The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2398 Laser Test

"No, it will cause trouble if things continue like this!" Ling Daozi shook his head.

"They are studying the information you deciphered all the time now. I believe they will improve!" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said.

"The Taoist Master doesn't know something, and there isn't much time left for Xuan Ling!" Ling Daozi sighed.

Taoist Priest Tianxuan was shocked when he heard this and asked quickly: "How do you say this?"

"Perhaps... before the great master underground wakes up, his partners or enemies will come here..." Ling Daozi revealed a little bit of information.

"That's so?! did you know?" Taoist Priest Tianxuan said in shock.

"Hey, don't worry about how I know it, just know that this is the reality! If you don't work hard and be smarter, you will only be conceited!" Ling Daozi said harshly.

"Oh my God... I'll do it again!"


Ling Daozi looked at Taoist Priest Tianxuan leaving in a hurry. A smile finally appeared on his face. He drank a cup of tea and had a good sleep. When he woke up, he suddenly remembered that his previous plan was to exchange knowledge for scraps, but now But it turned into exchanging characters for high-grade fairy stones. It was a lot of money, but it was a pity that there was no scrap.

In addition, the middle and lower-level fairy worlds are now basically closed, and the people inside are getting active, while the people in the upper-level fairy world are a little leisurely, watching Taoist competitions and video dramas, so we must find things for them to do to keep them active. Let’s talk after you get up.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the Holy Emperor, Tianxuan Taoist Priest, Kaiming Zen Immortal, Bodhi Zen Immortal, Dongxia Zhenjun, Jiutian Xuannv and other great immortals coming over!

These people looked quite nervous. They were really frightened by the news released by Ling Daozi...

"Brother Ling! Brother Ling!!" the Holy Emperor shouted as he walked in.

Ling Daozi was minding his own business, making tea, and was in a good mood...

Jiutian Xuannv was the first to shout: "Oh, Brother Ling, do you still have the heart to make tea? The sky is about to fall, help us think of a solution!"

"Why did the sky fall?" Ling Daozi teased.

"Isn't it like you said? That powerful companion or enemy underground is coming. How can we resist it?" Jiutian Xuannu asked anxiously.

"Resist?! I said sister,

Where did you want to go? Is that something that can be resisted? "

"That's's precisely because I can't resist, sister, that I'm so anxious...What do you think we should do?" Jiutian Xuannv asked.

"That is, if a foreign enemy comes now, will our friends in the stars in the sky be able to withstand it?"

"Hey, even if they can withstand it, the fight between them will definitely affect the entire Xuanling. Maybe the underground powerful will wake up after being stimulated, and then it will be all over!"

"Oh my god, I can hardly bear it anymore..."

"If I don't think of a way anymore, I'm afraid it's really going to be over..."

"Their powerful men fight, and we are the victims..."

"That's right..."

Everyone was talking so much that I became more and more frightened...

The Holy Emperor was still relatively calm and asked: "Brother Ling, what is the situation? Can you explain it in detail?"

"Didn't I tell the Taoist Priest already? In short, aliens are approaching the Xuanling World. If you don't be smarter and work harder, you may be finished before the aircraft is built!" Ling Daozi snorted. .

"It's approaching? How close is it? We also want to build the aircraft quickly, but time doesn't allow it?" the Holy Emperor asked anxiously.

"How close? How can I tell you... Well, have you seen this beam of light?"

Ling Daozi raised his hand and shot out a beam of fairy light, hitting a character in the air!

"Saw it!"

"It took a breath of time for this beam of light to reach that character from me, maybe not yet, maybe less..." Ling Daozi pondered.

"What?! Didn't everyone see the light as soon as it was fired? How can it be so fast?" The Holy Emperor was startled.

Others also looked at Ling Daozi in great surprise, wondering what he meant by this.

"Of course light has speed! It's just that it's so fast that you can't even blink, so you can't feel it."

"Then what does this interest-taking mean?" the Holy Emperor asked cautiously.

"You know how long it takes to take a breath, right?"


"The purpose of interest is to divide this period of time into ten billion parts..."

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, unable to imagine that time could be divided like this!

"Hey, let me tell you another time unit, that is seconds! One breath lasts about three seconds. Do you know how far this beam of light can travel in one second?" Ling Daozi said proudly.

"This..." Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads in confusion.

"In the Xuanling world, this distance is more than 30 million miles!" Ling Daozi said leisurely.

"What? More than 30 million miles?!" Everyone was shocked and couldn't imagine it.

How can a beam of light travel so far in such a short period of time?

"Brother Ling, you just said that in the Xuanling world, the speed of light is more than 30 million miles per second, but what about other worlds?" A voice suddenly said.

Ling Daozi was slightly startled. He turned around and saw that it was Feitian from Zhengkong Valley, which surprised him.

Being able to think of this problem in such a short period of time shows that Feitian has a high IQ!

After all, these people are from the third-level civilization era. It is normal that they have not been exposed to such problems, but his mind is spinning quite fast.

"Good question! In other worlds, the speed of light may of course be faster or slower. This is related to the rules of the universe. In addition, if you exert some influence on the light, you can also make the speed of light faster or slower. , even at a speed that is visible to your naked eyes!" Ling Daozi praised.

"I see... I don't know how to exert influence?" Feitian asked with interest.

"Well, the speed of light in a vacuum environment is almost constant, but if it passes through some different substances, its speed will change to a certain extent. For example, if a beam of light passes through air, through water, through oil , passing through ice, passing through spar...its speed will change greatly. Generally speaking, the greater the density and concentration of these substances, the lower the speed of light will be." Ling Daozi explained.

Everyone was dumbfounded. It could be said that everything Ling Daozi said casually seemed to open their eyes to a different world!

"Then what did you mean by slowing down the light to a speed visible to the naked eye?" Feitian asked.

"If you want to slow down the light enough to be visible to the naked eye, I'm afraid it will be impossible to observe it in a normal environment. But if there is a specific environment and some specific devices, you can see it, such as..."

Ling Daozi suddenly waved his hand, and there was a strange device here. When everyone took a closer look, they found that this device was extremely long. It was mainly a transparent pipe made of unknown materials. On both sides of the pipe, there were two An unknown solid object, but there are some buttons, light curtains and the like on it.

"This is..." Everyone was stunned.

"I still can't tell you what this is, so let's call it a laser machine." Ling Daozi said.

"Laser machine?" Everyone turned into curious babies.

"Okay, who wants to make this place dark?" Ling Daozi said.

"Dark down? Look at me!"

After the Holy Emperor finished speaking, he mobilized the formation here and quickly sealed the space, making it dark.

"Look carefully at the transparent pipe, I'm going to fire a laser!"

Ling Daozi warned as he started the device, and saw a ray of light suddenly light up, illuminating the entire transparent pipe, shining brightly, making it even brighter than daytime.

"Wo..." Everyone was in an uproar.

"So this is a laser!"

"It's really bright, and there must be a lot of energy in it!"

"It makes sense! I can feel its amazing energy, which is completely different from ordinary light!"

"So beautiful!"

"Brother Ling is so awesome!"

"That's right..."

This laser attracted praise from everyone, and Ling Daozi's mood became better.

So he explained: "This laser is excited from one side. When it passes through the pipe, the medium in it is air, so the speed is so fast that we cannot detect it. We will only think that the pipe is all lit up at once! However, If I add some medium to it, it’s a slightly different story!”

After that, add water to the pipe, and the situation doesn't seem to change much.

Then, I added oil to it, and it didn't seem to change much.

Add ice to it, and the change is still invisible to the naked eye.

But when the medium was changed to clouds with extremely high density and concentration, everyone suddenly let out a burst of exclamation!

I saw a cloud blocking a section of the pipeline. As a result, when the laser was excited, when it encountered this cloud, it obviously slowed down sharply, and you could see the light moving forward with difficulty...

Ling Daozi said proudly: "Did you see it? This cloud is extremely heavy and dense, heavier than many metals. Such a medium has a great impact on the progress of light. Now the laser enters this medium from one end, but it is still Didn’t come out the other end!”

"Yes, it's really amazing!" Jiutian Xuannu couldn't restrain her excitement and exclaimed.

"This is the first time I've seen it. It's really eye-opening!"

"That's right, I didn't expect that Brother Ling could play to this extent!"

"Look, the other end is coming out soon!" Taoist Master Tianxuan shouted.

Everyone stared closely and saw that the light had indeed reached the other end of the cloud. As soon as it came out, it immediately illuminated all the remaining pipes!

"Wo!!!" Everyone was in an uproar again.

From this comparison, they have understood that the medium has a great influence on the speed of light. Different media can affect the speed of light.

Ling Daozi added: "Although this cloud limits the speed of light, it has not completely restricted it. If I further cool it down to absolute zero, or even colder, then the laser will most likely be completely frozen. , can no longer move forward! However, due to time constraints, this experiment ends here. My purpose is just to let you know how far away the foreign enemy is from us..."

"How far?!"

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