The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2378 The target of public criticism

After a period of sharing and improvement, people from various sects found that they had indeed made great improvements, but this did not seem to have much effect on building high-end aircraft.

At best, if you let your own force build the fairy army's warships now, you might be able to do it alone without having to cooperate with others.

This is because the battleships of the Immortal Army were originally completed by various weapon refining sects. They all have their own Taoist skills that they are best at. This is how Immortal Court allows them to complete their tasks respectively, and finally completes the assembly in Immortal Court. Build the final battleship.

It can be said that the Fairy Army warship is almost the top aircraft in the fairy world. If it needs to be improved, the difficulty will not be a matter of a day or two.

Of course, the Constellation Instrument and the Galaxy Cauldron have added new development ideas to warships in other fields, but they are mainly focused on stargazing and increasing the supply of star power. They are also very important for the large space, living world, integrated attack and defense, and long-distance navigation required by the aircraft. Ability, as well as strong repair ability and other requirements are far apart.

Except for new breakthroughs in some research areas, research in most research areas has slowly fallen into a state of stagnation. There are no new breakthroughs and no new results. Resources and manpower are being consumed every day, and everyone's mental state I am becoming more and more depressed, feeling like I am simply wasting my life here...

In fact, this is what research is like. Only after a long period of accumulation and continuous failures and failures, will it be possible to get a spark of thought at some point in the future, have an idea, or be lucky enough to make a breakthrough, and finally succeed!

Of course, those who succeed are lucky, because most people may not achieve any decent achievements throughout their lives.

This is why many forces and many people have no enthusiasm for Taoist research.

If after investing huge manpower, material and financial resources, there is still no result in the end, then the loss will be too great!

For them, instead of investing in Taoist research themselves, it is better to buy, imitate, plagiarize, or even rob from outside. In order to obtain other people's Taoist techniques, they can do whatever it takes. Although they will pay a little cost, it is not as good as their own investment. It saves a lot compared to getting it.

Many forces rely on these methods to gradually grow bigger and stronger. Once they become stronger and richer and more powerful, it will be easier to obtain other people's Taoist skills. They must either buy, merge, rob, or send people to infiltrate other forces. Internal stealing... Among the weapon refining sects gathered in Xianting, who dares to say that all their Taoist techniques are developed by themselves?

I'm afraid no one dares to make such a declaration!

This situation can easily lead to the result that the Taoism of various sects will gradually become homogeneous.

Even the things developed by everyone are not much different, and the flying boats are becoming more and more similar, but there are very few things that are truly unique to each force, and if they are, they are extremely precious.

Therefore, after various forces slowly disclosed some of their unique Taoist techniques due to pressure, each force benefited from this and greatly improved their weapon refining strength.

However, after eating this big meal, the level of Taoism of each force became both similar and similar, and the remaining strength gap was compared to their respective human, material and financial resources.

And they also hit the ceiling of Taoism almost at the same time, and they all stopped in studying Taoism...

The weapon refining field gradually became dull after being noisy for a while, and the tasks in each research area were repeated day after day. This made Taoist Priest Tianxuan and others see it and became anxious.

Taoist Master Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal, as well as Dongxia Zhenjun, Bodhi Zen Immortal, Tianjizi, Zong Lin, Sheng Emperor and others were very anxious. They felt that if this continued, high-end aircraft would be elusive, so they called all the immortals to discuss this problem.

After Taoist Master Tianxuan briefly talked about his findings during this period, he sighed: "Pindao has thought about it for a long time and believes that we have solved many problems, including the internal sharing of Taoism, the confirmation of Taoism patents, the sale or sale of Taoism. The exchange of property, the selection and reasonable distribution of Taoist talents...but why did the research task suddenly stop? This is really puzzling to the poor Taoist..."

The Enlightened Zen Immortal nodded and sighed: "Amitabha... Taoist Master is very concerned. Although the research cannot always produce results, the stagnation in the recent stage is still worrying! After all, our time is very tight, and we only have a short period of three hundred years." There is a buffer period of 20 years, and during this period, some unexpected situations are very likely to continue to occur, such as the subsidence of the White Tiger clan's territory and the disappearance of all Yongle Palace. If such things happen again, I am afraid that the people of the immortal world will not be able to be stable. …”

"Don't worry, Master! According to our latest investigation results, although the White Tiger Clan and Yongle Palace's territory has subsided, there should be no accidents to the personnel, because the White Tiger Clan's business with foreign tribes is still going on, and some touring performances of the Yongle Palace have not been cancelled!" The Holy Emperor said from the side.

"Is that so?" Enlightenment Zen Immortal was stunned.

Other immortals also turned their worries into joy, it seemed that there was finally good news.

"Yes! Not long ago, my disciple Wu Ling met Gangwei, the elder of the White Tiger clan, during his investigation. According to him, the White Tiger clan is fine and all business can continue. Moreover, their clan leader Nian Hu and Yongle The master of the palace, Hua Yu Xiansheng, will also bring people to participate in the Immortal Court's Taoist Competition." The Holy Emperor said loudly.

"Oh? Mr. Nian and Hua Yu? Two of them together?" Kaiming Zen Immortal was slightly startled.

"According to what he said, it is indeed true!" The Holy Emperor nodded.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan, True Lord Dongxia, and Immortal Bodhi Zen looked at each other, thinking of how they met Nian and Huayu on a continent somewhere in the starry sky not long ago.

At that time, Taoist Master Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal were in the dark, while Zhenjun Dongxia and others were with Wu Siqi of the Soul Clan. As a result, Nian's father scared away Wu Siqi of the Hun Clan with his words, and finally returned him to Wu Siqi. Zhenjun Dongxia and others forwarded Li Yun's detoxifying pill to help them detoxify from "Xiao Mei".

Unexpectedly, Nian's father and Hua Yu Xiansheng were now mixed together, and they even had to go together to participate in the Fairy Court Taoist Competition. Moreover, everyone quickly thought that the territories of the two forces mentioned just now, the White Tiger Clan and Yongle Palace, The sinking happened to be the forces headed by these two people!

Taoist Master Tianxuan pondered: "What's going on? Why are there no problems with other forces, but only the two of them have problems? Moreover, the problems are very similar, but in the end the personnel are safe and normal?"

"The Taoist Master is very thoughtful! However, we only need to wait until they arrive and ask questions to find out!" the Holy Emperor said.

"Yes, Pindao has taken the topic too far... Let's analyze the reasons why our research task has stalled? You may wish to put forward any suggestions... Everyone must understand that our time is extremely precious, even if we really create We still need to build a large number of high-end aircraft before we can possibly take away everyone in Xuanling World, so please don't hide your secrets!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan emphasized.

"Yes! Taoist priest, don't worry!" Everyone responded in unison.

However, after answering, the whole scene became silent. Everyone looked at me and me, all wanting to wait for someone else to speak first.

Yuan Yi looked at this scene and felt funny in his heart, and naturally there was a slight smile on his face, which seemed quite special among everyone.

Taoist Master Tianxuan couldn't stand it any longer and said, "Brother Yuan, seeing that you are smiling so brightly, I think you have made up your mind. Why don't you tell us your opinion and let everyone listen?"


Yuan Yiyi was stunned. He didn't expect that Taoist Tianxuan's immortal consciousness was so powerful that he would even notice him smiling. It seemed that the gap between him and Taoist Tianxuan was quite obvious.

His mind turned and he said: "Taoist Master misunderstood! I just heard the Holy Emperor said that the two immortals Nian and Hua Yu Xiansheng were going to bring people to participate in the Taoist Competition, and I felt quite relieved. , after all, there is no accident between the two forces, which is a great good thing for the fairy world!"

"So that's it! However, you were very insightful in this crisis in the fairy world, anticipated the enemy's plans, and made great contributions to solving countless mysteries for us. You must have some unique insights into our research mission now." ?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked reluctantly.

"Unique insights? Master Taoist, please let me go! Refining aircraft is not my specialty at all. If I talk about my insights indiscriminately, it will be in trouble if it misleads the building mission!" Yuan Yi said quickly .

He is thick-skinned and extremely shrewd. Of course he knows that he cannot speak carelessly now, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable, so admitting his incompetence is the best excuse.

Taoist Master Tianxuan shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter! Everyone here is a master of weapon refining. Naturally, they all have their own opinions and will not be easily influenced by others. The so-called authorities are confused and bystanders are clear. They are used to listening to the opinions of their peers, and sometimes It’s also good to listen to outsiders’ opinions!”

"That makes sense!"

"That's what the Taoist Master said!"

"Brother Yuan, just tell me..."

"Brother Yuan is in charge of the Immortal Machinery Department. There should be a lot of information about building aircraft in the department, right?"

"Yes, there should be quite a few!"

"Brother Yuan must strongly support our research mission. After all, only by building a high-end aircraft can we all leave together..."

"That's right..."

Others spoke one after another, urging Yuan Yi to speak, and some even set their sights on the information from the Xianji Department...

Yuan Yi cursed secretly in his heart. Of course he would not take out the information, and he also knew that the information was useless because useful information would come soon...

With the backing of Li Yun and Ling Daozi, Yuan Yi was actually extremely calm. Seeing that he had become the target of public criticism for no apparent reason, Yuan Yi felt proud and decided to show off his face...

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