, and star power. There is another kind of power that seems to have never been discovered..."

"Oh? What are the characteristics?"

"The energy level is higher than that of Immortal Power and Chaos Power, but lower than Star Power!" Xiaoxing quickly analyzed it.

"Has it been found in the gas around us?"

"Yes, but they are very faint and inactive. It is estimated that their appearance is related to this person.

In other words, this energy gas was brought here by him, so it is most likely his natal energy! "Xiao Xing said.

"Wo... It seems that we have discovered a new form of energy!" Li Yun exclaimed.

"Yes! This form of energy is of a very high level. It is probably the main energy of the place where he was born. If we hadn't cultivated star power, we probably wouldn't be able to resist him!" Xiaoxing said.

"Well, Star Power itself is mixed with a variety of cosmic energy forms, and maybe the person's natal energy is included in it, so it is normal for the Star Power to be higher than his natal energy... Now that I think about it, in fact, we don't have to have so much energy in our bodies. With multiple spiritual roots, only one star spiritual root is enough!" Li Yunsi said.

"Have you noticed, sir, that the eleven spiritual roots in your Dantian have gradually merged?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"What? This happened?"

Li Yun quickly looked at himself, whether it was important or not, and found that just as Xiaoxing said, all the spiritual roots were merging with the star spiritual roots in the middle!

The star spirit root has taken on a different form than before, becoming thicker and thicker, deeper and deeper, with stars dotted and looming...

"Is this the standard for entering the fifth-level civilized world?" Li Yun murmured.

"It's hard to say whether it is a standard configuration, but adults can definitely adapt to the interstellar environment better in this way. No matter which star field you go to, you don't have to worry about lack of energy molecules and being unable to display your skills. In my estimation, people who can show the star spirit root should Very few!" Xiaoxing said.

"But why?"

"Ordinary beings, including this powerful underground man, focus on cultivating their own form of natal energy. For example, the people of Xuanling are like this. They have an attitude of extreme awe towards the starry sky and the universe itself. Therefore, Few people think of practicing star power. It is also too difficult to get started with practicing star power. Because its energy level is extremely high, the impact after entering the body is too great. Some people may die. Therefore, practicing star power also requires star talent. And luck, it is best to gradually improve, and we have pretty good luck in this regard..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"It's indeed good! The star power in this star field is actually not too strong. It should be said that it is still at a relatively low level. Therefore, if nothing happens when we first start practicing, it means we are getting started! As our stars With the birth of spiritual roots, our bodies will become more and more adaptable to star power, and we can slowly increase our level..." Li Yun agreed.

"So, there are very few people who have the courage to try star power and survive. As long as something happens to someone, others will not dare to practice. Therefore, the little slave said that there are very few people with star spirit roots. , maybe the entire Xuanling world, or this starry sky world, is just the two of us." Xiaoxing said.

"I know at least one other person..."

"Sir, are you talking about...the Lord of the Universe?" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"That's right! This person must have a star spirit root and can absorb the power of the universe for his own use, and currently his level must be far above ours!" Li Yun said loudly.

"Indeed, we still have a long way to go to catch up with him... But we are his loophole, and our growth will not be restricted by him. Therefore, it is only a matter of time to catch up with him!" Xiaoxing said with confidence! .

"Well said! If we can integrate more energy forms, the growth of the star spirit root should be faster. For example, after gradually integrating with the other ten spiritual roots, the star spirit root has become very different, just like a It’s like a smaller version of the starry sky..." Li Yun said happily.

"Many new energy forms have been discovered, such as the dark matter particles and dark energy discovered by Xiaonu earlier. Recently, Xiaonu discovered a super ion energy with water properties!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Super ion energy? What's going on?" Li Yun was startled and asked urgently.

"Superions are a relatively special existence, belonging to the top form of positive matter. Generally speaking, they are special crystals formed by substances in a state of extremely high temperature and high pressure, such as liquid water. Under extremely high temperature and high pressure conditions, super ions are This superionic state can also occur under conditions. Some of the small particles that make up water molecules become solid crystals, and some become extremely fast fluids. The water molecules overall take on a metal-like state, and the color also changes. It’s turned black!” Xiaoxing said in shock.

"Black metal?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Yes! Matter often undergoes many unexpected changes under extreme circumstances. For example, water changing from liquid to black metal is one of them. Moreover, such superionic water is actually widespread in the universe. , will exist in the interiors of many large icy stars, and their surface temperatures are almost half of the surface temperature of the sun!" Xiaoxing said.

"So that's it! The interior of an ice system star is extremely high temperature and high pressure, so it makes sense that water can undergo such a metamorphosis, but how did you discover it?" Li Yunqi said.

"This is a substance that Xiaonu obtained through experiments after theoretically determining it! As long as water molecules are placed in an environment of extremely high temperature and high pressure, it can gradually undergo state changes. When the temperature and pressure increase to half the surface temperature of the sun, Around that time, superionic crystals appeared, which are black metal-like substances..." Xiaoxing said as he shot out a light curtain, with a piece of black metal shining on it.

"Wow... So you got such a treasure during an experiment?!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Yes! In fact, after the experiment is successful, it will not be difficult to obtain superionic crystals, and they can be made continuously, because water is a ubiquitous substance in nature, and this superionic aggregate is different from Compared with the original, its quality and energy have been increased countless times, and it also contains a huge amount of heat. It is a high-energy substance and its value is much higher than the fairy stone..." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Wo..." Li Yun was extremely shocked!

The emergence of super ion crystals suddenly brought new challenges to his practice!

You know, his star power cultivation should be said to be still in the initial stage, and his star spirit root has just been upgraded. I am afraid that there is still a long way to go before he can cultivate this kind of super ion crystal!

Moreover, Xiaoxing has already refined the positive particle cloud and collected countless dark matter particles. These particles are also high-energy particles and can also be cultivated. For Li Yun, the dark matter particle level must be passed, and only by passing it can he Deepen the understanding and utilization of dark matter particles.

So he had already begun to practice dark matter particles. Unexpectedly, before he got started, Xiaoxing discovered super ion crystals again. This speed was too fast!

It seems that after entering the fifth-level civilization era, Xiaoxing's ability has ushered in an explosive stage. Not only can he discover more and more new substances and new energies, but he can also directly refine unknown substances in the laboratory. The new material and new energy, if this continues, it won't be long before both myself and Xingyun Castle will be rapidly upgraded again!

"Sir, obtaining the superion crystal has given Xiaonu a lot of hints. Many substances can actually be obtained at an accelerated pace through some means to simulate the conditions of nature. For example, immortal stone, if it is formed through natural conditions, the time required is extremely long. It takes a long time, but now we have a complete understanding of the process and conditions of its formation. We can completely simulate these conditions, so that we can directly create them in an appropriate environment. This has many benefits, one of which is that we don’t have to expend energy. To extend the time…”

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