The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2395 The chaotic middle- and low-level fairy world

After a while, Ling Daozi finally put away his super insight.

"Brother Ling, how is the situation?" the Holy Emperor asked urgently.

"Well, there is indeed a lot of information in it..."

"Can you all understand it?"

"Of course... you can!" Ling Daozi said while holding the tiger's tail.

"Wow, that's great!"

"God help me!"

"Xiao Ling is really amazing!"

"Xiao Ling is so cute!"


When the Holy Emperor and others heard this, they all beamed with joy and cheered.

"I wonder if the information inside is about refining aircraft?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan asked as he remembered.

"Aircraft? Well, there is indeed a lot of information in this about weapon refining, involving many fields. Maybe after you study it, it will be of great help in building an aircraft..." Ling Daozi pondered.

"Really?!" Jiutian Xuannv shouted in surprise.

"Yeah, after a quick look, it's true!" Ling Daozi confirmed.

Everyone did not expect that this disc was sent by a friend from Xingkong to help them build an aircraft. Everyone was so excited that they burst into tears and could not restrain themselves...

It's not easy. Seeing that this secret plan was about to come to nothing, it turned out to be a turn of events and gave people hope. Could it be that my sincerity moved God?

Everyone turned to pray to God...

What stunned Ling Daozi was that in his eyes, he could see this power of faith flying towards the great formation in the sky like a huge torrent, and quickly integrated into it...

I am afraid that only Li Yun and Xiao Xing can make these top elites in the fairy world collectively devote their faith...

Seeing this scene, Li Yun and Xiaoxing, who were recruiting people in the lower fairyland, were also quite emotional. It felt good to provide help in times of need.

"Sir, Ling Daozi has made a big appearance this time!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"It's not as simple as showing his face. Pulling out the backer behind him can scare people to death, and he was almost married to the granddaughters of a group of great immortals..." Li Yun teased.

Xiaoxing was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear, but he quickly thought of something and said, "Does Mr. Nian really have a granddaughter? Check it out quickly..."

"Do you need to check? How many granddaughters does such a big White Tiger clan have? Although it is troublesome for those great immortals to reproduce offspring, after so many years of accumulation, who doesn't have a few granddaughters? "Li Yun said with a smile.

"This..." Xiaoxing was startled and felt a little bad.

As soon as Mr. Nian opened his mouth, he turned Ling Daozi into his little grandson-in-law, and he announced it in front of a group of powerful people in the immortal world. The most important thing was that Ling Daozi was forced by the situation and had to admit that he was so advantageous. It takes up too much!

"It seems that Ling Daozi will marry a tigress in the future..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"No...this is absolutely not possible!" Xiaoxing said anxiously.

"What's wrong with that? The White Tiger clan is also a high-level bloodline, and they have all moved into the Universiade Palace. In other words, they can be regarded as members of our Universiade Palace..."

"Hey, rabbits don't eat grass from the edge of their nests. It doesn't work anyway. Ling Daozi is too young. He still has a lot of future in the future. I don't know how many beauties he will meet..."

"Rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests? That's not necessarily true. Besides, in the future, Xuanling will fall apart, and countless people will move into Xingyun Castle, and they will all become grass on the edge of their nests. What will Ling Daozi do?"

"It's...not in a hurry, we're not in a hurry..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"There is indeed no need to rush. I think Ling Daozi is living a good life. He is almost praised as the savior of Xuanling. Be careful that he gets carried away and leaks our secrets..." Li Yun reminded.

"Don't worry, sir! Ling Daozi will not leak the secret, he is very smart. In addition, although his life is good now, he is not in a good mood..." Xiaoxing said.

"But why?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Hey, sir, I don't know something. Those people are called the Great Immortals and they are the top group of people in the immortal world. They should at least have good intelligence, right? But Ling Daozi found that these people are really stupid and stubborn. They gave him more than a dozen pointers on many problems. I don’t understand it all the time, and I don’t know when it will be possible to build an aircraft if this continues!” Xiaoxing sighed.

"I see..." Li Yun suddenly realized.

"It seems that the high-end aircraft that Xiaonu designed for them is still too advanced for them, and the standards must be lowered!" Xiaoxing reflected.

"Well, I have seen the aircraft you designed. It should have been built on the basis of the third-level civilization of Xuanling World, but now it seems that you regard them as a race like the True Yang Clan. ! The wise men of the Zhenyang Clan, such as Sheyang, are not yet able to understand the ordinary Taoism of the fourth-level civilization. It is even more difficult for Tianxuan, Kaiming, Zonglin, Tianjizi, Yaxi and others to understand..." Li Yun analyzed.

"Before, Xiaonu wanted to get it right in one step and help them build a more advanced aircraft. When they go into the universe, they can at least save their lives and improve their survival rate! But they are really stupid. Many small problems are thrown at them. No one can understand the big problem, even Xiaonu can hardly stand it anymore, no wonder Ling Daozi's mood is getting worse and worse!" Xiaoxing said.

"It's impossible to achieve it in one step! The goal must be achieved step by step! Some problems may not be solved now, but as time goes by, they may be gradually solved in the future. I still believe that these people have potential..." Li Yun smiled.

"Then Xiaonu can only modify the original plan!" Xiaoxing sighed.


While the two were discussing, they continued to recruit people in the lower and middle immortal worlds. After a period of time, more and more people from the middle and lower immortal worlds participated in the palace selection, and a terrible trend had formed. Many people were consciously or Unconsciously joining this trend, more and more people can’t sit still!

There are many big forces in each level of the immortal world that are directly or indirectly related to the power of the Great Immortal Lord in the upper level immortal world. After the big event of the Great Immortal Lord choosing his disciple, they all sent countless related information to the upper level immortal world. They had received a letter, but they had not received a reply, which made them feel anxious. How could they feel at ease?

Since a large number of people disappeared after participating in the selection activities, the population of the middle and lower fairy worlds dropped sharply. Moreover, among the missing people, there were not only cultivators and immortals, but also a large number of people from the mortal empire. It can be said that this It has completely shaken the foundation of the middle and lower fairy world!

Everyone knows that this world is originally composed of a large number of middle and low-level people, and the number of people who can stand on high places is much smaller. In other words, the middle- and lower-level fairyland has gathered about 80% of the entire fairyland's population. Because of their existence, the upper fairy world has a steady supply of fresh blood to maintain its strong vitality.

But now, the middle and lower classes are losing a lot of people, and we don’t even know whether they are alive or dead, or how they are doing. This will seriously affect the future development of the upper class fairyland!

The big forces in the middle and low-level fairy world are the beneficiaries of existing interests. They occupy resources, do big business, have deep roots and flourish, and live a very prosperous life.

However, all this is based on the original order of the bottom fairy world. Their resources need to be hired by people from the bottom to mine, their business needs people to consume, and their wonderful life needs a large number of people to serve them... And these, in large numbers, After the population continued to lose, it was also hit hard!

Now, they can't find anyone to help them do the dirty work, their product sales have dropped sharply, and they even found that some business partners have disappeared, and those signed agreements are in vain!

Even if they want to ask Tiandao to help them punish those business partners who have broken their trust, Tiandao can't seem to find the target of punishment...

"It's over, it's over! If this continues, I'm afraid we will be the only ones left!"

"Who says it's not the case? Business has plummeted, everywhere is empty, I can hardly stay any longer..."

"Why does the Universiade Palace recruit so many people? Can they really afford to support them?"

"Even if he can afford it, can Li Yun take care of it by himself?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. The key is that people have gone to him. Why don't other great immortals care about them?"

"Yes, if this continues, not to mention other great immortals and great lords, even the Holy Emperor will become a loner. Are they not worried at all?"

"They are really not in a hurry, they don't even reply to the letter!"

"Brother, have you noticed that the Xianji Department did not spread the news about Li Yun's recruitment of disciples? There is something wrong with this!"

"Yeah, we have to ask..."

Many people in the middle and lower-level fairy world are talking a lot. Their understanding of the situation can be said to be a mess. What they want most now is an explanation. Because the loss of so many people has made their lives almost unbearable, someone must be responsible for this. !

As a result, the Xianji Departments in various places were quickly surrounded by angry people and crowded with people. The person in charge of the Xianji Department was busy calming them down, but how could such a big event be suppressed?

To be honest, even they themselves don't understand at all, why don't their superiors give a reasonable explanation? If this continues, even the business of the Immortal Machinery Department will be greatly affected. If the nest is overturned, how can the eggs be completed?

It can be said that these vested interest recipients have only now truly discovered how important the large number of middle and lower-class people who are usually suppressed by them are!

Even the mortals of the Mortal Realm Empire are extremely important, because without them, the world of cultivation will lose a considerable amount of fresh blood to replenish it. At the same time, many products and resources will be lost...

The people in the Xianji Department could not explain all this, so they could only push the problem to the top, explaining to the people who came to inquire that they were also victims because they sent out countless letters, but none of them were returned!

Therefore, it is very likely that there is a problem with the communication!

Yes, after the Immortal Machine Bureau pointed out this reason, people seemed to suddenly understand. It turned out that the upper immortal world failed to receive their letter talisman. No wonder all the messages were not returned, and no great immortal came to check what happened...

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